# This defines the full set of distros we run CI on. --- platform_map: # map packaging architectures to docker platforms aarch64: linux/arm64/v8 amd64: linux/amd64 arm64: linux/arm64/v8 armhf: linux/arm/v7 armhfp: linux/arm/v7 i386: linux/i386 x86_64: linux/amd64 arch_order: # sort order for per-architecture jobs in CI - amd64 - x86_64 - i386 - armhf - armhfp - arm64 - aarch64 include: - &alpine distro: alpine version: edge env_prep: | apk add -U bash jsonc_removal: | apk del json-c-dev test: ebpf-core: true - <<: *alpine version: "3.16" - <<: *alpine version: "3.15" - <<: *alpine version: "3.14" - <<: *alpine version: "3.13" - distro: archlinux version: latest env_prep: | pacman --noconfirm -Syu && pacman --noconfirm -Sy grep libffi test: ebpf-core: true - &alma distro: almalinux version: "9" base_image: almalinux jsonc_removal: | dnf remove -y json-c-devel packages: &alma_packages type: rpm repo_distro: el/9 arches: - x86_64 - aarch64 test: ebpf-core: true - <<: *alma version: "8" packages: <<: *alma_packages repo_distro: el/8 - distro: centos version: "7" packages: type: rpm repo_distro: el/7 arches: - x86_64 test: ebpf-core: false - &debian distro: debian version: "11" env_prep: | apt-get update jsonc_removal: | apt-get purge -y libjson-c-dev packages: &debian_packages type: deb repo_distro: debian/bullseye arches: - i386 - amd64 - armhf - arm64 test: ebpf-core: true - <<: *debian version: "10" packages: <<: *debian_packages repo_distro: debian/buster test: ebpf-core: false - &fedora distro: fedora version: "36" jsonc_removal: | dnf remove -y json-c-devel packages: &fedora_packages type: rpm repo_distro: fedora/36 arches: - x86_64 - armhfp - aarch64 test: ebpf-core: true - <<: *fedora version: "35" packages: <<: *fedora_packages repo_distro: fedora/35 test: ebpf-core: true - &opensuse distro: opensuse version: "15.4" base_image: opensuse/leap jsonc_removal: | zypper rm -y libjson-c-devel packages: &opensuse_packages type: rpm repo_distro: opensuse/15.4 arches: - x86_64 - aarch64 test: ebpf-core: true - <<: *opensuse version: "15.3" packages: <<: *opensuse_packages repo_distro: opensuse/15.3 test: ebpf-core: false - &oracle distro: oraclelinux version: "8" jsonc_removal: | dnf remove -y json-c-devel packages: &oracle_packages type: rpm repo_distro: ol/8 arches: - x86_64 - aarch64 test: ebpf-core: true - <<: *oracle version: "9" packages: <<: *oracle_packages repo_distro: ol/9 - &ubuntu distro: ubuntu version: "22.04" env_prep: | rm -f /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/docker && apt-get update jsonc_removal: | apt-get remove -y libjson-c-dev packages: &ubuntu_packages type: deb repo_distro: ubuntu/jammy arches: - amd64 - armhf - arm64 test: ebpf-core: true - <<: *ubuntu version: "21.10" packages: <<: *ubuntu_packages repo_distro: ubuntu/impish - <<: *ubuntu version: "20.04" packages: <<: *ubuntu_packages repo_distro: ubuntu/focal - <<: *ubuntu version: "18.04" packages: <<: *ubuntu_packages repo_distro: ubuntu/bionic arches: - i386 - amd64 - armhf - arm64 test: ebpf-core: false