path: root/tests/
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2019-06-04netdata/packaging/ci: Add lifecycle checks to bare operating system ↵Paul Emm. Katsoulakis
installations (#6209) * Introduce more tests on bare OS, to block possible dependency issues in the code * Move bare OS tests on their own stage, to get direct visibility upon possible dependency issues * Limit bare OS runs on pull requests and cron, to avoid messing with people's development runs. We can catch dependency or peculiar build issues during PRs * Rushed it, we now running on different distros, adjust the repository clean up * Centos7 adds quotes on the ID, lets strip them out * Still, you need to add the required packages for testing on debian/ubuntu * curl also required * We 'll be using 16.04 as default distro, not 14.04 * Add an irrelevant shellcheck error, probably raised depending on bash version as we didnt have it with 14.04 * The job needs to run as root, add sudo
2019-04-29Fix lifecycle script (#5918)Paul Emm. Katsoulakis
* netdata/packaging/ci: stronger validations during install, add some comments, change validation of CWD * netdata/packaging/ci: Add a lifecycle test to validate update from stable to latest works smooth -> Add updater BATS script that does the trick for installing stable then migrating to latest using current code and not nightly -> Integrate with travis -> Rename /code to /netdata in travis, scripts will eventually expect the TLD of repo to be actually named netdata, so test will start failing later -> Introduce a flag on the updater, so that it doesn't download the tarball, but it rather works with a local pre-defined directory. If a user wants to override the update process, so that it runs with a different repository he just needs to export NETDATA_LOCAL_TARBAL_OVERRIDE with the desired repo directory * netdata/packaging/ci: Add required packages for it to run