path: root/integrations/cloud-notifications/metadata.yaml
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2024-01-24adds docs for cloud MS Teams integration (#16834)Konstantinos Papazacharopoulos
2024-01-02Add the Mobile App notification Integration (#16715)Satyadeep Ashwathnarayana
2023-12-13fix: use black version icon for Splunk in order to make it visible (#16593)Juan Cañete
2023-12-12Adds docs for Splunk cloud notifications (#16586)Juan Cañete
2023-11-17Adds config info for Telegram cloud notification (#16424)Juan Cañete
2023-11-10fix cloud aws sns notification meta (#16379)Ilya Mashchenko
2023-11-09Add configuration documentation for Cloud AWS SNS (#16371)Joao Cardoso
2023-08-01Add initial tooling for generating integrations.js file. (#15406)Austin S. Hemmelgarn
2023-08-01Update Webhook icon (#15677)Satyadeep Ashwathnarayana
2023-08-01Adapt Cloud notifications to the new schema (#15674)Satyadeep Ashwathnarayana
2023-08-01Update metadata.yaml for Cloud Notifications (#15670)Satyadeep Ashwathnarayana
2023-07-28Updated Cloud Notification Integrations with the new schema (#15628)Satyadeep Ashwathnarayana
2023-07-28Updated all cloud notifications except generic webhook (#15615)Satyadeep Ashwathnarayana
2023-07-28Sample Cloud Notifications metadata for Discord (#15597)Satyadeep Ashwathnarayana