AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2024-03-21[ci skip] Minor release v1.45.0.v1.45.0netdatabot
2024-03-21Dynamic configuration switch to version 2 (#17212)Stelios Fragkakis
2024-03-21[ci skip] Update changelog and version for nightly build: v1.44.0-545-nightly.netdatabot
2024-03-20Move bundling of libyaml to CMake. (#17190)Austin S. Hemmelgarn
2024-03-20Improve offline install error handling. (#17153)Austin S. Hemmelgarn
2024-03-20update bundled UI to v6.104.1 (#17208)Ilya Mashchenko
2024-03-20go.d: adjust dyncfg return codes (#17206)Ilya Mashchenko
2024-03-20Prefer Protobuf’s own CMake config over CMake's FindProtobuf. (#17128)Austin S. Hemmelgarn
2024-03-20go.d: local-listeners sd: trust known ports to identify an app (#17205)Ilya Mashchenko
2024-03-20go.d: weblog allow PURGE HTTP method (#17204)Ilya Mashchenko
2024-03-20go.d: local-listeners sd: use "ip:port" as address instead of "localhost" (#1...Ilya Mashchenko
2024-03-20Fix issues with permissions when installing from source on macOS (#17198)Ilya Mashchenko
2024-03-19[ci skip] Update changelog and version for nightly build: v1.44.0-535-nightly.netdatabot
2024-03-19Handle agents will wrong alert_hash table definition (#17197)Stelios Fragkakis
2024-03-19Fix alert hash table definition (#17196)Stelios Fragkakis
2024-03-19Fix sum calculation in rrdr2value (#17193)Stelios Fragkakis
2024-03-19health: unsilence cpu % alarm (#17194)Ilya Mashchenko
2024-03-19[ci skip] Update changelog and version for nightly build: v1.44.0-530-nightly.netdatabot
2024-03-18add callout that snapshots only available on v1 (#17189)Hugo Valente
2024-03-18Bump tj-actions/changed-files from 42 to 43 (#17187)dependabot[bot]
2024-03-18DYNCFG: alerts improvements (#17165)Costa Tsaousis
2024-03-18split apps.plugin into multiple files and support MacOS (#17180)Costa Tsaousis
2024-03-18Bump from 0.36.0 to 0.36.1 in /src/go/collectors/go...dependabot[bot]
2024-03-18Bump from 0.48.0 to 0.50.0 in /src/go/collectors...dependabot[bot]
2024-03-18Bump from 0.29.2 to 0.29.3 in /src/go/collectors/go.d.plugin...dependabot[bot]
2024-03-18[ci skip] Update changelog and version for nightly build: v1.44.0-522-nightly.netdatabot
2024-03-17Update README.mdCosta Tsaousis
2024-03-17Update README.mdCosta Tsaousis
2024-03-16[ci skip] Update changelog and version for nightly build: v1.44.0-519-nightly.netdatabot
2024-03-15Fix macOS issue with SOCK_CLOEXEC (#17151)Stelios Fragkakis
2024-03-15Update (#17176)Fotis Voutsas
2024-03-15go.d sd config add "disabled" (#17171)Ilya Mashchenko
2024-03-15Update (#17172)Fotis Voutsas
2024-03-15go.d sd docker use well-known port for app identification too (#17174)Ilya Mashchenko
2024-03-15go.d sd docker add mongodb-community-server (#17173)Ilya Mashchenko
2024-03-15Announce dynamic configuration capability to the cloud (#17162)Stelios Fragkakis
2024-03-15[ci skip] Update changelog and version for nightly build: v1.44.0-511-nightly.netdatabot
2024-03-14docs: add "With NVIDIA GPUs monitoring" to docker install (#17167)Ilya Mashchenko
2024-03-14go.d.plugin: jsonschema allow array/object to be null (#17166)Ilya Mashchenko
2024-03-14go.d.plugin: update file path pattern in jsonschema (#17164)Ilya Mashchenko
2024-03-14Bump from 1.32.0 to 1.33.0 in /src/go/collectors/g...dependabot[bot]
2024-03-14go.d.plugin: execute local-listeners periodically (#17160)Ilya Mashchenko
2024-03-14Install the correct service file based on systemd version (#17159)Tasos Katsoulas
2024-03-14go.d.plugin: sd compose: allow multi config template (#17157)Ilya Mashchenko
2024-03-14go.d.plugin: add docker service discovery (#17152)Ilya Mashchenko
2024-03-14[ci skip] Update changelog and version for nightly build: v1.44.0-502-nightly.netdatabot
2024-03-13Add macos check (build from source) (#17139)Tasos Katsoulas
2024-03-13[ci skip] Update changelog and version for nightly build: v1.44.0-500-nightly.netdatabot
2024-03-12remove repetitive words (#17131)carrychair
2024-03-12Document new field on PagerDuty cloud integration (#17149)Juan Cañete