AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2022-01-28fix(docs): unresolved file references (#12053)Ilya Mashchenko
2022-01-27Updated the docs to match new install script (#12042)Tina Luedtke
2022-01-27Fix handling of removed packages with leftover config files in package check....Austin S. Hemmelgarn
2022-01-27[ci skip] create nightly packages and update changelognetdatabot
2022-01-26[ci skip] release v1.33.0v1.33.0netdatabot
2022-01-26[netdata minor release] v1.33.0Austin S. Hemmelgarn
2022-01-26re-instate plugins_action for clabels (#12039)Emmanuel Vasilakis
2022-01-26[ci skip] create nightly packages and update changelognetdatabot
2022-01-25Have cURL properly fail on non-2xx status codes. (#12038)Austin S. Hemmelgarn
2022-01-25[ci skip] create nightly packages and update changelognetdatabot
2022-01-24Bump google-github-actions/setup-gcloud from 0.3 to 0.4.0 (#12031)dependabot[bot]
2022-01-24Add install type info to `-W buildinfo` output. (#12010)Austin S. Hemmelgarn
2022-01-24Fix passing of version to GHA release workflow. (#11909)Austin S. Hemmelgarn
2022-01-22[ci skip] create nightly packages and update changelognetdatabot
2022-01-21Docs Bugfix: Capitalization (#12024)Chris Boydstun
2022-01-21Docs Bugfix: Fixed Markdown formatting (#12026)Tina Luedtke
2022-01-21Fix cleanup from a failed DEB install. (#12006)Austin S. Hemmelgarn
2022-01-21Update documentation with new dependencies (#11373)Timotej S
2022-01-21[ci skip] create nightly packages and update changelognetdatabot
2022-01-20[Stream Compression] - Compressor buffer overflow causes stream corruption. (...odynik
2022-01-20Updated idlejitter-plugin docs (#12012)Tina Luedtke
2022-01-20Remove unecessary call that was enabling disabled threads (#12014)thiagoftsm
2022-01-20mqtt_websockets submodule to latest master (fix #12011) (#12015)Timotej S
2022-01-20Add support for NVME disks with blkext driver (#12007)Ralph Meijer
2022-01-20[ci skip] create nightly packages and update changelognetdatabot
2022-01-20Remove internal dbengine header from spawn/spawn_client.c (#12009)vkalintiris
2022-01-19Deleted an EOL file (#12000)Tina Luedtke
2022-01-19Fix typo in the dashboard_info.js spigot part (#12008)lokerhp
2022-01-19Blocking publish and in flight buffer regrowth (#11932)Timotej S
2022-01-19Handle re-claim while the agent is running in new architecture (#11924)Emmanuel Vasilakis
2022-01-19Fix queue removed alerts (#11996)Emmanuel Vasilakis
2022-01-19Add code for LZ4 streaming data compression (#11821)avstrakhov
2022-01-19Update libmongoc CMake config (#11962)Vladimir Kobal
2022-01-19eBPF plugin CO-RE and monitoring (#11992)thiagoftsm
2022-01-19update go.d.plugin version to v0.31.2 (#12005)Ilya Mashchenko
2022-01-19Fix handling of static archive selection for installs. (#12004)Austin S. Hemmelgarn
2022-01-19fix permissions of plugins that may be built (#11877)boxjan
2022-01-19fix(python.d.plugin): prefer python3 if available (#12001)Ilya Mashchenko
2022-01-19Compute platform-specific list of static_threads at runtime. (#11955)vkalintiris
2022-01-19[ci skip] create nightly packages and update changelognetdatabot
2022-01-18Deleted duplicate getting started doc (#11978)Tina Luedtke
2022-01-18Fix install prefix handling for claiming code in new kickstart script. (#11999)Austin S. Hemmelgarn
2022-01-18Refined the python example for clarity (#11989)Tina Luedtke
2022-01-18Add alternative install command for macOS. (#11997)Austin S. Hemmelgarn
2022-01-18update go.d.plugin version to v0.31.1 (#11995)Ilya Mashchenko
2022-01-18Initial release of new kickstart script. (#11764)Austin S. Hemmelgarn
2022-01-18Fix ib counters (#11994)Adrien Mahieux
2022-01-18Included link to charts.d example (#11990)Tina Luedtke
2022-01-18Fix yum config-manager check (#11945)Linus
2022-01-18Do not use dbengine headers when dbengine is disabled. (#11967)vkalintiris