AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2021-06-10Ebpf arrays (#11230)thiagoftsm
2021-06-10New email notification template (#11219)Emmanuel Vasilakis
2021-06-10[ci skip] create nightly packages and update changelognetdatabot
2021-06-09Add data privacy links (#11226)Joel Hans
2021-06-09[ci skip] create nightly packages and update changelognetdatabot
2021-06-08eBPF ext4 (new thread for collector) (#11224)thiagoftsm
2021-06-08python.d: merge user/stock plugin configuration files (#11217)Ilya Mashchenko
2021-06-04[ci skip] create nightly packages and update changelognetdatabot
2021-06-02Check for non ascii characters in health log (#11193)Emmanuel Vasilakis
2021-06-02health: fix alarm-line-charts matching (#11204)Ilya Mashchenko
2021-06-02[ci skip] create nightly packages and update changelognetdatabot
2021-06-01Store uuid_t metric_uuid in the dimension state structure instead of uuid_t *...Stelios Fragkakis
2021-06-01Compile/Link with absolute paths for bundled/vendored deps. (#11129)vkalintiris
2021-06-01Do not fail agent if DBENGINE is not available and memory mode is set to dben...Stelios Fragkakis
2021-06-01Ignore dbengine journal files that can not be read (#11210)Stelios Fragkakis
2021-06-01Only report the exit code without strerror (#11215)Emmanuel Vasilakis
2021-06-01[ci skip] create nightly packages and update changelognetdatabot
2021-05-31Provide UTC offset in seconds and edit health config command (#11051)Emmanuel Vasilakis
2021-05-31claiming: exit 0 when daemon not running and the claim was successful (#11195)Ilya Mashchenko
2021-05-31Check return status of execution of anonymous statistics script (#11188)Emmanuel Vasilakis
2021-05-31Add Microsoft Teams to supported notification endpoints (#11205)Zane Chua
2021-05-29[ci skip] create nightly packages and update changelognetdatabot
2021-05-28VFS new thread (#11187)thiagoftsm
2021-05-28fix `install_type` detection during update (#11199)Ilya Mashchenko
2021-05-28labeler: add "mqtt_websockets" to the ACLK (#11197)Ilya Mashchenko
2021-05-28fix ebpf.plugin segfault when ebpf_load_program return null pointer (#11203)wangpei
2021-05-28rename default from job 'local' to 'anomalies' (#11178)Andrew Maguire
2021-05-28[ci skip] create nightly packages and update changelognetdatabot
2021-05-27fix mqtt_websockets submodule version (#11196)Timotej S
2021-05-26[ci skip] create nightly packages and update changelognetdatabot
2021-05-25add link to example conf (#11182)gotjoshua
2021-05-25Remove Fedora 32 from CI. (#11143)Austin S. Hemmelgarn
2021-05-25Move parser from children to main thread (#11152)thiagoftsm
2021-05-25[ci skip] create nightly packages and update changelognetdatabot
2021-05-24Update news in main README for latest release (#11165)Joel Hans
2021-05-24Remove deprecated options. (#11149)vkalintiris
2021-05-24Remove unecessary relative paths when including headers. (#11124)vkalintiris
2021-05-24fixes ACLK-NG on FreeBSD (#11172)Timotej S
2021-05-24Query the size of the hw.intrnames mib instead of using of a fixed va… (#11...MikaelUrankar
2021-05-24Fix typo in aclk.c (#11170)Ikko Ashimine
2021-05-24Ebpf swap (#11090)thiagoftsm
2021-05-24Fixing sneaky broken links (#11175)Joel Hans
2021-05-24Fix mqtt_websockets (ACLK-NG) on MacOS (#11145)Timotej S
2021-05-24Remove an unnecessary check for cgroup v1 (#11137)Vladimir Kobal
2021-05-24Move mdstat charts near to Disks (#11119)thiagoftsm
2021-05-24health: add system clock synchronization state alarm (#11177)Ilya Mashchenko
2021-05-24health: add python.d/go.d jobs last_collected_secs alarms (#11168)Ilya Mashchenko
2021-05-24health: make stocks alarms less sensitive (2) (#11153)Ilya Mashchenko
2021-05-24Adding more postgres metrics (#11169)Filip Plata
2021-05-24Store info about the installation type for later retrieval. (#11157)Austin S. Hemmelgarn