AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2024-01-20It works!!!!daggervkalintiris
2024-01-17Rm wsvkalintiris
2024-01-16Add alpine 3.19vkalintiris
2024-01-16Use named constants for keyword tokens. (#16787)vkalintiris
* name integer constants in keyword switch. * Update gperf config. - Use initializer suffix to silence warnings when enabling all warnings. - Mark the generated table as const * Fix pointer to bool conversion warwning ``` collectors/plugins.d/pluginsd_parser.c:798:37: warning: address of 'parser->user' will always evaluate to 'true' [-Wpointer-bool-conversion] _Bool can_copy = ((&parser->user) && ((&parser->user)->capabilities & (STREAM_CAP_IEEE754)) == (STREAM_CAP_IEEE754)) == ((&parser->user.v2.stream_buffer) && ((&parser->user.v2.stream_buffer)->capabilities & (STREAM_CAP_IEEE754)) == (STREAM_CAP_IEEE754)); ~~~~~~~~^~~~ ~~ ``` * Revert "Fix pointer to bool conversion warwning" This reverts commit 01171d03126411999764196986ffbf163a7df1f3. * Return parser error when handling an unknown keyword.
2024-01-16[ci skip] Update changelog and version for nightly build: v1.44.0-195-nightly.netdatabot
2024-01-15Add additional fail reason and source during database initialization (#16794)Stelios Fragkakis
2024-01-15Use original summary for alert transition (#16793)Stelios Fragkakis
Use original summary for alert Fetch transaction and global id for transitions safely
2024-01-15Improve context load (#16659)Stelios Fragkakis
* Improve single thread load. Handle thread creation failure as well Remove RRDHOST_FLAG_CONTEXT_LOAD_IN_PROGRESS Improve chart label cleanup * Init thread index
2024-01-15Regenerate integrations.js (#16792)Netdata bot
Co-authored-by: ilyam8 <>
2024-01-15Change default build directory in installer to `build`. (#16768)Austin S. Hemmelgarn
2024-01-15Update (#16791)Viktoras
2024-01-15Update telegram documentation (#16777)thiagoftsm
2024-01-15Free key and search, replace patterns (#16789)Stelios Fragkakis
Free key and search pattern
2024-01-15[ci skip] Update changelog and version for nightly build: v1.44.0-186-nightly.netdatabot
2024-01-14diskspace: reworked the cleanup to fix race conditions (#16786)Costa Tsaousis
reworked the cleanup to fix race conditions
2024-01-14diskspace missing mutex use (#16784)Costa Tsaousis
2024-01-14[ci skip] Update changelog and version for nightly build: v1.44.0-183-nightly.netdatabot
2024-01-13Remove h2o header from libnetdata (#16780)vkalintiris
* Limit scope of includes * Remove h2o header from libnetdata
2024-01-13Fix warning. (#16774)vkalintiris
> warning: variable 'm' is used uninitialized whenever 'if' condition is false [-Wsometimes-uninitialized]
2024-01-13Use unsigned char for binary data in mqtt. (#16775)vkalintiris
This fixes the issue with the following code: ``` *WRITE_POS(frag) = (MQTT_CPT_SUBSCRIBE << 4) | 0x2 /* [MQTT-3.8.1-1] */; ``` assigning the constant 130 which is larger than 127.
2024-01-13Delete unused variable. (#16776)vkalintiris
Delete unused variable
2024-01-13[ci skip] Update changelog and version for nightly build: v1.44.0-178-nightly.netdatabot
2024-01-12Fix handling of hardening flags with Clang (#16731)Austin S. Hemmelgarn
* Use `-Werror` when checking compiler flags. This should ensure that Clang rejects unknown flags correctly instead of blindly eating some of them. * Explicitly check C and C++ flags separately. This should better handle the unusual case of mismatched compilers. * Properly use Clang for C++ in our CI checks that build using Clang. * Apply suggestions from code review Co-authored-by: Ilya Mashchenko <> * Use functions and loops when possible. * Fix typos and broken loops. * Fix more typos. * Fix bogus commas. * Fix caching of compiler flag checks. * Fix flag variable names to make them behave correctly in checks. CMake adds a preprocessor define with the name of the variable being defined by a compiler flag check, so we need to ensure not only that the variable name is unique, but also that it is a valid name for a C preprocessor definition. * Fix scoping. * Fix botched merge during previous rebase. --------- Co-authored-by: Ilya Mashchenko <>
2024-01-12fix thread name on fatal and cgroup netdev rename crash (#16771)Costa Tsaousis
* fix thread name on fatal * fix cgroup missing reference counter dup
2024-01-12allow POST requests to be received from ACLK (#16770)Costa Tsaousis
2024-01-12Keep transaction id of request headers (#16769)Costa Tsaousis
keep the transaction id given in the request headers
2024-01-12Add missing call for aral_freez (eBPF) (#16765)thiagoftsm
fix_missing_aral: Add missing call
2024-01-12Fix coverity issues (#16766)Stelios Fragkakis
Fix warning note: ‘snprintf’ output between 2 and 4352 bytes into a destination of size 4096 CID 413881: Control flow issues (DEADCODE) CID 413882: Control flow issues (DEADCODE) CID 413883: Resource leaks (RESOURCE_LEAK)
2024-01-12/api/v1/config tree improvements and swagger documentation (#16764)Costa Tsaousis
2024-01-12[ci skip] Update changelog and version for nightly build: v1.44.0-170-nightly.netdatabot
2024-01-11fix compiler warnings (#16763)Costa Tsaousis
2024-01-11fix cmake _GNU_SOURCE warnings (#16761)Costa Tsaousis
2024-01-11fix phtread-detatch() call (#16760)Costa Tsaousis
* fix phtread-detatch() call * fix variable tag
2024-01-11Recursively merge mqtt_websockets (#16755)vkalintiris
* initial version * basic GitHub Actions CI * Create * run GitHub Action at least once weekly to check test pass if distro was updated but project doesn't get any change for long time * add test for rbuf_find_bytes * minor - add .vscode to .gitignore * minor - add CFLAGS to makefile * minor - silence unused var warning * minor - update readme * add submodules * initial commit * add README * allow setting MQTT LWT * allow setting LWT QOS * handle MQTT keep-alives properly * allow choosing keep alive time * handle WS_OP_CONNECTION_CLOSE * allow sending other frames than WS_OP_BINARY_FRAME * minor readability improvements * work on graceful disconnect * reset ws_client state on subsequent connections * implement mqtt_wss_destroy * more descriptive RC for mqtt_wss_service * properly free/destroy SSL * work on reconnect * set return code for WS disconnect * Less logging under normal operation * readme point to `test.c` as how-to for now * OpenSSL certificate checking by default * reset poll_fds on reconnect * fix older SSL versions * empty install and dist targets * fix LGTM warning * add rbuf_get_capacity * gh actions test * ws_ping impl * test.c - port as cmd line param * properly handle WebSocket disconnect packet * initial HTTPS proxy support * remove base64 submodule, use OpenSSL * change to urandom * ws_client_process WS_RAW retval fix * coverity fixes * CID 1448838 * CID 1448836 * CID 1448829 * test check for error on init * make it play nicer with automake projects * MQTT-C coverity fixes * Create codeql-analysis.yml * Make typedef introduce a new name for struct. (#2) * add autotools related files to gitignore * minor - silence -Wmaybe-uninitialized warning * reinit on MQTT clean session connect * fix apple endianness functions * add libcrypto for macos * MacOS compatibility * fix FreeBSD build * use TLS SNI * propagate buffer full EC to app layer * store buffer sizes in mqtt_wss_client * allow auto buffer growth on buffer too small * quicker connection drop on BUFFER FULL * always clear last_ec on connect * parse all HTTP headers * minor - rename constant for clarity * rename idx and idx2 for code readability * limit response header field count * flush not needed, replace with descriptive err msg * bump MQTT-C * Blocking publish and inflight MQTT-C buffer growth * update obsolete comment * add missing unlock in error case * fix EINTR * initial MQTT 5 implementation Implements minimal MQTT 5 features. Up to QoS1 * fixes for bugs in initial MQTT5 implementation * initial statistics support * fix vbi parser * initial base http proxy auth support * fix base64 helper for longer credentials * minor - create with single allocation * allow defining custom alloc functions for user * Allow custom memory fncs and macros by user (#5) * update crbuf module * allow custom malloc, free, strdup, calloc ... * use long long for till_next_keep_alive * dont send PUBACK on QOS0 (#6) * fix publish parser (#7) * mark QoS0 as GC on send (#8) * log extra info in case of OpenSSL error (#9) * log extra info in case of SSL error * fix build error with older SSL (#10) * adds possibility to decrypt traffic with wireshark for debugging (#13) * initial commit * add fncs key:uint64 and data:opaque ptr * add uint64_t key iterator * add github test runner * start working on proper tests * Initial support for topic aliases (#12) Add support for topic alias functionality for PUBLISH packets also adds support for parsing all MQTT properties as opposed to just skipping and ignoring them (what we did previously) * implement c_rhash_iter_str_keys + tests * Fixes of Topic Alias implementation (#14) * initial removal of mqtt-c support (#15) * honor max msglen for server (#19) * Update (#20) * memory align fragments (#21) * Remove mqtt_websocket submodule * Remove c-rbuf and c_rhash submodules * Exclude mqtt_websockets from Codacy It seems that it was excluded before merging the mqtt_websockets submodule. --------- Co-authored-by: Timotej Šiškovič <> Co-authored-by: Timotej S <> Co-authored-by: Emmanuel Vasilakis <>
2024-01-11Fix sanitizer errors (#16759)Costa Tsaousis
* fix sanitizer errors in logs.c * fix sanitizer errors in rrdlabels.c * cleanup sanitizer exceptions
2024-01-11Delete memory mode "map" and "save". (#16604)vkalintiris
* Delete memory modes "map" and "save". * Remove unmaintained exporting tests * Remove references of map/save modes in docs. * Remove more references to map/save from docs.
2024-01-11report timestamps with progress (#16758)Costa Tsaousis
2024-01-11add schemas to /usr/lib/netdata/conf.d/schema.d (#16757)Costa Tsaousis
2024-01-11packaging: add cap_dac_read_search to go.d.plugin (#16754)Ilya Mashchenko
2024-01-11dyncfg v2 (#16702)Costa Tsaousis
* split rrdfunctions streaming and progress * simplified internal inline functions API * split rrdfunctions inflight management * split rrd functions exporters * renames * base dyncfg structure * config pluginsd * intercept dyncfg function calls * loading and saving of dyncfg metadata and data * save metadata and payload to a single file; added code to update the plugins with jobs and saved configs * basic working unit test * added payload to functions execution * removed old dyncfg code that is not needed any more * more cleanup * cleanup sender for functions with payload * dyncfg functions are not exposed as functions * remaining work to avoid indexing the \0 terminating character in dictionary keys * added back old dyncfg plugins.d commands as noop, to allow plugins continue working * working api; working streaming; * updated plugins.d documentation * aclk and http api requests share the same header parsing logic * added source type internal * fixed crashes * added god mode for tests * fixes * fixed messages * save host machine guids to configs * cleaner manipulation of supported commands * the functions event loop for external plugins can now process dyncfg requests * unified internal and external plugins dyncfg API * Netdata serves schema requests from /etc/netdata/schema.d and /var/lib/netdata/conf.d/schema.d * cleanup and various fixes; fixed bug in previous dyncfg implementation on streaming that was sending the paylod in a way that allowed other streaming commands to be multiplexed * internals go to a separate header file * fix duplicate ACLK requests sent by aclk queue mechanism * use fstat instead of stat * working api * plugin actions renamed to create and delete; dyncfg files are removed only from user actions * prevent deadlock by using the react callback * fix for string_strndupz() * better dyncfg unittests * more tests at the unittests * properly detect dyncfg functions * hide config functions from the UI * tree response improvements * send the initial update with payload * determine tty using stdout, not stderr * changes to statuses, cleanup and the code to bring all business logic into interception * do not crash when the status is empty * functions now propagate the source of the requests to plugins * avoid warning about unused functions * in the count at items for attention, do not count the orphan entries * save source into dyncfg * make the list null terminated * fixed invalid comparison * prevent memory leak on duplicated headers; log x-forwarded-for * more unit tests * added dyncfg unittests into the default unittests * more unit tests and fixes * more unit tests and fixes * fix dictionary unittests * config functions require admin access
2024-01-11Name storage engine variables consistently. (#16753)vkalintiris
* Consistent naming of STORAGE_INSTANCE instances. Replace usages of `db_instance` and `instance` with `si`. * Rename array `storage_metrics_groups[tier]` to `smg[tier]` * Rename db_metric_handle to smh * Rename instances of `storage_engine_query_handle` to `seqh`. * Rename instances of STORAGE_ENGINE_BACKEND to `seb`. * Rename instances of STORAGE_COLLECT_HANDLE to `sch`.