AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2023-12-29[ci skip] Update changelog and version for nightly build: v1.44.0-108-nightly.netdatabot
2023-12-28cmake missing defines (#16680)Costa Tsaousis
2023-12-28fix exporting internal charts context and family (#16683)Ilya Mashchenko
2023-12-28docs: add "Require Cloud" column to functions table (#16681)Ilya Mashchenko
2023-12-28Fix (#16679)Fotis Voutsas
2023-12-28[ci skip] Update changelog and version for nightly build: v1.44.0-103-nightly.netdatabot
2023-12-27update bundled UI to v6.75.2 (#16674)Ilya Mashchenko
2023-12-27remove contrib/rhel (#16672)Ilya Mashchenko
2023-12-27remove unused github scripts (#16661)Ilya Mashchenko
2023-12-27eBPF socket (eBPF) (#16669)thiagoftsm
2023-12-27kickstart: add a note on how to access the UI to the success banner (#16673)Ilya Mashchenko
2023-12-27set log level of too-old-data message to debug (#16663)Ilya Mashchenko
2023-12-27Fix coverity issues (#16655)Stelios Fragkakis
2023-12-27Shutdown dbengine event loop properly (#16658)Stelios Fragkakis
2023-12-26[ci skip] Update changelog and version for nightly build: v1.44.0-94-nightly.netdatabot
2023-12-25Bump google-github-actions/setup-gcloud from 2.0.0 to 2.0.1 (#16667)dependabot[bot]
2023-12-25[ci skip] Update changelog and version for nightly build: v1.44.0-92-nightly.netdatabot
2023-12-24fix compiler warnings (#16665)Costa Tsaousis
2023-12-24dont exceed buffer boundaries, when the buffer is empty (#16664)Costa Tsaousis
2023-12-23[ci skip] Update changelog and version for nightly build: v1.44.0-89-nightly.netdatabot
2023-12-22docs: Correct chart_labels summary (#16656)Paul Seidler
2023-12-22[ci skip] Update changelog and version for nightly build: v1.44.0-87-nightly.netdatabot
2023-12-22Fix overrun in crc32set (#16654)Stelios Fragkakis
2023-12-21rename bundle dashboard scripts (#16648)Ilya Mashchenko
2023-12-21increase max response size to 100MiB (#16649)Costa Tsaousis
2023-12-21docs: add a few examples how to query Netdata logs using journalctl (#16650)Ilya Mashchenko
2023-12-21Necessary changes for Learn (#16651)Fotis Voutsas
2023-12-21Update artifact-handling actions to latest version. (#16639)Austin S. Hemmelgarn
2023-12-21Remove Netdata packages from APT cache when attempting to install. (#16566)Austin S. Hemmelgarn
2023-12-21update bundled UI to v6.72.0 (#16647)Ilya Mashchenko
2023-12-21Fix compilation error when using --disable-dbengine (#16645)Stelios Fragkakis
2023-12-21[ci skip] Update changelog and version for nightly build: v1.44.0-77-nightly.netdatabot
2023-12-20cmake: make WEB_DIR configurable (#16638)Ilya Mashchenko
2023-12-20Create (#16642)Satyadeep Ashwathnarayana
2023-12-20Added energy efficiency img (#16617)Aliki92
2023-12-20Remove code relying on autotools. (#16634)vkalintiris
2023-12-20Bump google-github-actions/upload-cloud-storage from 1.0.3 to 2.0.0 (#16624)dependabot[bot]
2023-12-20Bump github/codeql-action from 2 to 3 (#16623)dependabot[bot]
2023-12-20docs: add "Rootless mode" to Docker install guide (#16632)Ilya Mashchenko
2023-12-20[ci skip] Update changelog and version for nightly build: v1.44.0-69-nightly.netdatabot
2023-12-19Correctly handle basic permissions for most scripts on install. (#16629)Austin S. Hemmelgarn
2023-12-19Fix UB of unaligned loads/stores and signed shifts. (#16628)vkalintiris
2023-12-19Regenerate integrations.js (#16595)Netdata bot
2023-12-19[ci skip] Update changelog and version for nightly build: v1.44.0-65-nightly.netdatabot
2023-12-18Remove includes outside of libnetdata. (#16607)vkalintiris
2023-12-18cgroups: filter lxcfs.service/.control (#16620)Ilya Mashchenko
2023-12-18[ci skip] Update changelog and version for nightly build: v1.44.0-62-nightly.netdatabot
2023-12-17Fix coverity issues, logically dead code and error checking (#16618)Stelios Fragkakis
2023-12-16[ci skip] Update changelog and version for nightly build: v1.44.0-60-nightly.netdatabot
2023-12-15Queries Progress (#16574)Costa Tsaousis