AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2021-05-28rename default alarms job to be "Alarms"andrewm4894-patch-6Andrew Maguire
2021-05-28rename default alarms job to be "Alarms"Andrew Maguire
2021-05-28rename default from job 'local' to 'anomalies' (#11178)Andrew Maguire
- 'Anomalies local' is not as nice as a 'Anomalies' menu item when using default settings and just enabling it for local node.
2021-05-28[ci skip] create nightly packages and update changelognetdatabot
2021-05-27fix mqtt_websockets submodule version (#11196)Timotej S
2021-05-26[ci skip] create nightly packages and update changelognetdatabot
2021-05-25add link to example conf (#11182)gotjoshua
Co-authored-by: Ilya Mashchenko <>
2021-05-25Remove Fedora 32 from CI. (#11143)Austin S. Hemmelgarn
It is EOL as of 2021-05-25.
2021-05-25Move parser from children to main thread (#11152)thiagoftsm
Centralize eBPF plugin parser to avoid possible contradictions between user configuration and visualized charts.
2021-05-25[ci skip] create nightly packages and update changelognetdatabot
2021-05-24Update news in main README for latest release (#11165)Joel Hans
* Update news for latest release * Remove image
2021-05-24Remove deprecated options. (#11149)vkalintiris
These options have been deprecated for a long time and they are probably not used anywhere any more.
2021-05-24Remove unecessary relative paths when including headers. (#11124)vkalintiris
Currently, we add the repository's top-level dir in the compiler's header search path. This means that code in every top-level directory within the repo can include headers sibling top-level directories. This patch makes header inclusion consistent when it comes to files that are included from sibling top-level directories within the repo.
2021-05-24fixes ACLK-NG on FreeBSD (#11172)Timotej S
2021-05-24Query the size of the hw.intrnames mib instead of using of a fixed va… ↵MikaelUrankar
2021-05-24Fix typo in aclk.c (#11170)Ikko Ashimine
Successfull -> Successful
2021-05-24Ebpf swap (#11090)thiagoftsm
Add new thread to ebpf.plugin.
2021-05-24Fixing sneaky broken links (#11175)Joel Hans
2021-05-24Fix mqtt_websockets (ACLK-NG) on MacOS (#11145)Timotej S
2021-05-24Remove an unnecessary check for cgroup v1 (#11137)Vladimir Kobal
2021-05-24Move mdstat charts near to Disks (#11119)thiagoftsm
Reorganize MD Array Menu.
2021-05-24health: add system clock synchronization state alarm (#11177)Ilya Mashchenko
* health: add system clock synchronization state alarm
2021-05-24health: add python.d/go.d jobs last_collected_secs alarms (#11168)Ilya Mashchenko
2021-05-24health: make stocks alarms less sensitive (2) (#11153)Ilya Mashchenko
2021-05-24Adding more postgres metrics (#11169)Filip Plata
* Adding more postgres metrics * standby lag time * average blocking transactions
2021-05-24Store info about the installation type for later retrieval. (#11157)Austin S. Hemmelgarn
* Store info about the installation type for later retrieval. * Properly handle install type on updates. * Restructure install type values for easier parsing. * Fix checksums. * Fix .gitignore check.
2021-05-20[ci skip] create nightly packages and update changelognetdatabot
2021-05-19[ci skip] release v1.31.0v1.31.0netdatabot
2021-05-19[netdata minor release] v1.31.0Austin S. Hemmelgarn
2021-05-18[ci skip] create nightly packages and update changelognetdatabot
2021-05-17Add sections for class, component and type. (#10984)Emmanuel Vasilakis
* Add sections for class, component and type. Add sections in the documentation for the new `class`, `component` and `type` attributes, that the PR adds to the stock alarms configuration files. The documentation can be perhaps extended to provide information on how those attributes are used in the cloud. * Update Add a list of stock alarms class attributes. * Add notes for default value Unknown * Update Fill more class descriptions (and change the name of the column). * Update Add collapsible class table. * Update health/ Use dot Co-authored-by: Ilya Mashchenko <> * Update health/ Spelling Co-authored-by: Joel Hans <> * Update health/ Spelling Co-authored-by: Joel Hans <> * Update health/ Grammar Co-authored-by: Joel Hans <> Co-authored-by: Ilya Mashchenko <> Co-authored-by: Joel Hans <>
2021-05-17Init new files and create connections (#11099)Joel Hans
2021-05-15[ci skip] create nightly packages and update changelognetdatabot
2021-05-14Fix broken link (#11148)Joel Hans
2021-05-14Update (#11144)Chris Akritidis
2021-05-14Bundle the react dashboard code into the agent repo directly. (#11139)Austin S. Hemmelgarn
* Remove code for bundling the dashoard on install. * Bundle the dashboard code directly into the agent repo. This diffstat looks huge, but it’s actually relatively simple. The only _actual_ changes are in the Makefiles, ``, and the addition of ``. Everything else consists of removing files that are included in the dashboard tarball, and extracting the contents of the tarball into `web/gui/dashboard`. * CI cleanup. * Automate bundling of the dashboard code. This replaces the makefile generator script with one that handles bundling of the dashboard code in it’s entirety, and updates the GHA workflow used for generating dashboard PRs to use that instead of the existing shell commands. It also removes the packaging/dashboard.* files, as they are no longer needed.
2021-05-14[ci skip] create nightly packages and update changelognetdatabot
2021-05-13Use size_t instead of int for vfs_bufspace_count in FreeBSD plugin (#11142)Daniel Engberg
2021-05-13[ci skip] create nightly packages and update changelognetdatabot
2021-05-12Reduce the number of ACLK chart updates during chart obsoletion (#11133)Stelios Fragkakis
2021-05-12[ci skip] create nightly packages and update changelognetdatabot
2021-05-11Update (#11127)Odysseas Lamtzidis
* Update fix custom_edit url and add screenshot * Update collectors/statsd.plugin/ Co-authored-by: Ilya Mashchenko <> * Update collectors/statsd.plugin/ Co-authored-by: Ilya Mashchenko <> Co-authored-by: Ilya Mashchenko <>
2021-05-11[ci skip] create nightly packages and update changelognetdatabot
2021-05-10Fix broken links in various docs (#11109)Joel Hans
2021-05-10Fix broken link in doc (#11122)forest0
2021-05-10Remove dash-example, place in community repo (#11077)Thomas Anderson
* Remove dash-example, place in community repo * Remove Makefile reference to dash-example.html
2021-05-10Automatically trigger Helmchart PR on agent release. (#11084)Austin S. Hemmelgarn
* Automatically trigger Helmchart PR on agent release. This will automatically trigger the workflow in the netdata/helmchart repo that generates a PR to bump the agent version bundled with the helmchart when we bpulish a docker image for a release. * Add missing `uses` key in action step. * Properly quote JSON data.
2021-05-08[ci skip] create nightly packages and update changelognetdatabot
2021-05-07analytics: reduce alarms notifications dump logging (#11116)Ilya Mashchenko
2021-05-07Check configuration for CUSTOM and MSTEAM (#11113)Emmanuel Vasilakis
* check for DEFAULT_RECIPIENT_CUSTOM * also check for SEND_MSTEAM * unset SEND_MSTEAM during msteams migration