path: root/python.d/
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-# Disclaimer
-Every module should be compatible with python2 and python3.
-All third party libraries should be installed system-wide or in `python_modules` directory.
-Module configurations are written in YAML and **pyYAML is required**.
-Every configuration file must have one of two formats:
-- Configuration for only one job:
-update_every : 2 # update frequency
-retries : 1 # how many failures in update() is tolerated
-priority : 20000 # where it is shown on dashboard
-other_var1 : bla # variables passed to module
-other_var2 : alb
-- Configuration for many jobs (ex. mysql):
-# module defaults:
-update_every : 2
-retries : 1
-priority : 20000
-local: # job name
- update_every : 5 # job update frequency
- other_var1 : some_val # module specific variable
- priority : 5 # job position on dashboard
- retries : 20 # job retries
- other_var2 : val # module specific variable
-`update_every`, `retries`, and `priority` are always optional.
-The following python.d modules are supported:
-# apache
-This module will monitor one or more Apache servers depending on configuration.
- * apache with enabled `mod_status`
-It produces the following charts:
-1. **Requests** in requests/s
- * requests
-2. **Connections**
- * connections
-3. **Async Connections**
- * keepalive
- * closing
- * writing
-4. **Bandwidth** in kilobytes/s
- * sent
-5. **Workers**
- * idle
- * busy
-6. **Lifetime Avg. Requests/s** in requests/s
- * requests_sec
-7. **Lifetime Avg. Bandwidth/s** in kilobytes/s
- * size_sec
-8. **Lifetime Avg. Response Size** in bytes/request
- * size_req
-### configuration
-Needs only `url` to server's `server-status?auto`
-Here is an example for 2 servers:
-update_every : 10
-priority : 90100
- url : 'http://localhost/server-status?auto'
- retries : 20
- url : ''
- update_every : 5
- retries : 4
-Without configuration, module attempts to connect to `http://localhost/server-status?auto`
-# apache_cache
-Module monitors apache mod_cache log and produces only one chart:
-**cached responses** in percent cached
- * hit
- * miss
- * other
-### configuration
-update_every : 10
-priority : 120000
-retries : 5
-log_path : '/var/log/apache2/cache.log'
-If no configuration is given, module will attempt to read log file at `/var/log/apache2/cache.log`
-# beanstalk
-Module provides server and tube-level statistics:
- * `python-beanstalkc`
-**Server statistics:**
-1. **Cpu usage** in cpu time
- * user
- * system
-2. **Jobs rate** in jobs/s
- * total
- * timeouts
-3. **Connections rate** in connections/s
- * connections
-4. **Commands rate** in commands/s
- * put
- * peek
- * peek-ready
- * peek-delayed
- * peek-buried
- * reserve
- * use
- * watch
- * ignore
- * delete
- * release
- * bury
- * kick
- * stats
- * stats-job
- * stats-tube
- * list-tubes
- * list-tube-used
- * list-tubes-watched
- * pause-tube
-5. **Current tubes** in tubes
- * tubes
-6. **Current jobs** in jobs
- * urgent
- * ready
- * reserved
- * delayed
- * buried
-7. **Current connections** in connections
- * written
- * producers
- * workers
- * waiting
-8. **Binlog** in records/s
- * written
- * migrated
-9. **Uptime** in seconds
- * uptime
-**Per tube statistics:**
-1. **Jobs rate** in jobs/s
- * jobs
-2. **Jobs** in jobs
- * using
- * ready
- * reserved
- * delayed
- * buried
-3. **Connections** in connections
- * using
- * waiting
- * watching
-4. **Commands** in commands/s
- * deletes
- * pauses
-5. **Pause** in seconds
- * since
- * left
-### configuration
-host : ''
-port : 11300
-If no configuration is given, module will attempt to connect to beanstalkd on `` address
-# bind_rndc
-Module parses bind dump file to collect real-time performance metrics
- * Version of bind must be 9.6 +
- * Netdata must have permissions to run `rndc stats`
-It produces:
-1. **Name server statistics**
- * requests
- * responses
- * success
- * auth_answer
- * nonauth_answer
- * nxrrset
- * failure
- * nxdomain
- * recursion
- * duplicate
- * rejections
-2. **Incoming queries**
- * A
- * NS
- * SOA
- * PTR
- * MX
- * TXT
- * X25
- * AAAA
- * SRV
- * A6
- * DS
- * RSIG
- * SPF
- * ANY
- * DLV
-3. **Outgoing queries**
- * Same as Incoming queries
-### configuration
- named_stats_path : '/var/log/bind/named.stats'
-If no configuration is given, module will attempt to read named.stats file at `/var/log/bind/named.stats`
-# boinc
-This module monitors task counts for the Berkely Open Infrastructure
-Networking Computing (BOINC) distributed computing client using the same
-RPC interface that the BOINC monitoring GUI does.
-It provides charts tracking the total number of tasks and active tasks,
-as well as ones tracking each of the possible states for tasks.
-### configuration
-BOINC requires use of a password to access it's RPC interface. You can
-find this password in the `gui_rpc_auth.cfg` file in your BOINC directory.
-By default, the module will try to auto-detect the password by looking
-in `/var/lib/boinc` for this file (this is the location most Linux
-distributions use for a system-wide BOINC installation), so things may
-just work without needing configuration for the local system.
-You can monitor remote systems as well:
- hostname: some-host
- password: some-password
-# chrony
-This module monitors the precision and statistics of a local chronyd server.
-It produces:
-* frequency
-* last offset
-* RMS offset
-* residual freq
-* root delay
-* root dispersion
-* skew
-* system time
-Verify that user netdata can execute `chronyc tracking`. If necessary, update `/etc/chrony.conf`, `cmdallow`.
-### Configuration
-# data collection frequency:
-update_every: 1
-# chrony query command:
- command: 'chronyc -n tracking'
-# ceph
-This module monitors the ceph cluster usage and consuption data of a server.
-It produces:
-* Cluster statistics (usage, available, latency, objects, read/write rate)
-* OSD usage
-* OSD latency
-* Pool usage
-* Pool read/write operations
-* Pool read/write rate
-* number of objects per pool
-- `rados` python module
-- Granting read permissions to ceph group from keyring file
-# chmod 640 /etc/ceph/ceph.client.admin.keyring
-### Configuration
- config_file: '/etc/ceph/ceph.conf'
- keyring_file: '/etc/ceph/ceph.client.admin.keyring'
-# couchdb
-This module monitors vital statistics of a local Apache CouchDB 2.x server, including:
-* Overall server reads/writes
-* HTTP traffic breakdown
- * Request methods (`GET`, `PUT`, `POST`, etc.)
- * Response status codes (`200`, `201`, `4xx`, etc.)
-* Active server tasks
-* Replication status (CouchDB 2.1 and up only)
-* Erlang VM stats
-* Optional per-database statistics: sizes, # of docs, # of deleted docs
-### Configuration
-Sample for a local server running on port 5984:
- user: 'admin'
- pass: 'password'
- node: 'couchdb@'
-Be sure to specify a correct admin-level username and password.
-You may also need to change the `node` name; this should match the value of `-name NODENAME` in your CouchDB's `etc/vm.args` file. Typically this is of the form `` in a cluster, or `couchdb@` / `couchdb@localhost` for a single-node server.
-If you want per-database statistics, these need to be added to the configuration, separated by spaces:
- ...
- databases: 'db1 db2 db3 ...'
-# cpufreq
-This module shows the current CPU frequency as set by the cpufreq kernel
-You need to have `CONFIG_CPU_FREQ` and (optionally) `CONFIG_CPU_FREQ_STAT`
-enabled in your kernel.
-This module tries to read from one of two possible locations. On
-initialization, it tries to read the `time_in_state` files provided by
-cpufreq\_stats. If this file does not exist, or doesn't contain valid data, it
-falls back to using the more inaccurate `scaling_cur_freq` file (which only
-represents the **current** CPU frequency, and doesn't account for any state
-changes which happen between updates).
-It produces one chart with multiple lines (one line per core).
-### configuration
-sys_dir: "/sys/devices"
-If no configuration is given, module will search for cpufreq files in `/sys/devices` directory.
-Directory is also prefixed with `NETDATA_HOST_PREFIX` if specified.
-# cpuidle
-This module monitors the usage of CPU idle states.
-Your kernel needs to have `CONFIG_CPU_IDLE` enabled.
-It produces one stacked chart per CPU, showing the percentage of time spent in
-each state.
-# dns_query_time
-This module provides DNS query time statistics.
-* `python-dnspython` package
-It produces one aggregate chart or one chart per DNS server, showing the query time.
-# dnsdist
-Module monitor dnsdist performance and health metrics.
-Following charts are drawn:
-1. **Response latency**
- * latency-slow
- * latency100-1000
- * latency50-100
- * latency10-50
- * latency1-10
- * latency0-1
-2. **Cache performance**
- * cache-hits
- * cache-misses
-3. **ACL events**
- * acl-drops
- * rule-drop
- * rule-nxdomain
- * rule-refused
-4. **Noncompliant data**
- * empty-queries
- * no-policy
- * noncompliant-queries
- * noncompliant-responses
-5. **Queries**
- * queries
- * rdqueries
- * rdqueries
-6. **Health**
- * downstream-send-errors
- * downstream-timeouts
- * servfail-responses
- * trunc-failures
-### configuration
- name : 'local'
- url : ''
- user : 'username'
- pass : 'password'
- header:
- X-API-Key: 'dnsdist-api-key'
-# docker
-Module monitor docker health metrics.
-* `docker` package
-Following charts are drawn:
-1. **running containers**
- * count
-2. **healthy containers**
- * count
-3. **unhealthy containers**
- * count
-### configuration
- update_every : 1
- priority : 60000
- ```
-# dovecot
-This module provides statistics information from Dovecot server.
-Statistics are taken from dovecot socket by executing `EXPORT global` command.
-More information about dovecot stats can be found on [project wiki page.](
-Dovecot UNIX socket with R/W permissions for user netdata or Dovecot with configured TCP/IP socket.
-Module gives information with following charts:
-1. **sessions**
- * active sessions
-2. **logins**
- * logins
-3. **commands** - number of IMAP commands
- * commands
-4. **Faults**
- * minor
- * major
-5. **Context Switches**
- * volountary
- * involountary
-6. **disk** in bytes/s
- * read
- * write
-7. **bytes** in bytes/s
- * read
- * write
-8. **number of syscalls** in syscalls/s
- * read
- * write
-9. **lookups** - number of lookups per second
- * path
- * attr
-10. **hits** - number of cache hits
- * hits
-11. **attempts** - authorization attempts
- * success
- * failure
-12. **cache** - cached authorization hits
- * hit
- * miss
-### configuration
- name : 'local'
- host : ''
- port : 24242
- name : 'local'
- socket : '/var/run/dovecot/stats'
-If no configuration is given, module will attempt to connect to dovecot using unix socket localized in `/var/run/dovecot/stats`
-# elasticsearch
-This module monitors Elasticsearch performance and health metrics.
-It produces:
-1. **Search performance** charts:
- * Number of queries, fetches
- * Time spent on queries, fetches
- * Query and fetch latency
-2. **Indexing performance** charts:
- * Number of documents indexed, index refreshes, flushes
- * Time spent on indexing, refreshing, flushing
- * Indexing and flushing latency
-3. **Memory usage and garbace collection** charts:
- * JVM heap currently in use, committed
- * Count of garbage collections
- * Time spent on garbage collections
-4. **Host metrics** charts:
- * Available file descriptors in percent
- * Opened HTTP connections
- * Cluster communication transport metrics
-5. **Queues and rejections** charts:
- * Number of queued/rejected threads in thread pool
-6. **Fielddata cache** charts:
- * Fielddata cache size
- * Fielddata evictions and circuit breaker tripped count
-7. **Cluster health API** charts:
- * Cluster status
- * Nodes and tasks statistics
- * Shards statistics
-8. **Cluster stats API** charts:
- * Nodes statistics
- * Query cache statistics
- * Docs statistics
- * Store statistics
- * Indices and shards statistics
-### configuration
- host : 'ipaddress' # Server ip address or hostname
- port : 'password' # Port on which elasticsearch listed
- cluster_health : True/False # Calls to cluster health elasticsearch API. Enabled by default.
- cluster_stats : True/False # Calls to cluster stats elasticsearch API. Enabled by default.
-If no configuration is given, module will fail to run.
-# exim
-Simple module executing `exim -bpc` to grab exim queue.
-This command can take a lot of time to finish its execution thus it is not recommended to run it every second.
-It produces only one chart:
-1. **Exim Queue Emails**
- * emails
-Configuration is not needed.
-# fail2ban
-Module monitor fail2ban log file to show all bans for all active jails
- * fail2ban.log file MUST BE readable by netdata (A good idea is to add **create 0640 root netdata** to fail2ban conf at logrotate.d)
-It produces one chart with multiple lines (one line per jail)
-### configuration
- log_path: '/var/log/fail2ban.log'
- conf_path: '/etc/fail2ban/jail.local'
- exclude: 'dropbear apache'
-If no configuration is given, module will attempt to read log file at `/var/log/fail2ban.log` and conf file at `/etc/fail2ban/jail.local`.
-If conf file is not found default jail is `ssh`.
-# freeradius
-Uses the `radclient` command to provide freeradius statistics. It is not recommended to run it every second.
-It produces:
-1. **Authentication counters:**
- * access-accepts
- * access-rejects
- * auth-dropped-requests
- * auth-duplicate-requests
- * auth-invalid-requests
- * auth-malformed-requests
- * auth-unknown-types
-2. **Accounting counters:** [optional]
- * accounting-requests
- * accounting-responses
- * acct-dropped-requests
- * acct-duplicate-requests
- * acct-invalid-requests
- * acct-malformed-requests
- * acct-unknown-types
-3. **Proxy authentication counters:** [optional]
- * proxy-access-accepts
- * proxy-access-rejects
- * proxy-auth-dropped-requests
- * proxy-auth-duplicate-requests
- * proxy-auth-invalid-requests
- * proxy-auth-malformed-requests
- * proxy-auth-unknown-types
-4. **Proxy accounting counters:** [optional]
- * proxy-accounting-requests
- * proxy-accounting-responses
- * proxy-acct-dropped-requests
- * proxy-acct-duplicate-requests
- * proxy-acct-invalid-requests
- * proxy-acct-malformed-requests
- * proxy-acct-unknown-typesa
-### configuration
- host : 'localhost'
- port : '18121'
- secret : 'adminsecret'
- acct : False # Freeradius accounting statistics.
- proxy_auth : False # Freeradius proxy authentication statistics.
- proxy_acct : False # Freeradius proxy accounting statistics.
-**Freeradius server configuration:**
-The configuration for the status server is automatically created in the sites-available directory.
-By default, server is enabled and can be queried from every client.
-FreeRADIUS will only respond to status-server messages, if the status-server virtual server has been enabled.
-To do this, create a link from the sites-enabled directory to the status file in the sites-available directory:
- * cd sites-enabled
- * ln -s ../sites-available/status status
-and restart/reload your FREERADIUS server.
-# go_expvar
-The `go_expvar` module can monitor any Go application that exposes its metrics with the use of `expvar` package from the Go standard library.
-`go_expvar` produces charts for Go runtime memory statistics and optionally any number of custom charts. Please see the [wiki page]( for more info.
-For the memory statistics, it produces the following charts:
-1. **Heap allocations** in kB
- * alloc: size of objects allocated on the heap
- * inuse: size of allocated heap spans
-2. **Stack allocations** in kB
- * inuse: size of allocated stack spans
-3. **MSpan allocations** in kB
- * inuse: size of allocated mspan structures
-4. **MCache allocations** in kB
- * inuse: size of allocated mcache structures
-5. **Virtual memory** in kB
- * sys: size of reserved virtual address space
-6. **Live objects**
- * live: number of live objects in memory
-7. **GC pauses average** in ns
- * avg: average duration of all GC stop-the-world pauses
-### configuration
-Please see the [wiki page]( for detailed info about module configuration.
-# haproxy
-Module monitors frontend and backend metrics such as bytes in, bytes out, sessions current, sessions in queue current.
-And health metrics such as backend servers status (server check should be used).
-Plugin can obtain data from url **OR** unix socket.
-Socket MUST be readable AND writable by netdata user.
-It produces:
-1. **Frontend** family charts
- * Kilobytes in/s
- * Kilobytes out/s
- * Sessions current
- * Sessions in queue current
-2. **Backend** family charts
- * Kilobytes in/s
- * Kilobytes out/s
- * Sessions current
- * Sessions in queue current
-3. **Health** chart
- * number of failed servers for every backend (in DOWN state)
-### configuration
- user : 'username' # ONLY IF stats auth is used
- pass : 'password' # # ONLY IF stats auth is used
- url : 'http://ip.address:port/url;csv;norefresh'
- socket : 'path/to/haproxy/sock'
-If no configuration is given, module will fail to run.
-# hddtemp
-Module monitors disk temperatures from one or more hddtemp daemons.
-Running `hddtemp` in daemonized mode with access on tcp port
-It produces one chart **Temperature** with dynamic number of dimensions (one per disk)
-### configuration
-update_every: 3
-host: ""
-port: 7634
-If no configuration is given, module will attempt to connect to hddtemp daemon on `` address
-# httpcheck
-Module monitors remote http server for availability and response time.
-Following charts are drawn per job:
-1. **Response time** ms
- * Time in 0.1 ms resolution in which the server responds.
- If the connection failed, the value is missing.
-2. **Status** boolean
- * Connection successful
- * Unexpected content: No Regex match found in the response
- * Unexpected status code: Do we get 500 errors?
- * Connection failed: port not listening or blocked
- * Connection timed out: host or port unreachable
-### configuration
-Sample configuration and their default values.
- url: 'http://host:port/path' # required
- status_accepted: # optional
- - 200
- timeout: 1 # optional, supports decimals (e.g. 0.2)
- update_every: 3 # optional
- regex: 'REGULAR_EXPRESSION' # optional, see
- redirect: yes # optional
-### notes
- * The status chart is primarily intended for alarms, badges or for access via API.
- * A system/service/firewall might block netdata's access if a portscan or
- similar is detected.
- * This plugin is meant for simple use cases. Currently, the accuracy of the
- response time is low and should be used as reference only.
-# icecast
-This module will monitor number of listeners for active sources.
- * icecast version >= 2.4.0
-It produces the following charts:
-1. **Listeners** in listeners
- * source number
-### configuration
-Needs only `url` to server's `/status-json.xsl`
-Here is an example for remote server:
- url : ''
-Without configuration, module attempts to connect to `http://localhost:8443/status-json.xsl`
-Module monitors [IPFS]( basic information.
-1. **Bandwidth** in kbits/s
- * in
- * out
-2. **Peers**
- * peers
-### configuration
-Only url to IPFS server is needed.
- name : 'local'
- url : 'http://localhost:5001'
-# isc_dhcpd
-Module monitor leases database to show all active leases for given pools.
- * dhcpd leases file MUST BE readable by netdata
- * pools MUST BE in CIDR format
-It produces:
-1. **Pools utilization** Aggregate chart for all pools.
- * utilization in percent
-2. **Total leases**
- * leases (overall number of leases for all pools)
-3. **Active leases** for every pools
- * leases (number of active leases in pool)
-### configuration
- leases_path : '/var/lib/dhcp/dhcpd.leases'
- pools : ''
-In case of python2 you need to install `py2-ipaddress` to make plugin work.
-The module will not work If no configuration is given.
-# linux\_power\_supply
-This module monitors variosu metrics reported by power supply drivers
-on Linux. This allows tracking and alerting on things like remaining
-battery capacity.
-Depending on the uderlying driver, it may provide the following charts
-and metrics:
-1. Capacity: The power supply capacity expressed as a percentage.
- * capacity\_now
-2. Charge: The charge for the power supply, expressed as microamphours.
- * charge\_full\_design
- * charge\_full
- * charge\_now
- * charge\_empty
- * charge\_empty\_design
-3. Energy: The energy for the power supply, expressed as microwatthours.
- * energy\_full\_design
- * energy\_full
- * energy\_now
- * energy\_empty
- * energy\_empty\_design
-2. Voltage: The voltage for the power supply, expressed as microvolts.
- * voltage\_max\_design
- * voltage\_max
- * voltage\_now
- * voltage\_min
- * voltage\_min\_design
-### configuration
- supply: 'BAT0'
- charts: 'capacity charge energy voltage'
-The `supply` key specifies the name of the power supply device to monitor.
-You can use `ls /sys/class/power_supply` to get a list of such devices
-on your system.
-The `charts` key is a space separated list of which charts to try
-to display. It defaults to trying to display everything.
-### notes
-* Most drivers provide at least the first chart. Battery powered ACPI
-compliant systems (like most laptops) provide all but the third, but do
-not provide all of the metrics for each chart.
-* Current, energy, and voltages are reported with a _very_ high precision
-by the power\_supply framework. Usually, this is far higher than the
-actual hardware supports reporting, so expect to see changes in these
-charts jump instead of scaling smoothly.
-* If `max` or `full` attribute is defined by the driver, but not a
-corresponding `min or `empty` attribute, then netdata will still provide
-the corresponding `min` or `empty`, which will then always read as zero.
-This way, alerts which match on these will still work.
-# litespeed
-Module monitor litespeed web server performance metrics.
-It produces:
-1. **Network Throughput HTTP** in kilobits/s
- * in
- * out
-2. **Network Throughput HTTPS** in kilobits/s
- * in
- * out
-3. **Connections HTTP** in connections
- * free
- * used
-4. **Connections HTTPS** in connections
- * free
- * used
-5. **Requests** in requests/s
- * requests
-6. **Requests In Processing** in requests
- * processing
-7. **Public Cache Hits** in hits/s
- * hits
-8. **Private Cache Hits** in hits/s
- * hits
-9. **Static Hits** in hits/s
- * hits
-### configuration
- path : 'PATH'
-If no configuration is given, module will use "/tmp/lshttpd/".
-# logind
-This module monitors active sessions, users, and seats tracked by systemd-logind or elogind.
-It provides the following charts:
-1. **Sessions** Tracks the total number of sessions.
- * Graphical: Local graphical sessions (running X11, or Wayland, or something else).
- * Console: Local console sessions.
- * Remote: Remote sessions.
-2. **Users** Tracks total number of unique user logins of each type.
- * Graphical
- * Console
- * Remote
-3. **Seats** Total number of seats in use.
- * Seats
-### configuration
-This module needs no configuration. Just make sure the netdata user
-can run the `loginctl` command and get a session list without having to
-specify a path.
-This will work with any command that can output data in the _exact_
-same format as `loginctl list-sessions --no-legend`. If you have some
-other command you want to use that outputs data in this format, you can
-specify it using the `command` key like so:
-command: '/path/to/other/command'
-### notes
-* This module's ability to track logins is dependent on what PAM services
-are configured to register sessions with logind. In particular, for
-most systems, it will only track TTY logins, local desktop logins,
-and logins through remote shell connections.
-* The users chart counts _usernames_ not UID's. This is potentially
-important in configurations where multiple users have the same UID.
-* The users chart counts any given user name up to once for _each_ type
-of login. So if the same user has a graphical and a console login on a
-system, they will show up once in the graphical count, and once in the
-console count.
-* Because the data collection process is rather expensive, this plugin
-is currently disabled by default, and needs to be explicitly enabled in
-`/etc/netdata/python.d.conf` before it will run.
-# mdstat
-Module monitor /proc/mdstat
-It produces:
-1. **Health** Number of failed disks in every array (aggregate chart).
-2. **Disks stats**
- * total (number of devices array ideally would have)
- * inuse (number of devices currently are in use)
-3. **Current status**
- * resync in percent
- * recovery in percent
- * reshape in percent
- * check in percent
-4. **Operation status** (if resync/recovery/reshape/check is active)
- * finish in minutes
- * speed in megabytes/s
-### configuration
-No configuration is needed.
-# megacli
-Module collects adapter, physical drives and battery stats.
- * `netdata` user needs to be able to be able to sudo the `megacli` program without password
-To grab stats it executes:
- * `sudo -n megacli -LDPDInfo -aAll`
- * `sudo -n megacli -AdpBbuCmd -a0`
-It produces:
-1. **Adapter State**
-2. **Physical Drives Media Errors**
-3. **Physical Drives Predictive Failures**
-4. **Battery Relative State of Charge**
-5. **Battery Cycle Count**
-### configuration
-Battery stats disabled by default in the module configuration file.
-# memcached
-Memcached monitoring module. Data grabbed from [stats interface](
-1. **Network** in kilobytes/s
- * read
- * written
-2. **Connections** per second
- * current
- * rejected
- * total
-3. **Items** in cluster
- * current
- * total
-4. **Evicted and Reclaimed** items