path: root/docs/generator/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'docs/generator/')
1 files changed, 200 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/docs/generator/ b/docs/generator/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..14e019fabb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/generator/
@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
+cd ${GENERATOR_DIR}/src
+# create yaml nav subtree with all the files directly under a specific directory
+# arguments:
+# tabs - how deep do we show it in the hierarchy. Level 1 is the top level, max should probably be 3
+# directory - to get mds from to add them to the yaml
+# file - can be left empty to include all files
+# name - what do we call the relevant section on the navbar. Empty if no new section is required
+# maxdepth - how many levels of subdirectories do I include in the yaml in this section. 1 means just the top level and is the default if left empty
+# excludefirstlevel - Optional param. If passed, mindepth is set to 2, to exclude the READMEs in the first directory level
+navpart() {
+ tabs=$1
+ dir=$2
+ file=$3
+ section=$4
+ maxdepth=$5
+ excludefirstlevel=$6
+ spc=""
+ i=1
+ while [ ${i} -lt ${tabs} ]; do
+ spc=" $spc"
+ i=$((i + 1))
+ done
+ if [ -z "$file" ]; then file='*'; fi
+ if [[ -n $section ]]; then echo "$spc- ${section}:"; fi
+ if [ -z "$maxdepth" ]; then maxdepth=1; fi
+ if [[ -n $excludefirstlevel ]]; then mindepth=2; else mindepth=1; fi
+ for f in $(find $dir -mindepth $mindepth -maxdepth $maxdepth -name "${file}.md" -printf '%h\0%d\0%p\n' | sort -t '\0' -n | awk -F '\0' '{print $3}'); do
+ # If I'm adding a section, I need the child links to be one level deeper than the requested level in "tabs"
+ if [ -z "$section" ]; then
+ echo "$spc- '$f'"
+ else
+ echo "$spc - '$f'"
+ fi
+ done
+echo -e 'site_name: NetData Documentation
+repo_name: GitHub
+edit_uri: blob/master
+site_description: NetData Documentation
+copyright: NetData, 2018
+docs_dir: src
+site_dir: build
+#use_directory_urls: false
+strict: true
+ name: "material"
+ custom_dir: themes/material
+ - extra
+ - abbr
+ - attr_list
+ - def_list
+ - fenced_code
+ - footnotes
+ - tables
+ - admonition
+ - codehilite
+ - meta
+ - nl2br
+ - sane_lists
+ - smarty
+ - toc:
+ permalink: True
+ separator: "-"
+ - wikilinks
+ - pymdownx.arithmatex
+ - pymdownx.betterem:
+ smart_enable: all
+ - pymdownx.caret
+ - pymdownx.critic
+ - pymdownx.details
+ - pymdownx.emoji:
+ emoji_generator: !!python/name:pymdownx.emoji.to_svg
+ - pymdownx.inlinehilite
+ - pymdownx.magiclink
+ - pymdownx.mark
+ - pymdownx.smartsymbols
+ - pymdownx.superfences
+ - pymdownx.tasklist:
+ custom_checkbox: true
+ - pymdownx.tilde
+ - pymdownx.betterem
+ - pymdownx.superfences
+ - markdown.extensions.footnotes
+ - markdown.extensions.attr_list
+ - markdown.extensions.def_list
+ - markdown.extensions.tables
+ - markdown.extensions.abbr
+ - pymdownx.extrarawhtml
+navpart 1 . README "About"
+echo -ne " - 'docs/'
+ - 'docs/'
+ - 'docs/'
+ - 'docs/'
+ - 'docs/'
+ -
+ -
+echo -ne "- Installation:
+ - 'installer/'
+ - 'docker/'
+ - 'installer/'
+ - 'installer/'
+echo -ne "- 'docs/'
+echo -ne "- Running netdata:
+navpart 2 daemon
+navpart 2 daemon/config
+navpart 2 web/server "" "Web server"
+navpart 3 web/server "" "" 2 excludefirstlevel
+echo -ne " - Running behind another web server:
+ - 'docs/'
+ - 'docs/'
+ - 'docs/'
+ - 'docs/'
+#navpart 2 system
+navpart 2 database
+navpart 2 registry
+echo -ne " - 'docs/'
+ - 'docs/'
+ - 'docs/'
+navpart 1 collectors "" "Data collection" 1
+echo -ne " - 'docs/'
+ - Internal plugins:
+navpart 3 collectors/proc.plugin
+navpart 3 collectors/statsd.plugin
+navpart 3 collectors/cgroups.plugin
+navpart 3 collectors/idlejitter.plugin
+navpart 3 collectors/tc.plugin
+navpart 3 collectors/nfacct.plugin
+navpart 3 collectors/checks.plugin
+navpart 3 collectors/diskspace.plugin
+navpart 3 collectors/freebsd.plugin
+navpart 3 collectors/macos.plugin
+navpart 2 collectors/plugins.d "" "External plugins"
+navpart 3 collectors/python.d.plugin "" "Python modules" 3
+navpart 3 collectors/node.d.plugin "" "Node.js modules" 3
+navpart 3 collectors/charts.d.plugin "" "BASH modules" 3
+navpart 3 collectors/apps.plugin
+navpart 3 collectors/fping.plugin
+navpart 3 collectors/freeipmi.plugin
+echo -ne " - 'docs/'
+navpart 1 health README "Alarms and notifications"
+navpart 2 health/notifications "" "" 1
+navpart 2 health/notifications "" "Supported notifications" 2 excludefirstlevel
+navpart 1 streaming "" "" 4
+navpart 1 backends "" "Archiving to backends" 3
+navpart 1 web "README" "Dashboards"
+navpart 2 web/gui "" "" 3
+navpart 1 web/api "" "HTTP API"
+navpart 2 web/api/exporters "" "Exporters" 2
+navpart 2 web/api/formatters "" "Formatters" 2
+navpart 2 web/api/badges "" "" 2
+navpart 2 web/api/health "" "" 2
+navpart 2 web/api/queries "" "Queries" 2
+echo -ne "- Hacking netdata:
+ -
+ -
+ - 'docs/'
+ -
+navpart 2 makeself "" "" 4
+navpart 2 packaging "" "" 4
+navpart 2 libnetdata "" "libnetdata" 4
+navpart 2 contrib
+navpart 2 tests
+navpart 2 diagrams/data_structures