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-title: "Configuration guide"
-# Configuration guide
-No configuration is required to run Netdata, but you will find plenty of options to tweak, so that you can adapt it to
-your particular needs.
-<details markdown="1"><summary>Configuration files are placed in `/etc/netdata`.</summary>
-Depending on your installation method, Netdata will have been installed either directly under `/`, or under `/opt/netdata`. The paths mentioned here and in the documentation in general assume that your installation is under `/`. If it is not, you will find the exact same paths under `/opt/netdata` as well. (i.e. `/etc/netdata` will be `/opt/netdata/etc/netdata`).</details>
-Under that directory you will see the following:
-- `netdata.conf` is [the main configuration file](/daemon/config/
-- `edit-config` is an sh script that you can use to easily and safely edit the configuration. Just run it to see its
- usage.
-- Other directories, initially empty, where your custom configurations for alarms and collector plugins/modules will
- be copied from the stock configuration, if and when you customize them using `edit-config`.
-- `orig` is a symbolic link to the directory `/usr/lib/netdata/conf.d`, which contains the stock configurations for
- everything not included in `netdata.conf`:
- - `health_alarm_notify.conf` is where you configure how and to who Netdata will send [alarm
- notifications](/health/notifications/
- - `health.d` is the directory that contains the alarm triggers for [health
- monitoring](/health/ It contains one .conf file per collector.
- - The [modular plugin orchestrators](/collectors/plugins.d/ have:
- - One config file each, mainly to turn their modules on and off: `python.d.conf` for
- [python](/collectors/python.d.plugin/, `node.d.conf` for
- [nodejs](/collectors/node.d.plugin/ and `charts.d.conf` for
- [bash](/collectors/charts.d.plugin/ modules.
- - One directory each, where the module-specific configuration files can be found.
- - `stream.conf` is where you configure [streaming and
- replication](/streaming/
- - `stats.d` is a directory under which you can add .conf files to add [synthetic
- charts](/collectors/statsd.plugin/
- - Individual collector plugin config files, such as `fping.conf` for the [fping
- plugin](/collectors/fping.plugin/) and `apps_groups.conf` for the [apps plugin](/collectors/apps.plugin/)
-So there are many configuration files to control every aspect of Netdata's behavior. It can be overwhelming at first,
-but you won't have to deal with any of them, unless you have specific things you need to change. The following HOWTO
-will guide you on how to customize your Netdata, based on what you want to do.
-## How to
-### Persist my configuration
-In `http://localhost:19999/netdata.conf`, you will see the following two parameters:
- # config directory = /etc/netdata
- # stock config directory = /usr/lib/netdata/conf.d
-To persist your configurations, don't edit the files under the `stock config directory` directly. Use the `sudo [config
-directory]/edit-config` command, or copy the stock config file to its proper place under the `config directory` and edit
-it there.
-### Change what I see
-#### Increase the long-term metrics retention period
-Increase the values for the `page cache size` and `dbengine disk space` settings in the [`[global]`
-section](/daemon/config/ of `netdata.conf`. Read our guide on [increasing
-long-term metrics storage](/docs/guides/ and the [memory requirements for the database
-#### Reduce the data collection frequency
-Increase `update every` in [netdata.conf \[global\]](/daemon/config/ This is another
-way to increase your metrics retention period, but at a lower resolution than the default 1s.
-#### Modify how a chart is displayed
-In `netdata.conf` under `# Per chart configuration` you will find several [\[CHART_NAME\]
-sections](/daemon/config/, where you can control all aspects of a specific chart.
-#### Disable a collector
-Entire plugins can be turned off from the [netdata.conf \[plugins\]](/daemon/config/
-section. To disable specific modules of a plugin orchestrator, you need to edit one of the following:
-- `python.d.conf` for [python](/collectors/python.d.plugin/
-- `node.d.conf` for [nodejs](/collectors/node.d.plugin/
-- `charts.d.conf` for [bash](/collectors/charts.d.plugin/
-#### Show charts with zero metrics
-By default, Netdata will enable monitoring metrics for disks, memory, and network only when they are not zero. If they
-are constantly zero they are ignored. Metrics that will start having values, after Netdata is started, will be detected
-and charts will be automatically added to the dashboard (a refresh of the dashboard is needed for them to appear
-though). Use `yes` instead of `auto` in plugin configuration sections to enable these charts permanently. You can also
-set the `enable zero metrics` option to `yes` in the `[global]` section which enables charts with zero metrics for all
-internal Netdata plugins.
-### Modify alarms and notifications
-#### Add a new alarm
-You can add a new alarm definition either by editing an existing stock alarm config file under `health.d` (e.g.
-`/etc/netdata/edit-config health.d/load.conf`), or by adding a new `.conf` file under `/etc/netdata/health.d`. The
-documentation on how to define an alarm is in [health monitoring](/health/ It is
-suggested to look at some of the stock alarm definitions, so you can ensure you understand how the various options work.
-#### Turn off all alarms and notifications
-Just set `enabled = no` in the [netdata.conf \[health\]](/daemon/config/ section
-#### Modify or disable a specific alarm
-The `health.d` directory that contains the alarm triggers for [health monitoring](/health/ It has
-one .conf file per collector. You can easily find the .conf file you will need to modify, by looking for the "source"
-line on the table that appears on the right side of an alarm on the Netdata gui.
-For example, if you click on Alarms and go to the tab 'All', the default Netdata installation will show you at the top
-the configured alarm for `10 min cpu usage` (it's the name of the badge). Looking at the table on the right side, you
-will see a row that says: `source 4@/usr/lib/netdata/conf.d/health.d/cpu.conf`. This way, you know that you will need
-to run `/etc/netdata/edit-config health.d/cpu.conf` and look for alarm at line 4 of the conf file.
-As stated at the top of the .conf file, **you can disable an alarm notification by setting the 'to' line to: silent**.
-To modify how the alarm gets triggered, we suggest that you go through the guide on [health
-#### Receive notifications using my preferred method
-You only need to configure `health_alarm_notify.conf`. To learn how to do it, read first [alarm
-notifications](/health/notifications/ and then open the submenu `Supported
-Notifications` under `Alarm notifications` in the documentation to find the specific page on your preferred notification
-### Make security-related customizations
-#### Change the Netdata web server access lists
-You have several options under the [netdata.conf \[web\]](/web/server/ section.
-#### Stop sending info to
-You will need to configure the `[registry]` section in `netdata.conf`. First read the [registry
-documentation](/registry/). In it, are instructions on how to [run your own
-#### Change the IP address/port Netdata listens to
-The settings are under the `[web]` section. Look at the [web server
-documentation](/web/server/ for more info.
-### System resource usage
-#### Reduce the resources Netdata uses
-The [Netdata performance guide](/docs/guides/configure/ outlines many ways to reduce the Netdata
-CPU/disk/RAM utilization to levels suitable even for the weakest [IoT devices](/docs/
-#### Change when Netdata saves metrics to disk
-[netdata.conf \[global\]](/daemon/config/ `memory mode`
-#### Prevent Netdata from getting immediately killed when my server runs out of memory
-You can change the Netdata [OOM score](/daemon/ in `[global]`.
-### Other
-#### Move Netdata directories
-The various directory paths are in [netdata.conf \[global\]](/daemon/config/
-## How Netdata configuration works
-The configuration files are `name = value` dictionaries with `[sections]`. Write whatever you like there as long as it
-follows this simple format.
-Netdata loads this dictionary and then when the code needs a value from it, it just looks up the `name` in the
-dictionary at the proper `section`. In all places, in the code, there are both the `names` and their `default values`,
-so if something is not found in the configuration file, the default is used. The lookup is made using B-Trees and hashes
-(no string comparisons), so they are super fast. Also the `names` of the settings can be `my super duper setting that
-once set to yes, will turn the world upside down = no` - so goodbye to most of the documentation involved.
-Next, Netdata can generate a valid configuration for the user to edit. No need to remember anything. Just get the
-configuration from the server (`/netdata.conf` on your Netdata server), edit it and save it.
-Last, what about options you believe you have set, but you misspelled?When you get the configuration file from the
-server, there will be a comment above all `name = value` pairs the server does not use. So you know that whatever you
-wrote there, is not used.
-## Netdata simple patterns
-Unix prefers regular expressions. But they are just too hard, too cryptic to use, write and understand.
-So, Netdata supports [simple patterns](/libnetdata/simple_pattern/
-## Netdata labels
-Beginning with 1.20, Netdata accepts user-defined **host labels**. These labels are defined in the section `[host
-Read more about how these labels work and why they're an effective way to organize complex infrasturctures in our
-guide: [Use host labels to organize systems, metrics, and alarms](/docs/guides/
-To define a label inside this section, some rules needs to be followed, or Netdata will reject the label. The following
-restrictions are applied for label names:
-- Names cannot start with `_`, but it can be present in other parts of the name.
-- Names only accept alphabet letters, numbers, dots, and dashes.
-The policy for values is more flexible, but you can not use exclamation marks (`!`), whitespaces (` `), single quotes
-(`'`), double quotes (`"`), or asterisks (`*`), because they are used to compare label values in health alarms and