diff options
-rwxr-xr-x.travis/ (renamed from .travis/
12 files changed, 609 insertions, 295 deletions
diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml
index 35e33602c5..9d15a6d85c 100644
--- a/.travis.yml
+++ b/.travis.yml
@@ -1,113 +1,275 @@
-dist: trusty
sudo: true
language: c
- docker
+# This is a hook to help us introduce "soft" errors on our process
+ allow_failures:
+# Install dependencies for all, once
+- sudo apt-get install -y libcap2-bin zlib1g-dev uuid-dev fakeroot libipmimonitoring-dev libmnl-dev libnetfilter-acct-dev gnupg python-pip
+- sudo apt install -y --only-upgrade docker-ce
+- sudo pip install git-semver
+- docker info
+- source tests/installer/
+# Setup notification system
+ webhooks:
+# Define the stage sequence and conditionals
-- test
-- build
-- name: packaging
- if: branch = master AND type != pull_request AND type != cron
-- name: nightlies
+# Mandatory runs, we always want these executed
+- name: Code quality, linting, syntax, code style
+- name: Build process
+- name: Artifacts validation
+ # Nightly operations
+- name: Nightly operations
if: branch = master AND type = cron
-- name: Integrity testing
+- name: Nightly release
if: branch = master AND type = cron
+ # Scheduled releases
+- name: Packaging for release
+ if: branch = master AND type != pull_request AND type != cron
+- name: Publish for release
+ if: branch = master AND type != pull_request AND type != cron AND commit_message =~ /(\[netdata release candidate\]|\[netdata major release\]|\[netdata minor release\]|\[netdata patch release\])/
+# Define stage implementation details
- - stage: test
- name: C
- install: sudo apt-get install -y libcap2-bin zlib1g-dev uuid-dev fakeroot libipmimonitoring-dev libmnl-dev libnetfilter-acct-dev
- script: fakeroot ./ --install $HOME --dont-wait --dont-start-it --enable-plugin-nfacct --enable-plugin-freeipmi --disable-lto && $HOME/netdata/usr/sbin/netdata -W unittest
- - name: dashboard.js
- script: cp web/gui/dashboard.js /tmp/dashboard.js && ./build/ && diff /tmp/dashboard.js web/gui/dashboard.js
- - name: lint files
+ # Do code quality, syntax checking and other pre-build activities
+ - stage: Code quality, linting, syntax, code style
+ name: Run shellchecking on BASH
script: shellcheck --format=gcc $(find . -name '*' -not -iwholename '*.git*')
- - name: check checksums for kickstart files
+ # This falls under same stage defined earlier
+ - name: Run checksum checks on kickstart files
script: ./tests/installer/
env: LOCAL_ONLY="true"
- - name: Kickstart Script execution integrity
- script: docker run -it -v "${PWD}:/code:rw" -w /code "netdata/os-test:centos7" packaging/installer/ --dont-wait --dont-start-it --install /tmp
- - name: Kickstart-static64 Script execution integrity
- before_script: rm -rf /tmp/kickstart-static64-temp && mkdir -p /tmp/kickstart-static64-temp
- script: docker run -it -v "${PWD}:/code:rw" -v "/tmp/kickstart-static64-temp:/opt" -w /code "netdata/os-test:centos7" packaging/installer/ --dont-wait --dont-start-it
- after_script: rm -rf /tmp/kickstart-static64-temp
- - name: coverity
- install: sudo apt-get install -y zlib1g-dev uuid-dev libipmimonitoring-dev libmnl-dev libnetfilter-acct-dev
- script: ./ && ./ || echo "Coverity failed :("
- if: type = cron
- - stage: build
-# TODO: enable when travis OSX become stable. Probably after 12.01.2019
-# name: OSX
-# install: brew install fakeroot ossp-uuid
-# script: fakeroot ./ --install $HOME --dont-wait --dont-start-it
-# os: osx
-# - name: ubuntu 14.04 (not containerized)
- name: ubuntu 14.04 (not containerized)
- install: sudo apt-get install -y libcap2-bin zlib1g-dev uuid-dev fakeroot
- script: fakeroot ./ --dont-wait --dont-start-it --install $HOME
- - name: build container (alpine installation)
- script: ./packaging/docker/
+ # This falls under same stage defined earlier
+ - name: Web Dashboard pre-generated file consistency checks (dashboard.js)
+ script: cp web/gui/dashboard.js /tmp/dashboard.js && ./build/ && diff /tmp/dashboard.js web/gui/dashboard.js
+ # Ensure netdata code builds successfully
+ - stage: Build process
+ name: Standard netdata build
+ script: fakeroot ./ --install $HOME --dont-wait --dont-start-it --enable-plugin-nfacct --enable-plugin-freeipmi --disable-lto
+ after_failure: post_message "TRAVIS_MESSAGE" "<!here> standard netdata build is failing (Still dont know which one, will improve soon)"
+ - name: Docker container build process (alpine installation)
+ script: packaging/docker/
env: DEVEL="true"
- - name: ubuntu 18.04 + lifecycle
+ after_failure: post_message "TRAVIS_MESSAGE" "Docker build process failed"
+ - name: Run 'make dist' validation
+ before_script: mkdir /tmp/netdata-makedist-test
+ script:
+ - echo "GIT Branch:" && git branch
+ - echo "Last commit:" && git log -1
+ - echo "GIT Describe:" && git describe
+ - echo "packaging/version:" && cat packaging/version
+ - docker run -it -v "${PWD}:/code:rw" -v "/tmp/netdata-makedist-test:/netdata_install:rw" -w /code "netdata/os-test:ubuntu1804" make clean || echo "Nothing to clean"
+ - docker run -it -v "${PWD}:/code:rw" -v "/tmp/netdata-makedist-test:/netdata_install:rw" -w /code "netdata/os-test:ubuntu1804" make distclean || echo "Nothing to distclean"
+ - docker run -it -v "${PWD}:/code:rw" -v "/tmp/netdata-makedist-test:/netdata_install:rw" -w /code "netdata/os-test:ubuntu1804" autoreconf -ivf && ./configure --prefix=/netdata_install/usr --sysconfdir=/netdata_install/etc --localstatedir=/netdata_install/var --with-zlib --with-math --with-user=netdata CFLAGS=-O2
+ - docker run -it -v "${PWD}:/code:rw" -v "/tmp/netdata-makedist-test:/netdata_install:rw" -w /code "netdata/os-test:ubuntu1804" make dist
+ - docker run -it -v "${PWD}:/code:rw" -v "/tmp/netdata-makedist-test:/netdata_install:rw" -w /code "netdata/os-test:ubuntu1804" ls -ltr ./netdata-$(git describe).tar.gz || ls -ltr ./netdata-$(cat packaging/version | tr -d '\n').tar.gz
+ - .travis/
+ - docker run -it -v "${PWD}:/code:rw" -v "/tmp/netdata-makedist-test:/netdata_install:rw" -w /code "netdata/os-test:ubuntu1804" make distclean
+ git:
+ depth: false
+ after_script: rm -rf /tmp/netdata-makedist-test
+ after_failure: post_message "TRAVIS_MESSAGE" "'make dist' failed"
+ - stage: Artifacts validation
+ name: Unit Testing
+ script:
+ - fakeroot ./ --install $HOME --dont-wait --dont-start-it --enable-plugin-nfacct --enable-plugin-freeipmi --disable-lto
+ - $HOME/netdata/usr/sbin/netdata -W unittest
+ after_failure: post_message "TRAVIS_MESSAGE" "Unit testing failed"
+ - name: Build/install on ubuntu 14.04 (not containerized)
+ script: fakeroot ./ --dont-wait --dont-start-it --install $HOME
+ after_failure: post_message "TRAVIS_MESSAGE" "Build/Install failed on ubuntu 14.04"
+ - name: Build/Install for ubuntu 18.04 (not containerized)
+ script: fakeroot ./ --dont-wait --dont-start-it --install $HOME
+ after_failure: post_message "TRAVIS_MESSAGE" "Build/Install failed on ubuntu 18.04"
+ - name: Run netdata lifecycle, on ubuntu 18.04 (Containerized)
script: docker run -it -v "${PWD}:/code:rw" -w /code "netdata/os-test:ubuntu1804" bats --tap tests/lifecycle.bats
- - name: CentOS 7
- script: docker run -it -v "${PWD}:/code:rw" -w /code "netdata/os-test:centos7" ./ --dont-wait --dont-start-it --install /tmp
- - name: CentOS 6
+ after_failure: post_message "TRAVIS_MESSAGE" "Netdata lifecycle test script failed on ubuntu 18.04"
+ - name: Build/install for CentOS 6 (Containerized)
script: docker run -it -v "${PWD}:/code:rw" -w /code "netdata/os-test:centos6" ./ --dont-wait --dont-start-it --install /tmp
+ after_failure: post_message "TRAVIS_MESSAGE" "Build/Install failed on CentOS 6"
- - stage: packaging
- name: Create release (only on special commit msg)
- install:
- - sudo apt-get install -y gnupg libcap2-bin zlib1g-dev uuid-dev fakeroot python-pip
- - sudo apt install -y --only-upgrade docker-ce
- - docker info
- before_script: sudo pip install git-semver
- script: ".travis/ && .travis/" # labeler should be replaced with GitHub Actions when they hit GA
+ - name: Build/install for CentOS 7 (Containerized)
+ script: docker run -it -v "${PWD}:/code:rw" -w /code "netdata/os-test:centos7" ./ --dont-wait --dont-start-it --install /tmp
+ after_failure: post_message "TRAVIS_MESSAGE" "Build/Install failed on CentOS 7"
+ - stage: Packaging for release
+ name: Generate changelog and TAG the release (only on special commit msg)
+ before_script: post_message "TRAVIS_MESSAGE" "Packaging step for release initiated"
+ script: .travis/
+ after_failure: post_message "TRAVIS_MESSAGE" "<!here> Packaging for release failed"
depth: false
- - stage: nightlies
- name: Nightly build
- before_install: openssl aes-256-cbc -K $encrypted_8daf19481253_key -iv $encrypted_8daf19481253_iv -in .travis/gcs-credentials.json.enc -out .travis/gcs-credentials.json -d
- install:
- - sudo apt-get install -y gnupg libcap2-bin zlib1g-dev uuid-dev fakeroot
- - sudo apt install -y --only-upgrade docker-ce
- - docker info
- script: ".travis/"
+ - name: Run labeler on github issues
+ script: .travis/ # labeler should be replaced with GitHub Actions when they hit GA
+ # We only publish if a TAG has been set during packaging
+ - stage: Publish for release
+ name: Build & Publish docker images
+ before_script: post_message "TRAVIS_MESSAGE" "Publishing docker images"
+ script:
+ - echo "GIT Branch:" && git branch
+ - echo "Last commit:" && git log -1
+ - echo "GIT Describe:" && git describe
+ - echo "packaging/version:" && cat packaging/version
+ - packaging/docker/
+ - packaging/docker/
+ after_failure: post_message "TRAVIS_MESSAGE" "<!here> Docker image publishing failed"
depth: false
- deploy:
- provider: gcs
- edge:
- branch: gcs-ng
- project_id: netdata-storage
- credentials: .travis/gcs-credentials.json
- bucket: "netdata-nightlies"
- skip_cleanup: true
- local_dir: "artifacts"
- on:
- # Only deploy on netdata/netdata, master branch, when artifacts directory is created
- repo: netdata/netdata
- branch: master
- condition: -d "artifacts"
- after_deploy: rm -f .travis/gcs-credentials.json
+ # We don't run on release candidates
+ if: tag !~ /(-rc)/
+ - name: Generate release artifacts
+ before_script: post_message "TRAVIS_MESSAGE" "Starting artifacts generation for release"
+ script: .travis/
+ after_failure: post_message "TRAVIS_MESSAGE" "<!here> Release artifacts generation failed"
+ git:
+ depth: false
+ # We don't run on release candidates
+ if: tag !~ /(-rc)/
+ - name: Create release draft
+ before_script: post_message "TRAVIS_MESSAGE" "Drafting release on github"
+ script:
+ - echo "GIT Branch:" && git branch
+ - echo "Last commit:" && git log -1
+ - echo "GIT Describe:" && git describe
+ - echo "packaging/version:" && cat packaging/version
+ - .travis/
+ git:
+ depth: false
+ after_failure: post_message "TRAVIS_MESSAGE" "<!here> Draft release submission failed"
+ # We don't run on release candidates
+ if: tag !~ /(-rc)/
+ # This is the nightly pre-execution step (Jobs, preparatory steps for nightly, etc)
+ - stage: Nightly operations
+ name: Run coverity scan
+ # Just notify people that Nightly ops triggered, use the first step as a hook to do that
+ before_script: post_message "TRAVIS_MESSAGE" "Starting nightly operations"
+ script: ./ && ./ || echo "Coverity failed :("
- - stage: Integrity testing
- name: Kickstart Files integrity testing
+ - name: Kickstart files integrity testing (extended)
script: ./tests/installer/
- - name: Kickstart Execution integrity
- before_script: rm -rf /tmp/kickstart-static64-temp && mkdir -p /tmp/kickstart-static64-temp
+ - name: Run labeler on github issues
+ script: .travis/ # labeler should be replaced with GitHub Actions when they hit GA
+ # This is generating the changelog for nightly release and publish it
+ - name: Generate nightly changelog
+ before_script: post_message "TRAVIS_MESSAGE" "Starting changelog generation for nightlies"
+ script: ".travis/"
+ after_failure: post_message "TRAVIS_MESSAGE" "<!here> Nightly changelog generation failed"
+ git:
+ depth: false
+ # This is the nightly execution step
+ #
+ - stage: Nightly release
+ name: Build & Publish docker images
+ before_script: post_message "TRAVIS_MESSAGE" "Publishing docker images for nightlies"
- - docker run -it -v "${PWD}:/code:rw" -w /code "netdata/os-test:centos7" packaging/installer/ --dont-wait --dont-start-it --install /tmp
- - docker run -it -v "${PWD}:/code:rw" -v "/tmp/kickstart-static64-temp:/opt" -w /code "netdata/os-test:centos7" packaging/installer/ --dont-wait --dont-start-it
- after_script: rm -rf /tmp/kickstart-static64-temp
+ - docker info
+ - packaging/docker/
+ - packaging/docker/
+ after_failure: post_message "TRAVIS_MESSAGE" "<!here> Nightly docker image publish failed"
- webhooks:
- slack:
- rooms:
- - secure: "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"
+ - name: Create nightly release artifacts, publish to GCS
+ before_script: post_message "TRAVIS_MESSAGE" "Starting artifacts generation for nightlies"
+ script:
+ - echo "GIT Branch:" && git branch
+ - echo "Last commit:" && git log -1
+ - echo "GIT Describe:" && git describe
+ - echo "packaging/version:" && cat packaging/version
+ - .travis/
+ after_failure: post_message "TRAVIS_MESSAGE" "<!here> Nightly artifacts generation failed"
+ before_deploy:
+ echo "Preparing creds under ${TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG}";
+ if [ "${TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG}" == "netdata/netdata" ]; then
+ openssl aes-256-cbc -K $encrypted_8daf19481253_key -iv $encrypted_8daf19481253_iv -in .travis/gcs-credentials.json.enc -out .travis/gcs-credentials.json -d;
+ else
+ echo "Beta deployment stage in progress";
+ openssl aes-256-cbc -K $encrypted_8daf19481253_key -iv $encrypted_8daf19481253_iv -in .travis/gcs-credentials.json.enc -out .travis/gcs-credentials.json -d;
+ fi;
+ deploy:
+ # Beta storage, used for testing purposes
+ - provider: gcs
+ edge:
+ branch: gcs-ng
+ project_id: netdata-storage
+ credentials: .travis/gcs-credentials.json
+ bucket: "netdata-dev-nightlies"
+ skip_cleanup: true
+ local_dir: "artifacts"
+ on:
+ # Only deploy on netdata/netdata, master branch, when artifacts directory is created
+ branch: master
+ condition: -d "artifacts"
+ # Production storage
+ - provider: gcs
+ edge:
+ branch: gcs-ng
+ project_id: netdata-storage
+ credentials: .travis/gcs-credentials.json
+ bucket: "netdata-nightlies"
+ skip_cleanup: true
+ local_dir: "artifacts"
+ on:
+ # Only deploy on netdata/netdata, master branch, when artifacts directory is created
+ repo: netdata/netdata
+ branch: master
+ condition: -d "artifacts"
+ after_deploy: rm -f .travis/gcs-credentials.json
diff --git a/.travis/ b/.travis/
index 3c1a99527b..5f3d651053 100644
--- a/.travis/
+++ b/.travis/
@@ -8,84 +8,90 @@
- encrypted_8daf19481253_key - key needed by openssl to decrypt GCS credentials file
- encrypted_8daf19481253_iv - IV needed by openssl to decrypt GCS credentials file
- COVERITY_SCAN_TOKEN - Token to allow coverity test analysis uploads
-## Stages
-### Test
-Unit tests and coverage tests are executed here. Stage consists of 2 parallel jobs:
- - C tests - executed every time
- - dashboard.js - test if source files create the same file as it is in current repo
- - coverity test - executed only when pipeline was triggered from cron
-### Build
-Stage is executed every time and consists of 5 parallel jobs which execute containerized and non-containerized
-installations of netdata. Jobs are run on following operating systems:
- - OSX
- - ubuntu 14.04
- - ubuntu 16.04 (containerized)
- - CentOS 6 (containerized)
- - CentOS 7 (containerized)
- - alpine (containerized)
-Images for system containers are stored on dockerhub and are created from Dockerfiles located in
-[netdata/helper-images]( repository.
-### Packaging
-This stage is executed only on "master" brach and allows us to create a new tag just looking at git commit message.
-It executes one script called `` which is responsible for creating a release on GitHub by using
-[hub]( This script is also executing other scripts which can also be used in other
-CI jobs:
- - `.travis/`
- - `.travis/`
- - `packaging/docker/`
- - `.travis/`
-Alternatively new release can be also created by pushing new tag to master branch.
-Additionally this step is also executing `.travis/` which is a temporary workaround to automatically label
-issues and PR. This script should be replaced with GitHub Actions when they are available to public.
-Script responsible to find out what will be the next tag based on a keyword in last commit message. Keywords are:
- - `[netdata patch release]` to bump patch number
- - `[netdata minor release]` to bump minor number
- - `[netdata major release]` to bump major number
- - `[netdata release candidate]` to create a new release candidate (appends or modifies suffix `-rcX` of previous tag)
-All keywords MUST be surrounded with square brackets.
-Tag is then stored in `GIT_TAG` variable.
-Automatic changelog generator which updates our file based on GitHub features (mostly labels and pull
-requests). Internally it uses
-[github-changelog-generator]( and more
-information can be found on that project site.
-##### and
-Scripts used to build new container images and provide release artifacts (tar.gz and makeself archives)
-### Nightlies
-##### Tarball and self-extractor build AND Nightly docker images
-As names might suggest those two jobs are responsible for nightly netdata package creation and are run every day (in
-cron). Combined they produce:
- - docker images
- - tar.gz archive (soon to be removed)
- - self-extracting package
-This is achieved by running 2 scripts described earlier:
- - ``
- - ``
-Artifacts are pushed to GCS and container images are stored in docker hub.
-##### Changelog generation
-This job is responsible for regenerating changelog every day by executing `` script. This is done
-only once a day due to github rate limiter.
+- SLACK_USERNAME - This is required for the slack notifications triggered by travis pipeline
+- SLACK_CHANNEL - This is the channel that Travis will be posting messages
+- SLACK_NOTIFY_WEBHOOK_URL - This is the incoming URL webhook as provided by slack integration. Visit Apps integration in slack to generate the required hook
+- SLACK_BOT_NAME - This is the name your bot will appear with on slack
+## CI workflow details
+Our CI pipeline is designed to help us identify and mitigate risks at all stages of implementation.
+To accommodate this need, we used [Travis CI]( as our CI/CD tool.
+Our main areas of concern are:
+1) Only push code that is working. That means fail fast so that we can improve before we reach the public
+2) Reduce the time to market to minimum, by streamlining the release process.
+ That means a lot of testing, a lot of consistency checks, a lot of validations
+3) Generated artifacts consistency. We should not allow broken software to reach the public.
+ When this happens, it's embarassing and we struggle to eliminate it.
+4) We are an innovative company, so we love to automate :)
+Having said that, here's a brief introduction to Netdata's improved CI/CD pipeline with Travis.
+Our CI/CD lifecycle contains three different execution entry points:
+1) A user opens a pull request to netdata/master: Travis will run a pipeline on the branch under that PR
+2) A merge or commit happens on netdata/master. This will trigger travis to run, but we have two distinct cases in this scenario:
+ a) A user merges a pull request to netdata/master: Travis will run on master, after the merge.
+ b) A user runs a commit/merge with a special keyword (mentioned later).
+ This triggers a release for either minor, major or release candidate versions, depending the keyword
+3) A scheduled job runs on master once per day: Travis will run on master at the scheduled interval
+To accommodate all three entry points our CI/CD workflow has a set of steps that run on all three entry points.
+Once all these steps are successfull, then our pipeline executes another subset of steps for entry points 2 and 3.
+In travis terms the "steps" are "Stages" and within each stage we execute a set of activities called "jobs" in travis.
+### Always run: Stages that running on all three execution entry points
+## Code quality, linting, syntax, code style
+At this early stage we iterate through a set of basic quality control checks:
+- Shell checking: Run linters for our various BASH scripts
+- Checksum validators: Run validators to ensure our installers and documentation are in sync
+- Dashboard validator: We provide a pre-generated dashboard.js script file that we need to make sure its up to date. We validate that.
+## Build process
+At this stage, basically, we build :-)
+We do a baseline check of our build artifacts to guarantee they are not broken
+Briefly our activities include:
+- Verify docker builds successfully
+- Run the standard netdata installer, to make sure we build & run properly
+- Do the same through 'make dist', as this is our stable channel for our kickstart files
+## Artifacts validation
+At this point we know our software is building, we need to go through the a set of checks, to guarantee
+that our product meets certain epxectations. At the current stage, we are focusing on basic capabilities
+like installing in different distributions, running the full lifecycle of install-run-update-install and so on.
+We are still working on enriching this with more and more use cases, to get us closer to achieving full stability of our software.
+Briefly we currently evaluate the following activities:
+- Basic software unit testing
+- Non containerized build and install on ubuntu 14.04
+- Non containerized build and install on ubuntu 18.04
+- Running the full netdata lifecycle (install, update, uninstall) on ubuntu 18.04
+- Build and install on CentOS 6
+- Build and install on CentOS 7
+(More to come)
+### Nightly operations: Stages that run daily under cronjob
+The nightly stages are related to the daily nightly activities, that produce our daily latest releases.
+We also maintain a couple of cronjobs that run during the night to provide us with deeper insights,
+like for example coverity scanning or extended kickstart checksum checks
+## Nightly operations
+At this stage we run scheduled jobs and execute the nightly changelog generator, coverity scans,
+labeler for our issues and extended kickstart files checksum validations.
+## Nightly release
+During this stage we are building and publishing latest docker images, prepare the nightly artifacts
+and deploy them (the artifacts) to our google cloud service provider.
+### Publishing
+Publishing is responsible for executing the major/minor/patch releases and is separated
+in two stages: packaging preparation process and publishing.
+## Packaging for release
+During packaging we are preparing the release changelog information and run the labeler.
+## Publish for release
+The publishing stage is the most complex part in publishing. This is the stage were we generate and publish docker images,
+prepare the release artifacts and get ready with the release draft.
diff --git a/.travis/ b/.travis/
index 18c85287c0..d851390285 100755
--- a/.travis/
+++ b/.travis/
@@ -8,6 +8,11 @@ if [ ! -f .gitignore ]; then
exit 1
+if [ ! "${TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG}" == "netdata/netdata" ]; then
+ echo "Beta mode on ${TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG}, not running anything here"
+ exit 0
# Everything from this directory will be uploaded to GCS
mkdir -p artifacts
BASENAME="netdata-$(git describe)"
diff --git a/.travis/ b/.travis/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..5631997128
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.travis/
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+# Draft release generator.
+# This utility is responsible for submitting a draft release to github repo
+# It is agnostic of other processes, when executed it will draft a release,
+# based on the most recent reachable tag.
+# Requirements:
+# - GITHUB_TOKEN variable set with GitHub token. Access level: repo.public_repo
+# - artifacts directory in place
+# - The directory is created by mechanism
+# - The artifacts need to be created with the same tag, obviously
+# Copyright: SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
+# Author: Pavlos Emm. Katsoulakis <>
+set -e
+if [ ! -f .gitignore ]; then
+ echo "Run as ./travis/$(basename "$0") from top level directory of git repository"
+ exit 1
+if [[ $(git describe) =~ -rc* ]]; then
+ echo "This is a release candidate tag, we do not generate a release draft"
+ exit 0
+# Load the tag, if any
+GIT_TAG=$(git describe)
+if [ ! "${TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG}" == "netdata/netdata" ]; then
+ echo "Beta mode on ${TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG}, i was about to run for release (${GIT_TAG}), but i am emulating, so bye"
+ exit 0
+# Download hub
+wget "${HUB_VERSION}/hub-linux-amd64-${HUB_VERSION}.tgz" -O "/tmp/hub-linux-amd64-${HUB_VERSION}.tgz"
+tar -C /tmp -xvf "/tmp/hub-linux-amd64-${HUB_VERSION}.tgz"
+export PATH=$PATH:"/tmp/hub-linux-amd64-${HUB_VERSION}/bin"
+# Create a release draft
+if [ -z ${GIT_TAG+x} ]; then
+ echo "Variable GIT_TAG is not set. Something went terribly wrong! Exiting."
+ exit 1
+if [ "${GIT_TAG}" != "$(git tag --points-at)" ]; then
+ echo "ERROR! Current commit is not tagged. Stopping release creation."
+ exit 1
+until hub release create --draft \
+ -a "artifacts/netdata-${GIT_TAG}.tar.gz" \
+ -a "artifacts/netdata-${GIT_TAG}" \
+ -a "artifacts/sha256sums.txt" \
+ -m "${GIT_TAG}" "${GIT_TAG}"; do
+ sleep 5
diff --git a/.travis/ b/.travis/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..6280a68172
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.travis/
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+# Script to automatically do a couple of things:
+# - generate a new tag according to semver (
+# - generate by using
+# Tags are generated by searching for a keyword in last commit message. Keywords are:
+# - [patch] or [fix] to bump patch number
+# - [minor], [feature] or [feat] to bump minor number
+# - [major] or [breaking change] to bump major number
+# All keywords MUST be surrounded with square braces.
+# Script uses git mechanisms for locking, so it can be used in parallel builds
+# Requirements:
+# - GITHUB_TOKEN variable set with GitHub token. Access level: repo.public_repo
+# - docker
+# This is a modified version of:
+# Copyright: SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
+# Author: Pavlos Emm. Katsoulakis <>
+# Author: Pawel Krupa (@paulfantom)
+set -e
+if [ ! -f .gitignore ]; then
+ echo "Run as ./travis/$(basename "$0") from top level directory of git repository"
+ exit 1
+echo "--- Executing Tagging facility to determine TAG ---"
+echo "--- Changelog generator and tagger script starting ---"
+# If tagger script hasn't produced a TAG, there is nothing to do so bail out happy
+if [ -z "${GIT_TAG}" ]; then
+ echo "GIT_TAG is empty, nothing to do for now (Value: $GIT_TAG)"
+ exit 0
+if [ ! "${TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG}" == "netdata/netdata" ]; then
+ echo "Beta mode on ${TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG}, nothing to do on the changelog generator and tagging script for (${GIT_TAG}), bye"
+ exit 0
+echo "--- Initialize git configuration ---"
+export GIT_MAIL=""
+export GIT_USER="netdatabot"
+git config "${GIT_MAIL}"
+git config "${GIT_USER}"
+git checkout master
+git pull
+echo "---- UPDATE VERSION FILE ----"
+echo "$GIT_TAG" >packaging/version
+git add packaging/version
+echo "---- GENERATE CHANGELOG -----"
+git add
+echo "---- COMMIT AND PUSH CHANGES ----"
+git commit -m "[ci skip] release $GIT_TAG"
+git tag "$GIT_TAG" -a -m "Automatic tag generation for travis build no. $TRAVIS_BUILD_NUMBER"
+git push "https://${GITHUB_TOKEN}:@$(git config --get remote.origin.url | sed -e 's/^https:\/\///')"
+git push "https://${GITHUB_TOKEN}:@$(git config --get remote.origin.url | sed -e 's/^https:\/\///')" --tags
+# After those operations output of command `git describe` should be identical with a value of GIT_TAG
diff --git a/.travis/ b/.travis/
index e48b42a666..763acc16bb 100755
--- a/.travis/
+++ b/.travis/
@@ -31,8 +31,13 @@ if [ -z ${GIT_TAG+x} ]; then
OPTS="--future-release ${GIT_TAG}"
echo "We got $COMMITS_SINCE_RELEASE changes since $LAST_TAG, re-generating changelog"
+if [ ! "${TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG}" == "netdata/netdata" ]; then
+ echo "Beta mode on ${TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG}, nothing else to do here"
+ exit 0
git config "${GIT_MAIL}"
git config "${GIT_USER}"
git checkout master
diff --git a/.travis/ b/.travis/
index 4ae69f1c78..de5d3e7022 100755
--- a/.travis/
+++ b/.travis/
@@ -11,13 +11,17 @@ ORGANIZATION=$(echo "$TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG" | awk -F '/' '{print $1}')
PROJECT=$(echo "$TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG" | awk -F '/' '{print $2}')
if [ -z ${GIT_TAG+x} ]; then
OPTS="--future-release ${GIT_TAG}"
+if [ ! "${TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG}" == "netdata/netdata" ]; then
+ echo "Beta mode on ${TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG}, nothing else to do"
+ exit 0
echo "--- Creating changelog ---"
git checkout master
git pull
@@ -30,4 +34,3 @@ docker run -it -v "$(pwd)":/project markmandel/github-changelog-generator:latest
--unreleased-label "**Next release**" \
--exclude-labels "stale,duplicate,question,invalid,wontfix,discussion,no changelog" \
--no-compare-link ${OPTS}
diff --git a/.travis/ b/.travis/
index 0d9fe036a9..188b37da02 100755
--- a/.travis/
+++ b/.travis/
@@ -1,11 +1,9 @@
-# This is the nightlies orchastration script
-# It runs the following activities in order:
-# 1) Generate changelog
-# 2) Build docker images
-# 3) Publish docker images
-# 4) Generate the rest of the artifacts (Source code .tar.gz file and makeself binary generation)
+# This is the nightly changelog generation script
+# It is responsible for two major activities:
+# 1) Update packaging/version with the current nightly version
+# 2) Generate the changelog for the mentioned version
# Copyright: SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
@@ -34,14 +32,12 @@ if [ "${COMMITS_SINCE_RELEASE}" == "${PREVIOUS_NIGHTLY_COUNT}" ]; then
exit 0
-echo "--- Running Changelog generation ---"
-.travis/ "${LAST_TAG}" "${COMMITS_SINCE_RELEASE}" || echo "Changelog generation has failed,