path: root/python.d
diff options
authorPaweł Krupa <>2016-10-26 19:22:59 +0200
committerGitHub <>2016-10-26 19:22:59 +0200
commit7e5402d248b63c9ab62996d80184f0e5bd776b70 (patch)
tree87c6cca8c774390632e54dbbe28baccb68591d31 /python.d
parent0dae32b368cccedba89a3ce081f7b0b7e5ad5269 (diff)
parent1d215289bb1f0f36d67df4d8f6c13b301a7e6052 (diff)
Merge pull request #1065 from facetoe/postgres_plugin
Postgres plugin
Diffstat (limited to 'python.d')
1 files changed, 401 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/python.d/ b/python.d/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bb1e268cad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python.d/
@@ -0,0 +1,401 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Description: example netdata python.d module
+# Authors: facetoe, dangtranhoang
+import re
+from copy import deepcopy
+import psycopg2
+from psycopg2 import extensions
+from psycopg2.extras import DictCursor
+from base import SimpleService
+# default module values
+update_every = 1
+priority = 90000
+retries = 60
+ARCHIVE = """
+ CAST(COUNT(*) AS INT) AS file_count,
+ CAST(COALESCE(SUM(CAST(archive_file ~ $r$\.ready$$r$ as INT)), 0) AS INT) AS ready_count,
+ CAST(COALESCE(SUM(CAST(archive_file ~ $r$\.done$$r$ AS INT)), 0) AS INT) AS done_count
+ pg_catalog.pg_ls_dir('pg_xlog/archive_status') AS archive_files (archive_file);
+ count(*) - (SELECT count(*) FROM pg_stat_activity WHERE state = 'idle') AS backends_active,
+ (SELECT count(*) FROM pg_stat_activity WHERE state = 'idle' ) AS backends_idle
+ pg_stat_activity;
+ ((sum(relpages) * 8) * 1024) AS size_relations,
+ count(1) AS relations
+FROM pg_class
+WHERE relkind IN ('r', 't');
+ ((sum(relpages) * 8) * 1024) AS size_indexes,
+ count(1) AS indexes
+FROM pg_class
+WHERE relkind = 'i';"""
+ datname AS database_name,
+ sum(numbackends) AS connections,
+ sum(xact_commit) AS xact_commit,
+ sum(xact_rollback) AS xact_rollback,
+ sum(blks_read) AS blks_read,
+ sum(blks_hit) AS blks_hit,
+ sum(tup_returned) AS tup_returned,
+ sum(tup_fetched) AS tup_fetched,
+ sum(tup_inserted) AS tup_inserted,
+ sum(tup_updated) AS tup_updated,
+ sum(tup_deleted) AS tup_deleted,
+ sum(conflicts) AS conflicts
+FROM pg_stat_database
+WHERE NOT datname ~* '^template\d+'
+GROUP BY database_name;
+BGWRITER = 'SELECT * FROM pg_stat_bgwriter;'
+ pg_database.datname as database_name,
+ mode,
+ count(mode) AS count
+FROM pg_locks
+ INNER JOIN pg_database ON pg_database.oid = pg_locks.database
+GROUP BY datname, mode
+ORDER BY datname, mode;
+ client_hostname,
+ client_addr,
+ state,
+ sent_offset - (
+ replay_offset - (sent_xlog - replay_xlog) * 255 * 16 ^ 6 ) AS byte_lag
+ client_addr, client_hostname, state,
+ ('x' || lpad(split_part(sent_location, '/', 1), 8, '0'))::bit(32)::bigint AS sent_xlog,
+ ('x' || lpad(split_part(replay_location, '/', 1), 8, '0'))::bit(32)::bigint AS replay_xlog,
+ ('x' || lpad(split_part(sent_location, '/', 2), 8, '0'))::bit(32)::bigint AS sent_offset,
+ ('x' || lpad(split_part(replay_location, '/', 2), 8, '0'))::bit(32)::bigint AS replay_offset
+ FROM pg_stat_replication
+) AS s;
+ 'ExclusiveLock',
+ 'RowShareLock',
+ 'SIReadLock',
+ 'ShareUpdateExclusiveLock',
+ 'AccessExclusiveLock',
+ 'AccessShareLock',
+ 'ShareRowExclusiveLock',
+ 'ShareLock',
+ 'RowExclusiveLock'
+ORDER = ['db_stat_transactions', 'db_stat_tuple_read', 'db_stat_tuple_returned', 'db_stat_tuple_write',
+ 'backend_process', 'index_count', 'index_size', 'table_count', 'table_size', 'wal', 'background_writer']
+ 'db_stat_transactions': {
+ 'options': [None, ' Transactions', 'Count', ' database statistics', '.db_stat_transactions', 'line'],
+ 'lines': [
+ ['db_stat_xact_commit', 'Committed', 'absolute'],
+ ['db_stat_xact_rollback', 'Rolled Back', 'absolute']
+ ]},
+ 'db_stat_connections': {
+ 'options': [None, ' Connections', 'Count', ' database statistics', '.db_stat_connections', 'line'],
+ 'lines': [
+ ['db_stat_connections', 'Connections', 'absolute']
+ ]},
+ 'db_stat_tuple_read': {
+ 'options': [None, ' Tuple read', 'Count', ' database statistics', '.db_stat_tuple_read', 'line'],
+ 'lines': [
+ ['db_stat_blks_read', 'Disk', 'absolute'],
+ ['db_stat_blks_hit', 'Cache', 'absolute']
+ ]},
+ 'db_stat_tuple_returned': {
+ 'options': [None, ' Tuple returned', 'Count', ' database statistics', '.db_stat_tuple_returned', 'line'],
+ 'lines': [
+ ['db_stat_tup_returned', 'Sequential', 'absolute'],
+ ['db_stat_tup_fetched', 'Bitmap', 'absolute']
+ ]},
+ 'db_stat_tuple_write': {
+ 'options': [None, ' Tuple write', 'Count', ' database statistics', '.db_stat_tuple_write', 'line'],
+ 'lines': [
+ ['db_stat_tup_inserted', 'Inserted', 'absolute'],
+ ['db_stat_tup_updated', 'Updated', 'absolute'],
+ ['db_stat_tup_deleted', 'Deleted', 'absolute'],
+ ['db_stat_conflicts', 'Conflicts', 'absolute']
+ ]},
+ 'backend_process': {
+ 'options': [None, 'Backend processes', 'Count', 'Backend processes', 'postgres.backend_process', 'line'],
+ 'lines': [
+ ['backend_process_active', 'Active', 'absolute'],
+ ['backend_process_idle', 'Idle', 'absolute']
+ ]},
+ 'index_count': {
+ 'options': [None, 'Total index', 'Count', 'Index', 'postgres.index_count', 'line'],
+ 'lines': [
+ ['index_count', 'Total index', 'absolute']
+ ]},
+ 'index_size': {
+ 'options': [None, 'Index size', 'MB', 'Index', 'postgres.index_size', 'line'],
+ 'lines': [
+ ['index_size', 'Size', 'absolute', 1, 1024 * 1024]
+ ]},
+ 'table_count': {
+ 'options': [None, 'Total table', 'Count', 'Table', 'postgres.table_count', 'line'],
+ 'lines': [
+ ['table_count', 'Total table', 'absolute']
+ ]},
+ 'table_size': {
+ 'options': [None, 'Table size', 'MB', 'Table', 'postgres.table_size', 'line'],
+ 'lines': [
+ ['table_size', 'Size', 'absolute', 1, 1024 * 1024]
+ ]},
+ 'wal': {
+ 'options': [None, 'WAL stats', 'Files', 'WAL', 'postgres.wal', 'line'],
+ 'lines': [
+ ['wal_total', 'Total', 'absolute'],
+ ['wal_ready', 'Ready', 'absolute'],
+ ['wal_done', 'Done', 'absolute']
+ ]},
+ 'background_writer': {
+ 'options': [None, 'Checkpoints', 'Count', 'Background Writer', 'postgres.background_writer', 'line'],
+ 'lines': [
+ ['background_writer_scheduled', 'Scheduled', 'absolute'],
+ ['background_writer_requested', 'Requested', 'absolute']
+ ]}
+class Service(SimpleService):
+ def __init__(self, configuration=None, name=None):
+ super(self.__class__, self).__init__(configuration=configuration, name=name)
+ self.order = ORDER
+ self.definitions = CHARTS
+ self.table_stats = configuration.pop('table_stats', True)
+ self.index_stats = configuration.pop('index_stats', True)
+ self.configuration = configuration
+ self.connection = None
+ self.is_superuser = False
+ = {}
+ self.old_data = {}
+ self.databases = set()
+ def _connect(self):
+ params = dict(user='postgres',
+ database=None,
+ password=None,
+ host='localhost',
+ port=5432)
+ params.update(self.configuration)
+ if not self.connection:
+ self.connection = psycopg2.connect(**params)
+ self.connection.set_isolation_level(extensions.ISOLATION_LEVEL_AUTOCOMMIT)
+ self.connection.set_session(readonly=True)
+ def check(self):
+ try:
+ self._connect()
+ cursor = self.connection.cursor()
+ self._discover_databases(cursor)
+ self._check_if_superuser(cursor)
+ cursor.close()
+ self._create_definitions()
+ return True
+ except Exception as e:
+ self.error(e)
+ return False
+ def _discover_databases(self, cursor):
+ cursor.execute("""
+ SELECT datname
+ FROM pg_stat_database
+ WHERE NOT datname ~* '^template\d+'
+ """)
+ self.databases = set(r[0] for r in cursor)
+ def _check_if_superuser(self, cursor):
+ cursor.execute("""
+ SELECT current_setting('is_superuser') = 'on' AS is_superuser;
+ """)
+ self.is_superuser = cursor.fetchone()[0]
+ def _create_definitions(self):
+ for database_name in self.databases:
+ for chart_template_name in list(CHARTS):
+ if chart_template_name.startswith('db_stat'):
+ self._add_database_stat_chart(chart_template_name, database_name)
+ self._add_database_lock_chart(database_name)
+ def _add_database_stat_chart(self, chart_template_name, database_name):
+ chart_template = CHARTS[chart_template_name]
+ chart_name = "{}_{}".format(database_name, chart_template_name)
+ if chart_name not in self.order:
+ self.order.insert(0, chart_name)
+ name, title, units, family, context, chart_type = chart_template['options']
+ self.definitions[chart_name] = {
+ 'options': [
+ name,
+ database_name + title,
+ units,
+ database_name + family,
+ database_name + context,
+ chart_type
+ ]
+ }
+ self.definitions[chart_name]['lines'] = []
+ for line in deepcopy(chart_template['lines']):
+ line[0] = "{}_{}".format(database_name, line[0])
+ self.definitions[chart_name]['lines'].append(line)
+ def _add_database_lock_chart(self, database_name):
+ chart_name = "{}_locks".format(database_name)
+ if chart_name not in self.order:
+ self.order.insert(0, chart_name)
+ self.definitions[chart_name] = dict(
+ options=
+ [
+ None,
+ database_name + ' locks',
+ 'Count',
+ database_name + ' database statistics',
+ database_name + '.locks',
+ 'line'
+ ],
+ lines=[]
+ )
+ for lock_type in LOCK_TYPES:
+ lock_id = "{}_{}".format(database_name, lock_type.lower())
+ label = re.sub("([a-z])([A-Z])", "\g<1> \g<2>", lock_type)
+ self.definitions[chart_name]['lines'].append([lock_id, label, 'absolute'])
+ def _get_data(self):
+ self._connect()
+ cursor = self.connection.cursor(cursor_factory=DictCursor)
+ self.add_stats(cursor)
+ cursor.close()
+ return
+ def add_stats(self, cursor):
+ self.add_database_stats(cursor)
+ self.add_backend_stats(cursor)
+ if self.index_stats:
+ self.add_index_stats(cursor)
+ if self.table_stats:
+ self.add_table_stats(cursor)
+ self.add_lock_stats(cursor)
+ self.add_bgwriter_stats(cursor)
+ # self.add_replication_stats(cursor)
+ if self.is_superuser:
+ self.add_wal_stats(cursor)
+ def add_database_stats(self, cursor):
+ cursor.execute(DATABASE)
+ for row in cursor:
+ database_name = row.get('database_name')
+ self.add_derive_value('db_stat_xact_commit', prefix=database_name, value=int(row.get('xact_commit', 0)))
+ self.add_derive_value('db_stat_xact_rollback', prefix=database_name, value=int(row.get('xact_rollback', 0)))
+ self.add_derive_value('db_stat_blks_read', prefix=database_name, value=int(row.get('blks_read', 0)))
+ self.add_derive_value('db_stat_blks_hit', prefix=database_name, value=int(row.get('blks_hit', 0)))
+ self.add_derive_value('db_stat_tup_returned', prefix=database_name, value=int(row.get('tup_returned', 0)))
+ self.add_derive_value('db_stat_tup_fetched', prefix=database_name, value=int(row.get('tup_fetched', 0)))
+ self.add_derive_value('db_stat_tup_inserted', prefix=database_name, value=int(row.get('tup_inserted', 0)))
+ self.add_derive_value('db_stat_tup_updated', prefix=database_name, value=int(row.get('tup_updated', 0)))
+ self.add_derive_value('db_stat_tup_deleted', prefix=database_name, value=int(row.get('tup_deleted', 0)))
+ self.add_derive_value('db_stat_conflicts', prefix=database_name, value=int(row.get('conflicts', 0)))
+ conn_key = "{}_{}".format(database_name, 'db_stat_connections')
+[conn_key] = int(row.get('connections', 0))
+ def add_backend_stats(self, cursor):
+ cursor.execute(BACKENDS)
+ temp = cursor.fetchone()
+['backend_process_active'] = int(temp.get('backends_active', 0))
+['backend_process_idle'] = int(temp.get('backends_idle', 0))
+ def add_index_stats(self, cursor):
+ cursor.execute(INDEX_STATS)
+ temp = cursor.fetchone()
+['index_count'] = int(temp.get('indexes', 0))
+['index_size'] = int(temp.get('size_indexes', 0))
+ def add_table_stats(self, cursor):
+ cursor.execute(TABLE_STATS)
+ temp = cursor.fetchone()
+['table_count'] = int(temp.get('relations', 0))
+['table_size'] = int(temp.get('size_relations', 0))
+ def add_lock_stats(self, cursor):
+ cursor.execute(DATABASE_LOCKS)
+ # First zero out all current lock values.
+ for database_name in self.databases:
+ for lock_type in LOCK_TYPES:
+ lock_id = "{}_{}".format(database_name, lock_type.lower())
+[lock_id] = 0
+ # Now populate those that have current locks
+ for row in cursor:
+ database_name, lock_type, lock_count = row
+ lock_id = "{}_{}".format(database_name, lock_type.lower())
+[lock_id] = lock_count
+ def add_wal_stats(self, cursor):
+ cursor.execute(ARCHIVE)
+ temp = cursor.fetchone()
+ self.add_derive_value('wal_total', int(temp.get('file_count', 0)))
+ self.add_derive_value('wal_ready', int(temp.get('ready_count', 0)))
+ self.add_derive_value('wal_done', int(temp.get('done_count', 0)))
+ def add_bgwriter_stats(self, cursor):
+ cursor.execute(BGWRITER)
+ temp = cursor.fetchone()
+ self.add_derive_value('background_writer_scheduled', temp.get('checkpoints_timed', 0))
+ self.add_derive_value('background_writer_requested', temp.get('checkpoints_requests', 0))
+ def add_derive_value(self, key, value, prefix=None):
+ if prefix:
+ key = "{}_{}".format(prefix, key)
+ if key not in self.old_data.keys():
+[key] = 0
+ else:
+[key] = value - self.old_data[key]
+ self.old_data[key] = value
+ def add_replication_stats(self, cursor):
+ cursor.execute(REPLICATION)
+ temp = cursor.fetchall()
+ for row in temp:
+ self.add_gauge_value('Replication/%s' % row.get('client_addr', 'Unknown'),
+ 'byte_lag',
+ int(row.get('byte_lag', 0)))