path: root/docs/step-by-step
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authorJoel Hans <>2019-12-20 14:58:57 -0700
committerGitHub <>2019-12-20 14:58:57 -0700
commit9d754e8ac3530d68dd6a54a2b39668551d5d9956 (patch)
tree240600d7969d8cdf4799c1bdf3585baf5e4f4dc1 /docs/step-by-step
parent6fcb3e65f12d6c4b6171b37e9622adfbd8a112d9 (diff)
The step-by-step Netdata tutorial (#7489)
* Initial add * Parts to steps * Lots of fixes to tutorial steps, integration with docs * Fixing broken links * checklinks fix * Add to sidebar * Initial add * Parts to steps * Lots of fixes to tutorial steps, integration with docs * Fixing broken links * checklinks fix * Add to sidebar * Fixed link * Added tutorial to homepage with styling * Cleanup * Few more fixes and improvements * Final tweaks to last few steps * Let nav items wrap * Fixes for Austin and Andy * Linter error * Add text for Austin * Text about charts not showing up
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12 files changed, 2153 insertions, 0 deletions
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+# The step-by-step Netdata tutorial
+Welcome to Netdata! We're glad you're interested in our health monitoring and performance troubleshooting system.
+Because Netdata is entirely open-source software, you can use it free of charge, whether you want to monitor one or ten
+thousand systems! All our code is hosted on [GitHub](
+This tutorial is designed to help you understand what Netdata is, what it's capable of, and how it'll help you make
+faster and more informed decisions about the health and performance of your systems and applications. If you're
+completely new to Netdata, or have never tried health monitoring/performance troubleshooting systems before, this
+tutorial is perfect for you.
+If you have monitoring experience, or would rather get straight into configuring Netdata to your needs, you can jump
+straight into code and configurations with our [getting started guide](../
+> This tutorial contains instructions for Netdata installed on a Linux system. Many of the instructions will work on
+> other supported operating systems, like FreeBSD and MacOS, but we can't make any guarantees.
+## Where to go if you need help
+No matter where you are in this Netdata tutorial, if you need help, head over to our [GitHub
+repository]( That's where we collect questions from users, help fix their bugs, and
+point people toward documentation that explains what they're having trouble with.
+Click on the **issues** tab to see all the conversations we're having with Netdata users. Use the search bar to find
+previously-written advice for your specific problem, and if you don't see any results, hit the **New issue** button to
+send us a question.
+Or, if that's too complicated, feel free to send this tutorial's author [an email](
+## Before we get started
+Let's make sure you have Netdata installed on your system!
+> If you already installed Netdata, feel free to skip to [Step 1: Netdata's building blocks](
+The easiest way to install Netdata on a Linux system is our `` one-line installer. Run this on your system
+and let it take care of the rest.
+This script will install Netdata from source, keep it up to date with nightly releases, connects to the Netdata
+[registry](../../registry/, and sends [_anonymous statistics_](../ about how you use
+Netdata. We use this information to better understand how we can improve the Netdata experience for all our users.
+bash <(curl -Ss
+Once finished, you'll have Netdata installed, and you'll be set up to get _nightly updates_ to get the latest features,
+improvements, and bugfixes.
+If this method doesn't work for you, or you want to use a different process, visit our [installation
+documentation](../../packaging/installer/ for details.
+## Netdata fundamentals
+[Step 1. Netdata's building blocks](
+In this introductory step, we'll talk about the fundamental ideas, philosophies, and UX decisions behind Netdata.
+[Step 2. Get to know Netdata's dashboard](
+Visit Netdata's dashboard to explore, manipulate charts, and check out alarms. Get your first taste of visual anomaly
+[Step 3. Monitor more than one system with Netdata](
+While the dashboard lets you quickly move from one agent to another, Netdata Cloud is our SaaS solution for monitoring
+the health of many systems. We'll cover its features and the benefits of using Netdata Cloud on top of the dashboard.
+[Step 4. The basics of configuring Netdata](
+While Netdata can monitor thousands of metrics in real-time without any configuration, you may _want_ to tweak some
+settings based on your system's resources.
+## Intermediate steps
+[Step 5. Health monitoring alarms and notifications](
+Learn how to tune, silence, and write custom alarms. Then enable notifications so you never miss a change in health
+status or performance anomaly.
+[Step 6. Collect metrics from more services and apps](
+Learn how to enable/disable collection plugins and configure a collection plugin job to add more charts to your Netdata
+dashboard and begin monitoring more apps and services, like MySQL, Nginx, MongoDB, and hundreds more.
+[Step 7. Netdata's dashboard in depth](
+Now that you configured your Netdata monitoring agent to your exact needs, you'll dive back into metrics snapshots,
+updates, and the dashboard's settings.
+## Advanced steps
+[Step 8. Building your first custom dashboard](
+Using simple HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, we'll build a custom dashboard that displays essential information in any format
+you choose. You can even monitor many systems from a single HTML file.
+[Step 9. Long-term metrics storage](
+Want to store lots of real-time metrics from Netdata? Tweak our custom database to your heart's content. Want to take
+your Netdata metrics elsewhere? We're happy to help you archive data to Prometheus, MongoDB, TimescaleDB, and others.
+[Step 10. Set up a proxy](
+Run Netdata behind an Nginx proxy to improve performance, and enable TLS/HTTPS for better security.
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+# Step 1. Netdata's building blocks
+Netdata is a distributed and real-time _health monitoring and performance troubleshooting toolkit_ for monitoring your
+systems and applications.
+Because the monitoring agent is highly-optimized, you can install it all your physical systems, containers, IoT devices,
+and edge devices without disrupting their core function.
+By default, and without configuration, Netdata delivers real-time insights into everything happening on the system, from
+CPU utilization to packet loss on every network device. Netdata can also auto-detect metrics from hundreds of your
+favorite services and applications, like MySQL/MariaDB, Docker, Nginx, Apache, MongoDB, and more.
+All metrics are automatically-updated, providing interactive dashboards that allow you to dive in, discover anomalies,
+and figure out the root cause analysis of any issue.
+Best of all, Netdata is entirely free, open-source software! Solo developers and enterprises with thousands of systems
+can both use it free of charge. We're hosted on [GitHub](
+Want to learn about the history of Netdata, and what inspired our CEO to build it in the first place, and where we're
+headed? Read Costa's comprehensive blog post: _[Redefining monitoring with Netdata (and how it came to
+## What you'll learn in this step
+In the first step of the Netdata guide, you'll learn about:
+- [Netdata's core features](#netdatas-core-features)
+- [Why you should use Netdata](#why-you-should-use-netdata)
+- [How Netdata has complementary systems, not competitors](#how-netdata-has-complementary-systems-not-competitors)
+Let's get started!
+## Netdata's core features
+Netdata has only been around for a few years, but it's a complex piece of software. Here are just some of the features
+we'll cover throughout this tutorial.
+- A sophisticated **dashboard**, which we'll cover in [step 2]( The real-time, highly-granular dashboard,
+ with hundreds of charts, is your main source of information about the health and performance of your systems/
+ applications. We designed the dashboard with anomaly detection and quick analysis in mind. We'll return to
+ dashboard-related topics in both [step 7]( and [step 8](
+- **Netdata Cloud** is our SaaS toolkit that helps Netdata users monitor the health and performance of entire
+ infrastructures, whether they are two or two thousand (or more!) systems. We'll cover Netdata Cloud in [step
+ 3](
+- **No configuration necessary**. Without any configuration, you'll get thousands of real-time metrics and hundreds of
+ alarms designed by our community of sysadmin experts. But you _can_ configure Netdata in a lot of ways, some of
+ which we'll cover in [step 4](
+- **Distributed, per-system installation**. Instead of centralizing metrics in one location, you install Netdata on
+ _every_ system, and each system is responsible for its metrics. Having distributed agents reduces cost and lets
+ Netdata run on devices with little available resources, such as IoT and edge devices, without affecting their core
+ purpose.
+- **Sophisticated health monitoring** to ensure you always know when an anomaly hits. In [step 5](, we dive
+ into how you can tune alarms, write your own alarm, and enable two types of notifications.
+- **High-speed, low-resource collectors** that allow you to collect thousands of metrics every second while using only
+ a fraction of your system's CPU resources and a few MiB of RAM.
+- **Long-term metrics storage**. With our new database engine, you can store days, weeks, or months of per-second
+ historical metrics. Or you can archive metrics to another database, like MongoDB or Prometheus. We'll cover all
+ these options in [step 9](
+## Why you should use Netdata
+Because you care about the health and performance of your systems and applications, and all of the awesome features we
+just mentioned. And it's free!
+All these may be valid reasons, but let's step back and talk about Netdata's _principles_ for health monitoring and
+performance troubleshooting. We have a lot of [complementary
+systems](#how-netdata-has-complementary-systems-not-competitors), and we think there's a good reason why Netdata should
+always be your first choice when troubleshooting an anomaly.
+We built Netdata on four principles.
+### Per-second data collection
+Our first principle is per-second data collection for all metrics.
+That matters because you can't monitor a 2-second service-level agreement (SLA) with 10-second metrics. You can't detect
+quick anomalies if your metrics don't show them.
+How do we solve this? By decentralizing monitoring. Each node is responsible for collecting metrics, triggering alamrs,
+and building dashboards locally, and we work hard to ensure it does each step (and others) with remarkable efficiency.
+For example, Netdata can [collect 100,000 metrics]( every second while
+using only 9% of a single server-grade CPU core!
+By decentralizing monitoring and emphasizing speed at every turn, Netdata helps you scale your health monitoring and
+performance troubleshooting to an infrastructure of every size. _And_ you get to keep per-second metrics.
+### Unlimited metrics
+We believe all metrics are fundamentally important, and all metrics should be available to the user.
+If you don't collect _all_ the metrics a system creates, you're only seeing part of the story. It's like saying you've
+read a book after skipping all but the last ten pages. You only know the ending, not everything that leads to it.
+Most monitoring solutions exist to poke you when there's a problem, and then tell you to use a dozen different console
+tools to find the root cause. Netdata prefers to give you every piece of information you might need to understand why an
+anomaly happened.
+### Meaningful presentation
+We want every piece of Netdata's dashboard not only to look good and update every second, but also provide context as to
+what you're looking at and why it matters.
+The principle of meaningful presentation is fundamental to our dashboard's user experience (UX). We could have put
+charts in a grid or hidden some behind tabs or buttons. We instead chose to stack them vertically, on a single page, so
+you can visually see how, for example, a jump in disk usage can also increase system load.
+Here's an example of a system undergoing a disk stress test:
+![Screen Shot 2019-10-23 at 15 38
+> For the curious, here's the command: `stress-ng --fallocate 4 --fallocate-bytes 4g --timeout 1m --metrics --verify
+> --times`!
+### Immediate results
+Finally, Netdata should be usable from the moment you install it.
+As we've talked about, and as you'll learn in the following nine steps, Netdata comes installed with:
+- Auto-detected metrics
+- Human-readable units
+- Metrics that are structured into charts, families, and contexts
+- Automatically generated dashboards
+- Charts designed for visual anomaly detection
+- Hundreds of pre-configured alarms
+By standardizing your monitoring infrastructure, Netdata tries to make at least one part of your administrative tasks
+## How Netdata has complementary systems, not competitors
+We'll cover this quickly, as you're probably eager to get on with using Netdata itself.
+We don't want to lock you in to using Netdata by itself, and forever. By supporting [archiving to
+backends](../../backends/ like Graphite, Prometheus, OpenTSDB, MongoDB, and others, you can use Netdata _in
+conjunction_ with software that might seem like our competitors.
+We don't want to "wage war" with another monitoring solution, whether it's commercial, open-source, or anything in
+between. We just want to give you all the metrics every second, and what you do with them next is your business, not
+ours. Our mission is helping people create more extraordinary infrastructures!
+## What's next?
+We think it's imperative you understand why we built Netdata the way we did. But now that we have that behind us, let's
+get right into that dashboard you've heard so much about.
+[Next: Get to know Netdata's dashboard &rarr;](
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+# Step 2. Get to know Netdata's dashboard
+Welcome to Netdata proper! Now that you understand how Netdata works, how it's built, and why we built it, you can start
+working with the dashboard directly.
+This step-by-step guide assumes you've already installed Netdata on a system of yours. If you haven't yet, hop back over
+to ["step 0"]( for information about our one-line installer script. Or, view the
+[installation docs](../../packaging/installer) to learn more. Once you have Netdata installed, you can hop back over
+here and dig in.
+## What you'll learn in this step
+In this step of the Netdata guide, you'll learn how to:
+- [Visit and explore the dashboard](#visit-and-explore-the-dashboard)
+- [Explore available charts using menus](#explore-available-charts-using-menus)
+- [Read the descriptions accompanying charts](#read-the-descriptions-accompanying-charts)
+- [Interact with charts](#interact-with-charts)
+- [See raised alarms and the alarm log](#see-raised-alarms-and-the-alarm-log)
+Let's get started!
+## Visit and explore the dashboard
+Netdata's dashboard is where you interact with your system's metrics. Time to open it up and start exploring. Open up
+your browser of choice.
+If you installed Netdata on the same system you're using to open your browser, navigate to `http://localhost:19999/`.
+If you installed Netdata on a remote system, navigate to `http://HOST:19999/` after replacing `HOST` with the IP address
+of that system. To connect to a virtual private server (VPS), for example, you might navigate to
+``. We'll learn more on monitoring remote systems and [multiple systems](
+later on.
+> From here on out in this tutorial, we'll refer to the address you use to view your dashboard as `HOST`. Be sure to
+> replace it with either `localhost` or the IP address as needed.
+Hit `Enter`. Welcome to Netdata!
+![Animated GIF of navigating to the
+## Explore available charts using menus
+**Menus** are located on the right-hand side of the Netdata dashboard. You can use these to navigate to the
+charts you're interested in.
+![Animated GIF of using the menus and
+Netdata shows all its charts on a single page, so you can also scroll up and down using the mouse wheel, your
+touchscreen/touchpad, or the scrollbar.
+Both menus and the items displayed beneath them, called **submenus**, are populated automatically by Netdata based on
+what it's collecting. If you run Netdata on many different systems using different OS types or versions, the
+menus and submenus may look a little different for each one.
+To learn more about menus, see our documentation about [navigating the standard
+> ❗ By default, Netdata only creates and displays charts if the metrics are _not zero_. So, you may be missing some
+> charts, menus, and submenus if those charts have zero metrics. You can change this by changing the **Which dimensions
+> to show?** setting to **All**. In addition, if you start Netdata and immediately load the dashboard, not all
+> charts/menus/submenus may be displayed, as some collectors can take a while to initialize.
+## Read the descriptions accompanying charts
+Many charts come with a short description of what dimensions the chart is displaying and why they matter.
+For example, here's the description that accompanies the **swap** chart.
+![Screenshot of the swap
+If you're new to health monitoring and performance troubleshooting, we recommend you spend some time reading these
+descriptions and learning more at the pages linked above.
+## Understand charts, dimensions, families, and contexts
+A **chart** is an interactive visualization of one or more collected/calculated metrics. You can see the name (also
+known as its unique ID) of a chart by looking at the top-left corner of a chart and finding the parenthesized text. On a
+Linux system, one of the first charts on the dashboard will be the system CPU chart, with the name `system.cpu`:
+![Screenshot of the system CPU chart in the Netdata
+A **dimension** is any value that gets shown on a chart. The value can be raw data or calculated values, such as
+percentages, aggregates, and more. Most charts will have more than one dimension, in which case it will display each in
+a different color. Here, a `system.cpu` chart is showing many dimensions, such as `user`, `system`, `softirq`, `irq`,
+and more.
+![Screenshot of the dimensions shown in the system CPU chart in the Netdata
+A **family** is _one_ instance of a monitored hardware or software resource that needs to be monitored and displayed
+separately from similar instances. For example, if your system has multiple partitions, Netdata will create different
+families for `/`, `/boot`, `/home`, and so on. Same goes for entire disks, network devices, and more.
+![A number of families created for disk partitions](
+A **context** groups several charts based on the types of metrics being collected and displayed. For example, the
+**Disk** section often has many contexts: ``, `disk.ops`, `disk.backlog`, `disk.util`, and so on. Netdata uses
+this context to create individual charts and then groups them by family. You can always see the context of any chart by
+looking at its name or hovering over the chart's date.
+It's important to understand these differences, as Netdata uses charts, dimensions, families, and contexts to create
+health alarms and configure collectors. To read even more about the differences between all these elements of the
+dashboard, and how they affect other parts of Netdata, read our [dashboards
+## Interact with charts
+We built Netdata to be a big sandbox for learning more about your systems and applications. Time to play!
+Netdata's charts are fully interactive. You can pan through historical metrics, zoom in and out, select specific
+timeframes for further analysis, resize charts, and more.
+Best of all, Whenever you use a chart in this way, Netdata synchronizes all the other charts to match it. This even
+applies across different Netdata agents if you connect them using the [**My nodes** menu](../../registry/!
+![Aniamted GIF of chart
+### Pan, zoom, highlight, and reset charts
+You can change how charts show their metrics in a few different ways, each of which have a few methods:
+| Change | Method #1 | Method #2 | Method #3 |
+| ------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------- |
+| **Reset** charts to default auto-refreshing state | `double click` | `double tap` (touchpad/touchscreen) | |
+| **Select** a certain timeframe | `ALT` + `mouse selection` | `⌘` + `mouse selection` (macOS) | |
+| **Pan** forward or back in time | `click and drag` | `touch and drag` (touchpad/touchscreen) | |
+| **Zoom** to a specific timeframe | `SHIFT` + `mouse selection` | | |
+| **Zoom** in/out | `SHIFT`/`ALT` + `mouse scrollwheel` | `SHIFT`/`ALT` + `two-finger pinch` (touchpad/touchscreen) | `SHIFT`/`ALT` + `two-finger scroll` (touchpad/touchscreen) |
+These interactions can also be triggered using the icons on the bottom-right corner of every chart. They are,
+respectively, `Pan Left`, `Reset`, `Pan Right`, `Zoom In`, and `Zoom Out`.
+![Animated GIF of using the icons to interact with
+### Show and hide dimensions
+Each dimension can be hidden by clicking on it. Hiding dimensions simplifies the chart and can help you better discover
+exactly which aspect of your system is behaving strangely.
+### Resize charts
+Additionally, resize charts by clicking-and-dragging the icon on the bottom-right corner of any chart. To restore the
+chart to its original height, double-click the same icon.
+![Animated GIF of resizing a chart and resetting it to the default
+To learn more about other options and chart interactivity, read our [dashboard documentation](../../web/
+## See raised alarms and the alarm log
+Aside from performance troubleshooting, Netdata is designed to help you monitor the health of your systems and
+applications. That's why every Netdata installation comes with dozens of pre-configured alarms that trigger alerts when
+your system starts acting strangely.
+Find the **Alarms** button in the top navigation bring up a modal that shows currently raised alarms, all running
+alarms, and the alarms log.
+Here is an example of raised `disk_space._` and `disk_space._home` alarms, followed by the full list and alarm log:
+![Animated GIF of looking at raised alarms and the alarm
+Let's look at one of those raised alarms a little more in-depth. Here is a static screenshot:
+![Screenshot of a raised disk_space
+The alarm itself is named **disk - /**, and its context is `disk_space._`. Beneath that is an auto-updating badge that
+shows the latest metric: 28.4% disk space usage.
+With the three icons beneath that and the **role** designation, you can **1)** scroll to the chart associated with this
+raised alarm, **2)** copy a link to the badge to your clipboard, and **3)** copy the code to embed the badge onto
+another web page using an `<embed>` element.
+The table on the right-hand side displays information about the alarm's configuration.
+In this example, Netdata triggers a warning alarm when any disk on the system is more than 20% full. Netdata triggers a
+critical alarm when the disk is more than 30% full.
+The `calculation` field is the equation used to calculate those percentages, and the `check every` field specifies how
+often Netdata should be calculating these metrics to see if the alarm should remain triggered.
+The `execute` field tells Netdata how to notify you about this alarm, and the `source` field lets you know where you can
+find the configuration file, if you'd like to edit its configuration.
+We'll cover alarm configuration in more detail later in the tutorial, so don't worry about it too much for now! Right
+now, it's most important that you understand how to see alarms, and parse their details, if and when they appear on your
+## What's next?
+In this step of the Netdata tutorial, you learned how to:
+- Visit the dashboard
+- Explore available charts (using the right-side menu)
+- Read the descriptions accompanying charts
+- Interact with charts
+- See raised alarms and the alarm log
+Next, you'll learn how to monitor multiple nodes through the dashboard.
+[Next: Monitor more than one system with Netdata →](
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+# Step 3. Monitor more than one system with Netdata
+The Netdata agent is _distributed_ by design. That means each agent operates independently from any other, collecting
+and creating charts only for the system you installed it on. We made this decision a long time ago to [improve security
+and performance](
+You might be thinking, "So, now I have to remember all these IP addresses, and type them into my browser
+manually, to move from one system to another? Maybe I should just make a bunch of bookmarks. What's a few more tabs
+on top of the hundred I have already? 🤬"
+We get it. That's why we built [Netdata Cloud](../netdata-cloud/, which connects many distributed agents
+together for a seamless experience when monitoring multiple systems.
+All without remembering IPs or making a bunch of bookmarks.
+> If you're interested in streaming the metrics from one Netdata agent to another, that's unfortunately not part of this
+> tutorial. You'll want to reference our [streaming documentation](../../streaming/ when you're finished with
+> these steps.
+Even if you don't have multiple systems right now, keep reading. The instructions to follow will show you how to test
+out these features with Netdata demo servers. That way, you'll be able to experience one of Netdata's defining features
+right away.
+## What you'll learn in this step
+In this step of the Netdata guid, we'll talk about the following:
+- [Why you should use Netdata Cloud](#why-use-netdata-cloud)
+- [Add nodes to your Netdata Cloud account](#add-nodes-to-your-netdata-cloud-account)
+- [Navigate between your nodes via the **My nodes** menu](#navigate-between-your-nodes-via-the-my-nodes-menu)
+- [Try out the Nodes View](#try-out-the-nodes-view)
+## Why use Netdata Cloud?
+We built Netdata Cloud to give users a way to bridge the gap between many distributed agents running concurrently, all
+without creating a centralized database for all your systems' metrics.
+> Read more: [_Introducing Netdata Cloud: our vision for distributed health and performance
+> monitoring_](
+Netdata Cloud gives you a better way to observe and take action on slowdowns, anomalies, or outages in your systems and
+applications. It connects all your Netdata agents through your _web browser_, allowing you to move between different
+nodes quickly and use the Nodes View to see a handful or hundreds of Netdata-monitored nodes on a single screen.
+If you're keeping tabs on multiple systems with Netdata, Netdata Cloud gives you all the benefits of a centralized
+monitoring solution while distributing the workload to each agent.
+That makes Netdata Cloud both comprehensive and lightweight. The best of both worlds!
+And, better yet, Netdata Cloud doesn't store any of your system's metrics. It stores _metadata_ about the system's IP,
+hostname, and a randomly-created GUID, and nothing else. Metrics are streamed from your systems directly to your _web
+Essentially, your web browser hosts a SaaS application with all of Netdata Cloud's features embedded right into the
+dashboard itself.
+## Add nodes to your Netdata Cloud account
+The best way to add nodes to your Netdata Cloud account is to click on the **Sign in** button on the top-right corner of
+your Netdata dashboard.
+That button will open a new tab in for Netdata Cloud, and will prompt you to log-in using email or authentication via
+Google or GitHub.
+If you chose email, Netdata Cloud will send you a "magic link" via email. Once you click on the link, that node will be
+connected to your Netdata Cloud account and you'll be redirected back to your dashboard. If you chose Google or GitHub,
+you'll be redirected back to your dashboard as soon as authentication is finished.
+Here's what authentication via Google looks like:
+![Animated GIF of signing in to Netdata Cloud via
+Depending on your authentication method, your email address or name will appear in the top right of your dashboard
+instead of the **Sign in** button.
+At this point, you've successfully added a single Netdata agent to your Netdata Cloud account. _What about the rest?_
+Well, all you have to do is visit another node and repeat the sign-in process.
+Let's use a demo system as an example.
+Visit the [Netdata website]( and click on any of the gauge charts displayed
+underneath the **Live Demo** header.
+Once the dashboard loads, repeat the Netdata Cloud sign-in process. The demo server is now associated with your Netdata
+Cloud account, and will appear in your **My nodes** menu.
+Here's how the process looks in action:
+![output-Peek 2019-09-17 10-44
+## Navigate between your nodes via the My nodes menu
+Once you have multiple nodes added to Netdata Cloud, they will populate your **My nodes** menu. You can use this menu to
+navigate between your systems quickly.
+![Animated GIF of the My Nodes menu in
+Whenever you pan, zoom, highlight, select, or pause a chart, Netdata will synchronize those settings with any other
+agent you visit via the My nodes menu. Even your scroll position is synchronized, so you'll see the same charts and
+respective data for easy comparisons or root cause analysis.
+You can now seamlessly track performance anomalies across your entire infrastructure!
+## Try out the Nodes View
+Next, let's try out the Nodes View.
+Nodes View is a feature built in to Netdata Cloud that offers a different interface for viewing the health status of
+multiple nodes.
+> Learn more about all the features within Nodes View and what charts/metrics are represented there in our
+> [documentation](../netdata-cloud/
+You can visit Nodes View by navigating to `` in your browser. Or, you can click on the
+**Nodes View** button in any Netdata dashboard. If you're not logged in to Netdata Cloud yet, you'll be asked to log in
+![Animated GIF of loading the Nodes
+The Nodes View shows an aggregated list of the nodes you connected to Netdata Cloud, and shows at-a-glance health status
+for each.
+Click on any of the boxes representing your nodes to see real-time, per-second charts of essential metrics in the **Node
+overview** sidebar.
+![output-Peek 2019-09-17 11-00
+You can also view raised alarms and see real-time metrics from a [select number of
+services/applications](../netdata-cloud/ using the various tabs
+available in the node overview sidebar.
+If you add a large number of nodes to the Nodes View, you may want to look into the different view and sorting options.
+You can choose between **full**, **compact**, and **detailed** view modes.
+![Animated GIF of the various view
+You can also sort between grouping nodes by hostname, recently viewed, or most frequestly visited. Or, group them by
+alarm status, their services, or whether they're online or unreachable.
+![Animated GIF of the sorting and grouping options in Nodes
+Play around until you find the right settings for you and your infrastructure.
+### Remove a node from Nodes View
+If you want to clean up your Nodes View a bit, you can remove them from your Netdata Cloud account.
+Click on the node in question, and then scroll to the bottom of the Node overiew sidebar. You'll see a URL under the
+**Node URLs** heading. Hover over the URL and click on the garbage bin icon. Click **Confirm** on the modal window.
+Then, click the **Forget** button that appears in the sidebar, and hit **Confirm** once again.
+![Removing a node from Nodes View](
+## What's next?
+Now that you know how to add multiple nodes to your Netdata