/* * Copyright (C) 1996-2000 Michael R. Elkins * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111, USA. */ #include "mutt.h" #include "mutt_menu.h" #include "mapping.h" #include "sort.h" #include #include #include typedef struct query { ADDRESS *addr; char *name; char *other; struct query *next; } QUERY; typedef struct entry { int tagged; QUERY *data; } ENTRY; static struct mapping_t QueryHelp[] = { { N_("Exit"), OP_EXIT }, { N_("Mail"), OP_MAIL }, { N_("New Query"), OP_QUERY }, { N_("Make Alias"), OP_CREATE_ALIAS }, { N_("Search"), OP_SEARCH }, { N_("Help"), OP_HELP }, { NULL } }; /* Variables for outsizing output format */ static int FirstColumn; static int SecondColumn; static void query_menu (char *buf, size_t buflen, QUERY *results, int retbuf); static ADDRESS *result_to_addr (QUERY *r) { static ADDRESS tmp; tmp = *r->addr; if(!tmp.next && !tmp.personal) tmp.personal = r->name; return &tmp; } static QUERY *run_query (char *s, int quiet) { FILE *fp; QUERY *first = NULL; QUERY *cur = NULL; char cmd[_POSIX_PATH_MAX]; char buf[STRING]; char msg[STRING]; char *p; pid_t thepid; int l; mutt_expand_file_fmt (cmd, sizeof(cmd), QueryCmd, s); if ((thepid = mutt_create_filter (cmd, NULL, &fp, NULL)) < 0) { dprint (1, (debugfile, "unable to fork command: %s", cmd)); return 0; } if (!quiet) mutt_message _("Waiting for response..."); fgets (msg, sizeof (msg) - 1, fp); while (fgets(buf, sizeof (buf) - 1, fp)) { if ((p = strtok(buf, "\t\n"))) { if (first == NULL) { FirstColumn = 0; SecondColumn = 0; first = (QUERY *) safe_calloc (1, sizeof (QUERY)); cur = first; } else { cur->next = (QUERY *) safe_calloc (1, sizeof (QUERY)); cur = cur->next; } l = mutt_strlen (p); if (l > SecondColumn) SecondColumn = l; cur->addr = rfc822_parse_adrlist (cur->addr, p); p = strtok(NULL, "\t\n"); if (p) { l = mutt_strlen (p); if (l > FirstColumn) FirstColumn = l; cur->name = safe_strdup (p); p = strtok(NULL, "\t\n"); if (p) { cur->other = safe_strdup (p); } } } } fclose (fp); if (mutt_wait_filter (thepid)) { dprint (1, (debugfile, "Error: %s\n", msg)); if (!quiet) mutt_error (msg); } else { if (!quiet) mutt_message (msg); } return first; } static int query_search (MUTTMENU *m, regex_t *re, int n) { ENTRY *table = (ENTRY *) m->data; return (regexec (re, table[n].data->name, 0, NULL, 0)); } /* This is the callback routine from mutt_menuLoop() which is used to generate * a menu entry for the requested item number. */ static void query_entry (char *s, size_t slen, MUTTMENU *m, int num) { ENTRY *table = (ENTRY *) m->data; char buf[SHORT_STRING] = ""; while (FirstColumn + SecondColumn > 70) { FirstColumn = FirstColumn * 3 / 4; SecondColumn = SecondColumn * 3 / 4; } rfc822_write_address (buf, sizeof (buf), table[num].data->addr); snprintf (s, slen, " %c %3d %-*.*s %-*.*s %s", table[num].tagged ? '*':' ', num+1, FirstColumn+2, FirstColumn+2, table[num].data->name, SecondColumn+2, SecondColumn+2, buf, table[num].data->other); } static int query_tag (MUTTMENU *menu, int n) { return ((((ENTRY *) menu->data)[n].tagged = !((ENTRY *) menu->data)[n].tagged) ? 1 : -1); } int mutt_query_complete (char *buf, size_t buflen) { QUERY *results = NULL; if (!QueryCmd) { mutt_error _("Query command not defined."); return 0; } results = run_query (buf, 1); if (results) { /* only one response? */ if (results->next == NULL) { buf[0] = '\0'; rfc822_write_address (buf, buflen, result_to_addr(results)); mutt_clear_error (); return (0); } /* multiple results, choose from query menu */ query_menu (buf, buflen, results, 1); } return (0); } void mutt_query_menu (char *buf, size_t buflen) { if (!QueryCmd) { mutt_error _("Query command not defined."); return; } if (buf == NULL) { char buffer[STRING] = ""; query_menu (buffer, sizeof (buffer), NULL, 0); } else { query_menu (buf, buflen, NULL, 1); } } static void query_menu (char *buf, size_t buflen, QUERY *results, int retbuf) { MUTTMENU *menu; HEADER *msg = NULL; ENTRY *QueryTable = NULL; QUERY *queryp = NULL; int i, done = 0; int op; char helpstr[SHORT_STRING]; char title[STRING]; snprintf (title, sizeof (title), _("Query")); /* FIXME */ menu = mutt_new_menu (); menu->make_entry = query_entry; menu->search = query_search; menu->tag = query_tag; menu->menu = MENU_QUERY; menu->title = title; menu->help = mutt_compile_help (helpstr, sizeof (helpstr), MENU_QUERY, QueryHelp); if (results == NULL) { /* Prompt for Query */ if (mutt_get_field (_("Query: "), buf, buflen, 0) == 0 && buf[0]) { results = run_query (buf, 0); } } if (results) { /* tell whoever called me to redraw the screen when I return */ set_option (OPTNEEDREDRAW); snprintf (title, sizeof (title), _("Query '%s'"), buf); /* count the number of results */ for (queryp = results; queryp; queryp = queryp->next) menu->max++; menu->data = QueryTable = (ENTRY *) safe_calloc (menu->max, sizeof (ENTRY)); for (i = 0, queryp = results; queryp; queryp = queryp->next, i++) QueryTable[i].data = queryp; while (!done) { switch ((op = mutt_menuLoop (menu))) { case OP_QUERY_APPEND: case OP_QUERY: if (mutt_get_field (_("Query: "), buf, buflen, 0) == 0 && buf[0]) { QUERY *newresults = NULL; newresults = run_query (buf, 0); menu->redraw = REDRAW_FULL; if (newresults) { snprintf (title, sizeof (title), _("Query '%s'"), buf); if (op == OP_QUERY) { queryp = results; while (queryp) { rfc822_free_address (&queryp->addr); safe_free ((void **)&queryp->name); safe_free ((void **)&queryp->other); results = queryp->next; safe_free ((void **)&queryp); queryp = results; } results = newresults; safe_free ((void **) &QueryTable); } else { /* append */ for (queryp = results; queryp->next; queryp = queryp->next); queryp->next = newresults; } menu->current = 0; mutt_menuDestroy (&menu); menu = mutt_new_menu (); menu->make_entry = query_entry; menu->search = query_search; menu->tag = query_tag; menu->menu = MENU_QUERY; menu->title = title; menu->help = mutt_compile_help (helpstr, sizeof (helpstr), MENU_QUERY, QueryHelp); /* count the number of results */ for (queryp = results; queryp; queryp = queryp->next) menu->max++; if (op == OP_QUERY) { menu->data = QueryTable = (ENTRY *) safe_calloc (menu->max, sizeof (ENTRY)); for (i = 0, queryp = results; queryp; queryp = queryp->next, i++) QueryTable[i].data = queryp; } else { int clear = 0; /* append */ safe_realloc ((void **)&QueryTable, menu->max * sizeof (ENTRY)); menu->data = QueryTable; for (i = 0, queryp = results; queryp; queryp = queryp->next, i++) { /* once we hit new entries, clear/init the tag */ if (queryp == newresults) clear = 1; QueryTable[i].data = queryp; if (clear) QueryTable[i].tagged = 0; } } } } break; case OP_CREATE_ALIAS: if (menu->tagprefix) { ADDRESS *naddr = NULL; for (i = 0; i < menu->max; i++) if (QueryTable[i].tagged) rfc822_append (&naddr, result_to_addr(QueryTable[i].data)); mutt_create_alias (NULL, naddr); } else { mutt_create_alias (NULL, result_to_addr(QueryTable[menu->current].data)); } break; case OP_GENERIC_SELECT_ENTRY: if (retbuf) { done = 2; break; } /* fall through to OP_MAIL */ case OP_MAIL: msg = mutt_new_header (); msg->env = mutt_new_envelope (); if (!menu->tagprefix) { msg->env->to = rfc822_cpy_adr (result_to_addr(QueryTable[menu->current].data)); } else { for (i = 0; i < menu->max; i++) if (QueryTable[i].tagged) rfc822_append (&msg->env->to, result_to_addr(QueryTable[i].data)); } ci_send_message (0, msg, NULL, Context, NULL); menu->redraw = REDRAW_FULL; break; case OP_EXIT: done = 1; break; } } /* if we need to return the selected entries */ if (retbuf && (done == 2)) { int tagged = 0; size_t curpos = 0; memset (buf, 0, buflen); /* check for tagged entries */ for (i = 0; i < menu->max; i++) { if (QueryTable[i].tagged) { if (curpos == 0) { tagged = 1; rfc822_write_address (buf, buflen, result_to_addr(QueryTable[i].data)); curpos = mutt_strlen (buf); } else if (curpos + 2 < buflen) { strcat (buf, ", "); rfc822_write_address ((char *) buf + curpos + 1, buflen - curpos - 1, result_to_addr(QueryTable[i].data)); curpos = mutt_strlen (buf); } } } /* then enter current message */ if (!tagged) { rfc822_write_address (buf, buflen, result_to_addr(QueryTable[menu->current].data)); } } queryp = results; while (queryp) { rfc822_free_address (&queryp->addr); safe_free ((void **)&queryp->name); safe_free ((void **)&queryp->other); results = queryp->next; safe_free ((void **)&queryp); queryp = results; } safe_free ((void **) &QueryTable); } mutt_menuDestroy (&menu); }