/* * Copyright (C) 1996-8 Michael R. Elkins * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include "mutt.h" #include "mutt_menu.h" #include "rfc1524.h" #include "mime.h" #include "mailbox.h" #include "mapping.h" #include #include #include #include static struct mapping_t PostponeHelp[] = { { "Exit", OP_EXIT }, { "Del", OP_DELETE }, { "Undel", OP_UNDELETE }, { "Help", OP_HELP }, { NULL } }; #ifdef _PGPPATH #include "pgp.h" #endif /* _PGPPATH */ static short PostCount = 0; static time_t LastModify = 0; static CONTEXT *PostContext = NULL; int mutt_num_postponed (void) { struct stat st; CONTEXT ctx; if (!Postponed || stat (Postponed, &st) == -1) { PostCount = 0; LastModify = 0; return (0); } else if (S_ISDIR (st.st_mode)) { /* if we have a maildir mailbox, we need to stat the "new" dir */ char buf[_POSIX_PATH_MAX]; snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), "%s/new", Postponed); if (access (buf, F_OK) == 0 && stat (buf, &st) == -1) { PostCount = 0; LastModify = 0; return 0; } } if (LastModify < st.st_mtime) { LastModify = st.st_mtime; if (access (Postponed, R_OK | F_OK) != 0) return (PostCount = 0); if (mx_open_mailbox (Postponed, M_NOSORT | M_QUIET, &ctx) == NULL) PostCount = 0; else PostCount = ctx.msgcount; mx_fastclose_mailbox (&ctx); } return (PostCount); } static void post_entry (char *s, size_t slen, MUTTMENU *menu, int entry) { CONTEXT *ctx = (CONTEXT *) menu->data; _mutt_make_string (s, slen, NONULL (HdrFmt), ctx, ctx->hdrs[entry], M_FORMAT_ARROWCURSOR); } static HEADER *select_msg (void) { MUTTMENU *menu; int i, done=0, r=-1; char helpstr[SHORT_STRING]; menu = mutt_new_menu (); menu->make_entry = post_entry; menu->menu = MENU_POST; menu->max = PostContext->msgcount; menu->title = "Postponed Messages"; menu->data = PostContext; menu->help = mutt_compile_help (helpstr, sizeof (helpstr), MENU_POST, PostponeHelp); while (!done) { switch (i = mutt_menuLoop (menu)) { case OP_DELETE: case OP_UNDELETE: mutt_set_flag (PostContext, PostContext->hdrs[menu->current], M_DELETE, (i == OP_DELETE) ? 1 : 0); PostCount = PostContext->msgcount - PostContext->deleted; if (option (OPTRESOLVE) && menu->current < menu->max - 1) { menu->oldcurrent = menu->current; menu->current++; if (menu->current >= menu->top + menu->pagelen) { menu->top = menu->current; menu->redraw = REDRAW_INDEX | REDRAW_STATUS; } else menu->redraw |= REDRAW_MOTION_RESYNCH; } else menu->redraw = REDRAW_CURRENT; break; case OP_GENERIC_SELECT_ENTRY: r = menu->current; done = 1; break; case OP_EXIT: done = 1; break; } } mutt_menuDestroy (&menu); return (r > -1 ? PostContext->hdrs[r] : NULL); } /* args: * ctx Context info, used when recalling a message to which * we reply. * hdr envelope/attachment info for recalled message * cur if message was a reply, `cur' is set to the message which * `hdr' is in reply to * * return vals: * -1 error/no messages * 0 normal exit * SENDREPLY recalled message is a reply */ int mutt_get_postponed (CONTEXT *ctx, HEADER *hdr, HEADER **cur) { HEADER *h; int code = SENDPOSTPONED; LIST *tmp; LIST *last = NULL; LIST *next; char *p; int opt_delete; if (!Postponed) return (-1); if ((PostContext = mx_open_mailbox (Postponed, M_NOSORT, NULL)) == NULL) { PostCount = 0; mutt_error ("No postponed messages."); return (-1); } if (! PostContext->msgcount) { PostCount = 0; mx_close_mailbox (PostContext); safe_free ((void **) &PostContext); mutt_error ("No postponed messages."); return (-1); } if (PostContext->msgcount == 1) { /* only one message, so just use that one. */ h = PostContext->hdrs[0]; } else if ((h = select_msg ()) == NULL) { mx_close_mailbox (PostContext); safe_free ((void **) &PostContext); return (-1); } if (mutt_edit_message (PostContext, hdr, h) < 0) { mx_fastclose_mailbox (PostContext); safe_free ((void **) &PostContext); return (-1); } /* finished with this message, so delete it. */ mutt_set_flag (PostContext, h, M_DELETE, 1); /* update the count for the status display */ PostCount = PostContext->msgcount - PostContext->deleted; /* avoid the "purge deleted messages" prompt */ opt_delete = quadoption (OPT_DELETE); set_quadoption (OPT_DELETE, M_YES); mx_close_mailbox (PostContext); set_quadoption (OPT_DELETE, opt_delete); safe_free ((void **) &PostContext); for (tmp = hdr->env->userhdrs; tmp; ) { if (strncasecmp ("X-Mutt-References:", tmp->data, 18) == 0) { if (ctx) { /* if a mailbox is currently open, look to see if the orignal message the user attempted to reply to is in this mailbox */ p = tmp->data + 18; SKIPWS (p); *cur = hash_find (ctx->id_hash, p); } /* Remove the X-Mutt-References: header field. */ next = tmp->next; if (last) last->next = tmp->next; else hdr->env->userhdrs = tmp->next; tmp->next = NULL; mutt_free_list (&tmp); tmp = next; if (*cur) code |= SENDREPLY; } #ifdef _PGPPATH else if (strncmp ("Pgp:", tmp->data, 4) == 0) { hdr->pgp = mutt_parse_pgp_hdr (tmp->data+4, 1); /* remove the pgp field */ next = tmp->next; if (last) last->next = tmp->next; else hdr->env->userhdrs = tmp->next; tmp->next = NULL; mutt_free_list (&tmp); tmp = next; } #endif /* _PGPPATH */ else { last = tmp; tmp = tmp->next; } } return (code); } #ifdef _PGPPATH int mutt_parse_pgp_hdr (char *p, int set_signas) { int pgp = 0; char pgp_sign_as[LONG_STRING] = "\0", *q; char pgp_sign_micalg[LONG_STRING] = "\0"; SKIPWS (p); for (; *p; p++) { switch (*p) { case 'e': case 'E': pgp |= PGPENCRYPT; break; case 's': case 'S': pgp |= PGPSIGN; q = pgp_sign_as; if (*(p+1) == '<') { for (p += 2; *p && *p != '>' && q < pgp_sign_as + sizeof (pgp_sign_as) - 1; *q++ = *p++) ; if (*p!='>') { mutt_error ("Illegal PGP header"); return 0; } } *q = '\0'; break; case 'm': case 'M': q = pgp_sign_micalg; if(*(p+1) == '<') { for(p += 2; *p && *p != '>' && q < pgp_sign_micalg + sizeof(pgp_sign_micalg) - 1; *q++ = *p++) ; if(*p != '>') { mutt_error("Illegal PGP header"); return 0; } } *q = '\0'; break; default: mutt_error ("Illegal PGP header"); return 0; } } if (set_signas || *pgp_sign_as) { safe_free((void **) &PgpSignAs); PgpSignAs = safe_strdup(pgp_sign_as); } if (set_signas || *pgp_sign_micalg) { safe_free((void **) &PgpSignMicalg); PgpSignMicalg = safe_strdup(pgp_sign_micalg); } return pgp; } #endif /* _PGPPATH */ int mutt_edit_message (CONTEXT *ctx, HEADER *newhdr, HEADER *hdr) { MESSAGE *msg = mx_open_message (ctx, hdr->msgno); char file[_POSIX_PATH_MAX]; if (msg == NULL) return (-1); fseek (msg->fp, hdr->offset, 0); newhdr->env = mutt_read_rfc822_header (msg->fp, newhdr); if (hdr->content->type == TYPEMESSAGE || hdr->content->type == TYPEMULTIPART) { BODY *b; fseek (msg->fp, hdr->content->offset, 0); if (hdr->content->type == TYPEMULTIPART) { hdr->content->parts = mutt_parse_multipart (msg->fp, mutt_get_parameter ("boundary", hdr->content->parameter), hdr->content->offset + hdr->content->length, strcasecmp ("digest", hdr->content->subtype) == 0); } else hdr->content->parts = mutt_parse_messageRFC822 (msg->fp, hdr->content); /* Now that we know what was in the other message, convert to the new * message. */ newhdr->content = hdr->content->parts; b = hdr->content->parts; while (b != NULL) { file[0] = '\0'; if (b->filename) strfcpy (file, b->filename, sizeof (file)); else /* avoid Content-Disposition: header with temporary filename */ b->use_disp = 0; mutt_adv_mktemp (file, sizeof(file)); if (mutt_save_attachment (msg->fp, b, file, 0, NULL) == -1) { mutt_free_envelope (&newhdr->env); mutt_free_body (&newhdr->content); mx_close_message (&msg); return (-1); } safe_free ((void *) &b->filename); b->filename = safe_strdup (file); b->unlink = 1; mutt_free_body (&b->parts); b = b->next; } hdr->content->parts = NULL; } else { mutt_mktemp (file); if (mutt_save_attachment (msg->fp, hdr->content, file, 0, NULL) == -1) { mutt_free_envelope (&newhdr->env); mx_close_message (&msg); return (-1); } newhdr->content = mutt_make_file_attach (file); newhdr->content->use_disp = 0; /* no content-disposition */ newhdr->content->unlink = 1; /* delete when we are done */ } mx_close_message (&msg); return 0; }