/* * Copyright (C) 2000-2002 Vsevolod Volkov * Copyright (C) 2006-2007,2009 Rocco Rutte * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #if HAVE_CONFIG_H # include "config.h" #endif #include "mutt.h" #include "mutt_curses.h" #include "mx.h" #include "pop.h" #include "mutt_crypt.h" #include "bcache.h" #if USE_HCACHE #include "hcache.h" #endif #include #include #include #ifdef USE_HCACHE #define HC_FNAME "mutt" /* filename for hcache as POP lacks paths */ #define HC_FEXT "hcache" /* extension for hcache as POP lacks paths */ #endif /* write line to file */ static int fetch_message (char *line, void *file) { FILE *f = (FILE *) file; fputs (line, f); if (fputc ('\n', f) == EOF) return -1; return 0; } /* * Read header * returns: * 0 on success * -1 - connection lost, * -2 - invalid command or execution error, * -3 - error writing to tempfile */ static int pop_read_header (POP_DATA *pop_data, HEADER *h) { FILE *f; int ret, index; long length; char buf[LONG_STRING]; char tempfile[_POSIX_PATH_MAX]; mutt_mktemp (tempfile, sizeof (tempfile)); if (!(f = safe_fopen (tempfile, "w+"))) { mutt_perror (tempfile); return -3; } snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), "LIST %d\r\n", h->refno); ret = pop_query (pop_data, buf, sizeof (buf)); if (ret == 0) { sscanf (buf, "+OK %d %ld", &index, &length); snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), "TOP %d 0\r\n", h->refno); ret = pop_fetch_data (pop_data, buf, NULL, fetch_message, f); if (pop_data->cmd_top == 2) { if (ret == 0) { pop_data->cmd_top = 1; dprint (1, (debugfile, "pop_read_header: set TOP capability\n")); } if (ret == -2) { pop_data->cmd_top = 0; dprint (1, (debugfile, "pop_read_header: unset TOP capability\n")); snprintf (pop_data->err_msg, sizeof (pop_data->err_msg), _("Command TOP is not supported by server.")); } } } switch (ret) { case 0: { rewind (f); h->env = mutt_read_rfc822_header (f, h, 0, 0); h->content->length = length - h->content->offset + 1; rewind (f); while (!feof (f)) { h->content->length--; fgets (buf, sizeof (buf), f); } break; } case -2: { mutt_error ("%s", pop_data->err_msg); break; } case -3: { mutt_error _("Can't write header to temporary file!"); break; } } safe_fclose (&f); unlink (tempfile); return ret; } /* parse UIDL */ static int fetch_uidl (char *line, void *data) { int i, index; CONTEXT *ctx = (CONTEXT *)data; POP_DATA *pop_data = (POP_DATA *)ctx->data; char *endp; errno = 0; index = strtol(line, &endp, 10); if (errno) return -1; while (*endp == ' ') endp++; memmove(line, endp, strlen(endp) + 1); for (i = 0; i < ctx->msgcount; i++) if (!mutt_strcmp (line, ctx->hdrs[i]->data)) break; if (i == ctx->msgcount) { dprint (1, (debugfile, "pop_fetch_headers: new header %d %s\n", index, line)); if (i >= ctx->hdrmax) mx_alloc_memory(ctx); ctx->msgcount++; ctx->hdrs[i] = mutt_new_header (); ctx->hdrs[i]->data = safe_strdup (line); } else if (ctx->hdrs[i]->index != index - 1) pop_data->clear_cache = 1; ctx->hdrs[i]->refno = index; ctx->hdrs[i]->index = index - 1; return 0; } static int msg_cache_check (const char *id, body_cache_t *bcache, void *data) { CONTEXT *ctx; POP_DATA *pop_data; int i; if (!(ctx = (CONTEXT *)data)) return -1; if (!(pop_data = (POP_DATA *)ctx->data)) return -1; #ifdef USE_HCACHE /* keep hcache file if hcache == bcache */ if (strcmp (HC_FNAME "." HC_FEXT, id) == 0) return 0; #endif for (i = 0; i < ctx->msgcount; i++) /* if the id we get is known for a header: done (i.e. keep in cache) */ if (ctx->hdrs[i]->data && mutt_strcmp (ctx->hdrs[i]->data, id) == 0) return 0; /* message not found in context -> remove it from cache * return the result of bcache, so we stop upon its first error */ return mutt_bcache_del (bcache, id); } #ifdef USE_HCACHE static int pop_hcache_namer (const char *path, char *dest, size_t destlen) { return snprintf (dest, destlen, "%s." HC_FEXT, path); } static header_cache_t *pop_hcache_open (POP_DATA *pop_data, const char *path) { ciss_url_t url; char p[LONG_STRING]; if (!pop_data || !pop_data->conn) return mutt_hcache_open (HeaderCache, path, NULL); mutt_account_tourl (&pop_data->conn->account, &url); url.path = HC_FNAME; url_ciss_tostring (&url, p, sizeof (p), U_PATH); return mutt_hcache_open (HeaderCache, p, pop_hcache_namer); } #endif /* * Read headers * returns: * 0 on success * -1 - connection lost, * -2 - invalid command or execution error, * -3 - error writing to tempfile */ static int pop_fetch_headers (CONTEXT *ctx) { int i, ret, old_count, new_count, deleted; unsigned short hcached = 0, bcached; POP_DATA *pop_data = (POP_DATA *)ctx->data; progress_t progress; #ifdef USE_HCACHE header_cache_t *hc = NULL; void *data; hc = pop_hcache_open (pop_data, ctx->path); #endif time (&pop_data->check_time); pop_data->clear_cache = 0; for (i = 0; i < ctx->msgcount; i++) ctx->hdrs[i]->refno = -1; old_count = ctx->msgcount; ret = pop_fetch_data (pop_data, "UIDL\r\n", NULL, fetch_uidl, ctx); new_count = ctx->msgcount; ctx->msgcount = old_count; if (pop_data->cmd_uidl == 2) { if (ret == 0) { pop_data->cmd_uidl = 1; dprint (1, (debugfile, "pop_fetch_headers: set UIDL capability\n")); } if (ret == -2 && pop_data->cmd_uidl == 2) { pop_data->cmd_uidl = 0; dprint (1, (debugfile, "pop_fetch_headers: unset UIDL capability\n")); snprintf (pop_data->err_msg, sizeof (pop_data->err_msg), _("Command UIDL is not supported by server.")); } } if (!ctx->quiet) mutt_progress_init (&progress, _("Fetching message headers..."), MUTT_PROGRESS_MSG, ReadInc, new_count - old_count); if (ret == 0) { for (i = 0, deleted = 0; i < old_count; i++) { if (ctx->hdrs[i]->refno == -1) { ctx->hdrs[i]->deleted = 1; deleted++; } } if (deleted > 0) { mutt_error (_("%d messages have been lost. Try reopening the mailbox."), deleted); mutt_sleep (2); } for (i = old_count; i < new_count; i++) { if (!ctx->quiet) mutt_progress_update (&progress, i + 1 - old_count, -1); #if USE_HCACHE if ((data = mutt_hcache_fetch (hc, ctx->hdrs[i]->data, strlen))) { char *uidl = safe_strdup (ctx->hdrs[i]->data); int refno = ctx->hdrs[i]->refno; int index = ctx->hdrs[i]->index; /* * - POP dynamically numbers headers and relies on h->refno * to map messages; so restore header and overwrite restored * refno with current refno, same for index * - h->data needs to a separate pointer as it's driver-specific * data freed separately elsewhere * (the old h->data should point inside a malloc'd block from * hcache so there shouldn't be a memleak here) */ HEADER *h = mutt_hcache_restore ((unsigned char *) data, NULL); mutt_free_header (&ctx->hdrs[i]); ctx->hdrs[i] = h; ctx->hdrs[i]->refno = refno; ctx->hdrs[i]->index = index; ctx->hdrs[i]->data = uidl; ret = 0; hcached = 1; } else #endif if ((ret = pop_read_header (pop_data, ctx->hdrs[i])) < 0) break; #if USE_HCACHE else { mutt_hcache_store (hc, ctx->hdrs[i]->data, ctx->hdrs[i], 0, strlen, MUTT_GENERATE_UIDVALIDITY); } FREE(&data); #endif /* * faked support for flags works like this: * - if 'hcached' is 1, we have the message in our hcache: * - if we also have a body: read * - if we don't have a body: old * (if $mark_old is set which is maybe wrong as * $mark_old should be considered for syncing the * folder and not when opening it XXX) * - if 'hcached' is 0, we don't have the message in our hcache: * - if we also have a body: read * - if we don't have a body: new */ bcached = mutt_bcache_exists (pop_data->bcache, ctx->hdrs[i]->data) == 0; ctx->hdrs[i]->old = 0; ctx->hdrs[i]->read = 0; if (hcached) { if (bcached) ctx->hdrs[i]->read = 1; else if (option (OPTMARKOLD)) ctx->hdrs[i]->old = 1; } else { if (bcached) ctx->hdrs[i]->read = 1; } ctx->msgcount++; } if (i > old_count) mx_update_context (ctx, i - old_count); } #if USE_HCACHE mutt_hcache_close (hc); #endif if (ret < 0) { for (i = ctx->msgcount; i < new_count; i++) mutt_free_header (&ctx->hdrs[i]); return ret; } /* after putting the result into our structures, * clean up cache, i.e. wipe messages deleted outside * the availability of our cache */ if (option (OPTMESSAGECACHECLEAN)) mutt_bcache_list (pop_data->bcache, msg_cache_check, (void*)ctx); mutt_clear_error (); return (new_count - old_count); } /* open POP mailbox - fetch only headers */ static int pop_open_mailbox (CONTEXT *ctx) { int ret; char buf[LONG_STRING]; CONNECTION *conn; ACCOUNT acct; POP_DATA *pop_data; ciss_url_t url; if (pop_parse_path (ctx->path, &acct)) { mutt_error (_("%s is an invalid POP path"), ctx->path); mutt_sleep (2); return -1; } mutt_account_tourl (&acct, &url); url.path = NULL; url_ciss_tostring (&url, buf, sizeof (buf), 0); conn = mutt_conn_find (NULL, &acct); if (!conn) return -1; FREE (&ctx->path); ctx->path = safe_strdup (buf); pop_data = safe_calloc (1, sizeof (POP_DATA)); pop_data->conn = conn; ctx->data = pop_data; if (pop_open_connection (pop_data) < 0) return -1; conn->data = pop_data; pop_data->bcache = mutt_bcache_open (&acct, NULL); /* init (hard-coded) ACL rights */ memset (ctx->rights, 0, sizeof (ctx->rights)); mutt_bit_set (ctx->rights, MUTT_ACL_SEEN); mutt_bit_set (ctx->rights, MUTT_ACL_DELETE); #if USE_HCACHE /* flags are managed using header cache, so it only makes sense to * enable them in that case */ mutt_bit_set (ctx->rights, MUTT_ACL_WRITE); #endif FOREVER { if (pop_reconnect (ctx) < 0) return -1; ctx->size = pop_data->size; mutt_message _("Fetching list of messages..."); ret = pop_fetch_headers (ctx); if (ret >= 0) return 0; if (ret < -1) { mutt_sleep (2); return -1; } } } /* delete all cached messages */ static void pop_clear_cache (POP_DATA *pop_data) { int i; if (!pop_data->clear_cache) return; dprint (1, (debugfile, "pop_clear_cache: delete cached messages\n")); for (i = 0; i < POP_CACHE_LEN; i++) { if (pop_data->cache[i].path) { unlink (pop_data->cache[i].path); FREE (&pop_data->cache[i].path); } } } /* close POP mailbox */ int pop_close_mailbox (CONTEXT *ctx) { POP_DATA *pop_data = (POP_DATA *)ctx->data; if (!pop_data) return 0; pop_logout (ctx); if (pop_data->status != POP_NONE) mutt_socket_close (pop_data->conn); pop_data->status = POP_NONE; pop_data->clear_cache = 1; pop_clear_cache (pop_data); if (!pop_data->conn->data) mutt_socket_free (pop_data->conn); mutt_bcache_close (&pop_data->bcache); return 0; } /* fetch message from POP server */ int pop_fetch_message (MESSAGE* msg, CONTEXT* ctx, int msgno) { int ret; void *uidl; char buf[LONG_STRING]; char path[_POSIX_PATH_MAX]; progress_t progressbar; POP_DATA *pop_data = (POP_DATA *)ctx->data; POP_CACHE *cache; HEADER *h = ctx->hdrs[msgno]; unsigned short bcache = 1; /* see if we already have the message in body cache */ if ((msg->fp = mutt_bcache_get (pop_data->bcache, h->data))) return 0; /* * see if we already have the message in our cache in * case $message_cachedir is unset */ cache = &pop_data->cache[h->index % POP_CACHE_LEN]; if (cache->path) { if (cache->index == h->index) { /* yes, so just return a pointer to the message */ msg->fp = fopen (cache->path, "r"); if (msg->fp) return 0; mutt_perror (cache->path); mutt_sleep (2); return -1; } else { /* clear the previous entry */ unlink (cache->path); FREE (&cache->path); } } FOREVER { if (pop_reconnect (ctx) < 0) return -1; /* verify that massage index is correct */ if (h->refno < 0) { mutt_error _("The message index is incorrect. Try reopening the mailbox."); mutt_sleep (2); return -1; } mutt_progress_init (&progressbar, _("Fetching message..."), MUTT_PROGRESS_SIZE, NetInc, h->content->length + h->content->offset - 1); /* see if we can put in body cache; use our cache as fallback */ if (!(msg->fp = mutt_bcache_put (pop_data->bcache, h->data, 1))) { /* no */ bcache = 0; mutt_mktemp (path, sizeof (path)); if (!(msg->fp = safe_fopen (path, "w+"))) { mutt_perror (path); mutt_sleep (2); return -1; } } snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), "RETR %d\r\n", h->refno); ret = pop_fetch_data (pop_data, buf, &progressbar, fetch_message, msg->fp); if (ret == 0) break; safe_fclose (&msg->fp); /* if RETR failed (e.g. connection closed), be sure to remove either * the file in bcache or from POP's own cache since the next iteration * of the loop will re-attempt to put() the message */ if (!bcache) unlink (path); if (ret == -2) { mutt_error ("%s", pop_data->err_msg); mutt_sleep (2); return -1; } if (ret == -3) { mutt_error _("Can't write message to temporary file!"); mutt_sleep (2); return -1; } } /* Update the header information. Previously, we only downloaded a * portion of the headers, those required for the main display. */ if (bcache) mutt_bcache_commit (pop_data->bcache, h->data); else { cache->index = h->index; cache->path = safe_strdup (path); } rewind (msg->fp); uidl = h->data; /* we replace envelop, key in subj_hash has to be updated as well */ if (ctx->subj_hash && h->env->real_subj) hash_delete (ctx->subj_hash, h->env->real_subj, h, NULL); mutt_free_envelope (&h->env); h->env = mutt_read_rfc822_header (msg->fp, h, 0, 0); if (ctx->subj_hash && h->env->real_subj) hash_insert (ctx->subj_hash, h->env->real_subj, h, 1); h->data = uidl; h->lines = 0; fgets (buf, sizeof (buf), msg->fp); while (!feof (msg->fp)) { ctx->hdrs[msgno]->lines++; fgets (buf, sizeof (buf), msg->fp); } h->content->length = ftello (msg->fp) - h->content->offset; /* This needs to be done in case this is a multipart message */ if (!WithCrypto) h->security = crypt_query (h->content); mutt_clear_error(); rewind (msg->fp); return 0; } /* update POP mailbox - delete messages from server */ int pop_sync_mailbox (CONTEXT *ctx, int *index_hint) { int i, j, ret = 0; char buf[LONG_STRING]; POP_DATA *pop_data = (POP_DATA *)ctx->data; progress_t progress; #ifdef USE_HCACHE header_cache_t *hc = NULL; #endif pop_data->check_time = 0; FOREVER { if (pop_reconnect (ctx) < 0) return -1; mutt_progress_init (&progress, _("Marking messages deleted..."), MUTT_PROGRESS_MSG, WriteInc, ctx->deleted); #if USE_HCACHE hc = pop_hcache_open (pop_data, ctx->path); #endif for (i = 0, j = 0, ret = 0; ret == 0 && i < ctx->msgcount; i++) { if (ctx->hdrs[i]->deleted && ctx->hdrs[i]->refno != -1) { j++; if (!ctx->quiet) mutt_progress_update (&progress, j, -1); snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), "DELE %d\r\n", ctx->hdrs[i]->refno); if ((ret = pop_query (pop_data, buf, sizeof (buf))) == 0) { mutt_bcache_del (pop_data->bcache, ctx->hdrs[i]->data); #if USE_HCACHE mutt_hcache_delete (hc, ctx->hdrs[i]->data, strlen); #endif } } #if USE_HCACHE if (ctx->hdrs[i]->changed) { mutt_hcache_store (hc, ctx->hdrs[i]->data, ctx->hdrs[i], 0, strlen, MUTT_GENERATE_UIDVALIDITY); } #endif } #if USE_HCACHE mutt_hcache_close (hc); #endif if (ret == 0) { strfcpy (buf, "QUIT\r\n", sizeof (buf)); ret = pop_query (pop_data, buf, sizeof (buf)); } if (ret == 0) { pop_data->clear_cache = 1; pop_clear_cache (pop_data); pop_data->status = POP_DISCONNECTED; return 0; } if (ret == -2) { mutt_error ("%s", pop_data->err_msg); mutt_sleep (2); return -1; } } } /* Check for new messages and fetch headers */ static int pop_check_mailbox (CONTEXT *ctx, int *index_hint) { int ret; POP_DATA *pop_data = (POP_DATA *)ctx->data; if ((pop_data->check_time + PopCheckTimeout) > time (NULL)) return 0; pop_logout (ctx); mutt_socket_close (pop_data->conn); if (pop_open_connection (pop_data) < 0) return -1; ctx->size = pop_data->size; mutt_message _("Checking for new messages..."); ret = pop_fetch_headers (ctx); pop_clear_cache (pop_data); if (ret < 0) return -1; if (ret > 0) return MUTT_NEW_MAIL; return 0; } /* Fetch messages and save them in $spoolfile */ void pop_fetch_mail (void) { char buffer[LONG_STRING]; char msgbuf[SHORT_STRING]; char *url, *p; int i, delanswer, last = 0, msgs, bytes, rset = 0, ret; CONNECTION *conn; CONTEXT ctx; MESSAGE *msg = NULL; ACCOUNT acct; POP_DATA *pop_data; if (!PopHost) { mutt_error _("POP host is not defined."); return; } url = p = safe_calloc (strlen (PopHost) + 7, sizeof (char)); if (url_check_scheme (PopHost) == U_UNKNOWN) { strcpy (url, "pop://"); /* __STRCPY_CHECKED__ */ p = strchr (url, '\0'); } strcpy (p, PopHost); /* __STRCPY_CHECKED__ */ ret = pop_parse_path (url, &acct); FREE (&url); if (ret) { mutt_error (_("%s is an invalid POP path"), PopHost); return; } conn = mutt_conn_find (NULL, &acct); if (!conn) return; pop_data = safe_calloc (1, sizeof (POP_DATA)); pop_data->conn = conn; if (pop_open_connection (pop_data) < 0) { mutt_socket_free (pop_data->conn); FREE (&pop_data); return; } conn->data = pop_data; mutt_message _("Checking for new messages..."); /* find out how many messages are in the mailbox. */ strfcpy (buffer, "STAT\r\n", sizeof (buffer)); ret = pop_query (pop_data, buffer, sizeof (buffer)); if (ret == -1) goto fail; if (ret == -2) { mutt_error ("%s", pop_data->err_msg); goto finish; } sscanf (buffer, "+OK %d %d", &msgs, &bytes); /* only get unread messages */ if (msgs > 0 && option (OPTPOPLAST)) { strfcpy (buffer, "LAST\r\n", sizeof (buffer)); ret = pop_query (pop_data, buffer, sizeof (buffer)); if (ret == -1) goto fail; if (ret == 0) sscanf (buffer, "+OK %d", &last); } if (msgs <= last) { mutt_message _("No new mail in POP mailbox."); goto finish; } if (mx_open_mailbox (NONULL (Spoolfile), MUTT_APPEND, &ctx) == NULL) goto finish; delanswer = query_quadoption (OPT_POPDELETE, _("Delete messages from server?")); snprintf (msgbuf, sizeof (msgbuf), _("Reading new messages (%d bytes)..."), bytes); mutt_message ("%s", msgbuf); for (i = last + 1 ; i <= msgs ; i++) { if ((msg = mx_open_new_message (&ctx, NULL, MUTT_ADD_FROM)) == NULL) ret = -3; else { snprintf (buffer, sizeof (buffer), "RETR %d\r\n", i); ret = pop_fetch_data (pop_data, buffer, NULL, fetch_message, msg->fp); if (ret == -3) rset = 1; if (ret == 0 && mx_commit_message (msg, &ctx) != 0) { rset = 1; ret = -3; } mx_close_message (&msg); } if (ret == 0 && delanswer == MUTT_YES) { /* delete the message on the server */ snprintf (buffer, sizeof (buffer), "DELE %d\r\n", i); ret = pop_query (pop_data, buffer, sizeof (buffer)); } if (ret == -1) { mx_close_mailbox (&ctx, NULL); goto fail; } if (ret == -2) { mutt_error ("%s", pop_data->err_msg); break; } if (ret == -3) { mutt_error _("Error while writing mailbox!"); break; } mutt_message (_("%s [%d of %d messages read]"), msgbuf, i - last, msgs - last); } mx_close_mailbox (&ctx, NULL); if (rset) { /* make sure no messages get deleted */ strfcpy (buffer, "RSET\r\n", sizeof (buffer)); if (pop_query (pop_data, buffer, sizeof (buffer)) == -1) goto fail; } finish: /* exit gracefully */ strfcpy (buffer, "QUIT\r\n", sizeof (buffer)); if (pop_query (pop_data, buffer, sizeof (buffer)) == -1) goto fail; mutt_socket_close (conn); FREE (&pop_data); return; fail: mutt_error _("Server closed connection!"); mutt_socket_close (conn); FREE (&pop_data); } struct mx_ops mx_pop_ops = { .open = pop_open_mailbox, .close = pop_close_mailbox, .check = pop_check_mailbox, };