/* * Copyright (C) 1996,1997 Michael R. Elkins * Copyright (c) 1998,1999 Thomas Roessler * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later * version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied * warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public * License along with this program; if not, write to the Free * Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111, USA. */ #include "mutt.h" #include "mutt_curses.h" #include "mutt_menu.h" #include "mime.h" #include "pgp.h" #include "pager.h" #include "sort.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_PGP struct pgp_cache { char *what; char *dflt; struct pgp_cache *next; }; static struct pgp_cache *id_defaults = NULL; static char trust_flags[] = "?- +"; static char *pgp_key_abilities (int flags) { static char buff[3]; if (!(flags & KEYFLAG_CANENCRYPT)) buff[0] = '-'; else if (flags & KEYFLAG_PREFER_SIGNING) buff[0] = '.'; else buff[0] = 'e'; if (!(flags & KEYFLAG_CANSIGN)) buff[1] = '-'; else if (flags & KEYFLAG_PREFER_ENCRYPTION) buff[1] = '.'; else buff[1] = 's'; buff[2] = '\0'; return buff; } static char pgp_flags (int flags) { if (flags & KEYFLAG_REVOKED) return 'R'; else if (flags & KEYFLAG_EXPIRED) return 'X'; else if (flags & KEYFLAG_DISABLED) return 'd'; else if (flags & KEYFLAG_CRITICAL) return 'c'; else return ' '; } static pgp_key_t *pgp_principal_key (pgp_key_t *key) { if (key->flags & KEYFLAG_SUBKEY && key->parent) return key->parent; else return key; } /* * Format an entry on the PGP key selection menu. * * %n number * %k key id %K key id of the principal key * %u user id * %a algorithm %A algorithm of the princ. key * %l length %L length of the princ. key * %f flags %F flags of the princ. key * %c capabilities %C capabilities of the princ. key * %t trust/validity of the key-uid association * %[...] date of key using strftime(3) */ typedef struct pgp_entry { size_t num; pgp_uid_t *uid; } pgp_entry_t; static const char *pgp_entry_fmt (char *dest, size_t destlen, char op, const char *src, const char *prefix, const char *ifstring, const char *elsestring, unsigned long data, format_flag flags) { char fmt[16]; pgp_entry_t *entry; pgp_uid_t *uid; pgp_key_t *key, *pkey; int kflags; int optional = (flags & M_FORMAT_OPTIONAL); entry = (pgp_entry_t *) data; uid = entry->uid; key = uid->parent; pkey = pgp_principal_key (key); if (isupper (op)) { key = pkey; kflags = pkey->flags; } else /* a subkey inherits the principal key's usage restrictions. */ kflags = key->flags | (pkey->flags & KEYFLAG_RESTRICTIONS); switch (tolower (op)) { case '[': { const char *cp; char buf2[SHORT_STRING], *p; int do_locales; struct tm *tm; size_t len; p = dest; cp = src; if (*cp == '!') { do_locales = 0; cp++; } else do_locales = 1; len = destlen - 1; while (len > 0 && *cp != ']') { if (*cp == '%') { cp++; if (len >= 2) { *p++ = '%'; *p++ = *cp; len -= 2; } else break; /* not enough space */ cp++; } else { *p++ = *cp++; len--; } } *p = 0; if (do_locales && Locale) setlocale (LC_TIME, Locale); tm = localtime (&key->gen_time); strftime (buf2, sizeof (buf2), dest, tm); if (do_locales) setlocale (LC_TIME, "C"); snprintf (fmt, sizeof (fmt), "%%%ss", prefix); snprintf (dest, destlen, fmt, buf2); if (len > 0) src = cp + 1; } break; case 'n': if (!optional) { snprintf (fmt, sizeof (fmt), "%%%sd", prefix); snprintf (dest, destlen, fmt, entry->num); } break; case 'k': if (!optional) { snprintf (fmt, sizeof (fmt), "%%%ss", prefix); snprintf (dest, destlen, fmt, _pgp_keyid (key)); } break; case 'u': if (!optional) { snprintf (fmt, sizeof (fmt), "%%%ss", prefix); snprintf (dest, destlen, fmt, uid->addr); } break; case 'a': if (!optional) { snprintf (fmt, sizeof (fmt), "%%%ss", prefix); snprintf (dest, destlen, fmt, key->algorithm); } break; case 'l': if (!optional) { snprintf (fmt, sizeof (fmt), "%%%sd", prefix); snprintf (dest, destlen, fmt, key->keylen); } break; case 'f': if (!optional) { snprintf (fmt, sizeof (fmt), "%%%sc", prefix); snprintf (dest, destlen, fmt, pgp_flags (kflags)); } else if (!(kflags & (KEYFLAG_RESTRICTIONS))) optional = 0; break; case 'c': if (!optional) { snprintf (fmt, sizeof (fmt), "%%%ss", prefix); snprintf (dest, destlen, fmt, pgp_key_abilities (kflags)); } else if (!(kflags & (KEYFLAG_ABILITIES))) optional = 0; break; case 't': if (!optional) { snprintf (fmt, sizeof (fmt), "%%%sc", prefix); snprintf (dest, destlen, fmt, trust_flags[uid->trust & 0x03]); } else if (!(uid->trust & 0x03)) /* undefined trust */ optional = 0; break; default: *dest = '\0'; } if (optional) mutt_FormatString (dest, destlen, ifstring, mutt_attach_fmt, data, 0); else if (flags & M_FORMAT_OPTIONAL) mutt_FormatString (dest, destlen, elsestring, mutt_attach_fmt, data, 0); return (src); } static void pgp_entry (char *s, size_t l, MUTTMENU * menu, int num) { pgp_uid_t **KeyTable = (pgp_uid_t **) menu->data; pgp_entry_t entry; entry.uid = KeyTable[num]; entry.num = num + 1; mutt_FormatString (s, l, NONULL (PgpEntryFormat), pgp_entry_fmt, (unsigned long) &entry, M_FORMAT_ARROWCURSOR); } static int _pgp_compare_address (const void *a, const void *b) { int r; pgp_uid_t **s = (pgp_uid_t **) a; pgp_uid_t **t = (pgp_uid_t **) b; if ((r = mutt_strcasecmp ((*s)->addr, (*t)->addr))) return r > 0; else return (mutt_strcasecmp (pgp_keyid ((*s)->parent), pgp_keyid ((*t)->parent)) > 0); } static int pgp_compare_address (const void *a, const void *b) { return ((PgpSortKeys & SORT_REVERSE) ? !_pgp_compare_address (a, b) : _pgp_compare_address (a, b)); } static int _pgp_compare_keyid (const void *a, const void *b) { int r; pgp_uid_t **s = (pgp_uid_t **) a; pgp_uid_t **t = (pgp_uid_t **) b; if ((r = mutt_strcasecmp (pgp_keyid ((*s)->parent), pgp_keyid ((*t)->parent)))) return r > 0; else return (mutt_strcasecmp ((*s)->addr, (*t)->addr)) > 0; } static int pgp_compare_keyid (const void *a, const void *b) { return ((PgpSortKeys & SORT_REVERSE) ? !_pgp_compare_keyid (a, b) : _pgp_compare_keyid (a, b)); } static int _pgp_compare_date (const void *a, const void *b) { int r; pgp_uid_t **s = (pgp_uid_t **) a; pgp_uid_t **t = (pgp_uid_t **) b; if ((r = ((*s)->parent->gen_time - (*t)->parent->gen_time))) return r > 0; return (mutt_strcasecmp ((*s)->addr, (*t)->addr)) > 0; } static int pgp_compare_date (const void *a, const void *b) { return ((PgpSortKeys & SORT_REVERSE) ? !_pgp_compare_date (a, b) : _pgp_compare_date (a, b)); } static int _pgp_compare_trust (const void *a, const void *b) { int r; pgp_uid_t **s = (pgp_uid_t **) a; pgp_uid_t **t = (pgp_uid_t **) b; if ((r = (((*s)->parent->flags & (KEYFLAG_RESTRICTIONS)) - ((*t)->parent->flags & (KEYFLAG_RESTRICTIONS))))) return r > 0; if ((r = ((*s)->trust - (*t)->trust))) return r < 0; if ((r = ((*s)->parent->keylen - (*t)->parent->keylen))) return r < 0; if ((r = ((*s)->parent->gen_time - (*t)->parent->gen_time))) return r < 0; if ((r = mutt_strcasecmp ((*s)->addr, (*t)->addr))) return r > 0; return (mutt_strcasecmp (pgp_keyid ((*s)->parent), pgp_keyid ((*t)->parent))) > 0; } static int pgp_compare_trust (const void *a, const void *b) { return ((PgpSortKeys & SORT_REVERSE) ? !_pgp_compare_trust (a, b) : _pgp_compare_trust (a, b)); } static pgp_key_t *pgp_select_key (pgp_key_t *keys, ADDRESS * p, const char *s) { int keymax; pgp_uid_t **KeyTable; MUTTMENU *menu; int i, done = 0; char helpstr[SHORT_STRING], buf[LONG_STRING], tmpbuf[STRING]; char cmd[LONG_STRING], tempfile[_POSIX_PATH_MAX]; FILE *fp, *devnull; pid_t thepid; pgp_key_t *kp; pgp_uid_t *a; int (*f) (const void *, const void *); for (i = 0, kp = keys; kp; kp = kp->next) { if (!option (OPTPGPSHOWUNUSABLE) && (kp->flags & KEYFLAG_CANTUSE)) continue; for (a = kp->address; a; i++, a = a->next) ; } if (i == 0) return NULL; keymax = i; KeyTable = safe_malloc (sizeof (pgp_key_t *) * i); for (i = 0, kp = keys; kp; kp = kp->next) { if (!option (OPTPGPSHOWUNUSABLE) && (kp->flags & KEYFLAG_CANTUSE)) continue; for (a = kp->address; a; i++, a = a->next) KeyTable[i] = a; } switch (PgpSortKeys & SORT_MASK) { case SORT_DATE: f = pgp_compare_date; break; case SORT_KEYID: f = pgp_compare_keyid; break; case SORT_ADDRESS: f = pgp_compare_address; break; case SORT_TRUST: default: f = pgp_compare_trust; break; } qsort (KeyTable, i, sizeof (pgp_key_t *), f); helpstr[0] = 0; mutt_make_help (buf, sizeof (buf), _("Exit "), MENU_PGP, OP_EXIT); strcat (helpstr, buf); mutt_make_help (buf, sizeof (buf), _("Select "), MENU_PGP, OP_GENERIC_SELECT_ENTRY); strcat (helpstr, buf); mutt_make_help (buf, sizeof (buf), _("Check key "), MENU_PGP, OP_VERIFY_KEY); strcat (helpstr, buf); mutt_make_help (buf, sizeof (buf), _("Help"), MENU_PGP, OP_HELP); strcat (helpstr, buf); menu = mutt_new_menu (); menu->max = keymax; menu->make_entry = pgp_entry; menu->menu = MENU_PGP; menu->help = helpstr; menu->data = KeyTable; if (p) snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), _("PGP keys matching <%s>."), p->mailbox); else snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), _("PGP keys matching \"%s\"."), s); menu->title = buf; kp = NULL; mutt_clear_error (); while (!done) { switch (mutt_menuLoop (menu)) { case OP_VERIFY_KEY: mutt_mktemp (tempfile); if ((devnull = fopen ("/dev/null", "w")) == NULL) { mutt_perror _("Can't open /dev/null"); break; } if ((fp = safe_fopen (tempfile, "w")) == NULL) { fclose (devnull); mutt_perror _("Can't create temporary file"); break; } mutt_message _("Invoking PGP..."); snprintf (tmpbuf, sizeof (tmpbuf), "0x%s", pgp_keyid (pgp_principal_key (KeyTable[menu->current]->parent))); if ((thepid = pgp_invoke_verify_key (NULL, NULL, NULL, -1, fileno (fp), fileno (devnull), tmpbuf)) == -1) { mutt_perror _("Can't create filter"); unlink (tempfile); fclose (fp); fclose (devnull); } mutt_wait_filter (thepid); fclose (fp); fclose (devnull); mutt_clear_error (); snprintf (cmd, sizeof (cmd), _("Key ID: 0x%s"), pgp_keyid (pgp_principal_key (KeyTable[menu->current]->parent))); mutt_do_pager (cmd, tempfile, 0, NULL); menu->redraw = REDRAW_FULL; break; case OP_VIEW_ID: mutt_message ("%s", KeyTable[menu->current]->addr); break; case OP_GENERIC_SELECT_ENTRY: /* XXX make error reporting more verbose */ if (option (OPTPGPCHECKTRUST)) { pgp_key_t *key, *principal; key = KeyTable[menu->current]->parent; principal = pgp_principal_key (key); if ((key->flags | principal->flags) & KEYFLAG_CANTUSE) { mutt_error _("This key can't be used: expired/disabled/revoked."); break; } } if (option (OPTPGPCHECKTRUST) && (KeyTable[menu->current]->trust & 0x03) < 3) { char *s = ""; char buff[LONG_STRING]; switch (KeyTable[menu->current]->trust & 0x03) { case 0: s = N_("This ID's trust level is undefined."); break; case 1: s = N_("This ID is not trusted."); break; case 2: s = N_("This ID is only marginally trusted."); break; } snprintf (buff, sizeof (buff), _("%s Do you really want to use it?"), _(s)); if (mutt_yesorno (buff, 0) != 1) { mutt_clear_error (); break; } } # if 0 kp = pgp_principal_key (KeyTable[menu->current]->parent); # else kp = KeyTable[menu->current]->parent; # endif done = 1; break; case OP_EXIT: kp = NULL; done = 1; break; } } mutt_menuDestroy (&menu); safe_free ((void **) &KeyTable); set_option (OPTNEEDREDRAW); return (kp); } pgp_key_t *pgp_ask_for_key (char *tag, char *whatfor, short abilities, pgp_ring_t keyring) { pgp_key_t *key; char resp[SHORT_STRING]; struct pgp_cache *l = NULL; resp[0] = 0; if (whatfor) { for (l = id_defaults; l; l = l->next) if (!mutt_strcasecmp (whatfor, l->what)) { strcpy (resp, NONULL (l->dflt)); break; } } FOREVER { resp[0] = 0; if (mutt_get_field (tag, resp, sizeof (resp), M_CLEAR) != 0) return NULL; if (whatfor) { if (l) mutt_str_replace (&l->dflt, resp); else { l = safe_malloc (sizeof (struct pgp_cache)); l->next = id_defaults; id_defaults = l; l->what = safe_strdup (whatfor); l->dflt = safe_strdup (resp); } } if ((key = pgp_getkeybystr (resp, abilities, keyring))) return key; BEEP (); } /* not reached */ } /* generate a public key attachment */ BODY *pgp_make_key_attachment (char *tempf) { BODY *att; char buff[LONG_STRING]; char tempfb[_POSIX_PATH_MAX], tmp[STRING]; FILE *tempfp; FILE *devnull; struct stat sb; pid_t thepid; pgp_key_t *key; unset_option (OPTPGPCHECKTRUST); key = pgp_ask_for_key (_("Please enter the key ID: "), NULL, 0, PGP_PUBRING); if (!key) return NULL; snprintf (tmp, sizeof (tmp), "0x%s", pgp_keyid (pgp_principal_key (key))); pgp_free_key (&key); if (!tempf) { mutt_mktemp (tempfb); tempf = tempfb; } if ((tempfp = safe_fopen (tempf, tempf == tempfb ? "w" : "a")) == NULL) { mutt_perror _("Can't create temporary file"); return NULL; } if ((devnull = fopen ("/dev/null", "w")) == NULL) { mutt_perror _("Can't open /dev/null"); fclose (tempfp); if (tempf == tempfb) unlink (tempf); return NULL; } mutt_message _("Invoking pgp..."); if ((thepid = pgp_invoke_export (NULL, NULL, NULL, -1, fileno (tempfp), fileno (devnull), tmp)) == -1) { mutt_perror _("Can't create filter"); unlink (tempf); fclose (tempfp); fclose (devnull); return NULL; } mutt_wait_filter (thepid); fclose (tempfp); fclose (devnull); att = mutt_new_body (); att->filename = safe_strdup (tempf); att->unlink = 1; att->use_disp = 0; att->type = TYPEAPPLICATION; att->subtype = safe_strdup ("pgp-keys"); snprintf (buff, sizeof (buff), _("PGP Key %s."), tmp); att->description = safe_strdup (buff); mutt_update_encoding (att); stat (tempf, &sb); att->length = sb.st_size; return att; } static LIST *pgp_add_string_to_hints (LIST *hints, const char *str) { char *scratch; char *t; if ((scratch = safe_strdup (str)) == NULL) return hints; for (t = strtok (scratch, " ,.:\"()<>\n"); t; t = strtok (NULL, " ,.:\"()<>\n")) { if (strlen (t) > 3) hints = mutt_add_list (hints, t); } safe_free ((void **) &scratch); return hints; } pgp_key_t *pgp_getkeybyaddr (ADDRESS * a, short abilities, pgp_ring_t keyring) { ADDRESS *r, *p; LIST *hints = NULL; int weak = 0; int weak_association, kflags; int match; pgp_uid_t *q; pgp_key_t *keys, *k, *kn, *pk; pgp_key_t *matches = NULL; pgp_key_t **last = &matches; if (a && a->mailbox) hints = pgp_add_string_to_hints (hints, a->mailbox); if (a && a->personal) hints = pgp_add_string_to_hints (hints, a->personal); mutt_message (_("Looking for keys matching \"%s\"..."), a->mailbox); keys = pgp_get_candidates (keyring, hints); mutt_free_list (&hints); if (!keys) return NULL; dprint (5, (debugfile, "pgp_getkeybyaddr: looking for %s <%s>.", a->personal, a->mailbox)); for (k = keys; k; k = kn) { kn = k->next; dprint (5, (debugfile, " looking at key: %s\n", pgp_keyid (k))); if (abilities && !(k->flags & abilities)) { dprint (5, (debugfile, " insufficient abilities: Has %x, want %x\n", k->flags, abilities)); continue; } pk = pgp_principal_key (k); kflags = k->flags | pk->flags; q = k->address; weak_association = 1; match = 0; for (; q; q = q->next) { r = rfc822_parse_adrlist (NULL, q->addr); for (p = r; p && weak_association; p = p->next) { if ((p->mailbox && a->mailbox && mutt_strcasecmp (p->mailbox, a->mailbox) == 0) || (a->personal && p->personal && mutt_strcasecmp (a->personal, p->personal) == 0)) { match = 1; if (((q->trust & 0x03) == 3) && (!(kflags & KEYFLAG_CANTUSE)) && (p->mailbox && a->mailbox && !mutt_strcasecmp (p->mailbox, a->mailbox))) { weak_association = 0; } } } rfc822_free_address (&r); } if (match && weak_association) weak = 1; if (match) { pgp_key_t *_p, *_k; _k = pgp_principal_key (k); *last = _k; kn = pgp_remove_key (&keys, _k); /* start with k, not with _k: k is always a successor of _k. */ for (_p = k; _p; _p = _p->next) { if (!_p->next) { last = &_p->next; break; } } } } pgp_free_key (&keys); if (matches) { if (matches->next || weak) { /* query for which key the user wants */ k = pgp_select_key (matches, a, NULL); if (k) pgp_remove_key (&matches, k); pgp_free_key (&matches); } else k = matches; return k; } return NULL; } pgp_key_t *pgp_getkeybystr (char *p, short abilities, pgp_ring_t keyring) { LIST *hints = NULL; pgp_key_t *keys; pgp_key_t *matches = NULL; pgp_key_t **last = &matches; pgp_key_t *k, *kn; pgp_uid_t *a; short match; mutt_message (_("Looking for keys matching \"%s\"..."), p); hints = pgp_add_string_to_hints (hints, p); keys = pgp_get_candidates (keyring, hints); mutt_free_list (&hints); if (!keys) return NULL; for (k = keys; k; k = kn) { kn = k->next; if (abilities && !(k->flags & abilities)) continue; match = 0; for (a = k->address; a; a = a->next) { dprint (5, (debugfile, "pgp_getkeybystr: matching \"%s\" against key %s, \"%s\": ", p, pgp_keyid (k), a->addr)); if (!*p || mutt_strcasecmp (p, pgp_keyid (k)) == 0 || (!mutt_strncasecmp (p, "0x", 2) && !mutt_strcasecmp (p + 2, pgp_keyid (k))) || (option (OPTPGPLONGIDS) && !mutt_strncasecmp (p, "0x", 2) && !mutt_strcasecmp (p + 2, k->keyid + 8)) || mutt_stristr (a->addr, p)) { dprint (5, (debugfile, "match.\n")); match = 1; break; } } if (match) { pgp_key_t *_p, *_k; _k = pgp_principal_key (k); *last = _k; kn = pgp_remove_key (&keys, _k); /* start with k, not with _k: k is always a successor of _k. */ for (_p = k; _p; _p = _p->next) { if (!_p->next) { last = &_p->next; break; } } } } pgp_free_key (&keys); if (matches) { k = pgp_select_key (matches, NULL, p); if (k) pgp_remove_key (&matches, k); pgp_free_key (&matches); return k; } return NULL; } #endif /* HAVE_PGP */