/* * Copyright (C) 1997-2000 Thomas Roessler * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later * version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied * warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public * License along with this program; if not, write to the Free * Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111, USA. */ /* This file contains the new pgp invocation code. Note that this * is almost entirely format based. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "mutt.h" #include "mutt_curses.h" #include "pgp.h" #include "rfc822.h" /* * The actual command line formatter. */ struct pgp_command_context { short need_passphrase; /* %p */ const char *fname; /* %f */ const char *sig_fname; /* %s */ const char *signas; /* %a */ const char *ids; /* %r */ }; const char *_mutt_fmt_pgp_command (char *dest, size_t destlen, char op, const char *src, const char *prefix, const char *ifstring, const char *elsestring, unsigned long data, format_flag flags) { char fmt[16]; struct pgp_command_context *cctx = (struct pgp_command_context *) data; int optional = (flags & M_FORMAT_OPTIONAL); switch (op) { case 'r': { if (!optional) { snprintf (fmt, sizeof (fmt), "%%%ss", prefix); snprintf (dest, destlen, fmt, NONULL (cctx->ids)); } else if (!cctx->ids) optional = 0; break; } case 'a': { if (!optional) { snprintf (fmt, sizeof (fmt), "%%%ss", prefix); snprintf (dest, destlen, fmt, NONULL (cctx->signas)); } else if (!cctx->signas) optional = 0; break; } case 's': { if (!optional) { snprintf (fmt, sizeof (fmt), "%%%ss", prefix); snprintf (dest, destlen, fmt, NONULL (cctx->sig_fname)); } else if (!cctx->sig_fname) optional = 0; break; } case 'f': { if (!optional) { snprintf (fmt, sizeof (fmt), "%%%ss", prefix); snprintf (dest, destlen, fmt, NONULL (cctx->fname)); } else if (!cctx->fname) optional = 0; break; } case 'p': { if (!optional) { snprintf (fmt, sizeof (fmt), "%%%ss", prefix); snprintf (dest, destlen, fmt, cctx->need_passphrase ? "PGPPASSFD=0" : ""); } else if (!cctx->need_passphrase) optional = 0; break; } default: { *dest = '\0'; break; } } if (optional) mutt_FormatString (dest, destlen, ifstring, _mutt_fmt_pgp_command, data, 0); else if (flags & M_FORMAT_OPTIONAL) mutt_FormatString (dest, destlen, elsestring, _mutt_fmt_pgp_command, data, 0); return (src); } void mutt_pgp_command (char *d, size_t dlen, struct pgp_command_context *cctx, const char *fmt) { mutt_FormatString (d, dlen, NONULL (fmt), _mutt_fmt_pgp_command, (unsigned long) cctx, 0); dprint (2, (debugfile, "mutt_pgp_command: %s\n", d)); } /* * Glue. */ static pid_t pgp_invoke (FILE **pgpin, FILE **pgpout, FILE **pgperr, int pgpinfd, int pgpoutfd, int pgperrfd, short need_passphrase, const char *fname, const char *sig_fname, const char *signas, const char *ids, const char *format) { struct pgp_command_context cctx; char cmd[HUGE_STRING]; memset (&cctx, 0, sizeof (cctx)); if (!format || !*format) return (pid_t) -1; cctx.need_passphrase = need_passphrase; cctx.fname = fname; cctx.sig_fname = sig_fname; cctx.signas = signas; cctx.ids = ids; mutt_pgp_command (cmd, sizeof (cmd), &cctx, format); return mutt_create_filter_fd (cmd, pgpin, pgpout, pgperr, pgpinfd, pgpoutfd, pgperrfd); } /* * The exported interface. * * This is historic and may be removed at some point. * */ pid_t pgp_invoke_decode (FILE **pgpin, FILE **pgpout, FILE **pgperr, int pgpinfd, int pgpoutfd, int pgperrfd, const char *fname, short need_passphrase) { return pgp_invoke (pgpin, pgpout, pgperr, pgpinfd, pgpoutfd, pgperrfd, need_passphrase, fname, NULL, NULL, NULL, PgpDecodeCommand); } pid_t pgp_invoke_verify (FILE **pgpin, FILE **pgpout, FILE **pgperr, int pgpinfd, int pgpoutfd, int pgperrfd, const char *fname, const char *sig_fname) { return pgp_invoke (pgpin, pgpout, pgperr, pgpinfd, pgpoutfd, pgperrfd, 0, fname, sig_fname, NULL, NULL, PgpVerifyCommand); } pid_t pgp_invoke_decrypt (FILE **pgpin, FILE **pgpout, FILE **pgperr, int pgpinfd, int pgpoutfd, int pgperrfd, const char *fname) { return pgp_invoke (pgpin, pgpout, pgperr, pgpinfd, pgpoutfd, pgperrfd, 1, fname, NULL, NULL, NULL, PgpDecryptCommand); } pid_t pgp_invoke_sign (FILE **pgpin, FILE **pgpout, FILE **pgperr, int pgpinfd, int pgpoutfd, int pgperrfd, const char *fname) { return pgp_invoke (pgpin, pgpout, pgperr, pgpinfd, pgpoutfd, pgperrfd, 1, fname, NULL, PgpSignAs, NULL, PgpSignCommand); } pid_t pgp_invoke_encrypt (FILE **pgpin, FILE **pgpout, FILE **pgperr, int pgpinfd, int pgpoutfd, int pgperrfd, const char *fname, const char *uids, int sign) { if (sign) return pgp_invoke (pgpin, pgpout, pgperr, pgpinfd, pgpoutfd, pgperrfd, 1, fname, NULL, PgpSignAs, uids, PgpEncryptSignCommand); else return pgp_invoke (pgpin, pgpout, pgperr, pgpinfd, pgpoutfd, pgperrfd, 0, fname, NULL, NULL, uids, PgpEncryptOnlyCommand); } pid_t pgp_invoke_traditional (FILE **pgpin, FILE **pgpout, FILE **pgperr, int pgpinfd, int pgpoutfd, int pgperrfd, const char *fname, const char *uids, int flags) { if (flags & PGPENCRYPT) return pgp_invoke (pgpin, pgpout, pgperr, pgpinfd, pgpoutfd, pgperrfd, flags & PGPSIGN ? 1 : 0, fname, NULL, PgpSignAs, uids, flags & PGPSIGN ? PgpEncryptSignCommand : PgpEncryptOnlyCommand); else return pgp_invoke (pgpin, pgpout, pgperr, pgpinfd, pgpoutfd, pgperrfd, 1, fname, NULL, PgpSignAs, NULL, PgpClearSignCommand); } void pgp_invoke_import (const char *fname) { char _fname[_POSIX_PATH_MAX + SHORT_STRING]; char cmd[HUGE_STRING]; struct pgp_command_context cctx; memset (&cctx, 0, sizeof (cctx)); mutt_quote_filename (_fname, sizeof (_fname), fname); cctx.fname = _fname; mutt_pgp_command (cmd, sizeof (cmd), &cctx, PgpImportCommand); mutt_system (cmd); } void pgp_invoke_getkeys (ADDRESS *addr) { char buff[LONG_STRING]; char tmp[LONG_STRING]; char cmd[HUGE_STRING]; int devnull; char *personal; struct pgp_command_context cctx; if (!PgpGetkeysCommand) return; memset (&cctx, 0, sizeof (cctx)); personal = addr->personal; addr->personal = NULL; *tmp = '\0'; rfc822_write_address_single (tmp, sizeof (tmp), addr); mutt_quote_filename (buff, sizeof (buff), tmp); addr->personal = personal; cctx.ids = buff; mutt_pgp_command (cmd, sizeof (cmd), &cctx, PgpGetkeysCommand); devnull = open ("/dev/null", O_RDWR); if (!isendwin ()) mutt_message _("Fetching PGP key..."); mutt_system (cmd); if (!isendwin ()) mutt_clear_error (); close (devnull); } pid_t pgp_invoke_export (FILE **pgpin, FILE **pgpout, FILE **pgperr, int pgpinfd, int pgpoutfd, int pgperrfd, const char *uids) { return pgp_invoke (pgpin, pgpout, pgperr, pgpinfd, pgpoutfd, pgperrfd, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, uids, PgpExportCommand); } pid_t pgp_invoke_verify_key (FILE **pgpin, FILE **pgpout, FILE **pgperr, int pgpinfd, int pgpoutfd, int pgperrfd, const char *uids) { return pgp_invoke (pgpin, pgpout, pgperr, pgpinfd, pgpoutfd, pgperrfd, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, uids, PgpVerifyKeyCommand); } pid_t pgp_invoke_list_keys (FILE **pgpin, FILE **pgpout, FILE **pgperr, int pgpinfd, int pgpoutfd, int pgperrfd, pgp_ring_t keyring, LIST *hints) { char uids[HUGE_STRING]; char tmpuids[HUGE_STRING]; *uids = '\0'; for (; hints; hints = hints->next) { snprintf (tmpuids, sizeof (tmpuids), "%s %s", uids, (char *) hints->data); strcpy (uids, tmpuids); } return pgp_invoke (pgpin, pgpout, pgperr, pgpinfd, pgpoutfd, pgperrfd, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, uids, keyring == PGP_SECRING ? PgpListSecringCommand : PgpListPubringCommand); }