/* * Copyright (C) 1996-2002 Michael R. Elkins * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111, USA. */ WHERE void (*mutt_error) (const char *, ...); WHERE void (*mutt_message) (const char *, ...); WHERE CONTEXT *Context; WHERE char Errorbuf[STRING]; WHERE char AttachmentMarker[STRING]; #if defined(DL_STANDALONE) && defined(USE_DOTLOCK) WHERE char *MuttDotlock; #endif WHERE ADDRESS *From; WHERE char *AliasFile; WHERE char *AliasFmt; WHERE char *AttachSep; WHERE char *Attribution; WHERE char *AttachFormat; WHERE char *Charset; WHERE char *ComposeFormat; WHERE char *ContentType; WHERE char *DefaultHook; WHERE char *DateFmt; WHERE char *DisplayFilter; WHERE char *DsnNotify; WHERE char *DsnReturn; WHERE char *Editor; WHERE char *EscChar; WHERE char *FolderFormat; WHERE char *ForwFmt; WHERE char *Fqdn; WHERE char *HdrFmt; WHERE char *Homedir; WHERE char *Hostname; #ifdef USE_IMAP WHERE char *ImapAuthenticators INITVAL (NULL); WHERE char *ImapDelimChars INITVAL (NULL); WHERE char *ImapHomeNamespace INITVAL (NULL); WHERE char *ImapPass INITVAL (NULL); WHERE char *ImapUser INITVAL (NULL); #endif WHERE char *Inbox; WHERE char *Ispell; WHERE char *Locale; WHERE char *MailcapPath; WHERE char *Maildir; WHERE char *MhFlagged; WHERE char *MhReplied; WHERE char *MhUnseen; WHERE char *MsgFmt; #ifdef USE_SOCKET WHERE char *Preconnect INITVAL (NULL); WHERE char *Tunnel INITVAL (NULL); #endif /* USE_SOCKET */ #ifdef MIXMASTER WHERE char *Mixmaster; WHERE char *MixEntryFormat; #endif WHERE char *Muttrc INITVAL (NULL); WHERE char *Outbox; WHERE char *Pager; WHERE char *PagerFmt; WHERE char *PipeSep; #ifdef USE_POP WHERE char *PopAuthenticators INITVAL (NULL); WHERE short PopCheckTimeout; WHERE char *PopHost; WHERE char *PopPass INITVAL (NULL); WHERE char *PopUser INITVAL (NULL); #endif WHERE char *PostIndentString; WHERE char *Postponed; WHERE char *Prefix; WHERE char *PrintCmd; WHERE char *QueryCmd; WHERE char *Realname; WHERE char *SendCharset; WHERE char *Sendmail; WHERE char *Shell; WHERE char *Signature; WHERE char *SimpleSearch; WHERE char *Spoolfile; #if defined(USE_SSL) || defined(USE_NSS) WHERE char *SslCertFile INITVAL (NULL); WHERE char *SslEntropyFile INITVAL (NULL); #endif WHERE char *StChars; WHERE char *Status; WHERE char *Tempdir; WHERE char *Tochars; WHERE char *Username; WHERE char *Visual; WHERE char *LastFolder; WHERE LIST *AutoViewList INITVAL(0); WHERE LIST *AlternativeOrderList INITVAL(0); WHERE LIST *HeaderOrderList INITVAL(0); WHERE LIST *Ignore INITVAL(0); WHERE LIST *MimeLookupList INITVAL(0); WHERE LIST *UnIgnore INITVAL(0); WHERE LIST *MailLists INITVAL(0); WHERE LIST *SubscribedLists INITVAL(0); #ifdef USE_IMAP WHERE time_t ImapLastCheck INITVAL(0); #endif /* bit vector for boolean variables */ #ifdef MAIN_C unsigned char Options[(OPTMAX + 7)/8]; #else extern unsigned char Options[]; #endif /* bit vector for the yes/no/ask variable type */ #ifdef MAIN_C unsigned char QuadOptions[(OPT_MAX*2 + 7) / 8]; #else extern unsigned char QuadOptions[]; #endif WHERE unsigned short Counter INITVAL (0); WHERE short ConnectTimeout; WHERE short HistSize; WHERE short PagerContext; WHERE short PagerIndexLines; WHERE short ReadInc; WHERE short SendmailWait; WHERE short SleepTime INITVAL (1); WHERE short Timeout; WHERE short WrapMargin; WHERE short WriteInc; WHERE short ScoreThresholdDelete; WHERE short ScoreThresholdRead; WHERE short ScoreThresholdFlag; #ifdef USE_IMAP WHERE short ImapKeepalive; #endif /* flags for received signals */ WHERE SIG_ATOMIC_VOLATILE_T SigAlrm INITVAL (0); WHERE SIG_ATOMIC_VOLATILE_T SigInt INITVAL (0); WHERE SIG_ATOMIC_VOLATILE_T SigWinch INITVAL (0); WHERE int CurrentMenu; WHERE ALIAS *Aliases INITVAL (0); WHERE LIST *UserHeader INITVAL (0); #ifdef DEBUG WHERE FILE *debugfile INITVAL (0); WHERE int debuglevel INITVAL (0); #endif #ifdef MAIN_C const char *Weekdays[] = { "Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat" }; const char *Months[] = { "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec", "ERR" }; const char *BodyTypes[] = { "x-unknown", "audio", "application", "image", "message", "model", "multipart", "text", "video" }; const char *BodyEncodings[] = { "x-unknown", "7bit", "8bit", "quoted-printable", "base64", "binary", "x-uuencoded" }; #else extern const char *Weekdays[]; extern const char *Months[]; #endif #ifdef MAIN_C /* so that global vars get included */ #include "mx.h" #include "mutt_regex.h" #include "buffy.h" #include "sort.h" #ifdef HAVE_PGP #include "pgp.h" #endif #ifdef HAVE_SMIME #include "smime.h" #endif #endif /* MAIN_C */