/* * Copyright (C) 1996-2000 Michael R. Elkins * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111, USA. */ #include "mutt.h" #include "mutt_menu.h" #include "mutt_curses.h" #include "pager.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* not possible to unget more than one char under some curses libs, and it * is impossible to unget function keys in SLang, so roll our own input * buffering routines. */ static size_t UngetCount = 0; static size_t UngetBufLen = 0; static event_t *KeyEvent; void mutt_refresh (void) { /* don't refresh when we are waiting for a child. */ if (option (OPTKEEPQUIET)) return; /* don't refresh in the middle of macros unless necessary */ if (UngetCount && !option (OPTFORCEREFRESH)) return; /* else */ refresh (); } event_t mutt_getch (void) { int ch; event_t err = {-1, OP_NULL }, ret; if (UngetCount) return (KeyEvent[--UngetCount]); SigInt = 0; #ifdef KEY_RESIZE /* ncurses 4.2 sends this when the screen is resized */ ch = KEY_RESIZE; while (ch == KEY_RESIZE) #endif /* KEY_RESIZE */ ch = getch (); if (SigInt) mutt_query_exit (); if(ch == ERR) return err; if ((ch & 0x80) && option (OPTMETAKEY)) { /* send ALT-x as ESC-x */ ch &= ~0x80; mutt_ungetch (ch, 0); ret.ch = '\033'; ret.op = 0; return ret; } ret.ch = ch; ret.op = 0; return (ch == ctrl ('G') ? err : ret); } int _mutt_get_field (/* const */ char *field, char *buf, size_t buflen, int complete, int multiple, char ***files, int *numfiles) { int ret; int len = mutt_strlen (field); /* in case field==buffer */ do { CLEARLINE (LINES-1); addstr (field); mutt_refresh (); ret = _mutt_enter_string ((unsigned char *) buf, buflen, LINES-1, len, complete, multiple, files, numfiles); } while (ret == 1); CLEARLINE (LINES-1); return (ret); } int mutt_get_password (char *msg, char *buf, size_t buflen) { int rc; CLEARLINE (LINES-1); addstr (msg); rc = mutt_enter_string ((unsigned char *) buf, buflen, LINES - 1, mutt_strlen (msg), M_PASS); CLEARLINE (LINES-1); return (rc); } void mutt_clear_error (void) { Errorbuf[0] = 0; if (!option(OPTNOCURSES)) CLEARLINE (LINES-1); } void mutt_edit_file (const char *editor, const char *data) { char cmd[LONG_STRING]; endwin (); mutt_expand_file_fmt (cmd, sizeof (cmd), editor, data); if (mutt_system (cmd) == -1) mutt_error (_("Error running \"%s\"!"), cmd); keypad (stdscr, TRUE); clearok (stdscr, TRUE); } int mutt_yesorno (const char *msg, int def) { event_t ch; unsigned char *yes = (unsigned char *) _("yes"); unsigned char *no = (unsigned char *) _("no"); CLEARLINE(LINES-1); printw("%s ([%c]/%c): ", msg, def ? *yes : *no, def ? *no : *yes); FOREVER { mutt_refresh (); ch = mutt_getch (); if (ch.ch == -1) return(-1); if (CI_is_return (ch.ch)) break; else if (tolower(ch.ch) == tolower(*yes)) { def = 1; break; } else if (tolower(ch.ch) == tolower(*no)) { def = 0; break; } else { BEEP(); } } addstr ((char *) (def ? yes : no)); mutt_refresh (); return (def); } /* this function is called when the user presses the abort key */ void mutt_query_exit (void) { mutt_flushinp (); curs_set (1); if (Timeout) timeout (-1); /* restore blocking operation */ if (mutt_yesorno (_("Exit Mutt?"), 1) == 1) { endwin (); exit (0); } mutt_clear_error(); mutt_curs_set (-1); SigInt = 0; } static void clean_error_buf(void) { char *s; for(s = Errorbuf; *s; s++) { if(!IsPrint(*s)) *s = '.'; } } void mutt_curses_error (const char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; va_start (ap, fmt); vsnprintf (Errorbuf, sizeof (Errorbuf), fmt, ap); va_end (ap); dprint (1, (debugfile, "%s\n", Errorbuf)); Errorbuf[ (COLS < sizeof (Errorbuf) ? COLS : sizeof (Errorbuf)) - 2 ] = 0; clean_error_buf(); if (!option (OPTKEEPQUIET)) { BEEP (); SETCOLOR (MT_COLOR_ERROR); mvaddstr (LINES-1, 0, Errorbuf); clrtoeol (); SETCOLOR (MT_COLOR_NORMAL); mutt_refresh (); } set_option (OPTMSGERR); } void mutt_message (const char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; va_start (ap, fmt); vsnprintf (Errorbuf, sizeof (Errorbuf), fmt, ap); va_end (ap); Errorbuf[ (COLS < sizeof (Errorbuf) ? COLS : sizeof (Errorbuf)) - 2 ] = 0; clean_error_buf(); if (!option (OPTKEEPQUIET)) { SETCOLOR (MT_COLOR_MESSAGE); mvaddstr (LINES - 1, 0, Errorbuf); clrtoeol (); SETCOLOR (MT_COLOR_NORMAL); mutt_refresh (); } unset_option (OPTMSGERR); } void mutt_show_error (void) { if (option (OPTKEEPQUIET)) return; SETCOLOR (option (OPTMSGERR) ? MT_COLOR_ERROR : MT_COLOR_MESSAGE); CLEARLINE (LINES-1); addstr (Errorbuf); SETCOLOR (MT_COLOR_NORMAL); } void mutt_endwin (const char *msg) { if (!option (OPTNOCURSES)) { CLEARLINE (LINES - 1); attrset (A_NORMAL); mutt_refresh (); endwin (); } if (msg && *msg) puts (msg); } void mutt_perror (const char *s) { char *p = strerror (errno); dprint (1, (debugfile, "%s: %s (errno = %d)\n", s, p ? p : "unknown error", errno)); mutt_error ("%s: %s (errno = %d)", s, p ? p : _("unknown error"), errno); } int mutt_any_key_to_continue (const char *s) { struct termios t; struct termios old; int f, ch; f = open ("/dev/tty", O_RDONLY); tcgetattr (f, &t); memcpy ((void *)&old, (void *)&t, sizeof(struct termios)); /* save original state */ t.c_lflag &= ~(ICANON | ECHO); t.c_cc[VMIN] = 1; t.c_cc[VTIME] = 0; tcsetattr (f, TCSADRAIN, &t); fflush (stdout); if (s) fputs (s, stdout); else fputs (_("Press any key to continue..."), stdout); fflush (stdout); ch = fgetc (stdin); fflush (stdin); tcsetattr (f, TCSADRAIN, &old); close (f); fputs ("\r\n", stdout); mutt_clear_error (); return (ch); } int mutt_do_pager (const char *banner, const char *tempfile, int do_color, pager_t *info) { int rc; if (!Pager || mutt_strcmp (Pager, "builtin") == 0) rc = mutt_pager (banner, tempfile, do_color, info); else { char cmd[STRING]; endwin (); mutt_expand_file_fmt (cmd, sizeof(cmd), Pager, tempfile); if (mutt_system (cmd) == -1) { mutt_error (_("Error running \"%s\"!"), cmd); rc = -1; } else rc = 0; mutt_unlink (tempfile); } return rc; } int _mutt_enter_fname (const char *prompt, char *buf, size_t blen, int *redraw, int buffy, int multiple, char ***files, int *numfiles) { event_t ch; mvaddstr (LINES-1, 0, (char *) prompt); addstr (_(" ('?' for list): ")); if (buf[0]) addstr (buf); clrtoeol (); mutt_refresh (); ch = mutt_getch(); if (ch.ch == -1) { CLEARLINE (LINES-1); return (-1); } else if (ch.ch == '?') { mutt_refresh (); buf[0] = 0; _mutt_select_file (buf, blen, 0, multiple, files, numfiles); *redraw = REDRAW_FULL; } else { char *pc = safe_malloc (mutt_strlen (prompt) + 3); sprintf (pc, "%s: ", prompt); mutt_ungetch (ch.op ? 0 : ch.ch, ch.op ? ch.op : 0); if (_mutt_get_field (pc, buf, blen, (buffy ? M_EFILE : M_FILE) | M_CLEAR, multiple, files, numfiles) != 0) buf[0] = 0; MAYBE_REDRAW (*redraw); FREE (&pc); } return 0; } void mutt_ungetch (int ch, int op) { event_t tmp; tmp.ch = ch; tmp.op = op; if (UngetCount >= UngetBufLen) safe_realloc ((void **) &KeyEvent, (UngetBufLen += 128) * sizeof(event_t)); KeyEvent[UngetCount++] = tmp; } void mutt_flushinp (void) { UngetCount = 0; flushinp (); } #if (defined(USE_SLANG_CURSES) || defined(HAVE_CURS_SET)) /* The argument can take 3 values: * -1: restore the value of the last call * 0: make the cursor invisible * 1: make the cursor visible */ void mutt_curs_set (int cursor) { static int SavedCursor = 1; if (cursor < 0) cursor = SavedCursor; else SavedCursor = cursor; curs_set (cursor); } #endif int mutt_multi_choice (char *prompt, char *letters) { event_t ch; int choice; char *p; mvaddstr (LINES - 1, 0, prompt); clrtoeol (); FOREVER { mutt_refresh (); ch = mutt_getch (); if (ch.ch == -1 || CI_is_return (ch.ch)) { choice = -1; break; } else { p = strchr (letters, ch.ch); if (p) { choice = p - letters + 1; break; } else if (ch.ch <= '9' && ch.ch > '0') { choice = ch.ch - '0'; if (choice <= mutt_strlen (letters)) break; } } BEEP (); } CLEARLINE (LINES - 1); mutt_refresh (); return choice; }