UPGRADING FROM MUTT 1.0 ----------------------- Please read the present document carefully when upgrading Mutt from version 1.0 to the current version. It lists a couple of configuration changes you may wish to make in order to continue working with mutt. 1. PGP support PGP support has changed. Instead of a collection of hard-coded parameter strings, we use formats now to construct the invocation command lines for the various PGP versions. You can find sample configurations for the most popular PGP versions in the contrib/ directory. You can customize them for your needs, or you can just source them from your .muttrc. 2. Mailing list behaviour You may notice that the lists command "doesn't seem to work" any more. If you didn't experience any problems with it using your old mutt version, just change "lists" to "subscribe" in your .muttrc. Otherwise, you may wish to make use of the distinction between known and subscribed lists mutt offers: When you know about a mailing list and want to include it with list-reply (say, for instance, the cypherpunks list), but aren't subscribed to it, declare it as known with "lists". When you are subscribed to a list and want to generate Mail-Followup-To headers when writing to it, want to match messages coming from this list with the ~l pattern, and want to see the list address with the %L format on the index menu, "subscribe" it. Note that "subscribe" implies "lists", and "unlists" implies "unsubscribe" - every subscribed list is known. $Id$