/* -*- c-basic-offset: 4 indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- vi:set ts=8 sts=4 sw=4: */ /* QM Vamp Plugin Set Centre for Digital Music, Queen Mary, University of London. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. See the file COPYING included with this distribution for more information. */ #include "KeyDetect.h" using std::string; using std::vector; //using std::cerr; using std::endl; #include // Order for circle-of-5ths plotting static int conversion[24] = { 7, 12, 5, 10, 3, 8, 1, 6, 11, 4, 9, 2, 16, 21, 14, 19, 24, 17, 22, 15, 20, 13, 18, 23 }; KeyDetector::KeyDetector(float inputSampleRate) : Plugin(inputSampleRate), m_stepSize(0), m_blockSize(0), m_tuningFrequency(440), m_length(10), m_getKeyMode(0), m_inputFrame(0), m_prevKey(-1), m_first(false) { } KeyDetector::~KeyDetector() { delete m_getKeyMode; if ( m_inputFrame ) { delete [] m_inputFrame; } } string KeyDetector::getIdentifier() const { return "qm-keydetector"; } string KeyDetector::getName() const { return "Queen Mary Key Detector"; } string KeyDetector::getDescription() const { return "Estimate the key of the music"; } string KeyDetector::getMaker() const { return "Queen Mary, University of London"; } int KeyDetector::getPluginVersion() const { return 4; } string KeyDetector::getCopyright() const { return "Plugin by Katy Noland and Christian Landone. Copyright (c) 2006-2009 QMUL - All Rights Reserved"; } KeyDetector::ParameterList KeyDetector::getParameterDescriptors() const { ParameterList list; ParameterDescriptor desc; desc.identifier = "tuning"; desc.name = "Tuning Frequency"; desc.description = "Frequency of concert A"; desc.unit = "Hz"; desc.minValue = 420; desc.maxValue = 460; desc.defaultValue = 440; desc.isQuantized = false; list.push_back(desc); desc.identifier = "length"; desc.name = "Window Length"; desc.unit = "chroma frames"; desc.description = "Number of chroma analysis frames per key estimation"; desc.minValue = 1; desc.maxValue = 30; desc.defaultValue = 10; desc.isQuantized = true; desc.quantizeStep = 1; list.push_back(desc); return list; } float KeyDetector::getParameter(std::string param) const { if (param == "tuning") { return m_tuningFrequency; } if (param == "length") { return m_length; } std::cerr << "WARNING: KeyDetector::getParameter: unknown parameter \"" << param << "\"" << std::endl; return 0.0; } void KeyDetector::setParameter(std::string param, float value) { if (param == "tuning") { m_tuningFrequency = value; } else if (param == "length") { m_length = int(value + 0.1); } else { std::cerr << "WARNING: KeyDetector::setParameter: unknown parameter \"" << param << "\"" << std::endl; } } bool KeyDetector::initialise(size_t channels, size_t stepSize, size_t blockSize) { if (m_getKeyMode) { delete m_getKeyMode; m_getKeyMode = 0; } if (channels < getMinChannelCount() || channels > getMaxChannelCount()) return false; m_getKeyMode = new GetKeyMode(int(m_inputSampleRate + 0.1), m_tuningFrequency, m_length, m_length); m_stepSize = m_getKeyMode->getHopSize(); m_blockSize = m_getKeyMode->getBlockSize(); if (stepSize != m_stepSize || blockSize != m_blockSize) { std::cerr << "KeyDetector::initialise: ERROR: step/block sizes " << stepSize << "/" << blockSize << " differ from required " << m_stepSize << "/" << m_blockSize << std::endl; delete m_getKeyMode; m_getKeyMode = 0; return false; } m_inputFrame = new double[m_blockSize]; m_prevKey = -1; m_first = true; return true; } void KeyDetector::reset() { if (m_getKeyMode) { delete m_getKeyMode; m_getKeyMode = new GetKeyMode(int(m_inputSampleRate + 0.1), m_tuningFrequency, m_length, m_length); } if (m_inputFrame) { for( unsigned int i = 0; i < m_blockSize; i++ ) { m_inputFrame[ i ] = 0.0; } } m_prevKey = -1; m_first = true; } KeyDetector::OutputList KeyDetector::getOutputDescriptors() const { OutputList list; float osr = 0.0f; if (m_stepSize == 0) (void)getPreferredStepSize(); osr = m_inputSampleRate / m_stepSize; OutputDescriptor d; d.identifier = "tonic"; d.name = "Tonic Pitch"; d.unit = ""; d.description = "Tonic of the estimated key (from C = 1 to B = 12)"; d.hasFixedBinCount = true; d.binCount = 1; d.hasKnownExtents = true; d.isQuantized = true; d.minValue = 1; d.maxValue = 12; d.quantizeStep = 1; d.sampleRate = osr; d.sampleType = OutputDescriptor::VariableSampleRate; list.push_back(d); d.identifier = "mode"; d.name = "Key Mode"; d.unit = ""; d.description = "Major or minor mode of the estimated key (major = 0, minor = 1)"; d.hasFixedBinCount = true; d.binCount = 1; d.hasKnownExtents = true; d.isQuantized = true; d.minValue = 0; d.maxValue = 1; d.quantizeStep = 1; d.sampleRate = osr; d.sampleType = OutputDescriptor::VariableSampleRate; list.push_back(d); d.identifier = "key"; d.name = "Key"; d.unit = ""; d.description = "Estimated key (from C major = 1 to B major = 12 and C minor = 13 to B minor = 24)"; d.hasFixedBinCount = true; d.binCount = 1; d.hasKnownExtents = true; d.isQuantized = true; d.minValue = 1; d.maxValue = 24; d.quantizeStep = 1; d.sampleRate = osr; d.sampleType = OutputDescriptor::VariableSampleRate; list.push_back(d); d.identifier = "keystrength"; d.name = "Key Strength Plot"; d.unit = ""; d.description = "Correlation of the chroma vector with stored key profile for each major and minor key"; d.hasFixedBinCount = true; d.binCount = 25; d.hasKnownExtents = false; d.isQuantized = false; d.sampleType = OutputDescriptor::OneSamplePerStep; for (int i = 0; i < 24; ++i) { if (i == 12) d.binNames.push_back(" "); int idx = conversion[i]; std::string label = getKeyName(idx > 12 ? idx-12 : idx, i >= 12, true); d.binNames.push_back(label); } list.push_back(d); return list; } KeyDetector::FeatureSet KeyDetector::process(const float *const *inputBuffers, Vamp::RealTime now) { if (m_stepSize == 0) { return FeatureSet(); } FeatureSet returnFeatures; for ( unsigned int i = 0 ; i < m_blockSize; i++ ) { m_inputFrame[i] = (double)inputBuffers[0][i]; } // int key = (m_getKeyMode->process(m_inputFrame) % 24); int key = m_getKeyMode->process(m_inputFrame); bool minor = m_getKeyMode->isModeMinor(key); int tonic = key; if (tonic > 12) tonic -= 12; int prevTonic = m_prevKey; if (prevTonic > 12) prevTonic -= 12; if (m_first || (tonic != prevTonic)) { Feature feature; feature.hasTimestamp = true; feature.timestamp = now; // feature.timestamp = now; feature.values.push_back((float)tonic); feature.label = getKeyName(tonic, minor, false); returnFeatures[0].push_back(feature); // tonic } if (m_first || (minor != (m_getKeyMode->isModeMinor(m_prevKey)))) { Feature feature; feature.hasTimestamp = true; feature.timestamp = now; feature.values.push_back(minor ? 1.f : 0.f); feature.label = (minor ? "Minor" : "Major"); returnFeatures[1].push_back(feature); // mode } if (m_first || (key != m_prevKey)) { Feature feature; feature.hasTimestamp = true; feature.timestamp = now; feature.values.push_back((float)key); feature.label = getKeyName(tonic, minor, true); returnFeatures[2].push_back(feature); // key } m_prevKey = key; m_first = false; Feature ksf; ksf.values.reserve(25); double *keystrengths = m_getKeyMode->getKeyStrengths(); for (int i = 0; i < 24; ++i) { if (i == 12) ksf.values.push_back(-1); ksf.values.push_back(keystrengths[conversion[i]-1]); } ksf.hasTimestamp = false; returnFeatures[3].push_back(ksf); return returnFeatures; } KeyDetector::FeatureSet KeyDetector::getRemainingFeatures() { return FeatureSet(); } size_t KeyDetector::getPreferredStepSize() const { if (!m_stepSize) { GetKeyMode gkm(int(m_inputSampleRate + 0.1), m_tuningFrequency, m_length, m_length); m_stepSize = gkm.getHopSize(); m_blockSize = gkm.getBlockSize(); } return m_stepSize; } size_t KeyDetector::getPreferredBlockSize() const { if (!m_blockSize) { GetKeyMode gkm(int(m_inputSampleRate + 0.1), m_tuningFrequency, m_length, m_length); m_stepSize = gkm.getHopSize(); m_blockSize = gkm.getBlockSize(); } return m_blockSize; } std::string KeyDetector::getKeyName(int index, bool minor, bool includeMajMin) const { // Keys are numbered with 1 => C, 12 => B // This is based on chromagram base set to a C in qm-dsp's GetKeyMode.cpp static const char *namesMajor[] = { "C", "Db", "D", "Eb", "E", "F", "F# / Gb", "G", "Ab", "A", "Bb", "B" }; static const char *namesMinor[] = { "C", "C#", "D", "Eb / D#", "E", "F", "F#", "G", "G#", "A", "Bb", "B" }; if (index < 1 || index > 12) { return "(unknown)"; } std::string base; if (minor) base = namesMinor[index - 1]; else base = namesMajor[index - 1]; if (!includeMajMin) return base; if (minor) return base + " minor"; else return base + " major"; }