/* -*- c-basic-offset: 4 indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- vi:set ts=8 sts=4 sw=4: */ /* QM DSP Library Centre for Digital Music, Queen Mary, University of London. This file copyright 2005-2006 Christian Landone.and Matthew Davies. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. See the file COPYING included with this distribution for more information. */ #include "TempoTrack.h" #include "MathAliases.h" #include "MathUtilities.h" #include #include //#define DEBUG_TEMPO_TRACK 1 #define RAY43VAL ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Construction/Destruction ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TempoTrack::TempoTrack( TTParams Params ) { m_tempoScratch = NULL; m_rawDFFrame = NULL; m_smoothDFFrame = NULL; m_frameACF = NULL; m_smoothRCF = NULL; m_dataLength = 0; m_winLength = 0; m_lagLength = 0; m_rayparam = 0; m_sigma = 0; m_DFWVNnorm = 0; initialise( Params ); } TempoTrack::~TempoTrack() { deInitialise(); } void TempoTrack::initialise( TTParams Params ) { m_winLength = Params.winLength; m_lagLength = Params.lagLength; m_rayparam = 43.0; m_sigma = sqrt(3.9017); m_DFWVNnorm = exp( ( log( 2.0 ) / m_rayparam ) * ( m_winLength + 2 ) ); m_rawDFFrame = new double[ m_winLength ]; m_smoothDFFrame = new double[ m_winLength ]; m_frameACF = new double[ m_winLength ]; m_tempoScratch = new double[ m_lagLength ]; m_smoothRCF = new double[ m_lagLength ]; unsigned int winPre = Params.WinT.pre; unsigned int winPost = Params.WinT.post; m_DFFramer.configure( m_winLength, m_lagLength ); m_DFPParams.length = m_winLength; m_DFPParams.AlphaNormParam = Params.alpha; m_DFPParams.LPOrd = Params.LPOrd; m_DFPParams.LPACoeffs = Params.LPACoeffs; m_DFPParams.LPBCoeffs = Params.LPBCoeffs; m_DFPParams.winPre = Params.WinT.pre; m_DFPParams.winPost = Params.WinT.post; m_DFPParams.isMedianPositive = true; m_DFConditioning = new DFProcess( m_DFPParams ); // these are parameters for smoothing m_tempoScratch m_RCFPParams.length = m_lagLength; m_RCFPParams.AlphaNormParam = Params.alpha; m_RCFPParams.LPOrd = Params.LPOrd; m_RCFPParams.LPACoeffs = Params.LPACoeffs; m_RCFPParams.LPBCoeffs = Params.LPBCoeffs; m_RCFPParams.winPre = Params.WinT.pre; m_RCFPParams.winPost = Params.WinT.post; m_RCFPParams.isMedianPositive = true; m_RCFConditioning = new DFProcess( m_RCFPParams ); } void TempoTrack::deInitialise() { delete [] m_rawDFFrame; delete [] m_smoothDFFrame; delete [] m_smoothRCF; delete [] m_frameACF; delete [] m_tempoScratch; delete m_DFConditioning; delete m_RCFConditioning; } void TempoTrack::createCombFilter(double* Filter, unsigned int winLength, unsigned int TSig, double beatLag) { unsigned int i; if( beatLag == 0 ) { for( i = 0; i < winLength; i++ ) { Filter[ i ] = ( ( i + 1 ) / pow( m_rayparam, 2.0) ) * exp( ( -pow(( i + 1 ),2.0 ) / ( 2.0 * pow( m_rayparam, 2.0)))); } } else { m_sigma = beatLag/4; for( i = 0; i < winLength; i++ ) { double dlag = (double)(i+1) - beatLag; Filter[ i ] = exp(-0.5 * pow(( dlag / m_sigma), 2.0) ) / (sqrt( 2 * PI) * m_sigma); } } } double TempoTrack::tempoMM(double* ACF, double* weight, int tsig) { double period = 0; double maxValRCF = 0.0; unsigned int maxIndexRCF = 0; double* pdPeaks; unsigned int maxIndexTemp; double maxValTemp; unsigned int count; unsigned int numelem,i,j; int a, b; for( i = 0; i < m_lagLength; i++ ) m_tempoScratch[ i ] = 0.0; if( tsig == 0 ) { //if time sig is unknown, use metrically unbiased version of Filterbank numelem = 4; } else { numelem = tsig; } #ifdef DEBUG_TEMPO_TRACK std::cerr << "tempoMM: m_winLength = " << m_winLength << ", m_lagLength = " << m_lagLength << ", numelem = " << numelem << std::endl; #endif for(i=1;iprocess( m_tempoScratch, m_smoothRCF); if (tsig != 0) // i.e. in context dependent state { // NOW FIND MAX INDEX OF ACFOUT for( i = 0; i < m_lagLength; i++) { if( m_tempoScratch[ i ] > maxValRCF) { maxValRCF = m_tempoScratch[ i ]; maxIndexRCF = i; } } } else // using rayleigh weighting { vector > rcfMat; double sumRcf = 0.; double maxVal = 0.; // now find the two values which minimise rcfMat double minVal = 0.; int p_i = 1; // periodicity for row i; int p_j = 1; //periodicity for column j; for ( i=0; i() ); // adds a new row... } for (i=0; i(i)/static_cast(j) ) / log(2.0); rcfMat[i][j] = ( abs(1.0-abs(log2PeriodRatio)) ); rcfMat[i][j] += ( 0.01*( 1./(m_tempoScratch[i]+m_tempoScratch[j]) ) ); } } // set diagonal equal to maximum value in rcfMat // we don't want to pick one strong middle peak - we need a combination of two peaks. for ( i=1; i maxVal) { maxVal = rcfMat[i][j]; } } } for ( i=1; i m_tempoScratch[p_j]) { beatPeriod = p_i; } // now write the output maxIndexRCF = static_cast(beatPeriod); } double locked = 5168.f / maxIndexRCF; if (locked >= 30 && locked <= 180) { m_lockedTempo = locked; } #ifdef DEBUG_TEMPO_TRACK std::cerr << "tempoMM: locked tempo = " << m_lockedTempo << std::endl; #endif if( tsig == 0 ) tsig = 4; #ifdef DEBUG_TEMPO_TRACK std::cerr << "tempoMM: maxIndexRCF = " << maxIndexRCF << std::endl; #endif if( tsig == 4 ) { #ifdef DEBUG_TEMPO_TRACK std::cerr << "tsig == 4" << std::endl; #endif pdPeaks = new double[ 4 ]; for( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ){ pdPeaks[ i ] = 0.0;} pdPeaks[ 0 ] = ( double )maxIndexRCF + 1; maxIndexTemp = 0; maxValTemp = 0.0; count = 0; for( i = (2 * maxIndexRCF + 1) - 1; i < (2 * maxIndexRCF + 1) + 2; i++ ) { if( ACF[ i ] > maxValTemp ) { maxValTemp = ACF[ i ]; maxIndexTemp = count; } count++; } pdPeaks[ 1 ] = (double)( maxIndexTemp + 1 + ( (2 * maxIndexRCF + 1 ) - 2 ) + 1 )/2; maxIndexTemp = 0; maxValTemp = 0.0; count = 0; for( i = (3 * maxIndexRCF + 2 ) - 2; i < (3 * maxIndexRCF + 2 ) + 3; i++ ) { if( ACF[ i ] > maxValTemp ) { maxValTemp = ACF[ i ]; maxIndexTemp = count; } count++; } pdPeaks[ 2 ] = (double)( maxIndexTemp + 1 + ( (3 * maxIndexRCF + 2) - 4 ) + 1 )/3; maxIndexTemp = 0; maxValTemp = 0.0; count = 0; for( i = ( 4 * maxIndexRCF + 3) - 3; i < ( 4 * maxIndexRCF + 3) + 4; i++ ) { if( ACF[ i ] > maxValTemp ) { maxValTemp = ACF[ i ]; maxIndexTemp = count; } count++; } pdPeaks[ 3 ] = (double)( maxIndexTemp + 1 + ( (4 * maxIndexRCF + 3) - 9 ) + 1 )/4 ; period = MathUtilities::mean( pdPeaks, 4 ); } else { #ifdef DEBUG_TEMPO_TRACK std::cerr << "tsig != 4" << std::endl; #endif pdPeaks = new double[ 3 ]; for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ){ pdPeaks[ i ] = 0.0;} pdPeaks[ 0 ] = ( double )maxIndexRCF + 1; maxIndexTemp = 0; maxValTemp = 0.0; count = 0; for( i = (2 * maxIndexRCF + 1) - 1; i < (2 * maxIndexRCF + 1) + 2; i++ ) { if( ACF[ i ] > maxValTemp ) { maxValTemp = ACF[ i ]; maxIndexTemp = count; } count++; } pdPeaks[ 1 ] = (double)( maxIndexTemp + 1 + ( (2 * maxIndexRCF + 1 ) - 2 ) + 1 )/2; maxIndexTemp = 0; maxValTemp = 0.0; count = 0; for( i = (3 * maxIndexRCF + 2 ) - 2; i < (3 * maxIndexRCF + 2 ) + 3; i++ ) { if( ACF[ i ] > maxValTemp ) { maxValTemp = ACF[ i ]; maxIndexTemp = count; } count++; } pdPeaks[ 2 ] = (double)( maxIndexTemp + 1 + ( (3 * maxIndexRCF + 2) - 4 ) + 1 )/3; period = MathUtilities::mean( pdPeaks, 3 ); } delete [] pdPeaks; return period; } void TempoTrack::stepDetect( double* periodP, double* periodG, int currentIdx, int* flag ) { double stepthresh = 1 * 3.9017; if( *flag ) { if(abs(periodG[ currentIdx ] - periodP[ currentIdx ]) > stepthresh) { // do nuffin' } } else { if(fabs(periodG[ currentIdx ]-periodP[ currentIdx ]) > stepthresh) { *flag = 3; } } } void TempoTrack::constDetect( double* periodP, int currentIdx, int* flag ) { double constthresh = 2 * 3.9017; if( fabs( 2 * periodP[ currentIdx ] - periodP[ currentIdx - 1] - periodP[ currentIdx - 2] ) < constthresh) { *flag = 1; } else { *flag = 0; } } int TempoTrack::findMeter(double *ACF, unsigned int len, double period) { int i; int p = (int)MathUtilities::round( period ); int tsig; double Energy_3 = 0.0; double Energy_4 = 0.0; double temp3A = 0.0; double temp3B = 0.0; double temp4A = 0.0; double temp4B = 0.0; if( (double)len < 6 * p + 2 ) { for( i = ( 3 * p - 2 ); i < ( 3 * p + 2 ) + 1; i++ ) { temp3A += ACF[ i ]; } for( i = ( 4 * p - 2 ); i < ( 4 * p + 2 ) + 1; i++ ) { temp4A += ACF[ i ]; } Energy_3 = temp3A; Energy_4 = temp4A; } else { for( i = ( 3 * p - 2 ); i < ( 3 * p + 2 ) + 1; i++ ) { temp3A += ACF[ i ]; } for( i = ( 4 * p - 2 ); i < ( 4 * p + 2 ) + 1; i++ ) { temp4A += ACF[ i ]; } for( i = ( 6 * p - 2 ); i < ( 6 * p + 2 ) + 1; i++ ) { temp3B += ACF[ i ]; } for( i = ( 2 * p - 2 ); i < ( 2 * p + 2 ) + 1; i++ ) { temp4B += ACF[ i ]; } Energy_3 = temp3A + temp3B; Energy_4 = temp4A + temp4B; } if (Energy_3 > Energy_4) { tsig = 3; } else { tsig = 4; } return tsig; } void TempoTrack::createPhaseExtractor(double *Filter, unsigned int winLength, double period, unsigned int fsp, unsigned int lastBeat) { int p = (int)MathUtilities::round( period ); int predictedOffset = 0; #ifdef DEBUG_TEMPO_TRACK std::cerr << "TempoTrack::createPhaseExtractor: period = " << period << ", p = " << p << std::endl; #endif if (p > 10000) { std::cerr << "TempoTrack::createPhaseExtractor: WARNING! Highly implausible period value " << p << "!" << std::endl; period = 5168 / 120; } double* phaseScratch = new double[ p*2 + 2 ]; for (int i = 0; i < p*2 + 2; ++i) phaseScratch[i] = 0.0; if( lastBeat != 0 ) { lastBeat = (int)MathUtilities::round((double)lastBeat );///(double)winLength); predictedOffset = lastBeat + p - fsp; if (predictedOffset < 0) { lastBeat = 0; } } if( lastBeat != 0 ) { int mu = p; double sigma = (double)p/8; double PhaseMin = 0.0; double PhaseMax = 0.0; unsigned int scratchLength = p*2; double temp = 0.0; for( int i = 0; i < scratchLength; i++ ) { phaseScratch[ i ] = exp( -0.5 * pow( ( i - mu ) / sigma, 2 ) ) / ( sqrt( 2*PI ) *sigma ); } MathUtilities::getFrameMinMax( phaseScratch, scratchLength, &PhaseMin, &PhaseMax ); for(int i = 0; i < scratchLength; i ++) { temp = phaseScratch[ i ]; phaseScratch[ i ] = (temp - PhaseMin)/PhaseMax; } #ifdef DEBUG_TEMPO_TRACK std::cerr << "predictedOffset = " << predictedOffset << std::endl; #endif unsigned int index = 0; for (int i = p - ( predictedOffset - 1); i < p + ( p - predictedOffset) + 1; i++) { #ifdef DEBUG_TEMPO_TRACK std::cerr << "assigning to filter index " << index << " (size = " << p*2 << ")" << " value " << phaseScratch[i] << " from scratch index " << i << std::endl; #endif Filter[ index++ ] = phaseScratch[ i ]; } } else { for( int i = 0; i < p; i ++) { Filter[ i ] = 1; } } delete [] phaseScratch; } int TempoTrack::phaseMM(double *DF, double *weighting, unsigned int winLength, double period) { int alignment = 0; int p = (int)MathUtilities::round( period ); double temp = 0.0; double* y = new double[ winLength ]; double* align = new double[ p ]; for( int i = 0; i < winLength; i++ ) { y[ i ] = (double)( -i + winLength )/(double)winLength; y[ i ] = pow(y [i ],2.0); // raise to power 2. } for( int o = 0; o < p; o++ ) { temp = 0.0; for(int i = 1 + (o - 1); i< winLength; i += (p + 1)) { temp = temp + DF[ i ] * y[ i ]; } align[ o ] = temp * weighting[ o ]; } double valTemp = 0.0; for(int i = 0; i < p; i++) { if( align[ i ] > valTemp ) { valTemp = align[ i ]; alignment = i; } } delete [] y; delete [] align; return alignment; } int TempoTrack::beatPredict(unsigned int FSP0, double alignment, double period, unsigned int step ) { int beat = 0; int p = (int)MathUtilities::round( period ); int align = (int)MathUtilities::round( alignment ); int FSP = (int)MathUtilities::round( FSP0 ); int FEP = FSP + ( step ); beat = FSP + align; m_beats.push_back( beat ); while( beat + p < FEP ) { beat += p; m_beats.push_back( beat ); } return beat; } vector TempoTrack::process( vector DF, vector *tempoReturn ) { m_dataLength = DF.size(); m_lockedTempo = 0.0; double period = 0.0; int stepFlag = 0; int constFlag = 0; int FSP = 0; int tsig = 0; int lastBeat = 0; vector causalDF; causalDF = DF; //Prepare Causal Extension DFData unsigned int DFCLength = m_dataLength + m_winLength; for( unsigned int j = 0; j < m_winLength; j++ ) { causalDF.push_back( 0 ); } double* RW = new double[ m_lagLength ]; for( unsigned int clear = 0; clear < m_lagLength; clear++){ RW[ clear ] = 0.0;} double* GW = new double[ m_lagLength ]; for(unsigned int clear = 0; clear < m_lagLength; clear++){ GW[ clear ] = 0.0;} double* PW = new double[ m_lagLength ]; for(unsigned clear = 0; clear < m_lagLength; clear++){ PW[ clear ] = 0.0;} m_DFFramer.setSource( &causalDF[0], m_dataLength ); unsigned int TTFrames = m_DFFramer.getMaxNoFrames(); #ifdef DEBUG_TEMPO_TRACK std::cerr << "TTFrames = " << TTFrames << std::endl; #endif double* periodP = new double[ TTFrames ]; for(unsigned clear = 0; clear < TTFrames; clear++){ periodP[ clear ] = 0.0;} double* periodG = new double[ TTFrames ]; for(unsigned clear = 0; clear < TTFrames; clear++){ periodG[ clear ] = 0.0;} double* alignment = new double[ TTFrames ]; for(unsigned clear = 0; clear < TTFrames; clear++){ alignment[ clear ] = 0.0;} m_beats.clear(); createCombFilter( RW, m_lagLength, 0, 0 ); int TTLoopIndex = 0; for( unsigned int i = 0; i < TTFrames; i++ ) { m_DFFramer.getFrame( m_rawDFFrame ); m_DFConditioning->process( m_rawDFFrame, m_smoothDFFrame ); m_correlator.doAutoUnBiased( m_smoothDFFrame, m_frameACF, m_winLength ); periodP[ TTLoopIndex ] = tempoMM( m_frameACF, RW, 0 ); if( GW[ 0 ] != 0 ) { periodG[ TTLoopIndex ] = tempoMM( m_frameACF, GW, tsig ); } else { periodG[ TTLoopIndex ] = 0.0; } stepDetect( periodP, periodG, TTLoopIndex, &stepFlag ); if( stepFlag == 1) { constDetect( periodP, TTLoopIndex, &constFlag ); stepFlag = 0; } else { stepFlag -= 1; } if( stepFlag < 0 ) { stepFlag = 0; } if( constFlag != 0) { tsig = findMeter( m_frameACF, m_winLength, periodP[ TTLoopIndex ] ); createCombFilter( GW, m_lagLength, tsig, periodP[ TTLoopIndex ] ); periodG[ TTLoopIndex ] = tempoMM( m_frameACF, GW, tsig ); period = periodG[ TTLoopIndex ]; #ifdef DEBUG_TEMPO_TRACK std::cerr << "TempoTrack::process: constFlag == " << constFlag << ", TTLoopIndex = " << TTLoopIndex << ", period from periodG = " << period << std::endl; #endif createPhaseExtractor( PW, m_winLength, period, FSP, 0 ); constFlag = 0; } else { if( GW[ 0 ] != 0 ) { period = periodG[ TTLoopIndex ]; #ifdef DEBUG_TEMPO_TRACK std::cerr << "TempoTrack::process: GW[0] == " << GW[0] << ", TTLoopIndex = " << TTLoopIndex << ", period from periodG = " << period << std::endl; #endif if (period > 10000) { std::cerr << "TempoTrack::process: WARNING! Highly implausible period value " << period << "!" << std::endl; std::cerr << "periodG contains (of " << TTFrames << " frames): " << std::endl; for (int i = 0; i < TTLoopIndex + 3 && i < TTFrames; ++i) { std::cerr << i << " -> " << periodG[i] << std::endl; } std::cerr << "periodP contains (of " << TTFrames << " frames): " << std::endl; for (int i = 0; i < TTLoopIndex + 3 && i < TTFrames; ++i) { std::cerr << i << " -> " << periodP[i] << std::endl; } period = 5168 / 120; } createPhaseExtractor( PW, m_winLength, period, FSP, lastBeat ); } else { period = periodP[ TTLoopIndex ]; #ifdef DEBUG_TEMPO_TRACK std::cerr << "TempoTrack::process: GW[0] == " << GW[0] << ", TTLoopIndex = " << TTLoopIndex << ", period from periodP = " << period << std::endl; #endif createPhaseExtractor( PW, m_winLength, period, FSP, 0 ); } } alignment[ TTLoopIndex ] = phaseMM( m_rawDFFrame, PW, m_winLength, period ); lastBeat = beatPredict(FSP, alignment[ TTLoopIndex ], period, m_lagLength ); FSP += (m_lagLength); if (tempoReturn) tempoReturn->push_back(m_lockedTempo); TTLoopIndex++; } delete [] periodP; delete [] periodG; delete [] alignment; delete [] RW; delete [] GW; delete [] PW; return m_beats; }