#include "widget/wwidgetgroup.h" #include #include #include #include #include "skin/skincontext.h" #include "widget/wwidget.h" #include "util/debug.h" #include "widget/wpixmapstore.h" WWidgetGroup::WWidgetGroup(QWidget* pParent) : QFrame(pParent), WBaseWidget(this), m_pPixmapBack(nullptr), m_pPixmapBackHighlighted(nullptr), m_highlight(0) { setObjectName("WidgetGroup"); } int WWidgetGroup::layoutSpacing() const { QLayout* pLayout = layout(); return pLayout ? pLayout->spacing() : 0; } void WWidgetGroup::setLayoutSpacing(int spacing) { //qDebug() << "WWidgetGroup::setSpacing" << spacing; if (spacing < 0) { qDebug() << "WWidgetGroup: Invalid spacing:" << spacing; return; } QLayout* pLayout = layout(); if (pLayout) { pLayout->setSpacing(spacing); } } QRect WWidgetGroup::layoutContentsMargins() const { QLayout* pLayout = layout(); QMargins margins = pLayout ? pLayout->contentsMargins() : contentsMargins(); return QRect(margins.left(), margins.top(), margins.right(), margins.bottom()); } void WWidgetGroup::setLayoutContentsMargins(QRect rectMargins) { // qDebug() << "WWidgetGroup::setLayoutContentsMargins" << rectMargins.x() // << rectMargins.y() << rectMargins.width() << rectMargins.height(); if (rectMargins.x() < 0 || rectMargins.y() < 0 || rectMargins.width() < 0 || rectMargins.height() < 0) { qDebug() << "WWidgetGroup: Invalid ContentsMargins rectangle:" << rectMargins; return; } setContentsMargins(rectMargins.x(), rectMargins.y(), rectMargins.width(), rectMargins.height()); QLayout* pLayout = layout(); if (pLayout) { pLayout->setContentsMargins(rectMargins.x(), rectMargins.y(), rectMargins.width(), rectMargins.height()); } } Qt::Alignment WWidgetGroup::layoutAlignment() const { QLayout* pLayout = layout(); return pLayout ? pLayout->alignment() : Qt::Alignment(); } void WWidgetGroup::setLayoutAlignment(int alignment) { //qDebug() << "WWidgetGroup::setLayoutAlignment" << alignment; QLayout* pLayout = layout(); if (pLayout) { pLayout->setAlignment(static_cast(alignment)); } } QLayout::SizeConstraint sizeConstraintFromString(const QString& constraint) { if (constraint.compare("SetDefaultConstraint", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) { return QLayout::SetDefaultConstraint; } else if (constraint.compare("SetFixedSize", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) { return QLayout::SetFixedSize; } else if (constraint.compare("SetMinimumSize", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) { return QLayout::SetMinimumSize; } else if (constraint.compare("SetMaximumSize", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) { return QLayout::SetMaximumSize; } else if (constraint.compare("SetMinAndMaxSize", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) { return QLayout::SetMinAndMaxSize; } else if (constraint.compare("SetNoConstraint", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) { return QLayout::SetNoConstraint; } return QLayout::SetDefaultConstraint; } void WWidgetGroup::setup(const QDomNode& node, const SkinContext& context) { setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0); // Set background pixmap if available QDomElement backPathNode = context.selectElement(node, "BackPath"); if (!backPathNode.isNull()) { setPixmapBackground( context.getPixmapSource(backPathNode), context.selectScaleMode(backPathNode, Paintable::TILE), context.getScaleFactor()); } // Set background pixmap for the highlighted state QDomElement backPathNodeHighlighted = context.selectElement(node, "BackPathHighlighted"); if (!backPathNodeHighlighted.isNull()) { setPixmapBackgroundHighlighted( context.getPixmapSource(backPathNodeHighlighted), context.selectScaleMode(backPathNodeHighlighted, Paintable::TILE), context.getScaleFactor()); } QLayout* pLayout = nullptr; QString layout; if (context.hasNodeSelectString(node, "Layout", &layout)) { if (layout == "vertical") { pLayout = new QVBoxLayout(); } else if (layout == "horizontal") { pLayout = new QHBoxLayout(); } else if (layout == "stacked") { auto pStackedLayout = new QStackedLayout(); pStackedLayout->setStackingMode(QStackedLayout::StackAll); pLayout = pStackedLayout; // Adding a zero-size dummy widget as index 0 here before // any child is added in the xml template works around // https://bugs.launchpad.net/mixxx/+bug/1627859 QWidget *dummyWidget = new QWidget(); dummyWidget->setFixedSize(0, 0); pLayout->addWidget(dummyWidget); } // Set common layout parameters. if (pLayout != nullptr) { pLayout->setSpacing(0); pLayout->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0); pLayout->setAlignment(Qt::AlignCenter); } } QString sizeConstraintStr; if (pLayout && context.hasNodeSelectString(node, "SizeConstraint", &sizeConstraintStr)) { pLayout->setSizeConstraint(sizeConstraintFromString(sizeConstraintStr)); } if (pLayout) { setLayout(pLayout); } } void WWidgetGroup::setPixmapBackground( PixmapSource source, Paintable::DrawMode mode, double scaleFactor) { // Load background pixmap m_pPixmapBack = WPixmapStore::getPaintable(source, mode, scaleFactor); if (!m_pPixmapBack) { qWarning() << "WWidgetGroup: Error loading background pixmap:" << source.getPath(); } } void WWidgetGroup::setPixmapBackgroundHighlighted( PixmapSource source, Paintable::DrawMode mode, double scaleFactor) { // Load background pixmap for the highlighted state m_pPixmapBackHighlighted = WPixmapStore::getPaintable(source, mode, scaleFactor); if (!m_pPixmapBackHighlighted) { qWarning() << "WWidgetGroup: Error loading background highlighted pixmap:" << source.getPath(); } } void WWidgetGroup::addWidget(QWidget* pChild) { QLayout* pLayout = layout(); if (pLayout && pChild) { pLayout->addWidget(pChild); } } void WWidgetGroup::paintEvent(QPaintEvent* pe) { QFrame::paintEvent(pe); if (m_highlight > 0) { if (m_pPixmapBackHighlighted) { QStylePainter p(this); m_pPixmapBackHighlighted->draw(rect(), &p); } } else { if (m_pPixmapBack) { QStylePainter p(this); m_pPixmapBack->draw(rect(), &p); } } } void WWidgetGroup::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent* re) { // Paint things styled by style sheet QFrame::resizeEvent(re); } bool WWidgetGroup::event(QEvent* pEvent) { if (pEvent->type() == QEvent::ToolTip) { updateTooltip(); } return QFrame::event(pEvent); } void WWidgetGroup::fillDebugTooltip(QStringList* debug) { WBaseWidget::fillDebugTooltip(debug); *debug << QString("LayoutAlignment: %1").arg(toDebugString(layoutAlignment())) << QString("LayoutContentsMargins: %1").arg(toDebugString(layoutContentsMargins())) << QString("LayoutSpacing: %1").arg(layoutSpacing()); } int WWidgetGroup::getHighlight() const { return m_highlight; } void WWidgetGroup::setHighlight(int highlight) { m_highlight = highlight; style()->unpolish(this); style()->polish(this); update(); emit highlightChanged(m_highlight); }