#include #include "widget/wbeatspinbox.h" #include "control/controlobject.h" #include "control/controlproxy.h" #include "util/math.h" QRegExp WBeatSpinBox::s_regexpBlacklist("[^0-9.,/ ]"); WBeatSpinBox::WBeatSpinBox(QWidget* parent, const ConfigKey& configKey, int decimals, double minimum, double maximum) : QDoubleSpinBox(parent), WBaseWidget(this), m_valueControl(configKey, this), m_scaleFactor(1.0) { // replace the original QLineEdit by one that supports font scaling. setLineEdit(new WBeatLineEdit(this)); setDecimals(decimals); setMinimum(minimum); setMaximum(maximum); setKeyboardTracking(false); // Prevent this widget from getting focused with tab // to avoid interfering with using the library via keyboard. setFocusPolicy(Qt::ClickFocus); setValue(m_valueControl.get()); connect(this, SIGNAL(valueChanged(double)), this, SLOT(slotSpinboxValueChanged(double))); m_valueControl.connectValueChanged(this, &WBeatSpinBox::slotControlValueChanged); } void WBeatSpinBox::setup(const QDomNode& node, const SkinContext& context) { Q_UNUSED(node); m_scaleFactor = context.getScaleFactor(); static_cast(lineEdit())->setScaleFactor(m_scaleFactor); } void WBeatSpinBox::stepBy(int steps) { double oldValue = m_valueControl.get(); double newValue; QString temp = text(); int cursorPos = lineEdit()->cursorPosition(); if (validate(temp, cursorPos) == QValidator::Acceptable) { double editValue = valueFromText(temp); newValue = editValue * pow(2, steps); if (newValue < minimum() || newValue > maximum()) { // don't clamp the value here to not fall out of a measure newValue = editValue; } } else { // here we have an unacceptable edit, going back to the old value first newValue = oldValue; } // Do not call QDoubleSpinBox::setValue directly in case // the new value of the ControlObject needs to be confirmed. // Curiously, m_valueControl.set() does not cause slotControlValueChanged // to execute for beatjump_size, so call QDoubleSpinBox::setValue in this function. m_valueControl.set(newValue); double coValue = m_valueControl.get(); if (coValue != value()) { setValue(coValue); } selectAll(); } void WBeatSpinBox::slotSpinboxValueChanged(double newValue) { // Do not call QDoubleSpinBox::setValue directly in case // the new value of the ControlObject needs to be confirmed. m_valueControl.set(newValue); } void WBeatSpinBox::slotControlValueChanged(double newValue) { if (value() != newValue) { setValue(newValue); } } QString WBeatSpinBox::fractionString(int numerator, int denominator) const { return QString("%1/%2").arg(numerator).arg(denominator); } QString WBeatSpinBox::textFromValue(double value) const { double dWholePart, dFracPart; dFracPart = modf(value, &dWholePart); QString sFracPart; if (dFracPart == 0.5) { sFracPart = fractionString(1, 2); } else if (dFracPart == 0.25) { sFracPart = fractionString(1, 4); } else if (dFracPart == 0.75) { sFracPart = fractionString(3, 4); } else if (dFracPart == 0.33333) { sFracPart = fractionString(1, 3); } else if (dFracPart == 0.66667) { sFracPart = fractionString(2, 3); } else if (dFracPart == 0.125) { sFracPart = fractionString(1, 8); } else if (dFracPart == 0.375) { sFracPart = fractionString(3, 8); } else if (dFracPart == 0.625) { sFracPart = fractionString(5, 8); } else if (dFracPart == 0.875) { sFracPart = fractionString(7, 8); } else if (dFracPart == 0.0625) { sFracPart = fractionString(1, 16); } else if (dFracPart == 0.1875) { sFracPart = fractionString(3, 16); } else if (dFracPart == 0.3125) { sFracPart = fractionString(5, 16); } else if (dFracPart == 0.4375) { sFracPart = fractionString(7, 16); } else if (dFracPart == 0.5625) { sFracPart = fractionString(9, 16); } else if (dFracPart == 0.6875) { sFracPart = fractionString(11, 16); } else if (dFracPart == 0.8125) { sFracPart = fractionString(13, 16); } else if (dFracPart == 0.9375) { sFracPart = fractionString(15, 16); } else if (dFracPart == 0.03125) { sFracPart = fractionString(1, 32); } else if (dFracPart == 0.09375) { sFracPart = fractionString(3, 32); } else if (dFracPart == 0.15625) { sFracPart = fractionString(5, 32); } else if (dFracPart == 0.21875) { sFracPart = fractionString(7, 32); } else if (dFracPart == 0.28125) { sFracPart = fractionString(9, 32); } else if (dFracPart == 0.34375) { sFracPart = fractionString(11, 32); } else if (dFracPart == 0.40625) { sFracPart = fractionString(13, 32); } else if (dFracPart == 0.46875) { sFracPart = fractionString(15, 32); } else if (dFracPart == 0.53125) { sFracPart = fractionString(17, 32); } else if (dFracPart == 0.59375) { sFracPart = fractionString(19, 32); } else if (dFracPart == 0.65625) { sFracPart = fractionString(21, 32); } else if (dFracPart == 0.71875) { sFracPart = fractionString(23, 32); } else if (dFracPart == 0.78125) { sFracPart = fractionString(25, 32); } else if (dFracPart == 0.84375) { sFracPart = fractionString(27, 32); } else if (dFracPart == 0.90625) { sFracPart = fractionString(29, 32); } else if (dFracPart == 0.96875) { sFracPart = fractionString(31, 32); } else { return locale().toString(value, 'g', 5); } if (dWholePart > 0) { return locale().toString(dWholePart, 'f', 0) + " " + sFracPart; } return sFracPart; } double WBeatSpinBox::valueFromText(const QString& text) const { if (text.count(" ") > 1 || text.count("/") > 1) { return value(); } bool conversionWorked = false; double dValue; dValue = locale().toDouble(text, &conversionWorked); if (conversionWorked) { return dValue; } QString sIntPart, sFracPart, sNumerator, sDenominator; if (text.contains(" ")) { QStringList numberParts = text.split(" "); sIntPart = numberParts.at(0); sFracPart = numberParts.at(1); } else if (text.contains("/")) { sFracPart = text; } QStringList splitFraction = sFracPart.split("/"); sNumerator = splitFraction.at(0); sDenominator = splitFraction.at(1); return locale().toDouble(sIntPart) + locale().toDouble(sNumerator) / locale().toDouble(sDenominator); } QValidator::State WBeatSpinBox::validate(QString& input, int& pos) const { Q_UNUSED(pos); if (input.contains(s_regexpBlacklist)) { return QValidator::Invalid; } if (input.isEmpty()) { return QValidator::Intermediate; } if (input.count(" ") > 1 || input.count("/") > 1) { return QValidator::Invalid; } bool conversionWorked = false; locale().toDouble(input, &conversionWorked); if (conversionWorked) { return QValidator::Acceptable; } QString sIntPart, sFracPart, sNumerator, sDenominator; if (input.contains(" ")) { // Whole number + fraction, for example "1 1/2" QStringList numberParts = input.split(" "); sIntPart = numberParts.at(0); sFracPart = numberParts.at(1); // Whole number + trailing space if (sFracPart.isEmpty()) { return QValidator::Intermediate; } } else if (input.contains("/")) { // Fraction without whole number, for example "1/2" sFracPart = input; } if (!sIntPart.isEmpty()) { conversionWorked = false; sIntPart.toInt(&conversionWorked); if (!conversionWorked) { return QValidator::Invalid; } } if (!sFracPart.contains("/")) { return QValidator::Intermediate; } QStringList fracParts = sFracPart.split("/"); sNumerator = fracParts.at(0); if (sNumerator.isEmpty()) { // when deleting the numerator, for example "/32" return QValidator::Intermediate; } sDenominator = fracParts.at(1); conversionWorked = false; sNumerator.toInt(&conversionWorked); if (!conversionWorked) { return QValidator::Invalid; } if (sDenominator.isEmpty()) { return QValidator::Intermediate; } conversionWorked = false; sDenominator.toInt(&conversionWorked); if (!conversionWorked) { return QValidator::Invalid; } return QValidator::Acceptable; } bool WBeatSpinBox::event(QEvent* pEvent) { if (pEvent->type() == QEvent::ToolTip) { updateTooltip(); } else if (pEvent->type() == QEvent::FontChange) { const QFont& fonti = font(); // Change the new font on the fly by casting away its constancy // using setFont() here, would results into a recursive loop // resetting the font to the original css values. // Only scale pixel size fonts, point size fonts are scaled by the OS // This font instance is only used for size measuring in // QAbstractSpinBox::minimumSizeHint() the lineEdit()->font() is used for // rendering if (fonti.pixelSize() > 0) { const_cast(fonti).setPixelSize(fonti.pixelSize() * m_scaleFactor); } } return QDoubleSpinBox::event(pEvent); } bool WBeatLineEdit::event(QEvent* pEvent) { if (pEvent->type() == QEvent::FontChange) { const QFont& fonti = font(); // Change the new font on the fly by casting away its constancy // using setFont() here, would results into a recursive loop // resetting the font to the original css values. // Only scale pixel size fonts, point size fonts are scaled by the OS // This font instance is the one, used for rendering. if (fonti.pixelSize() > 0) { const_cast(fonti).setPixelSize(fonti.pixelSize() * m_scaleFactor); } } return QLineEdit::event(pEvent); }