#include "track/trackref.h" #include bool TrackRef::verifyConsistency() const { // Class invariant: The location can only be set together with // at least one of the other members! VERIFY_OR_DEBUG_ASSERT(!hasCanonicalLocation() || hasLocation()) { // Condition violated: hasCanonicalLocation() => hasLocation() return false; } VERIFY_OR_DEBUG_ASSERT(!hasId() || hasLocation()) { // Condition violated: hasId() => hasLocation() return false; } return true; } std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const TrackRef& trackRef) { return os << "TrackRef{" << trackRef.getLocation().toStdString() << ',' << trackRef.getCanonicalLocation().toStdString() << ',' << trackRef.getId() << '}'; } QDebug operator<<(QDebug dbg, const TrackRef& trackRef) { const QDebugStateSaver saver(dbg); dbg = dbg.maybeSpace() << "TrackRef"; return dbg.nospace() << '{' << trackRef.getLocation() << ',' << trackRef.getCanonicalLocation() << ',' << trackRef.getId() << '}'; }