#include "track/track.h" #include #include #include #include "engine/engine.h" #include "track/beatfactory.h" #include "track/trackref.h" #include "util/assert.h" #include "util/color/color.h" #include "util/logger.h" namespace { const mixxx::Logger kLogger("Track"); constexpr bool kLogStats = false; // Count the number of currently existing instances for detecting // memory leaks. std::atomic s_numberOfInstances; SecurityTokenPointer openSecurityToken( const TrackFile& trackFile, SecurityTokenPointer pSecurityToken = SecurityTokenPointer()) { if (pSecurityToken.isNull()) { return Sandbox::openSecurityToken(trackFile.asFileInfo(), true); } else { return pSecurityToken; } } template inline bool compareAndSet(T* pField, const T& value) { if (*pField != value) { *pField = value; return true; } else { return false; } } inline mixxx::Bpm getActualBpm( mixxx::Bpm bpm, mixxx::BeatsPointer pBeats = mixxx::BeatsPointer()) { // Only use the imported BPM if the beat grid is not valid! // Reason: The BPM value in the metadata might be normalized // or rounded, e.g. ID3v2 only supports integer values. if (pBeats) { return mixxx::Bpm(pBeats->getBpm()); } else { return bpm; } } } // anonymous namespace // Don't change this string without an entry in the CHANGELOG! // Otherwise 3rd party software that picks up the currently // playing track from the main window and relies on this // formatting would stop working. //static const QString Track::kArtistTitleSeparator = QStringLiteral(" - "); Track::Track( TrackFile fileInfo, SecurityTokenPointer pSecurityToken, TrackId trackId) : m_qMutex(QMutex::Recursive), m_fileInfo(std::move(fileInfo)), m_pSecurityToken(openSecurityToken(m_fileInfo, std::move(pSecurityToken))), m_record(trackId), m_bDirty(false), m_bMarkedForMetadataExport(false) { if (kLogStats && kLogger.debugEnabled()) { long numberOfInstancesBefore = s_numberOfInstances.fetch_add(1); kLogger.debug() << "Creating instance:" << this << numberOfInstancesBefore << "->" << numberOfInstancesBefore + 1; } } Track::~Track() { if (m_pCueInfoImporterPending && !m_pCueInfoImporterPending->isEmpty()) { kLogger.warning() << "Import of" << m_pCueInfoImporterPending->size() << "cue(s) is still pending and discarded"; } if (kLogStats && kLogger.debugEnabled()) { long numberOfInstancesBefore = s_numberOfInstances.fetch_sub(1); kLogger.debug() << "Destroying instance:" << this << numberOfInstancesBefore << "->" << numberOfInstancesBefore - 1; } } //static TrackPointer Track::newTemporary( TrackFile fileInfo, SecurityTokenPointer pSecurityToken) { return std::make_shared( std::move(fileInfo), std::move(pSecurityToken)); } //static TrackPointer Track::newDummy( TrackFile fileInfo, TrackId trackId) { return std::make_shared( std::move(fileInfo), SecurityTokenPointer(), trackId); } void Track::relocate( TrackFile fileInfo, SecurityTokenPointer pSecurityToken) { QMutexLocker lock(&m_qMutex); m_pSecurityToken = openSecurityToken(fileInfo, std::move(pSecurityToken)); m_fileInfo = std::move(fileInfo); // The track does not need to be marked as dirty, // because this function will always be called with // the updated location from the database. } void Track::importMetadata( mixxx::TrackMetadata importedMetadata, QDateTime metadataSynchronized) { // Safe some values that are needed after move assignment and unlocking(see below) const auto newBpm = importedMetadata.getTrackInfo().getBpm(); const auto newKey = importedMetadata.getTrackInfo().getKey(); const auto newReplayGain = importedMetadata.getTrackInfo().getReplayGain(); const auto newSeratoTags = importedMetadata.getTrackInfo().getSeratoTags(); { // enter locking scope QMutexLocker lock(&m_qMutex); bool modified = false; // Only set the metadata synchronized flag (column `header_parsed` // in the database) from false to true, but never reset it back to // false. Otherwise file tags would be re-imported and overwrite // the metadata stored in the database, e.g. after retrieving metadata // from MusicBrainz! // TODO: In the future this flag should become a time stamp // to detect updates of files and then decide based on time // stamps if file tags need to be re-imported. if (!metadataSynchronized.isNull()) { modified |= compareAndSet( m_record.ptrMetadataSynchronized(), true); } bool modifiedReplayGain = false; if (m_record.getMetadata() != importedMetadata) { modifiedReplayGain = (m_record.getMetadata().getTrackInfo().getReplayGain() != newReplayGain); m_record.setMetadata(std::move(importedMetadata)); // Don't use importedMetadata after move assignment!! modified = true; } if (modified) { // explicitly unlock before emitting signals markDirtyAndUnlock(&lock); if (modifiedReplayGain) { emit replayGainUpdated(newReplayGain); } } // FIXME: Move the Track::setCuePoints call to another location, // because we need the sample rate to calculate sample // positions for cues (and *correct* sample rate isn't known here). // // If the Serato tags are empty they are not present. In this case // all existing metadata must be preserved! if (!newSeratoTags.isEmpty()) { importCueInfos(newSeratoTags.importCueInfos()); setColor(newSeratoTags.getTrackColor()); setBpmLocked(newSeratoTags.isBpmLocked()); } // implicitly unlocked when leaving scope } // Need to set BPM after sample rate since beat grid creation depends on // knowing the sample rate. Bug #1020438. const auto actualBpm = getActualBpm(newBpm, m_pBeats); if (actualBpm.hasValue()) { setBpm(actualBpm.getValue()); } if (!newKey.isEmpty() && KeyUtils::guessKeyFromText(newKey) != mixxx::track::io::key::INVALID) { setKeyText(newKey, mixxx::track::io::key::FILE_METADATA); } } void Track::mergeImportedMetadata( const mixxx::TrackMetadata& importedMetadata) { QMutexLocker lock(&m_qMutex); if (m_record.mergeImportedMetadata(importedMetadata)) { markDirtyAndUnlock(&lock); } } void Track::readTrackMetadata( mixxx::TrackMetadata* pTrackMetadata, bool* pMetadataSynchronized) const { DEBUG_ASSERT(pTrackMetadata); QMutexLocker lock(&m_qMutex); *pTrackMetadata = m_record.getMetadata(); if (pMetadataSynchronized) { *pMetadataSynchronized = m_record.getMetadataSynchronized(); } } void Track::readTrackRecord( mixxx::TrackRecord* pTrackRecord, bool* pDirty) const { DEBUG_ASSERT(pTrackRecord); QMutexLocker lock(&m_qMutex); *pTrackRecord = m_record; if (pDirty) { *pDirty = m_bDirty; } } QString Track::getCanonicalLocation() const { QMutexLocker lock(&m_qMutex); return /*mutable*/ m_fileInfo.freshCanonicalLocation(); // non-const } mixxx::ReplayGain Track::getReplayGain() const { QMutexLocker lock(&m_qMutex); return m_record.getMetadata().getTrackInfo().getReplayGain(); } void Track::setReplayGain(const mixxx::ReplayGain& replayGain) { QMutexLocker lock(&m_qMutex); if (compareAndSet(m_record.refMetadata().refTrackInfo().ptrReplayGain(), replayGain)) { markDirtyAndUnlock(&lock); emit replayGainUpdated(replayGain); } } double Track::getBpm() const { double bpm = mixxx::Bpm::kValueUndefined; QMutexLocker lock(&m_qMutex); if (m_pBeats) { // BPM from beat grid overrides BPM from metadata // Reason: The BPM value in the metadata might be imprecise, // e.g. ID3v2 only supports integer values! double beatsBpm = m_pBeats->getBpm(); if (mixxx::Bpm::isValidValue(beatsBpm)) { bpm = beatsBpm; } } return bpm; } double Track::setBpm(double bpmValue) { if (!mixxx::Bpm::isValidValue(bpmValue)) { // If the user sets the BPM to an invalid value, we assume // they want to clear the beatgrid. setBeats(mixxx::BeatsPointer()); return bpmValue; } QMutexLocker lock(&m_qMutex); if (!m_pBeats) { // No beat grid available -> create and initialize double cue = getCuePoint().getPosition(); mixxx::BeatsPointer pBeats(BeatFactory::makeBeatGrid(*this, bpmValue, cue)); setBeatsAndUnlock(&lock, pBeats); return bpmValue; } // Continue with the regular case if (m_pBeats->getBpm() != bpmValue) { if (kLogger.debugEnabled()) { kLogger.debug() << "Updating BPM:" << getLocation(); } m_pBeats->setBpm(bpmValue); markDirtyAndUnlock(&lock); // Tell the GUI to update the bpm label... //qDebug() << "Track signaling BPM update to" << f; emit bpmUpdated(bpmValue); } return bpmValue; } QString Track::getBpmText() const { return QString("%1").arg(getBpm(), 3,'f',1); } void Track::setBeats(mixxx::BeatsPointer pBeats) { QMutexLocker lock(&m_qMutex); setBeatsAndUnlock(&lock, pBeats); } void Track::setBeatsAndUnlock(QMutexLocker* pLock, mixxx::BeatsPointer pBeats) { // This whole method is not so great. The fact that Beats is an ABC is // limiting with respect to QObject and signals/slots. if (m_pBeats == pBeats) { pLock->unlock(); return; } if (m_pBeats) { disconnect(m_pBeats.data(), &mixxx::Beats::updated, this, &Track::slotBeatsUpdated); } m_pBeats = std::move(pBeats); auto bpmValue = mixxx::Bpm::kValueUndefined; if (m_pBeats) { bpmValue = m_pBeats->getBpm(); connect(m_pBeats.data(), &mixxx::Beats::updated, this, &Track::slotBeatsUpdated); } m_record.refMetadata().refTrackInfo().setBpm(mixxx::Bpm(bpmValue)); markDirtyAndUnlock(pLock); emit bpmUpdated(bpmValue); emit beatsUpdated(); } mixxx::BeatsPointer Track::getBeats() const { QMutexLocker lock(&m_qMutex); return m_pBeats; } void Track::slotBeatsUpdated() { QMutexLocker lock(&m_qMutex); auto bpmValue = mixxx::Bpm::kValueUndefined; if (m_pBeats) { bpmValue = m_pBeats->getBpm(); } m_record.refMetadata().refTrackInfo().setBpm(mixxx::Bpm(bpmValue)); markDirtyAndUnlock(&lock); emit bpmUpdated(bpmValue); emit beatsUpdated(); } void Track::setMetadataSynchronized(bool metadataSynchronized) { QMutexLocker lock(&m_qMutex); if (compareAndSet(m_record.ptrMetadataSynchronized(), metadataSynchronized)) { markDirtyAndUnlock(&lock); } } bool Track::isMetadataSynchronized() const { QMutexLocker lock(&m_qMutex); return m_record.getMetadataSynchronized(); } QString Track::getInfo() const { QMutexLocker lock(&m_qMutex); if (m_record.getMetadata().getTrackInfo().getArtist().trimmed().isEmpty()) { if (m_record.getMetadata().getTrackInfo().getTitle().trimmed().isEmpty()) { return m_fileInfo.fileName(); } else { return m_record.getMetadata().getTrackInfo().getTitle(); } } else { return m_record.getMetadata().getTrackInfo().getArtist() + kArtistTitleSeparator + m_record.getMetadata().getTrackInfo().getTitle(); } } QString Track::getTitleInfo() const { QMutexLocker lock(&m_qMutex); if (m_record.getMetadata().getTrackInfo().getArtist().trimmed().isEmpty() && m_record.getMetadata().getTrackInfo().getTitle().trimmed().isEmpty()) { return m_fileInfo.fileName(); } else { return m_record.getMetadata().getTrackInfo().getTitle(); } } QDateTime Track::getDateAdded() const { QMutexLocker lock(&m_qMutex); return m_record.getDateAdded(); } void Track::setDateAdded(const QDateTime& dateAdded) { QMutexLocker lock(&m_qMutex); return m_record.setDateAdded(dateAdded); } void Track::setDuration(mixxx::Duration duration) { QMutexLocker lock(&m_qMutex); VERIFY_OR_DEBUG_ASSERT(!m_streamInfo || m_streamInfo->getDuration() <= mixxx::Duration::empty() || m_streamInfo->getDuration() == duration) { kLogger.warning() << "Cannot override stream duration:" << m_streamInfo->getDuration() << "->" << duration; return; } if (compareAndSet( m_record.refMetadata().ptrDuration(), duration)) { markDirtyAndUnlock(&lock); } } void Track::setDuration(double duration) { setDuration(mixxx::Duration::fromSeconds(duration)); } double Track::getDuration(DurationRounding rounding) const { QMutexLocker lock(&m_qMutex); switch (rounding) { case DurationRounding::SECONDS: return std::round(m_record.getMetadata().getDuration().toDoubleSeconds()); default: return m_record.getMetadata().getDuration().toDoubleSeconds(); } } QString Track::getDurationText(mixxx::Duration::Precision precision) const { double duration; if (precision == mixxx::Duration::Precision::SECONDS) { // Round to full seconds before formatting for consistency: // getDurationText() should always display the same number // as getDuration(DurationRounding::SECONDS) = getDurationInt() duration = getDuration(DurationRounding::SECONDS); } else { duration = getDuration(DurationRounding::NONE); } return mixxx::Duration::formatTime(duration, precision); } QString Track::getTitle() const { QMutexLocker lock(&m_qMutex); return m_record.getMetadata().getTrackInfo().getTitle(); } void Track::setTitle(const QString& s) { QMutexLocker lock(&m_qMutex); QString trimmed(s.trimmed()); if (compareAndSet(m_record.refMetadata().refTrackInfo().ptrTitle(), trimmed)) { markDirtyAndUnlock(&lock); } } QString Track::getArtist() const { QMutexLocker lock(&m_qMutex); return m_record.getMetadata().getTrackInfo().getArtist(); } void Track::setArtist(const QString& s) { QMutexLocker lock(&m_qMutex); QString trimmed(s.trimmed()); if (compareAndSet(m_record.refMetadata().refTrackInfo().ptrArtist(), trimmed)) { markDirtyAndUnlock(&lock); } } QString Track::getAlbum() const { QMutexLocker lock(&m_qMutex); return m_record.getMetadata().getAlbumInfo().getTitle(); } void Track::setAlbum(const QString& s) { QMutexLocker lock(&m_qMutex); QString trimmed(s.trimmed()); if (compareAndSet(m_record.refMetadata().refAlbumInfo().ptrTitle(), trimmed)) { markDirtyAndUnlock(&lock); } } QString Track::getAlbumArtist() const { QMutexLocker lock(&m_qMutex); return m_record.getMetadata().getAlbumInfo().getArtist(); } void Track::setAlbumArtist(const QString& s) { QMutexLocker lock(&m_qMutex); QString trimmed(s.trimmed()); if (compareAndSet(m_record.refMetadata().refAlbumInfo().ptrArtist(), trimmed)) { markDirtyAndUnlock(&lock); } } QString Track::getYear() const { QMutexLocker lock(&m_qMutex); return m_record.getMetadata().getTrackInfo().getYear(); } void Track::setYear(const QString& s) { QMutexLocker lock(&m_qMutex); QString trimmed(s.trimmed()); if (compareAndSet(m_record.refMetadata().refTrackInfo().ptrYear(), trimmed)) { markDirtyAndUnlock(&lock); } } QString Track::getGenre() const { QMutexLocker lock(&m_qMutex); return m_record.getMetadata().getTrackInfo().getGenre(); } void Track::setGenre(const QString& s) { QMutexLocker lock(&m_qMutex); QString trimmed(s.trimmed()); if (compareAndSet(m_record.refMetadata().refTrackInfo().ptrGenre(), trimmed)) { markDirtyAndUnlock(&lock); } } QString Track::getComposer() const { QMutexLocker lock(&m_qMutex); return m_record.getMetadata().getTrackInfo().getComposer(); } void Track::setComposer(const QString& s) { QMutexLocker lock(&m_qMutex); QString trimmed(s.trimmed()); if (compareAndSet(m_record.refMetadata().refTrackInfo().ptrComposer(), trimmed)) { markDirtyAndUnlock(&lock); } } QString Track::getGrouping() const { QMutexLocker lock(&m_qMutex); return m_record.getMetadata().getTrackInfo().getGrouping(); } void Track::setGrouping(const QString& s) { QMutexLocker lock(&m_qMutex); QString trimmed(s.trimmed()); if (compareAndSet(m_record.refMetadata().refTrackInfo().ptrGrouping(), trimmed)) { markDirtyAndUnlock(&lock); } } QString Track::getTrackNumber() const { QMutexLocker lock(&m_qMutex); return m_record.getMetadata().getTrackInfo().getTrackNumber(); } QString Track::getTrackTotal() const { QMutexLocker lock(&m_qMutex); return m_record.getMetadata().getTrackInfo().getTrackTotal(); } void Track::setTrackNumber(const QString& s) { QMutexLocker lock(&m_qMutex); QString trimmed(s.trimmed()); if (compareAndSet(m_record.refMetadata().refTrackInfo().ptrTrackNumber(), trimmed)) { markDirtyAndUnlock(&lock); } } void Track::setTrackTotal(const QString& s) { QMutexLocker lock(&m_qMutex); QString trimmed(s.trimmed()); if (compareAndSet(m_record.refMetadata().refTrackInfo().ptrTrackTotal(), trimmed)) { markDirtyAndUnlock(&lock); } } PlayCounter Track::getPlayCounter() const { QMutexLocker lock(&m_qMutex); return m_record.getPlayCounter(); } void Track::setPlayCounter(const PlayCounter& playCounter) { QMutexLocker lock(&m_qMutex); if (compareAndSet(m_record.ptrPlayCounter(), playCounter)) { markDirtyAndUnlock(&lock); } } void Track::updatePlayCounter(bool bPlayed) { QMutexLocker lock(&m_qMutex); PlayCounter playCounter(m_record.getPlayCounter()); playCounter.setPlayedAndUpdateTimesPlayed(bPlayed); if (compareAndSet(m_record.ptrPlayCounter(), playCounter)) { markDirtyAndUnlock(&lock); } } mixxx::RgbColor::optional_t Track::getColor() const { QMutexLocker lock(&m_qMutex); return m_record.getColor(); } void Track::setColor(mixxx::RgbColor::optional_t color) { QMutexLocker lock(&m_qMutex); if (compareAndSet(m_record.ptrColor(), color)) { markDirtyAndUnlock(&lock); emit colorUpdated(color); } } QString Track::getComment() const { QMutexLocker lock(&m_qMutex); return m_record.getMetadata().getTrackInfo().getComment(); } void Track::setComment(const QString& s) { QMutexLocker lock(&m_qMutex); if (compareAndSet(m_record.refMetadata().refTrackInfo().ptrComment(), s)) { markDirtyAndUnlock(&lock); } } QString Track::getType() const { QMutexLocker lock(&m_qMutex); return m_record.getFileType(); } void Track::setType(const QString& sType) { QMutexLocker lock(&m_qMutex); if (compareAndSet(m_record.ptrFileType(), sType)) { markDirtyAndUnlock(&lock); } } int Track::getSampleRate() const { QMutexLocker lock(&m_qMutex); return m_record.getMetadata().getSampleRate(); } int Track::getChannels() const { QMutexLocker lock(&m_qMutex); return m_record.getMetadata().getChannelCount(); } int Track::getBitrate() const { QMutexLocker lock(&m_qMutex); return m_record.getMetadata().getBitrate(); } QString Track::getBitrateText() const { return QString("%1").arg(getBitrate()); } void Track::setBitrate(int iBitrate) { QMutexLocker lock(&m_qMutex); const mixxx::audio::Bitrate bitrate(iBitrate); VERIFY_OR_DEBUG_ASSERT(!m_streamInfo || !m_streamInfo->getBitrate().isValid() || m_streamInfo->getBitrate() == bitrate) { kLogger.warning() << "Cannot override stream bitrate:" << m_streamInfo->getBitrate() << "->" << bitrate; return; } if (compareAndSet( m_record.refMetadata().ptrBitrate(), bitrate)) { markDirtyAndUnlock(&lock); } } TrackId Track::getId() const { QMutexLocker lock(&m_qMutex); return m_record.getId(); } void Track::initId(TrackId id) { QMutexLocker lock(&m_qMutex); DEBUG_ASSERT(id.isValid()); if (m_record.getId() == id) { return; } // The track's id must be set only once and immediately after // the object has been created. VERIFY_OR_DEBUG_ASSERT(!m_record.getId().isValid()) { kLogger.warning() << "Cannot change id from" << m_record.getId() << "to" << id; return; // abort } m_record.setId(id); for (const auto pCue : qAsConst(m_cuePoints)) { pCue->setTrackId(id); } // Changing the Id does not make the track dirty because the Id is always // generated by the database itself. } void Track::resetId() { QMutexLocker lock(&m_qMutex); m_record.setId(TrackId()); for (const auto pCue : qAsConst(m_cuePoints)) { pCue->setTrackId(TrackId()); } } void Track::setURL(const QString& url) { QMutexLocker lock(&m_qMutex); if (compareAndSet(m_record.ptrUrl(), url)) { markDirtyAndUnlock(&lock); } } QString Track::getURL() const { QMutexLocker lock(&m_qMutex); return m_record.getUrl(); } ConstWaveformPointer Track::getWaveform() const { return m_waveform; } void Track::setWaveform(ConstWaveformPointer pWaveform) { m_waveform = pWaveform; emit waveformUpdated(); } ConstWaveformPointer Track::getWaveformSummary() const { return m_waveformSummary; } void Track::setWaveformSummary(ConstWaveformPointer pWaveform) { m_waveformSummary = pWaveform; emit waveformSummaryUpdated(); } void Track::setCuePoint(CuePosition cue) { QMutexLocker lock(&m_qMutex); if (!compareAndSet(m_record.ptrCuePoint(), cue)) { // Nothing changed. return; } // Store the cue point in a load cue CuePointer pLoadCue = findCueByType(mixxx::CueType::MainCue); double position = cue.getPosition(); if (position != -1.0) { if (pLoadCue) { pLoadCue->setStartPosition(position); } else { pLoadCue = CuePointer(new Cue()); // While this method could be called from any thread, // associated Cue objects should always live on the // same thread as their host, namely this->thread(). pLoadCue->moveToThread(thread()); pLoadCue->setTrackId(m_record.getId()); pLoadCue->setType(mixxx::CueType::MainCue); pLoadCue->setStartPosition(position); connect(pLoadCue.get(), &Cue::updated, this, &Track::slotCueUpdated); m_cuePoints.push_back(pLoadCue); } } else if (pLoadCue) { disconnect(pLoadCue.get(), 0, this, 0); m_cuePoints.removeOne(pLoadCue); } markDirtyAndUnlock(&lock); emit cuesUpdated(); } void Track::shiftCuePositionsMillis(double milliseconds) { QMutexLocker lock(&m_qMutex); VERIFY_OR_DEBUG_ASSERT(m_streamInfo) { return; } double frames = m_streamInfo->getSignalInfo().millis2frames(milliseconds); for (const CuePointer& pCue : m_cuePoints) { pCue->shiftPositionFrames(frames); } markDirtyAndUnlock(&lock); } void Track::analysisFinished() { emit analyzed(); } CuePosition Track::getCuePoint() const { QMutexLocker lock(&m_qMutex); return m_record.getCuePoint(); } void Track::slotCueUpdated() { markDirty(); emit cuesUpdated(); } CuePointer Track::createAndAddCue() { QMutexLocker lock(&m_qMutex); CuePointer pCue(new Cue()); // While this method could be called from any thread, // associated Cue objects should always live on the // same thread as their host, namely this->thread(). pCue->moveToThread(thread()); pCue->setTrackId(m_record.getId()); connect(pCue.get(), &Cue::updated, this, &Track::slotCueUpdated); m_cuePoints.push_back(pCue); markDirtyAndUnlock(&lock); emit cuesUpdated(); return pCue; } CuePointer Track::findCueByType(mixxx::CueType type) const { // This method cannot be used for hotcues because there can be // multiple hotcues and this function returns only a single CuePointer. VERIFY_OR_DEBUG_ASSERT(type != mixxx::CueType::HotCue) { return CuePointer(); } QMutexLocker lock(&m_qMutex); for (const CuePointer& pCue: m_cuePoints) { if (pCue->getType() == type) { return pCue; } } return CuePointer(); } CuePointer Track::findCueById(int id) const { QMutexLocker lock(&m_qMutex); for (const CuePointer& pCue : m_cuePoints) { if (pCue->getId() == id) { return pCue; } } return CuePointer(); } void Track::removeCue(const CuePointer& pCue) { if (!pCue) { return; } QMutexLocker lock(&m_qMutex); DEBUG_ASSERT(pCue->getTrackId() == m_record.getId()); disconnect(pCue.get(), 0, this, 0); m_cuePoints.removeOne(pCue); if (pCue->getType() == mixxx::CueType::MainCue) { m_record.setCuePoint(CuePosition()); } pCue->setTrackId(TrackId()); markDirtyAndUnlock(&lock); emit cuesUpdated(); } void Track::removeCuesOfType(mixxx::CueType type) { QMutexLocker lock(&m_qMutex); bool dirty = false; QMutableListIterator it(m_cuePoints); while (it.hasNext()) { CuePointer pCue = it.next(); // FIXME: Why does this only work for the Hotcue Type? if (pCue->getType() == type) { disconnect(pCue.get(), 0, this, 0); pCue->setTrackId(TrackId()); it.remove(); dirty = true; } } if (compareAndSet(m_record.ptrCuePoint(), CuePosition())) { dirty = true; } if (dirty) { markDirtyAndUnlock(&lock); emit cuesUpdated(); } } void Track::setCuePoints(const QList& cuePoints) { // While this method could be called from any thread, // associated Cue objects should always live on the // same thread as their host, namely this->thread(). for (const auto& pCue : cuePoints) { pCue->moveToThread(thread()); } QMutexLocker lock(&m_qMutex); setCuePointsMarkDirtyAndUnlock( &lock, cuePoints); } Track::CueImportStatus Track::importCueInfos( mixxx::CueInfoImporterPointer pCueInfoImporter) { QMutexLocker lock(&m_qMutex); VERIFY_OR_DEBUG_ASSERT(pCueInfoImporter) { return CueImportStatus::Complete; } DEBUG_ASSERT(!m_pCueInfoImporterPending); m_pCueInfoImporterPending = pCueInfoImporter; if (m_streamInfo) { // Replace existing cue points with imported cue // points immediately importPendingCueInfosMarkDirtyAndUnlock(&lock); return CueImportStatus::Complete; } else { if (m_pCueInfoImporterPending->isEmpty()) { // Just return the current import status without clearing any // existing cue points. return (!m_pCueInfoImporterPending->isEmpty()) ? CueImportStatus::Complete : CueImportStatus::Pending; } DEBUG_ASSERT(!m_pCueInfoImporterPending->isEmpty()); kLogger.debug() << "Import of" << m_pCueInfoImporterPending->size() << "cue(s) is pending until the actual sample rate becomes available"; // Clear all existing cue points, that are supposed // to be replaced with the imported cue points soon. setCuePointsMarkDirtyAndUnlock( &lock, QList{}); return CueImportStatus::Pending; } } Track::CueImportStatus Track::getCueImportStatus() const { QMutexLocker lock(&m_qMutex); return (!m_pCueInfoImporterPending || m_pCueInfoImporterPending->isEmpty()) ? CueImportStatus::Complete : CueImportStatus::Pending; } void Track::setCuePointsMarkDirtyAndUnlock( QMutexLocker* pLock, const QList& cuePoints) { DEBUG_ASSERT(pLock); if (m_cuePoints.isEmpty() && cuePoints.isEmpty()) { // Nothing to do return; } // Prevent inconsistencies between cue infos that have been queued // and are waiting to be imported and new cue points. At least one // of these two collections must be empty. DEBUG_ASSERT(cuePoints.isEmpty() || !m_pCueInfoImporterPending || m_pCueInfoImporterPending->isEmpty()); // disconnect existing cue points for (const auto& pCue: m_cuePoints) { disconnect(pCue.get(), 0, this, 0); pCue->setTrackId(TrackId()); } m_cuePoints = cuePoints; // connect new cue points for (const auto& pCue: m_cuePoints) { DEBUG_ASSERT(pCue->thread() == thread()); // Ensure that the track IDs are correct pCue->setTrackId(m_record.getId()); // Start listening to cue point updatess AFTER setting // the track id. Otherwise we would receive unwanted // signals about changed cue points that may cause all // sorts of issues, e.g. when adding new tracks during // the library scan! connect(pCue.get(), &Cue::updated, this, &Track::slotCueUpdated); if (pCue->getType() == mixxx::CueType::MainCue) { m_record.setCuePoint(CuePosition(pCue->getPosition())); } } markDirtyAndUnlock(pLock); emit cuesUpdated(); } void Track::importPendingCueInfosMarkDirtyAndUnlock( QMutexLocker* pLock) { DEBUG_ASSERT(pLock); if (!m_pCueInfoImporterPending) { // Nothing to do here return; } VERIFY_OR_DEBUG_ASSERT(!m_pCueInfoImporterPending->isEmpty()) { m_pCueInfoImporterPending.reset(); return; } // The sample rate can only be trusted after the audio // stream has been opened. DEBUG_ASSERT(m_streamInfo); const auto sampleRate = m_streamInfo->getSignalInfo().getSampleRate(); // The sample rate is supposed to be consistent DEBUG_ASSERT(sampleRate == m_record.getMetadata().getSampleRate()); const auto trackId = m_record.getId(); QList cuePoints; cuePoints.reserve(m_pCueInfoImporterPending->size()); for (const auto& cueInfo : m_pCueInfoImporterPending->importCueInfosWithCorrectTiming( getLocation(), m_streamInfo->getSignalInfo())) { CuePointer pCue(new Cue(cueInfo, sampleRate)); // While this method could be called from any thread, // associated Cue objects should always live on the // same thread as their host, namely this->thread(). pCue->moveToThread(thread()); pCue->setTrackId(trackId); cuePoints.append(pCue); } DEBUG_ASSERT(m_pCueInfoImporterPending->isEmpty()); m_pCueInfoImporterPending.reset(); setCuePointsMarkDirtyAndUnlock( pLock, cuePoints); } void Track::markDirty() { QMutexLocker lock(&m_qMutex); setDirtyAndUnlock(&lock, true); } void Track::markClean() { QMutexLocker lock(&m_qMutex); setDirtyAndUnlock(&lock, false); } void Track::markDirtyAndUnlock(QMutexLocker* pLock, bool bDirty) { bool result = m_bDirty || bDirty; setDirtyAndUnlock(pLock, result); } void Track::setDirtyAndUnlock(QMutexLocker* pLock, bool bDirty) { const bool dirtyChanged = m_bDirty != bDirty; m_bDirty = bDirty; const auto trackId = m_record.getId(); // Unlock before emitting any signals! pLock->unlock(); if (trackId.isValid()) { if (dirtyChanged) { if (bDirty) { emit dirty(trackId); } else { emit clean(trackId); } } if (bDirty) { // Emit a changed signal regardless if this attempted to set us dirty. emit changed(trackId); } } } bool Track::isDirty() { QMutexLocker lock(&m_qMutex); return m_bDirty; } void Track::markForMetadataExport() { QMutexLocker lock(&m_qMutex); m_bMarkedForMetadataExport = true; // No need to mark the track as dirty, because this flag // is transient and not stored in the database. } bool Track::isMarkedForMetadataExport() const { QMutexLocker lock(&m_qMutex); return m_bMarkedForMetadataExport; } int Track::getRating() const { QMutexLocker lock(&m_qMutex); return m_record.getRating(); } void Track::setRating (int rating) { QMutexLocker lock(&m_qMutex); if (compareAndSet(m_record.ptrRating(), rating)) { markDirtyAndUnlock(&lock); } } void Track::afterKeysUpdated(QMutexLocker* pLock) { // New key might be INVALID. We don't care. mixxx::track::io::key::ChromaticKey newKey = m_record.getGlobalKey(); markDirtyAndUnlock(pLock); emit keyUpdated(KeyUtils::keyToNumericValue(newKey)); emit keysUpdated(); } void Track::setKeys(const Keys& keys) { QMutexLocker lock(&m_qMutex); m_record.setKeys(keys); afterKeysUpdated(&lock); } void Track::resetKeys() { QMutexLocker lock(&m_qMutex); m_record.resetKeys(); afterKeysUpdated(&lock); } Keys Track::getKeys() const { QMutexLocker lock(&m_qMutex); return m_record.getKeys(); } void Track::setKey(mixxx::track::io::key::ChromaticKey key, mixxx::track::io::key::Source keySource) { QMutexLocker lock(&m_qMutex); if (m_record.updateGlobalKey(key, keySource)) { afterKeysUpdated(&lock); } } mixxx::track::io::key::ChromaticKey Track::getKey() const { QMutexLocker lock(&m_qMutex); return m_record.getGlobalKey(); } QString Track::getKeyText() const { QMutexLocker lock(&m_qMutex); return m_record.getGlobalKeyText(); } void Track::setKeyText(const QString& keyText, mixxx::track::io::key::Source keySource) { QMutexLocker lock(&m_qMutex); if (m_record.updateGlobalKeyText(keyText, keySource)) { afterKeysUpdated(&lock); } } void Track::setBpmLocked(bool bpmLocked) { QMutexLocker lock(&m_qMutex); if (compareAndSet(m_record.ptrBpmLocked(), bpmLocked)) { markDirtyAndUnlock(&lock); } } bool Track::isBpmLocked() const { QMutexLocker lock(&m_qMutex); return m_record.getBpmLocked(); } void Track::setCoverInfo(const CoverInfoRelative& coverInfo) { DEBUG_ASSERT((coverInfo.type != CoverInfo::METADATA) || coverInfo.coverLocation.isEmpty()); DEBUG_ASSERT((coverInfo.source != CoverInfo::UNKNOWN) || (coverInfo.type == CoverInfo::NONE)); QMutexLocker lock(&m_qMutex); if (compareAndSet(m_record.ptrCoverInfo(), coverInfo)) { markDirtyAndUnlock(&lock); emit coverArtUpdated(); } } bool Track::refreshCoverImageDigest( const QImage& loadedImage) { QMutexLocker lock(&m_qMutex); auto coverInfo = CoverInfo( m_record.getCoverInfo(), m_fileInfo.location()); if (!coverInfo.refreshImageDigest( loadedImage, m_pSecurityToken)) { return false; } if (!compareAndSet( m_record.ptrCoverInfo(), static_cast(coverInfo))) { return false; } kLogger.info() << "Refreshed cover image digest" << m_fileInfo.location(); markDirtyAndUnlock(&lock); emit coverArtUpdated(); return true; } CoverInfoRelative Track::getCoverInfo() const { QMutexLocker lock(&m_qMutex); return m_record.getCoverInfo(); } CoverInfo Track::getCoverInfoWithLocation() const { QMutexLocker lock(&m_qMutex); return CoverInfo(m_record.getCoverInfo(), m_fileInfo.location()); } ExportTrackMetadataResult Track::exportMetadata( mixxx::MetadataSourcePointer pMetadataSource) { VERIFY_OR_DEBUG_ASSERT(pMetadataSource) { kLogger.warning() << "Cannot export track metadata:" << getLocation(); return ExportTrackMetadataResult::Failed; } // Locking shouldn't be necessary here, because this function will // be called after all references to the object have been dropped. // But it doesn't hurt much, so let's play it safe ;) QMutexLocker lock(&m_qMutex); // TODO(XXX): m_record.getMetadataSynchronized() currently is a // boolean flag, but it should become a time stamp in the future. // We could take this time stamp and the file's last modification // time stamp into account and might decide to skip importing // the metadata again. if (!m_bMarkedForMetadataExport && !m_record.getMetadataSynchronized()) { // If the metadata has never been imported from file tags it // must be exported explicitly once. This ensures that we don't // overwrite existing file tags with completely different // information. kLogger.info() << "Skip exporting of unsynchronized track metadata:" << getLocation(); // abort return ExportTrackMetadataResult::Skipped; } // Normalize metadata before exporting to adjust the precision of // floating values, ... Otherwise the following comparisons may // repeatedly indicate that values have changed only due to // rounding errors. m_record.refMetadata().normalizeBeforeExport(); // Check if the metadata has actually been modified. Otherwise // we don't need to write it back. Exporting unmodified metadata // would needlessly update the file's time stamp and should be // avoided. Since we don't know in which state the file's metadata // is we import it again into a temporary variable. mixxx::TrackMetadata importedFromFile; if ((pMetadataSource->importTrackMetadataAndCoverImage(&importedFromFile, nullptr).first == mixxx::MetadataSource::ImportResult::Succeeded)) { // Prevent overwriting any file tags that are not yet stored in the // library database! m_record.mergeImportedMetadata(importedFromFile); // Finally the track's current metadata and the imported/adjusted metadata // can be compared for differences to decide whether the tags in the file // would change if we perform the write operation. This function will also // copy all extra properties that are not (yet) stored in the library before // checking for differences! If an export has been requested explicitly then // we will continue even if no differences are detected. // NOTE(uklotzde, 2020-01-05): Detection of modified bpm values is restricted // to integer precision to avoid re-exporting of unmodified ID3 tags in case // of fractional bpm values. As a consequence small changes in bpm values // cannot be detected and file tags with fractional values might not be // updated as expected! In these edge cases users need to explicitly // trigger the re-export of file tags or they could modify other metadata // properties. if (!m_bMarkedForMetadataExport && !m_record.getMetadata().anyFileTagsModified( importedFromFile, mixxx::Bpm::Comparison::Integer)) { // The file tags are in-sync with the track's metadata and don't need // to be updated. if (kLogger.debugEnabled()) { kLogger.debug() << "Skip exporting of unmodified track metadata into file:" << getLocation(); } // abort return ExportTrackMetadataResult::Skipped; } } else { // The file doesn't contain any tags yet or it might be missing, unreadable, // or corrupt. if (m_bMarkedForMetadataExport) { kLogger.info() << "Adding or overwriting tags after failure to import tags from file:" << getLocation(); // ...and continue } else { kLogger.warning() << "Skip exporting of track metadata after failure to import tags from file:" << getLocation(); // abort return ExportTrackMetadataResult::Skipped; } } // The track's metadata will be exported instantly. The export should // only be tried once so we reset the marker flag. m_bMarkedForMetadataExport = false; kLogger.debug() << "Old metadata (imported)" << importedFromFile; kLogger.debug() << "New metadata (modified)" << m_record.getMetadata(); const auto trackMetadataExported = pMetadataSource->exportTrackMetadata(m_record.getMetadata()); if (trackMetadataExported.first == mixxx::MetadataSource::ExportResult::Succeeded) { // After successfully exporting the metadata we record the fact // that now the file tags and the track's metadata are in sync. // This information (flag or time stamp) is stored in the database. // The database update will follow immediately after returning from // this operation! // TODO(XXX): Replace bool with QDateTime DEBUG_ASSERT(!trackMetadataExported.second.isNull()); //pTrack->setMetadataSynchronized(trackMetadataExported.second); m_record.setMetadataSynchronized(!trackMetadataExported.second.isNull()); if (kLogger.debugEnabled()) { kLogger.debug() << "Exported track metadata:" << getLocation(); } return ExportTrackMetadataResult::Succeeded; } else { kLogger.warning() << "Failed to export track metadata:" << getLocation(); return ExportTrackMetadataResult::Failed; } } void Track::setAudioProperties( mixxx::audio::ChannelCount channelCount, mixxx::audio::SampleRate sampleRate, mixxx::audio::Bitrate bitrate, mixxx::Duration duration) { QMutexLocker lock(&m_qMutex); DEBUG_ASSERT(!m_streamInfo); bool dirty = false; if (compareAndSet( m_record.refMetadata().ptrChannelCount(), channelCount)) { dirty = true; } if (compareAndSet( m_record.refMetadata().ptrSampleRate(), sampleRate)) { dirty = true; } if (compareAndSet( m_record.refMetadata().ptrBitrate(), bitrate)) { dirty = true; } if (compareAndSet( m_record.refMetadata().ptrDuration(), duration)) { dirty = true; } if (dirty) { markDirtyAndUnlock(&lock); } } void Track::updateAudioPropertiesFromStream( mixxx::audio::StreamInfo&& streamInfo) { QMutexLocker lock(&m_qMutex); VERIFY_OR_DEBUG_ASSERT(!m_streamInfo || *m_streamInfo == streamInfo) { kLogger.warning() << "Varying stream properties:" << *m_streamInfo << "->" << streamInfo; } bool updated = m_record.refMetadata().updateAudioPropertiesFromStream( streamInfo); m_streamInfo = std::make_optional(std::move(streamInfo)); if (!m_pCueInfoImporterPending || m_pCueInfoImporterPending->isEmpty()) { // Nothing more to do if (updated) { markDirtyAndUnlock(&lock); } return; } DEBUG_ASSERT(m_cuePoints.isEmpty()); kLogger.debug() << "Finishing deferred import of" << m_pCueInfoImporterPending->size() << "cue(s)"; importPendingCueInfosMarkDirtyAndUnlock( &lock); }