#ifndef MIXXX_BPM_H #define MIXXX_BPM_H #include #include "util/math.h" namespace mixxx { // DTO for storing BPM information. class Bpm final { public: static constexpr double kValueUndefined = 0.0; static constexpr double kValueMin = 0.0; // lower bound (exclusive) static constexpr double kValueMax = 300.0; // higher bound (inclusive) Bpm() : Bpm(kValueUndefined) { } explicit Bpm(double value) : m_value(value) { } static double normalizeValue(double value); // Adjusts floating-point values to match their string representation // in file tags to account for rounding errors and false positives // when checking for modifications. // NOTE(2020-01-08, uklotzde): Since bpm values are stored with // integer precision in ID3 tags, bpm values are only considered // as modified if their rounded integer values differ. But even // then this pre-normalization step should not be skipped to prevent // fluttering values for other tag formats. void normalizeBeforeExport() { m_value = normalizeValue(m_value); } static bool isValidValue(double value) { return kValueMin < value; } bool hasValue() const { return isValidValue(m_value); } double getValue() const { return m_value; } void setValue(double value) { m_value = value; } void resetValue() { m_value = kValueUndefined; } static double valueFromString(const QString& str, bool* pValid = nullptr); static QString valueToString(double value); static int valueToInteger(double value) { return std::round(value); } enum class Comparison { Default, // full precision Integer, // rounded String, // stringified }; bool compareEq( const Bpm& bpm, Comparison cmp = Comparison::Default) const { switch (cmp) { case Comparison::Integer: return Bpm::valueToInteger(getValue()) == Bpm::valueToInteger(bpm.getValue()); case Comparison::String: return Bpm::valueToString(getValue()) == Bpm::valueToString(bpm.getValue()); case Comparison::Default: default: return getValue() == bpm.getValue(); } } private: double m_value; }; inline bool operator==(const Bpm& lhs, const Bpm& rhs) { return lhs.compareEq(rhs); } inline bool operator!=(const Bpm& lhs, const Bpm& rhs) { return !(lhs == rhs); } inline QDebug operator<<(QDebug dbg, const Bpm& arg) { return dbg << arg.getValue(); } } Q_DECLARE_TYPEINFO(mixxx::Bpm, Q_MOVABLE_TYPE); Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(mixxx::Bpm) #endif // MIXXX_BPM_H