/* * beatmap.cpp * * Created on: 08/dic/2011 * Author: vittorio */ #include #include #include #include #include "track/beatmap.h" #include "track/beatutils.h" #include "util/math.h" using mixxx::track::io::Beat; const int kFrameSize = 2; inline double samplesToFrames(const double samples) { return floor(samples / kFrameSize); } inline double framesToSamples(const int frames) { return frames * kFrameSize; } bool BeatLessThan(const Beat& beat1, const Beat& beat2) { return beat1.frame_position() < beat2.frame_position(); } class BeatMapIterator : public BeatIterator { public: BeatMapIterator(BeatList::const_iterator start, BeatList::const_iterator end) : m_currentBeat(start), m_endBeat(end) { // Advance to the first enabled beat. while (m_currentBeat != m_endBeat && !m_currentBeat->enabled()) { ++m_currentBeat; } } virtual bool hasNext() const { return m_currentBeat != m_endBeat; } virtual double next() { double beat = framesToSamples(m_currentBeat->frame_position()); ++m_currentBeat; while (m_currentBeat != m_endBeat && !m_currentBeat->enabled()) { ++m_currentBeat; } return beat; } private: BeatList::const_iterator m_currentBeat; BeatList::const_iterator m_endBeat; }; BeatMap::BeatMap(const Track& track, SINT iSampleRate) : m_mutex(QMutex::Recursive), m_iSampleRate(iSampleRate > 0 ? iSampleRate : track.getSampleRate()), m_dCachedBpm(0), m_dLastFrame(0) { // BeatMap should live in the same thread as the track it is associated // with. moveToThread(track.thread()); } BeatMap::BeatMap(const Track& track, SINT iSampleRate, const QByteArray& byteArray) : BeatMap(track, iSampleRate) { readByteArray(byteArray); } BeatMap::BeatMap(const Track& track, SINT iSampleRate, const QVector& beats) : BeatMap(track, iSampleRate) { if (beats.size() > 0) { createFromBeatVector(beats); } } BeatMap::BeatMap (const BeatMap& other) : m_mutex(QMutex::Recursive), m_subVersion(other.m_subVersion), m_iSampleRate(other.m_iSampleRate), m_dCachedBpm(other.m_dCachedBpm), m_dLastFrame(other.m_dLastFrame), m_beats(other.m_beats) { moveToThread(other.thread()); } QByteArray BeatMap::toByteArray() const { QMutexLocker locker(&m_mutex); // No guarantees BeatLists are made of a data type which located adjacent // items in adjacent memory locations. mixxx::track::io::BeatMap map; for (int i = 0; i < m_beats.size(); ++i) { map.add_beat()->CopyFrom(m_beats[i]); } std::string output; map.SerializeToString(&output); return QByteArray(output.data(), output.length()); } BeatsPointer BeatMap::clone() const { QMutexLocker locker(&m_mutex); BeatsPointer other(new BeatMap(*this)); return other; } bool BeatMap::readByteArray(const QByteArray& byteArray) { mixxx::track::io::BeatMap map; if (!map.ParseFromArray(byteArray.constData(), byteArray.size())) { qDebug() << "ERROR: Could not parse BeatMap from QByteArray of size" << byteArray.size(); return false; } for (int i = 0; i < map.beat_size(); ++i) { const Beat& beat = map.beat(i); m_beats.append(beat); } onBeatlistChanged(); return true; } void BeatMap::createFromBeatVector(const QVector& beats) { if (beats.isEmpty()) { return; } double previous_beatpos = -1; Beat beat; foreach (double beatpos, beats) { // beatpos is in frames. Do not accept fractional frames. beatpos = floor(beatpos); if (beatpos <= previous_beatpos || beatpos < 0) { qDebug() << "BeatMap::createFromVector: beats not in increasing order or negative"; qDebug() << "discarding beat " << beatpos; } else { beat.set_frame_position(beatpos); m_beats.append(beat); previous_beatpos = beatpos; } } onBeatlistChanged(); } QString BeatMap::getVersion() const { QMutexLocker locker(&m_mutex); return BEAT_MAP_VERSION; } QString BeatMap::getSubVersion() const { QMutexLocker locker(&m_mutex); return m_subVersion; } void BeatMap::setSubVersion(QString subVersion) { m_subVersion = subVersion; } bool BeatMap::isValid() const { return m_iSampleRate > 0 && m_beats.size() > 0; } double BeatMap::findNextBeat(double dSamples) const { return findNthBeat(dSamples, 1); } double BeatMap::findPrevBeat(double dSamples) const { return findNthBeat(dSamples, -1); } double BeatMap::findClosestBeat(double dSamples) const { QMutexLocker locker(&m_mutex); if (!isValid()) { return -1; } double prevBeat; double nextBeat; findPrevNextBeats(dSamples, &prevBeat, &nextBeat); if (prevBeat == -1) { // If both values are -1, we correctly return -1. return nextBeat; } else if (nextBeat == -1) { return prevBeat; } return (nextBeat - dSamples > dSamples - prevBeat) ? prevBeat : nextBeat; } double BeatMap::findNthBeat(double dSamples, int n) const { QMutexLocker locker(&m_mutex); if (!isValid() || n == 0) { return -1; } Beat beat; // Reduce sample offset to a frame offset. beat.set_frame_position(samplesToFrames(dSamples)); // it points at the first occurrence of beat or the next largest beat BeatList::const_iterator it = std::lower_bound(m_beats.constBegin(), m_beats.constEnd(), beat, BeatLessThan); // If the position is within 1/10th of a second of the next or previous // beat, pretend we are on that beat. const double kFrameEpsilon = 0.1 * m_iSampleRate; // Back-up by one. if (it != m_beats.begin()) { --it; } // Scan forward to find whether we are on a beat. BeatList::const_iterator on_beat = m_beats.constEnd(); BeatList::const_iterator previous_beat = m_beats.constEnd(); BeatList::const_iterator next_beat = m_beats.constEnd(); for (; it != m_beats.end(); ++it) { qint32 delta = it->frame_position() - beat.frame_position(); // We are "on" this beat. if (abs(delta) < kFrameEpsilon) { on_beat = it; break; } if (delta < 0) { // If we are not on the beat and delta < 0 then this beat comes // before our current position. previous_beat = it; } else { // If we are past the beat and we aren't on it then this beat comes // after our current position. next_beat = it; // Stop because we have everything we need now. break; } } // If we are within epsilon samples of a beat then the immediately next and // previous beats are the beat we are on. if (on_beat != m_beats.end()) { next_beat = on_beat; previous_beat = on_beat; } if (n > 0) { for (; next_beat != m_beats.end(); ++next_beat) { if (!next_beat->enabled()) { continue; } if (n == 1) { // Return a sample offset return framesToSamples(next_beat->frame_position()); } --n; } } else if (n < 0 && previous_beat != m_beats.end()) { for (; true; --previous_beat) { if (previous_beat->enabled()) { if (n == -1) { // Return a sample offset return framesToSamples(previous_beat->frame_position()); } ++n; } // Don't step before the start of the list. if (previous_beat == m_beats.begin()) { break; } } } return -1; } bool BeatMap::findPrevNextBeats(double dSamples, double* dpPrevBeatSamples, double* dpNextBeatSamples) const { QMutexLocker locker(&m_mutex); if (!isValid()) { *dpPrevBeatSamples = -1; *dpNextBeatSamples = -1; return false; } Beat beat; // Reduce sample offset to a frame offset. beat.set_frame_position(samplesToFrames(dSamples)); // it points at the first occurrence of beat or the next largest beat BeatList::const_iterator it = std::lower_bound(m_beats.constBegin(), m_beats.constEnd(), beat, BeatLessThan); // If the position is within 1/10th of a second of the next or previous // beat, pretend we are on that beat. const double kFrameEpsilon = 0.1 * m_iSampleRate; // Back-up by one. if (it != m_beats.begin()) { --it; } // Scan forward to find whether we are on a beat. BeatList::const_iterator on_beat = m_beats.constEnd(); BeatList::const_iterator previous_beat = m_beats.constEnd(); BeatList::const_iterator next_beat = m_beats.constEnd(); for (; it != m_beats.end(); ++it) { qint32 delta = it->frame_position() - beat.frame_position(); // We are "on" this beat. if (abs(delta) < kFrameEpsilon) { on_beat = it; break; } if (delta < 0) { // If we are not on the beat and delta < 0 then this beat comes // before our current position. previous_beat = it; } else { // If we are past the beat and we aren't on it then this beat comes // after our current position. next_beat = it; // Stop because we have everything we need now. break; } } // If we are within epsilon samples of a beat then the immediately next and // previous beats are the beat we are on. if (on_beat != m_beats.end()) { previous_beat = on_beat; next_beat = on_beat + 1; } *dpPrevBeatSamples = -1; *dpNextBeatSamples = -1; for (; next_beat != m_beats.end(); ++next_beat) { if (!next_beat->enabled()) { continue; } *dpNextBeatSamples = framesToSamples(next_beat->frame_position()); break; } if (previous_beat != m_beats.end()) { for (; true; --previous_beat) { if (previous_beat->enabled()) { *dpPrevBeatSamples = framesToSamples(previous_beat->frame_position()); break; } // Don't step before the start of the list. if (previous_beat == m_beats.begin()) { break; } } } return *dpPrevBeatSamples != -1 && *dpNextBeatSamples != -1; } std::unique_ptr BeatMap::findBeats(double startSample, double stopSample) const { QMutexLocker locker(&m_mutex); //startSample and stopSample are sample offsets, converting them to //frames if (!isValid() || startSample > stopSample) { return std::unique_ptr(); } Beat startBeat, stopBeat; startBeat.set_frame_position(samplesToFrames(startSample)); stopBeat.set_frame_position(samplesToFrames(stopSample)); BeatList::const_iterator curBeat = std::lower_bound(m_beats.constBegin(), m_beats.constEnd(), startBeat, BeatLessThan); BeatList::const_iterator lastBeat = std::upper_bound(m_beats.constBegin(), m_beats.constEnd(), stopBeat, BeatLessThan); if (curBeat >= lastBeat) { return std::unique_ptr(); } return std::make_unique(curBeat, lastBeat); } bool BeatMap::hasBeatInRange(double startSample, double stopSample) const { QMutexLocker locker(&m_mutex); if (!isValid() || startSample > stopSample) { return false; } double curBeat = findNextBeat(startSample); if (curBeat <= stopSample) { return true; } return false; } double BeatMap::getBpm() const { QMutexLocker locker(&m_mutex); if (!isValid()) return -1; return m_dCachedBpm; } double BeatMap::getBpmRange(double startSample, double stopSample) const { QMutexLocker locker(&m_mutex); if (!isValid()) return -1; Beat startBeat, stopBeat; startBeat.set_frame_position(samplesToFrames(startSample)); stopBeat.set_frame_position(samplesToFrames(stopSample)); return calculateBpm(startBeat, stopBeat); } double BeatMap::getBpmAroundPosition(double curSample, int n) const { QMutexLocker locker(&m_mutex); if (!isValid()) return -1; // To make sure we are always counting n beats, iterate backward to the // lower bound, then iterate forward from there to the upper bound. // a value of -1 indicates we went off the map -- count from the beginning. double lower_bound = findNthBeat(curSample, -n); if (lower_bound == -1) { lower_bound = framesToSamples(m_beats.first().frame_position()); } // If we hit the end of the beat map, recalculate the lower bound. double upper_bound = findNthBeat(lower_bound, n * 2); if (upper_bound == -1) { upper_bound = framesToSamples(m_beats.last().frame_position()); lower_bound = findNthBeat(upper_bound, n * -2); // Super edge-case -- the track doesn't have n beats! Do the best // we can. if (lower_bound == -1) { lower_bound = framesToSamples(m_beats.first().frame_position()); } } Beat startBeat, stopBeat; startBeat.set_frame_position(samplesToFrames(lower_bound)); stopBeat.set_frame_position(samplesToFrames(upper_bound)); return calculateBpm(startBeat, stopBeat); } void BeatMap::addBeat(double dBeatSample) { QMutexLocker locker(&m_mutex); Beat beat; beat.set_frame_position(samplesToFrames(dBeatSample)); BeatList::iterator it = std::lower_bound( m_beats.begin(), m_beats.end(), beat, BeatLessThan); // Don't insert a duplicate beat. TODO(XXX) determine what epsilon to // consider a beat identical to another. if (it->frame_position() == beat.frame_position()) return; m_beats.insert(it, beat); onBeatlistChanged(); locker.unlock(); emit updated(); } void BeatMap::removeBeat(double dBeatSample) { QMutexLocker locker(&m_mutex); Beat beat; beat.set_frame_position(samplesToFrames(dBeatSample)); BeatList::iterator it = std::lower_bound( m_beats.begin(), m_beats.end(), beat, BeatLessThan); // In case there are duplicates, remove every instance of dBeatSample // TODO(XXX) add invariant checks against this // TODO(XXX) determine what epsilon to consider a beat identical to another while (it->frame_position() == beat.frame_position()) { it = m_beats.erase(it); } onBeatlistChanged(); locker.unlock(); emit updated(); } void BeatMap::moveBeat(double dBeatSample, double dNewBeatSample) { QMutexLocker locker(&m_mutex); Beat beat, newBeat; beat.set_frame_position(samplesToFrames(dBeatSample)); newBeat.set_frame_position(samplesToFrames(dNewBeatSample)); BeatList::iterator it = std::lower_bound( m_beats.begin(), m_beats.end(), beat, BeatLessThan); // In case there are duplicates, remove every instance of dBeatSample // TODO(XXX) add invariant checks against this // TODO(XXX) determine what epsilon to consider a beat identical to another while (it->frame_position() == beat.frame_position()) { if (newBeat.enabled() != it->enabled()) { newBeat.set_enabled(it->enabled()); } it = m_beats.erase(it); } // Now add a beat to dNewBeatSample it = std::lower_bound(m_beats.begin(), m_beats.end(), newBeat, BeatLessThan); // TODO(XXX) beat epsilon if (it->frame_position() != newBeat.frame_position()) { m_beats.insert(it, newBeat); } onBeatlistChanged(); locker.unlock(); emit updated(); } void BeatMap::translate(double dNumSamples) { QMutexLocker locker(&m_mutex); // Converting to frame offset if (!isValid()) { return; } double dNumFrames = samplesToFrames(dNumSamples); for (BeatList::iterator it = m_beats.begin(); it != m_beats.end(); ) { double newpos = it->frame_position() + dNumFrames; if (newpos >= 0) { it->set_frame_position(newpos); ++it; } else { it = m_beats.erase(it); } } onBeatlistChanged(); locker.unlock(); emit updated(); } void BeatMap::scale(enum BPMScale scale) { QMutexLocker locker(&m_mutex); if (!isValid() || m_beats.isEmpty()) { return; } switch (scale) { case DOUBLE: // introduce a new beat into every gap scaleDouble(); break; case HALVE: // remove every second beat scaleHalve(); break; case TWOTHIRDS: // introduce a new beat into every gap scaleDouble(); // remove every second and third beat scaleThird(); break; case THREEFOURTHS: // introduce two beats into every gap scaleTriple(); // remove every second third and forth beat scaleFourth(); break; case FOURTHIRDS: // introduce three beats into every gap scaleQuadruple(); // remove every second third and forth beat scaleThird(); break; case THREEHALVES: // introduce two beats into every gap scaleTriple(); // remove every second beat scaleHalve(); break; default: DEBUG_ASSERT(!"scale value invalid"); return; } onBeatlistChanged(); locker.unlock(); emit updated(); } void BeatMap::scaleDouble() { Beat prevBeat = m_beats.first(); // Skip the first beat to preserve the first beat in a measure BeatList::iterator it = m_beats.begin() + 1; for (; it != m_beats.end(); ++it) { // Need to not accrue fractional frames. int distance = it->frame_position() - prevBeat.frame_position(); Beat beat; beat.set_frame_position(prevBeat.frame_position() + distance / 2); it = m_beats.insert(it, beat); prevBeat = (++it)[0]; } } void BeatMap::scaleTriple() { Beat prevBeat = m_beats.first(); // Skip the first beat to preserve the first beat in a measure BeatList::iterator it = m_beats.begin() + 1; for (; it != m_beats.end(); ++it) { // Need to not accrue fractional frames. int distance = it->frame_position() - prevBeat.frame_position(); Beat beat; beat.set_frame_position(prevBeat.frame_position() + distance / 3); it = m_beats.insert(it, beat); ++it; beat.set_frame_position(prevBeat.frame_position() + distance * 2 / 3); it = m_beats.insert(it, beat); prevBeat = (++it)[0]; } } void BeatMap::scaleQuadruple() { Beat prevBeat = m_beats.first(); // Skip the first beat to preserve the first beat in a measure BeatList::iterator it = m_beats.begin() + 1; for (; it != m_beats.end(); ++it) { // Need to not accrue fractional frames. int distance = it->frame_position() - prevBeat.frame_position(); Beat beat; for (int i = 1; i <= 3; i++) { beat.set_frame_position(prevBeat.frame_position() + distance * i / 4); it = m_beats.insert(it, beat); ++it; } prevBeat = it[0]; } } void BeatMap::scaleHalve() { // Skip the first beat to preserve the first beat in a measure BeatList::iterator it = m_beats.begin() + 1; for (; it != m_beats.end(); ++it) { it = m_beats.erase(it); if (it == m_beats.end()) { break; } } } void BeatMap::scaleThird() { // Skip the first beat to preserve the first beat in a measure BeatList::iterator it = m_beats.begin() + 1; for (; it != m_beats.end(); ++it) { it = m_beats.erase(it); if (it == m_beats.end()) { break; } it = m_beats.erase(it); if (it == m_beats.end()) { break; } } } void BeatMap::scaleFourth() { // Skip the first beat to preserve the first beat in a measure BeatList::iterator it = m_beats.begin() + 1; for (; it != m_beats.end(); ++it) { it = m_beats.erase(it); if (it == m_beats.end()) { break; } it = m_beats.erase(it); if (it == m_beats.end()) { break; } it = m_beats.erase(it); if (it == m_beats.end()) { break; } } } void BeatMap::setBpm(double dBpm) { Q_UNUSED(dBpm); DEBUG_ASSERT(!"BeatMap::setBpm() not implemented"); return; /* * One of the problems of beattracking algorithms is the so called "octave error" * that is, calculated bpm is a power-of-two fraction of the bpm of the track. * But there is more. In an experiment, it had been proved that roughly 30% of the humans * fail to guess the correct bpm of a track by usually reporting it as the double or one * half of the correct one. * We can interpret it in two ways: * On one hand, a beattracking algorithm which totally avoid the octave error does not yet exists. * On the other hand, even if the algorithm guesses the correct bpm, * 30% of the users will perceive a different bpm and likely change it. * In this case, we assume that calculated beat markers are correctly placed. All * that we have to do is to delete or add some beat markers, while leaving others * so that the number of the beat markers per minute matches the new bpm. * We are jealous of our well-guessed beats since they belong to a time-expensive analysis. * When requested we simply turn them off instead of deleting them, so that they can be recollected. * If the new provided bpm is not a power-of-two fraction, we assume that the algorithm failed * at all to guess the bpm. I have no idea on how to deal with this. * If we assume that bpm does not change along the track, i.e. if we use * fixed tempo approximation (see analyzerbeat.*), this should coincide with the * method in beatgrid.cpp. * * - vittorio. */ } void BeatMap::onBeatlistChanged() { if (!isValid()) { m_dLastFrame = 0; m_dCachedBpm = 0; return; } m_dLastFrame = m_beats.last().frame_position(); Beat startBeat = m_beats.first(); Beat stopBeat = m_beats.last(); m_dCachedBpm = calculateBpm(startBeat, stopBeat); } double BeatMap::calculateBpm(const Beat& startBeat, const Beat& stopBeat) const { if (startBeat.frame_position() > stopBeat.frame_position()) { return -1; } BeatList::const_iterator curBeat = std::lower_bound(m_beats.constBegin(), m_beats.constEnd(), startBeat, BeatLessThan); BeatList::const_iterator lastBeat = std::upper_bound(m_beats.constBegin(), m_beats.constEnd(), stopBeat, BeatLessThan); QVector beatvect; for (; curBeat != lastBeat; ++curBeat) { const Beat& beat = *curBeat; if (beat.enabled()) { beatvect.append(beat.frame_position()); } } if (beatvect.isEmpty()) { return -1; } return BeatUtils::calculateBpm(beatvect, m_iSampleRate, 0, 9999); }