#include "controllers/controllerengine.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "control/controlobject.h" #include "control/controlpotmeter.h" #include "controllers/controllerdebug.h" #include "controllers/softtakeover.h" #include "preferences/usersettings.h" #include "test/mixxxtest.h" #include "util/color/colorpalette.h" #include "util/time.h" typedef std::unique_ptr ScopedTemporaryFile; class ControllerEngineTest : public MixxxTest { protected: static ScopedTemporaryFile makeTemporaryFile(const QString& contents) { QByteArray contentsBa = contents.toLocal8Bit(); ScopedTemporaryFile pFile = std::make_unique(); pFile->open(); pFile->write(contentsBa); pFile->close(); return pFile; } void SetUp() override { mixxx::Time::setTestMode(true); mixxx::Time::setTestElapsedTime(mixxx::Duration::fromMillis(10)); QThread::currentThread()->setObjectName("Main"); cEngine = new ControllerEngine(nullptr, config()); pScriptEngine = cEngine->m_pEngine; ControllerDebug::enable(); cEngine->setPopups(false); } void TearDown() override { cEngine->gracefulShutdown(); delete cEngine; mixxx::Time::setTestMode(false); } bool execute(const QString& functionName) { QScriptValue function = cEngine->wrapFunctionCode(functionName, 0); return cEngine->internalExecute(QScriptValue(), function, QScriptValueList()); } void processEvents() { // QCoreApplication::processEvents() only processes events that were // queued when the method was called. Hence, all subsequent events that // are emitted while processing those queued events will not be // processed and are enqueued for the next event processing cycle. // Calling processEvents() twice ensures that at least all queued and // the next round of emitted events are processed. application()->processEvents(); application()->processEvents(); } ControllerEngine *cEngine; QScriptEngine *pScriptEngine; }; TEST_F(ControllerEngineTest, commonScriptHasNoErrors) { QString commonScript = "./res/controllers/common-controller-scripts.js"; cEngine->evaluate(commonScript); EXPECT_FALSE(cEngine->hasErrors(commonScript)); } TEST_F(ControllerEngineTest, setValue) { auto co = std::make_unique(ConfigKey("[Test]", "co")); EXPECT_TRUE(execute("function() { engine.setValue('[Test]', 'co', 1.0); }")); EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(1.0, co->get()); } TEST_F(ControllerEngineTest, setValue_InvalidControl) { EXPECT_TRUE(execute("function() { engine.setValue('[Nothing]', 'nothing', 1.0); }")); } TEST_F(ControllerEngineTest, getValue_InvalidControl) { EXPECT_TRUE(execute("function() { return engine.getValue('[Nothing]', 'nothing'); }")); } TEST_F(ControllerEngineTest, setValue_IgnoresNaN) { auto co = std::make_unique(ConfigKey("[Test]", "co")); co->set(10.0); EXPECT_TRUE(execute("function() { engine.setValue('[Test]', 'co', NaN); }")); EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(10.0, co->get()); } TEST_F(ControllerEngineTest, getSetValue) { auto co = std::make_unique(ConfigKey("[Test]", "co")); EXPECT_TRUE(execute("function() { engine.setValue('[Test]', 'co', engine.getValue('[Test]', 'co') + 1); }")); EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(1.0, co->get()); } TEST_F(ControllerEngineTest, setParameter) { auto co = std::make_unique(ConfigKey("[Test]", "co"), -10.0, 10.0); EXPECT_TRUE(execute("function() { engine.setParameter('[Test]', 'co', 1.0); }")); EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(10.0, co->get()); EXPECT_TRUE(execute("function() { engine.setParameter('[Test]', 'co', 0.0); }")); EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(-10.0, co->get()); EXPECT_TRUE(execute("function() { engine.setParameter('[Test]', 'co', 0.5); }")); EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(0.0, co->get()); } TEST_F(ControllerEngineTest, setParameter_OutOfRange) { auto co = std::make_unique(ConfigKey("[Test]", "co"), -10.0, 10.0); EXPECT_TRUE(execute("function () { engine.setParameter('[Test]', 'co', 1000); }")); EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(10.0, co->get()); EXPECT_TRUE(execute("function () { engine.setParameter('[Test]', 'co', -1000); }")); EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(-10.0, co->get()); } TEST_F(ControllerEngineTest, setParameter_NaN) { // Test that NaNs are ignored. auto co = std::make_unique(ConfigKey("[Test]", "co"), -10.0, 10.0); EXPECT_TRUE(execute("function() { engine.setParameter('[Test]', 'co', NaN); }")); EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(0.0, co->get()); } TEST_F(ControllerEngineTest, getSetParameter) { auto co = std::make_unique(ConfigKey("[Test]", "co"), -10.0, 10.0); EXPECT_TRUE(execute("function() { engine.setParameter('[Test]', 'co', " " engine.getParameter('[Test]', 'co') + 0.1); }")); EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(2.0, co->get()); } TEST_F(ControllerEngineTest, softTakeover_setValue) { auto co = std::make_unique(ConfigKey("[Test]", "co"), -10.0, 10.0); co->setParameter(0.0); EXPECT_TRUE(execute("function() {" " engine.softTakeover('[Test]', 'co', true);" " engine.setValue('[Test]', 'co', 0.0); }")); // The first set after enabling is always ignored. EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(-10.0, co->get()); // Change the control internally (putting it out of sync with the // ControllerEngine). co->setParameter(0.5); // Time elapsed is not greater than the threshold, so we do not ignore this // set. EXPECT_TRUE(execute("function() { engine.setValue('[Test]', 'co', -10.0); }")); EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(-10.0, co->get()); // Advance time to 2x the threshold. mixxx::Time::setTestElapsedTime(SoftTakeover::TestAccess::getTimeThreshold() * 2); // Change the control internally (putting it out of sync with the // ControllerEngine). co->setParameter(0.5); // Ignore the change since it occurred after the threshold and is too large. EXPECT_TRUE(execute("function() { engine.setValue('[Test]', 'co', -10.0); }")); EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(0.0, co->get()); } TEST_F(ControllerEngineTest, softTakeover_setParameter) { auto co = std::make_unique(ConfigKey("[Test]", "co"), -10.0, 10.0); co->setParameter(0.0); EXPECT_TRUE(execute("function() {" " engine.softTakeover('[Test]', 'co', true);" " engine.setParameter('[Test]', 'co', 1.0); }")); // The first set after enabling is always ignored. EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(-10.0, co->get()); // Change the control internally (putting it out of sync with the // ControllerEngine). co->setParameter(0.5); // Time elapsed is not greater than the threshold, so we do not ignore this // set. EXPECT_TRUE(execute("function() { engine.setParameter('[Test]', 'co', 0.0); }")); EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(-10.0, co->get()); // Advance time to 2x the threshold. mixxx::Time::setTestElapsedTime(SoftTakeover::TestAccess::getTimeThreshold() * 2); // Change the control internally (putting it out of sync with the // ControllerEngine). co->setParameter(0.5); // Ignore the change since it occurred after the threshold and is too large. EXPECT_TRUE(execute("function() { engine.setParameter('[Test]', 'co', 0.0); }")); EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(0.0, co->get()); } TEST_F(ControllerEngineTest, softTakeover_ignoreNextValue) { auto co = std::make_unique(ConfigKey("[Test]", "co"), -10.0, 10.0); co->setParameter(0.0); EXPECT_TRUE(execute("function() {" " engine.softTakeover('[Test]', 'co', true);" " engine.setParameter('[Test]', 'co', 1.0); }")); // The first set after enabling is always ignored. EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(-10.0, co->get()); // Change the control internally (putting it out of sync with the // ControllerEngine). co->setParameter(0.5); EXPECT_TRUE(execute("function() { engine.softTakeoverIgnoreNextValue('[Test]', 'co'); }")); // We would normally allow this set since it is below the time threshold, // but we are ignoring the next value. EXPECT_TRUE(execute("function() { engine.setParameter('[Test]', 'co', 0.0); }")); EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(0.0, co->get()); } TEST_F(ControllerEngineTest, reset) { // Test that NaNs are ignored. auto co = std::make_unique(ConfigKey("[Test]", "co"), -10.0, 10.0); co->setParameter(1.0); EXPECT_TRUE(execute("function() { engine.reset('[Test]', 'co'); }")); EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(0.0, co->get()); } TEST_F(ControllerEngineTest, log) { EXPECT_TRUE(execute("function() { engine.log('Test that logging works.'); }")); } TEST_F(ControllerEngineTest, trigger) { auto co = std::make_unique(ConfigKey("[Test]", "co")); auto pass = std::make_unique(ConfigKey("[Test]", "passed")); ScopedTemporaryFile script(makeTemporaryFile( "var reaction = function(value) { " " var pass = engine.getValue('[Test]', 'passed');" " engine.setValue('[Test]', 'passed', pass + 1.0); };" "var connection = engine.connectControl('[Test]', 'co', reaction);" "engine.trigger('[Test]', 'co');")); cEngine->evaluate(script->fileName()); EXPECT_FALSE(cEngine->hasErrors(script->fileName())); // ControlObjectScript connections are processed via QueuedConnection. Use // processEvents() to cause Qt to deliver them. processEvents(); // The counter should have been incremented exactly once. EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(1.0, pass->get()); } // ControllerEngine::connectControl has a lot of quirky, inconsistent legacy behaviors // depending on how it is invoked, so we need a lot of tests to make sure old scripts // do not break. TEST_F(ControllerEngineTest, connectControl_ByString) { // Test that connecting and disconnecting by function name works. auto co = std::make_unique(ConfigKey("[Test]", "co")); auto pass = std::make_unique(ConfigKey("[Test]", "passed")); ScopedTemporaryFile script(makeTemporaryFile( "var reaction = function(value) { " " var pass = engine.getValue('[Test]', 'passed');" " engine.setValue('[Test]', 'passed', pass + 1.0); };" "engine.connectControl('[Test]', 'co', 'reaction');" "engine.trigger('[Test]', 'co');" "function disconnect() { " " engine.connectControl('[Test]', 'co', 'reaction', 1);" " engine.trigger('[Test]', 'co'); }")); cEngine->evaluate(script->fileName()); EXPECT_FALSE(cEngine->hasErrors(script->fileName())); // ControlObjectScript connections are processed via QueuedConnection. Use // processEvents() to cause Qt to deliver them. processEvents(); EXPECT_TRUE(execute("disconnect")); processEvents(); // The counter should have been incremented exactly once. EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(1.0, pass->get()); } TEST_F(ControllerEngineTest, connectControl_ByStringForbidDuplicateConnections) { // Test that connecting a control to a callback specified by a string // does not make duplicate connections. This behavior is inconsistent // with the behavior when specifying a callback as a function, but // this is how it has been done, so keep the behavior to ensure old scripts // do not break. auto co = std::make_unique(ConfigKey("[Test]", "co")); auto pass = std::make_unique(ConfigKey("[Test]", "passed")); ScopedTemporaryFile script(makeTemporaryFile( "var reaction = function(value) { " " var pass = engine.getValue('[Test]', 'passed');" " engine.setValue('[Test]', 'passed', pass + 1.0); };" "engine.connectControl('[Test]', 'co', 'reaction');" "engine.connectControl('[Test]', 'co', 'reaction');" "engine.trigger('[Test]', 'co');")); cEngine->evaluate(script->fileName()); EXPECT_FALSE(cEngine->hasErrors(script->fileName())); // ControlObjectScript connections are processed via QueuedConnection. Use // processEvents() to cause Qt to deliver them. processEvents(); // The counter should have been incremented exactly once. EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(1.0, pass->get()); } TEST_F(ControllerEngineTest, connectControl_ByStringRedundantConnectionObjectsAreNotIndependent) { // Test that multiple connections are not allowed when passing // the callback to engine.connectControl as a function name string. // This is weird and inconsistent, but it is how it has been done, // so keep this behavior to make sure old scripts do not break. auto co = std::make_unique(ConfigKey("[Test]", "co")); auto counter = std::make_unique(ConfigKey("[Test]", "counter")); ScopedTemporaryFile script(makeTemporaryFile( "var incrementCounterCO = function () {" " var counter = engine.getValue('[Test]', 'counter');" " engine.setValue('[Test]', 'counter', counter + 1);" "};" "var connection1 = engine.connectControl('[Test]', 'co', 'incrementCounterCO');" // Make a second connection with the same ControlObject // to check that disconnecting one does not disconnect both. "var connection2 = engine.connectControl('[Test]', 'co', 'incrementCounterCO');" "function changeTestCoValue() {" " var testCoValue = engine.getValue('[Test]', 'co');" " engine.setValue('[Test]', 'co', testCoValue + 1);" "};" "function disconnectConnection2() {" " connection2.disconnect();" "};" )); cEngine->evaluate(script->fileName()); EXPECT_FALSE(cEngine->hasErrors(script->fileName())); execute("changeTestCoValue"); // ControlObjectScript connections are processed via QueuedConnection. Use // processEvents() to cause Qt to deliver them. processEvents(); EXPECT_EQ(1.0, counter->get()); execute("disconnectConnection2"); // The connection objects should refer to the same connection, // so disconnecting one should disconnect both. execute("changeTestCoValue"); processEvents(); EXPECT_EQ(1.0, counter->get()); } TEST_F(ControllerEngineTest, connectControl_ByFunction) { // Test that connecting and disconnecting with a function value works. auto co = std::make_unique(ConfigKey("[Test]", "co")); auto pass = std::make_unique(ConfigKey("[Test]", "passed")); ScopedTemporaryFile script(makeTemporaryFile( "var reaction = function(value) { " " var pass = engine.getValue('[Test]', 'passed');" " engine.setValue('[Test]', 'passed', pass + 1.0); };" "var connection = engine.connectControl('[Test]', 'co', reaction);" "connection.trigger();")); cEngine->evaluate(script->fileName()); EXPECT_FALSE(cEngine->hasErrors(script->fileName())); // ControlObjectScript connections are processed via QueuedConnection. Use // processEvents() to cause Qt to deliver them. processEvents(); // The counter should have been incremented exactly once. EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(1.0, pass->get()); } TEST_F(ControllerEngineTest, connectControl_ByFunctionAllowDuplicateConnections) { // Test that duplicate connections are allowed when passing callbacks as functions. auto co = std::make_unique(ConfigKey("[Test]", "co")); auto pass = std::make_unique(ConfigKey("[Test]", "passed")); ScopedTemporaryFile script(makeTemporaryFile( "var reaction = function(value) { " " var pass = engine.getValue('[Test]', 'passed');" " engine.setValue('[Test]', 'passed', pass + 1.0); };" "engine.connectControl('[Test]', 'co', reaction);" "engine.connectControl('[Test]', 'co', reaction);" // engine.trigger() has no way to know which connection to a ControlObject // to trigger, so it should trigger all of them. "engine.trigger('[Test]', 'co');")); cEngine->evaluate(script->fileName()); EXPECT_FALSE(cEngine->hasErrors(script->fileName())); // ControlObjectScript connections are processed via QueuedConnection. Use // processEvents() to cause Qt to deliver them. processEvents(); // The counter should have been incremented exactly twice. EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(2.0, pass->get()); } TEST_F(ControllerEngineTest, connectControl_toDisconnectRemovesAllConnections) { // Test that every connection to a ControlObject is disconnected // by calling engine.connectControl(..., true). Individual connections // can only be disconnected by storing the connection object returned by // engine.connectControl and calling that object's 'disconnect' method. auto co = std::make_unique(ConfigKey("[Test]", "co")); auto pass = std::make_unique(ConfigKey("[Test]", "passed")); ScopedTemporaryFile script(makeTemporaryFile( "var reaction = function(value) { " " var pass = engine.getValue('[Test]', 'passed');" " engine.setValue('[Test]', 'passed', pass + 1.0); };" "engine.connectControl('[Test]', 'co', reaction);" "engine.connectControl('[Test]', 'co', reaction);" "engine.trigger('[Test]', 'co');" "function disconnect() { " " engine.connectControl('[Test]', 'co', reaction, 1);" " engine.trigger('[Test]', 'co'); }")); cEngine->evaluate(script->fileName()); EXPECT_FALSE(cEngine->hasErrors(script->fileName())); // ControlObjectScript connections are processed via QueuedConnection. Use // processEvents() to cause Qt to deliver them. processEvents(); EXPECT_TRUE(execute("disconnect")); processEvents(); // The counter should have been incremented exactly twice. EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(2.0, pass->get()); } TEST_F(ControllerEngineTest, connectControl_ByLambda) { // Test that connecting with an anonymous function works. auto co = std::make_unique(ConfigKey("[Test]", "co")); auto pass = std::make_unique(ConfigKey("[Test]", "passed")); ScopedTemporaryFile script(makeTemporaryFile( "var connection = engine.connectControl('[Test]', 'co', function(value) { " " var pass = engine.getValue('[Test]', 'passed');" " engine.setValue('[Test]', 'passed', pass + 1.0); });" "connection.trigger();" "function disconnect() { " " connection.disconnect();" " engine.trigger('[Test]', 'co'); }")); cEngine->evaluate(script->fileName()); EXPECT_FALSE(cEngine->hasErrors(script->fileName())); // ControlObjectScript connections are processed via QueuedConnection. Use // processEvents() to cause Qt to deliver them. processEvents(); EXPECT_TRUE(execute("disconnect")); processEvents(); // The counter should have been incremented exactly once. EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(1.0, pass->get()); } TEST_F(ControllerEngineTest, connectionObject_Disconnect) { // Test that disconnecting using the 'disconnect' method on the connection // object returned from connectControl works. auto co = std::make_unique(ConfigKey("[Test]", "co")); auto pass = std::make_unique(ConfigKey("[Test]", "passed")); ScopedTemporaryFile script(makeTemporaryFile( "var reaction = function(value) { " " var pass = engine.getValue('[Test]', 'passed');" " engine.setValue('[Test]', 'passed', pass + 1.0); };" "var connection = engine.makeConnection('[Test]', 'co', reaction);" "connection.trigger();" "function disconnect() { " " connection.disconnect();" " engine.trigger('[Test]', 'co'); }")); cEngine->evaluate(script->fileName()); EXPECT_FALSE(cEngine->hasErrors(script->fileName())); // ControlObjectScript connections are processed via QueuedConnection. Use // processEvents() to cause Qt to deliver them. processEvents(); EXPECT_TRUE(execute("disconnect")); processEvents(); // The counter should have been incremented exactly once. EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(1.0, pass->get()); } TEST_F(ControllerEngineTest, connectionObject_reflectDisconnect) { // Test that checks if disconnecting yields the appropriate feedback auto co = std::make_unique(ConfigKey("[Test]", "co")); auto pass = std::make_unique(ConfigKey("[Test]", "passed")); ScopedTemporaryFile script(makeTemporaryFile( "var reaction = function(success) { " " if (success) {" " var pass = engine.getValue('[Test]', 'passed');" " engine.setValue('[Test]', 'passed', pass + 1.0); " " }" "};" "var dummy_callback = function(value) {};" "var connection = engine.makeConnection('[Test]', 'co', dummy_callback);" "reaction(connection);" "reaction(connection.isConnected);" "var successful_disconnect = connection.disconnect();" "reaction(successful_disconnect);" "reaction(!connection.isConnected);" )); cEngine->evaluate(script->fileName()); EXPECT_FALSE(cEngine->hasErrors(script->fileName())); processEvents(); EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(4.0, pass->get()); } TEST_F(ControllerEngineTest, connectionObject_DisconnectByPassingToConnectControl) { // Test that passing a connection object back to engine.connectControl // removes the connection auto co = std::make_unique(ConfigKey("[Test]", "co")); auto pass = std::make_unique(ConfigKey("[Test]", "passed")); // The connections should be removed from the ControlObject which they were // actually connected to, regardless of the group and item arguments passed // to engine.connectControl() to remove the connection. All that should matter // is that a valid ControlObject is specified. auto dummy = std::make_unique(ConfigKey("[Test]", "dummy")); ScopedTemporaryFile script(makeTemporaryFile( "var reaction = function(value) { " " var pass = engine.getValue('[Test]', 'passed');" " engine.setValue('[Test]', 'passed', pass + 1.0); };" "var connection1 = engine.connectControl('[Test]', 'co', reaction);" "var connection2 = engine.connectControl('[Test]', 'co', reaction);" "function disconnectConnection1() { " " engine.connectControl('[Test]'," " 'dummy'," " connection1);" " engine.trigger('[Test]', 'co'); }" // Whether a 4th argument is passed to engine.connectControl does not matter. "function disconnectConnection2() { " " engine.connectControl('[Test]'," " 'dummy'," " connection2, true);" " engine.trigger('[Test]', 'co'); }")); cEngine->evaluate(script->fileName()); EXPECT_FALSE(cEngine->hasErrors(script->fileName())); // ControlObjectScript connections are processed via QueuedConnection. Use // processEvents() to cause Qt to deliver them. processEvents(); EXPECT_TRUE(execute("disconnectConnection1")); processEvents(); // The counter should have been incremented once by connection2. EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(1.0, pass->get()); EXPECT_TRUE(execute("disconnectConnection2")); processEvents(); // The counter should not have changed. EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(1.0, pass->get()); } TEST_F(ControllerEngineTest, connectionObject_MakesIndependentConnection) { // Test that multiple connections can be made to the same CO with // the same callback function and that calling their 'disconnect' method // only disconnects the callback for that object. auto co = std::make_unique(ConfigKey("[Test]", "co")); auto counter = std::make_unique(ConfigKey("[Test]", "counter")); ScopedTemporaryFile script(makeTemporaryFile( "var incrementCounterCO = function () {" " var counter = engine.getValue('[Test]', 'counter');" " engine.setValue('[Test]', 'counter', counter + 1);" "};" "var connection1 = engine.makeConnection('[Test]', 'co', incrementCounterCO);" // Make a second connection with the same ControlObject // to check that disconnecting one does not disconnect both. "var connection2 = engine.makeConnection('[Test]', 'co', incrementCounterCO);" "function changeTestCoValue() {" " var testCoValue = engine.getValue('[Test]', 'co');" " engine.setValue('[Test]', 'co', testCoValue + 1);" "}" "function disconnectConnection1() {" " connection1.disconnect();" "}" )); cEngine->evaluate(script->fileName()); EXPECT_FALSE(cEngine->hasErrors(script->fileName())); execute("changeTestCoValue"); // ControlObjectScript connections are processed via QueuedConnection. Use // processEvents() to cause Qt to deliver them. processEvents(); EXPECT_EQ(2.0, counter->get()); execute("disconnectConnection1"); // Only the callback for connection1 should have disconnected; // the callback for connection2 should still be connected, so // changing the CO they were both connected to should // increment the counter once. execute("changeTestCoValue"); processEvents(); EXPECT_EQ(3.0, counter->get()); } TEST_F(ControllerEngineTest, connectionObject_trigger) { // Test that triggering using the 'trigger' method on the connection // object returned from connectControl works. auto co = std::make_unique(ConfigKey("[Test]", "co")); auto counter = std::make_unique(ConfigKey("[Test]", "counter")); ScopedTemporaryFile script(makeTemporaryFile( "var incrementCounterCO = function () {" " var counter = engine.getValue('[Test]', 'counter');" " engine.setValue('[Test]', 'counter', counter + 1);" "};" "var connection1 = engine.makeConnection('[Test]', 'co', incrementCounterCO);" // Make a second connection with the same ControlObject // to check that triggering a connection object only triggers that callback, // not every callback connected to its ControlObject. "var connection2 = engine.makeConnection('[Test]', 'co', incrementCounterCO);" "connection1.trigger();" )); cEngine->evaluate(script->fileName()); EXPECT_FALSE(cEngine->hasErrors(script->fileName())); // The counter should have been incremented exactly once. EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(1.0, counter->get()); } TEST_F(ControllerEngineTest, connectionExecutesWithCorrectThisObject) { // Test that callback functions are executed with JavaScript's // 'this' keyword referring to the object in which the connection // was created. auto co = std::make_unique(ConfigKey("[Test]", "co")); auto pass = std::make_unique(ConfigKey("[Test]", "passed")); ScopedTemporaryFile script(makeTemporaryFile( "var TestObject = function () {" " this.executeTheCallback = true;" " this.connection = engine.makeConnection('[Test]', 'co', function () {" " if (this.executeTheCallback) {" " engine.setValue('[Test]', 'passed', 1);" " }" " });" "};" "var someObject = new TestObject();" "someObject.connection.trigger();")); cEngine->evaluate(script->fileName()); EXPECT_FALSE(cEngine->hasErrors(script->fileName())); // ControlObjectScript connections are processed via QueuedConnection. Use // processEvents() to cause Qt to deliver them. processEvents(); // The counter should have been incremented exactly once. EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(1.0, pass->get()); }