#include "soundio/sounddevicenetwork.h" #include #include "waveform/visualplayposition.h" #include "util/timer.h" #include "util/trace.h" #include "control/controlproxy.h" #include "control/controlobject.h" #include "util/denormalsarezero.h" #include "engine/sidechain/enginenetworkstream.h" #include "float.h" #include "soundio/sounddevice.h" #include "soundio/soundmanager.h" #include "soundio/soundmanagerutil.h" #include "util/logger.h" #include "util/sample.h" namespace { const int kNetworkLatencyFrames = 8192; // 185 ms @ 44100 Hz // Related chunk sizes: // Mp3 frames = 1152 samples // Ogg frames = 64 to 8192 samples. // In Mixxx 1.11 we transmit every decoder-frames at once, // Which results in case of ogg in a dynamic latency from 0.14 ms to to 185 ms // Now we have switched to a fixed latency of 8192 frames (stereo samples) = // which is 185 @ 44100 ms and twice the maximum of the max mixxx audio buffer const mixxx::Logger kLogger("SoundDeviceNetwork"); } SoundDeviceNetwork::SoundDeviceNetwork(UserSettingsPointer config, SoundManager *sm, QSharedPointer pNetworkStream) : SoundDevice(config, sm), m_pNetworkStream(pNetworkStream), m_inputDrift(false), m_framesSinceAudioLatencyUsageUpdate(0), m_denormals(false), m_targetTime(0) { // Setting parent class members: m_hostAPI = "Network stream"; m_dSampleRate = 44100.0; m_deviceId.name = kNetworkDeviceInternalName; m_strDisplayName = QObject::tr("Network stream"); m_iNumInputChannels = pNetworkStream->getNumInputChannels(); m_iNumOutputChannels = pNetworkStream->getNumOutputChannels(); m_pMasterAudioLatencyUsage = std::make_unique("[Master]", "audio_latency_usage"); } SoundDeviceNetwork::~SoundDeviceNetwork() { } SoundDeviceError SoundDeviceNetwork::open(bool isClkRefDevice, int syncBuffers) { Q_UNUSED(syncBuffers); kLogger.debug() << "open:" << m_deviceId.name; // Sample rate if (m_dSampleRate <= 0) { m_dSampleRate = 44100.0; } qDebug() << "framesPerBuffer:" << m_framesPerBuffer; m_audioBufferTime = mixxx::Duration::fromSeconds( m_framesPerBuffer / m_dSampleRate); qDebug() << "Requested sample rate: " << m_dSampleRate << "Hz, latency:" << m_audioBufferTime; // Feed the network device buffer directly from the // clock reference device callback // This is what should work best. if (m_iNumOutputChannels) { m_outputFifo = std::make_unique >( m_iNumOutputChannels * m_framesPerBuffer * 2); } if (m_iNumInputChannels) { m_inputFifo = std::make_unique >( m_iNumInputChannels * m_framesPerBuffer * 2); } m_pNetworkStream->startStream(m_dSampleRate); // Create the callback Thread if requested if (isClkRefDevice) { // Update the samplerate and latency ControlObjects, which allow the // waveform view to properly correct for the latency. ControlObject::set(ConfigKey("[Master]", "latency"), m_audioBufferTime.toDoubleMillis()); ControlObject::set(ConfigKey("[Master]", "samplerate"), m_dSampleRate); ControlObject::set(ConfigKey("[Master]", "audio_buffer_size"), m_audioBufferTime.toDoubleMillis()); // Network stream was just started above so we have to wait until // we can pass one chunk. // The first callback runs early to do the one time setups m_targetTime = m_audioBufferTime.toIntegerMicros(); m_pThread = std::make_unique(this); m_pThread->start(QThread::TimeCriticalPriority); } return SOUNDDEVICE_ERROR_OK; } bool SoundDeviceNetwork::isOpen() const { return (m_inputFifo != NULL || m_outputFifo != NULL); } SoundDeviceError SoundDeviceNetwork::close() { //kLogger.debug() << "close:" << getInternalName(); m_pNetworkStream->stopStream(); if (m_pThread) { m_pThread->stop(); m_pThread->wait(); m_pThread.reset(); } m_outputFifo.reset(); m_inputFifo.reset(); return SOUNDDEVICE_ERROR_OK; } QString SoundDeviceNetwork::getError() const { return QString(); } void SoundDeviceNetwork::readProcess() { if (!m_inputFifo || !m_pNetworkStream || !m_iNumInputChannels) return; int inChunkSize = m_framesPerBuffer * m_iNumInputChannels; int readAvailable = m_pNetworkStream->getReadExpected() * m_iNumInputChannels; int writeAvailable = m_inputFifo->writeAvailable(); int copyCount = qMin(writeAvailable, readAvailable); if (copyCount > 0) { CSAMPLE* dataPtr1; ring_buffer_size_t size1; CSAMPLE* dataPtr2; ring_buffer_size_t size2; (void)m_inputFifo->aquireWriteRegions(copyCount, &dataPtr1, &size1, &dataPtr2, &size2); // Fetch fresh samples and write to the the input buffer m_pNetworkStream->read(dataPtr1, size1 / m_iNumInputChannels); CSAMPLE* lastFrame = &dataPtr1[size1 - m_iNumInputChannels]; if (size2 > 0) { m_pNetworkStream->read(dataPtr2, size2 / m_iNumInputChannels); lastFrame = &dataPtr2[size2 - m_iNumInputChannels]; } m_inputFifo->releaseWriteRegions(copyCount); if (readAvailable > writeAvailable + inChunkSize / 2) { // we are not able to consume all frames if (m_inputDrift) { // Skip one frame //kLogger.debug() << "readProcess() skip one frame" // << (float)writeAvailable / inChunkSize << (float)readAvailable / inChunkSize; m_pNetworkStream->read(dataPtr1, 1); } else { m_inputDrift = true; } } else if (readAvailable < inChunkSize / 2) { // We should read at least inChunkSize if (m_inputDrift) { // duplicate one frame //kLogger.debug() << "readProcess() duplicate one frame" // << (float)writeAvailable / inChunkSize << (float)readAvailable / inChunkSize; (void) m_inputFifo->aquireWriteRegions( m_iNumInputChannels, &dataPtr1, &size1, &dataPtr2, &size2); if (size1) { SampleUtil::copy(dataPtr1, lastFrame, size1); m_inputFifo->releaseWriteRegions(size1); } } else { m_inputDrift = true; } } else { m_inputDrift = false; } } readAvailable = m_inputFifo->readAvailable(); int readCount = inChunkSize; if (inChunkSize > readAvailable) { readCount = readAvailable; m_pSoundManager->underflowHappened(21); //qDebug() << "readProcess()" << (float)readAvailable / inChunkSize << "underflow"; } if (readCount) { CSAMPLE* dataPtr1; ring_buffer_size_t size1; CSAMPLE* dataPtr2; ring_buffer_size_t size2; // We use size1 and size2, so we can ignore the return value (void) m_inputFifo->aquireReadRegions(readCount, &dataPtr1, &size1, &dataPtr2, &size2); // Fetch fresh samples and write to the the output buffer composeInputBuffer(dataPtr1, size1 / m_iNumInputChannels, 0, m_iNumInputChannels); if (size2 > 0) { composeInputBuffer(dataPtr2, size2 / m_iNumInputChannels, size1 / m_iNumInputChannels, m_iNumInputChannels); } m_inputFifo->releaseReadRegions(readCount); } if (readCount < inChunkSize) { // Fill remaining buffers with zeros clearInputBuffer(inChunkSize - readCount, readCount); } m_pSoundManager->pushInputBuffers(m_audioInputs, m_framesPerBuffer); } void SoundDeviceNetwork::writeProcess() { if (!m_outputFifo || !m_pNetworkStream) return; int outChunkSize = m_framesPerBuffer * m_iNumOutputChannels; int writeAvailable = m_outputFifo->writeAvailable(); int writeCount = outChunkSize; if (outChunkSize > writeAvailable) { writeCount = writeAvailable; m_pSoundManager->underflowHappened(23); //qDebug() << "writeProcess():" << (float) writeAvailable / outChunkSize << "Overflow"; } //qDebug() << "writeProcess():" << (float) writeAvailable / outChunkSize; if (writeCount > 0) { CSAMPLE* dataPtr1; ring_buffer_size_t size1; CSAMPLE* dataPtr2; ring_buffer_size_t size2; // We use size1 and size2, so we can ignore the return value (void)m_outputFifo->aquireWriteRegions(writeCount, &dataPtr1, &size1, &dataPtr2, &size2); // Fetch fresh samples and write to the the output buffer composeOutputBuffer(dataPtr1, size1 / m_iNumOutputChannels, 0, m_iNumOutputChannels); if (size2 > 0) { composeOutputBuffer(dataPtr2, size2 / m_iNumOutputChannels, size1 / m_iNumOutputChannels, m_iNumOutputChannels); } m_outputFifo->releaseWriteRegions(writeCount); } int readAvailable = m_outputFifo->readAvailable(); CSAMPLE* dataPtr1; ring_buffer_size_t size1; CSAMPLE* dataPtr2; ring_buffer_size_t size2; // Try to read as most frames as possible. // NetworkStreamWorker::processWrite takes care of // keeping every output worker in sync m_outputFifo->aquireReadRegions(readAvailable, &dataPtr1, &size1, &dataPtr2, &size2); QVector workers = m_pNetworkStream->outputWorkers(); for(auto pWorker : workers) { if (pWorker.isNull()) { continue; } workerWriteProcess(pWorker, outChunkSize, readAvailable, dataPtr1, size1, dataPtr2, size2); } m_outputFifo->releaseReadRegions(readAvailable); } void SoundDeviceNetwork::workerWriteProcess(NetworkOutputStreamWorkerPtr pWorker, int outChunkSize, int readAvailable, CSAMPLE* dataPtr1, ring_buffer_size_t size1, CSAMPLE* dataPtr2, ring_buffer_size_t size2) { int writeExpected = static_cast(pWorker->getStreamTimeFrames() - pWorker->framesWritten()); int writeAvailable = writeExpected * m_iNumOutputChannels; int copyCount = qMin(readAvailable, writeAvailable); if (copyCount > 0) { if (writeAvailable - copyCount > outChunkSize) { // Underflow //kLogger.debug() << "workerWriteProcess: buffer empty"; // catch up by filling buffer until we are synced workerWriteSilence(pWorker, writeAvailable - copyCount); m_pSoundManager->underflowHappened(24); } else if (writeAvailable - copyCount > outChunkSize / 2) { // try to keep PAs buffer filled up to 0.5 chunks if (pWorker->outputDrift()) { // duplicate one frame //kLogger.debug() << "workerWriteProcess() duplicate one frame" // << (float)writeAvailable / outChunkSize << (float)readAvailable / outChunkSize; workerWrite(pWorker, dataPtr1, 1); } else { pWorker->setOutputDrift(true); } } else if (writeAvailable < outChunkSize / 2 || readAvailable > outChunkSize * 1.5 ) { // We are not able to store at least the half of the new frames // or we have a risk of an m_outputFifo overflow if (pWorker->outputDrift()) { //kLogger.debug() << "SoundDeviceNetwork::workerWriteProcess() skip one frame" // << (float)writeAvailable / outChunkSize << (float)readAvailable / outChunkSize; copyCount = qMin(readAvailable, copyCount + m_iNumOutputChannels); } else { pWorker->setOutputDrift(true); } } else { pWorker->setOutputDrift(false); } workerWrite(pWorker, dataPtr1, size1 / m_iNumOutputChannels); if (size2 > 0) { workerWrite(pWorker, dataPtr2, size2 / m_iNumOutputChannels); } QSharedPointer> pFifo = pWorker->getOutputFifo(); if (pFifo) { // interval = copyCount // Check for desired kNetworkLatencyFrames + 1/2 interval to // avoid big jitter due to interferences with sync code if (pFifo->readAvailable() + copyCount / 2 >= (m_iNumOutputChannels * kNetworkLatencyFrames)) { pWorker->outputAvailable(); } } } } void SoundDeviceNetwork::workerWrite(NetworkOutputStreamWorkerPtr pWorker, const CSAMPLE* buffer, int frames) { if (!pWorker->threadWaiting()) { pWorker->addFramesWritten(frames); return; } QSharedPointer> pFifo = pWorker->getOutputFifo(); if (pFifo) { int writeAvailable = pFifo->writeAvailable(); int writeRequired = frames * m_iNumOutputChannels; if (writeAvailable < writeRequired) { kLogger.warning() << "write: worker buffer full, losing samples"; pWorker->incOverflowCount(); } int copyCount = math_min(writeAvailable, writeRequired); if (copyCount > 0) { (void)pFifo->write(buffer, copyCount); // we advance the frame only by the samples we have actually copied // This means in case of buffer full (where we loose some frames) // we do not get out of sync, and the syncing code tries to catch up the // stream by writing silence, once the buffer is free. pWorker->addFramesWritten(copyCount / m_iNumOutputChannels); } } } void SoundDeviceNetwork::workerWriteSilence(NetworkOutputStreamWorkerPtr pWorker, int frames) { if (!pWorker->threadWaiting()) { pWorker->addFramesWritten(frames); return; } QSharedPointer> pFifo = pWorker->getOutputFifo(); if (pFifo) { int writeAvailable = pFifo->writeAvailable(); int writeRequired = frames * m_iNumOutputChannels; if (writeAvailable < writeRequired) { kLogger.warning() << "writeSilence: worker buffer full, losing samples"; pWorker->incOverflowCount(); } int clearCount = math_min(writeAvailable, writeRequired); if (clearCount > 0) { CSAMPLE* dataPtr1; ring_buffer_size_t size1; CSAMPLE* dataPtr2; ring_buffer_size_t size2; (void)pFifo->aquireWriteRegions(clearCount, &dataPtr1, &size1, &dataPtr2, &size2); SampleUtil::clear(dataPtr1, size1); if (size2 > 0) { SampleUtil::clear(dataPtr2, size2); } pFifo->releaseWriteRegions(clearCount); // we advance the frame only by the samples we have actually cleared pWorker->addFramesWritten(clearCount / m_iNumOutputChannels); } } } void SoundDeviceNetwork::callbackProcessClkRef() { // This must be the very first call, to measure an exact value updateCallbackEntryToDacTime(); Trace trace("SoundDeviceNetwork::callbackProcessClkRef %1", m_deviceId.name); if (!m_denormals) { m_denormals = true; // This disables the denormals calculations, to avoid a // performance penalty of ~20 // https://bugs.launchpad.net/mixxx/+bug/1404401 #ifdef __SSE__ if (!_MM_GET_DENORMALS_ZERO_MODE()) { qDebug() << "SSE: Enabling denormals to zero mode"; _MM_SET_DENORMALS_ZERO_MODE(_MM_DENORMALS_ZERO_ON); } else { qDebug() << "SSE: Denormals to zero mode already enabled"; } if (!_MM_GET_FLUSH_ZERO_MODE()) { qDebug() << "SSE: Enabling flush to zero mode"; _MM_SET_FLUSH_ZERO_MODE(_MM_FLUSH_ZERO_ON); } else { qDebug() << "SSE: Flush to zero mode already enabled"; } // verify if flush to zero or denormals to zero works // test passes if one of the two flag is set. volatile double doubleMin = DBL_MIN; // the smallest normalized double VERIFY_OR_DEBUG_ASSERT(doubleMin / 2 == 0.0) { qWarning() << "SSE: Denormals to zero mode is not working. EQs and effects may suffer high CPU load"; } else { qDebug() << "SSE: Denormals to zero mode is working"; } #else qWarning() << "No SSE: No denormals to zero mode available. EQs and effects may suffer high CPU load"; #endif } m_pSoundManager->readProcess(); { ScopedTimer t("SoundDevicePortAudio::callbackProcess prepare %1", m_deviceId.name); m_pSoundManager->onDeviceOutputCallback(m_framesPerBuffer); } m_pSoundManager->writeProcess(); m_pSoundManager->processUnderflowHappened(); updateAudioLatencyUsage(); } void SoundDeviceNetwork::updateCallbackEntryToDacTime() { m_clkRefTimer.start(); qint64 currentTime = m_pNetworkStream->getInputStreamTimeUs(); m_targetTime += m_audioBufferTime.toIntegerMicros(); double callbackEntrytoDacSecs = (m_targetTime - currentTime) / 1000000.0; callbackEntrytoDacSecs = math_max(callbackEntrytoDacSecs, 0.0001); VisualPlayPosition::setCallbackEntryToDacSecs(callbackEntrytoDacSecs, m_clkRefTimer); //qDebug() << callbackEntrytoDacSecs << timeSinceLastCbSecs; } void SoundDeviceNetwork::updateAudioLatencyUsage() { m_framesSinceAudioLatencyUsageUpdate += m_framesPerBuffer; if (m_framesSinceAudioLatencyUsageUpdate > (m_dSampleRate / CPU_USAGE_UPDATE_RATE)) { double secInAudioCb = m_timeInAudioCallback.toDoubleSeconds(); m_pMasterAudioLatencyUsage->set(secInAudioCb / (m_framesSinceAudioLatencyUsageUpdate / m_dSampleRate)); m_timeInAudioCallback = mixxx::Duration::empty(); m_framesSinceAudioLatencyUsageUpdate = 0; //qDebug() << m_pMasterAudioLatencyUsage->get(); } qint64 currentTime = m_pNetworkStream->getInputStreamTimeUs(); unsigned long sleepUs = 0; if (currentTime > m_targetTime) { m_pSoundManager->underflowHappened(22); //qDebug() << "underflow" << currentTime << m_targetTime; m_targetTime = currentTime; } else { sleepUs = m_targetTime - currentTime; } //qDebug() << "sleep" << sleepUs; // measure time in Audio callback at the very last m_timeInAudioCallback += m_clkRefTimer.elapsed(); // now go to sleep until the next callback if (sleepUs > 0) { m_pThread->usleep_(sleepUs); } }