#include "mixxxmainwindow.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "defs_urls.h" #include "dialog/dlgabout.h" #include "dialog/dlgdevelopertools.h" #include "dialog/dlgkeywheel.h" #include "effects/builtin/builtinbackend.h" #include "effects/effectsmanager.h" #include "engine/enginemaster.h" #include "moc_mixxxmainwindow.cpp" #include "preferences/constants.h" #include "preferences/dialog/dlgprefeq.h" #include "preferences/dialog/dlgpreferences.h" #ifdef __LILV__ #include "effects/lv2/lv2backend.h" #endif #ifdef __BROADCAST__ #include "broadcast/broadcastmanager.h" #endif #include "control/controlpushbutton.h" #include "controllers/controllermanager.h" #include "controllers/keyboard/keyboardeventfilter.h" #include "database/mixxxdb.h" #include "library/coverartcache.h" #include "library/library.h" #include "library/library_preferences.h" #ifdef __ENGINEPRIME__ #include "library/export/libraryexporter.h" #endif #include "library/trackcollection.h" #include "library/trackcollectionmanager.h" #include "mixer/playerinfo.h" #include "mixer/playermanager.h" #include "preferences/settingsmanager.h" #include "recording/recordingmanager.h" #include "skin/legacy/launchimage.h" #include "skin/legacy/legacyskinparser.h" #include "skin/skinloader.h" #include "soundio/soundmanager.h" #include "sources/soundsourceproxy.h" #include "track/track.h" #include "util/db/dbconnectionpooled.h" #include "util/debug.h" #include "util/experiment.h" #include "util/font.h" #include "util/logger.h" #include "util/math.h" #include "util/sandbox.h" #include "util/screensaver.h" #include "util/statsmanager.h" #include "util/time.h" #include "util/timer.h" #include "util/translations.h" #include "util/versionstore.h" #include "util/widgethelper.h" #include "waveform/guitick.h" #include "waveform/sharedglcontext.h" #include "waveform/visualsmanager.h" #include "waveform/waveformwidgetfactory.h" #include "widget/wmainmenubar.h" #ifdef __VINYLCONTROL__ #include "vinylcontrol/vinylcontrolmanager.h" #endif #ifdef __MODPLUG__ #include "preferences/dialog/dlgprefmodplug.h" #endif #if defined(Q_OS_LINUX) #include #include #include // Xlibint.h predates C++ and defines macros which conflict // with references to std::max and std::min #undef max #undef min #endif MixxxMainWindow::MixxxMainWindow( QApplication* pApp, std::shared_ptr pCoreServices) : m_pCoreServices(pCoreServices), m_pCentralWidget(nullptr), m_pLaunchImage(nullptr), m_pGuiTick(nullptr), m_pDeveloperToolsDlg(nullptr), m_pPrefDlg(nullptr), m_pKeywheel(nullptr), #ifdef __ENGINEPRIME__ m_pLibraryExporter(nullptr), #endif m_toolTipsCfg(mixxx::TooltipsPreference::TOOLTIPS_ON) { DEBUG_ASSERT(pApp); DEBUG_ASSERT(pCoreServices); m_pCoreServices->initializeSettings(); m_pCoreServices->initializeKeyboard(); // These depend on the settings createMenuBar(); m_pMenuBar->hide(); initializeWindow(); // Show launch image immediately so the user knows Mixxx is starting m_pSkinLoader = std::make_unique(m_pCoreServices->getSettings()); m_pLaunchImage = m_pSkinLoader->loadLaunchImage(this); m_pCentralWidget = (QWidget*)m_pLaunchImage; setCentralWidget(m_pCentralWidget); show(); pApp->processEvents(); m_pGuiTick = new GuiTick(); m_pVisualsManager = new VisualsManager(); connect( m_pCoreServices.get(), &mixxx::CoreServices::initializationProgressUpdate, this, &MixxxMainWindow::initializationProgressUpdate); // Inhibit the screensaver if the option is set. (Do it before creating the preferences dialog) UserSettingsPointer pConfig = m_pCoreServices->getSettings(); int inhibit = pConfig->getValue(ConfigKey("[Config]", "InhibitScreensaver"), -1); if (inhibit == -1) { inhibit = static_cast(mixxx::ScreenSaverPreference::PREVENT_ON); pConfig->setValue(ConfigKey("[Config]", "InhibitScreensaver"), inhibit); } m_inhibitScreensaver = static_cast(inhibit); if (m_inhibitScreensaver == mixxx::ScreenSaverPreference::PREVENT_ON) { mixxx::ScreenSaverHelper::inhibit(); } m_pCoreServices->initialize(pApp); // Set the visibility of tooltips, default "1" = ON m_toolTipsCfg = static_cast( pConfig->getValue(ConfigKey("[Controls]", "Tooltips"), static_cast(mixxx::TooltipsPreference::TOOLTIPS_ON))); #ifdef __ENGINEPRIME__ // Initialise library exporter // This has to be done before switching to fullscreen m_pLibraryExporter = m_pCoreServices->getLibrary()->makeLibraryExporter(this); connect(m_pCoreServices->getLibrary().get(), &Library::exportLibrary, m_pLibraryExporter.get(), &mixxx::LibraryExporter::slotRequestExport); connect(m_pCoreServices->getLibrary().get(), &Library::exportCrate, m_pLibraryExporter.get(), &mixxx::LibraryExporter::slotRequestExportWithInitialCrate); #endif // Turn on fullscreen mode // if we were told to start in fullscreen mode on the command-line // or if the user chose to always start in fullscreen mode. // Remember to refresh the Fullscreen menu item after connectMenuBar() bool fullscreenPref = m_pCoreServices->getSettings()->getValue( ConfigKey("[Config]", "StartInFullscreen")); if (CmdlineArgs::Instance().getStartInFullscreen() || fullscreenPref) { slotViewFullScreen(true); } initializationProgressUpdate(65, tr("skin")); installEventFilter(m_pCoreServices->getKeyboardEventFilter().get()); DEBUG_ASSERT(m_pCoreServices->getPlayerManager()); const QStringList visualGroups = m_pCoreServices->getPlayerManager()->getVisualPlayerGroups(); for (const QString& group : visualGroups) { m_pVisualsManager->addDeck(group); } // Before creating the first skin we need to create a QGLWidget so that all // the QGLWidget's we create can use it as a shared QGLContext. if (!CmdlineArgs::Instance().getSafeMode() && QGLFormat::hasOpenGL()) { QGLFormat glFormat; glFormat.setDirectRendering(true); glFormat.setDoubleBuffer(true); glFormat.setDepth(false); // Disable waiting for vertical Sync // This can be enabled when using a single Threads for each QGLContext // Setting 1 causes QGLContext::swapBuffer to sleep until the next VSync #if defined(__APPLE__) // On OS X, syncing to vsync has good performance FPS-wise and // eliminates tearing. glFormat.setSwapInterval(1); #else // Otherwise, turn VSync off because it could cause horrible FPS on // Linux. // TODO(XXX): Make this configurable. // TODO(XXX): What should we do on Windows? glFormat.setSwapInterval(0); #endif glFormat.setRgba(true); QGLFormat::setDefaultFormat(glFormat); QGLWidget* pContextWidget = new QGLWidget(this); pContextWidget->setGeometry(QRect(0, 0, 3, 3)); pContextWidget->hide(); SharedGLContext::setWidget(pContextWidget); } WaveformWidgetFactory::createInstance(); // takes a long time WaveformWidgetFactory::instance()->setConfig(m_pCoreServices->getSettings()); WaveformWidgetFactory::instance()->startVSync(m_pGuiTick, m_pVisualsManager); connect(this, &MixxxMainWindow::skinLoaded, m_pCoreServices->getLibrary().get(), &Library::onSkinLoadFinished); connect(this, &MixxxMainWindow::skinLoaded, WaveformWidgetFactory::instance(), &WaveformWidgetFactory::slotSkinLoaded); // Initialize preference dialog m_pPrefDlg = new DlgPreferences( this, m_pSkinLoader, m_pCoreServices->getSoundManager(), m_pCoreServices->getPlayerManager(), m_pCoreServices->getControllerManager(), m_pCoreServices->getVinylControlManager(), m_pCoreServices->getLV2Backend(), m_pCoreServices->getEffectsManager(), m_pCoreServices->getSettingsManager(), m_pCoreServices->getLibrary()); m_pPrefDlg->setWindowIcon(QIcon(":/images/icons/mixxx.svg")); m_pPrefDlg->setHidden(true); // Connect signals to the menubar. Should be done before emit newSkinLoaded. connectMenuBar(); QWidget* oldWidget = m_pCentralWidget; // Load default styles that can be overridden by skins QFile file(":/skins/default.qss"); if (file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { QByteArray fileBytes = file.readAll(); QString style = QString::fromLocal8Bit(fileBytes.constData(), fileBytes.length()); setStyleSheet(style); } else { qWarning() << "Failed to load default skin styles!"; } if (!loadConfiguredSkin()) { reportCriticalErrorAndQuit( "default skin cannot be loaded - see mixxx trace for more information"); m_pCentralWidget = oldWidget; //TODO (XXX) add dialog to warn user and launch skin choice page } else { m_pMenuBar->setStyleSheet(m_pCentralWidget->styleSheet()); } // Check direct rendering and warn user if they don't have it if (!CmdlineArgs::Instance().getSafeMode()) { checkDirectRendering(); } // Install an event filter to catch certain QT events, such as tooltips. // This allows us to turn off tooltips. pApp->installEventFilter(this); // The eventfilter is located in this // Mixxx class as a callback. // Try open player device If that fails, the preference panel is opened. bool retryClicked; do { retryClicked = false; SoundDeviceError result = m_pCoreServices->getSoundManager()->setupDevices(); if (result == SOUNDDEVICE_ERROR_DEVICE_COUNT || result == SOUNDDEVICE_ERROR_EXCESSIVE_OUTPUT_CHANNEL) { if (soundDeviceBusyDlg(&retryClicked) != QDialog::Accepted) { exit(0); } } else if (result != SOUNDDEVICE_ERROR_OK) { if (soundDeviceErrorMsgDlg(result, &retryClicked) != QDialog::Accepted) { exit(0); } } } while (retryClicked); // test for at least one out device, if none, display another dlg that // says "mixxx will barely work with no outs" // In case persisting errors, the user has already received a message // box from the preferences dialog above. So we can watch here just the // output count. while (m_pCoreServices->getSoundManager()->getConfig().getOutputs().count() == 0) { // Exit when we press the Exit button in the noSoundDlg dialog // only call it if result != OK bool continueClicked = false; if (noOutputDlg(&continueClicked) != QDialog::Accepted) { exit(0); } if (continueClicked) { break; } } // this has to be after the OpenGL widgets are created or depending on a // million different variables the first waveform may be horribly // corrupted. See bug 521509 -- bkgood ?? -- vrince setCentralWidget(m_pCentralWidget); // Show the menubar after the launch image is replaced by the skin widget, // otherwise it would shift the launch image shortly before the skin is visible. m_pMenuBar->show(); // The launch image widget is automatically disposed, but we still have a // pointer to it. m_pLaunchImage = nullptr; connect(m_pCoreServices->getPlayerManager().get(), &PlayerManager::noMicrophoneInputConfigured, this, &MixxxMainWindow::slotNoMicrophoneInputConfigured); connect(m_pCoreServices->getPlayerManager().get(), &PlayerManager::noAuxiliaryInputConfigured, this, &MixxxMainWindow::slotNoAuxiliaryInputConfigured); connect(m_pCoreServices->getPlayerManager().get(), &PlayerManager::noDeckPassthroughInputConfigured, this, &MixxxMainWindow::slotNoDeckPassthroughInputConfigured); connect(m_pCoreServices->getPlayerManager().get(), &PlayerManager::noVinylControlInputConfigured, this, &MixxxMainWindow::slotNoVinylControlInputConfigured); connect(&PlayerInfo::instance(), &PlayerInfo::currentPlayingTrackChanged, this, &MixxxMainWindow::slotUpdateWindowTitle); connect(&PlayerInfo::instance(), &PlayerInfo::currentPlayingDeckChanged, this, &MixxxMainWindow::slotChangedPlayingDeck); } MixxxMainWindow::~MixxxMainWindow() { Timer t("~MixxxMainWindow"); t.start(); if (m_inhibitScreensaver != mixxx::ScreenSaverPreference::PREVENT_OFF) { mixxx::ScreenSaverHelper::uninhibit(); } // Save the current window state (position, maximized, etc) // Note(ronso0): Unfortunately saveGeometry() also stores the fullscreen state. // On next start restoreGeometry would enable fullscreen mode even though that // might not be requested (no '--fullscreen' command line arg and // [Config],StartInFullscreen is '0'. // https://bugs.launchpad.net/mixxx/+bug/1882474 // https://bugs.launchpad.net/mixxx/+bug/1909485 // So let's quit fullscreen if StartInFullscreen is not checked in Preferences. bool fullscreenPref = m_pCoreServices->getSettings()->getValue( ConfigKey("[Config]", "StartInFullscreen")); if (isFullScreen() && !fullscreenPref) { slotViewFullScreen(false); // After returning from fullscreen the main window incl. window decoration // may be too large for the screen. // Maximize the window so we can store a geometry that fits the screen. showMaximized(); } m_pCoreServices->getSettings()->set(ConfigKey("[MainWindow]", "geometry"), QString(saveGeometry().toBase64())); m_pCoreServices->getSettings()->set(ConfigKey("[MainWindow]", "state"), QString(saveState().toBase64())); // GUI depends on KeyboardEventFilter, PlayerManager, Library qDebug() << t.elapsed(false).debugMillisWithUnit() << "deleting skin"; m_pCentralWidget = nullptr; QPointer pSkin(centralWidget()); setCentralWidget(nullptr); if (!pSkin.isNull()) { QCoreApplication::sendPostedEvents(pSkin, QEvent::DeferredDelete); } // Our central widget is now deleted. VERIFY_OR_DEBUG_ASSERT(pSkin.isNull()) { qWarning() << "Central widget was not deleted by our sendPostedEvents trick."; } // Delete Controls created by skins qDeleteAll(m_skinCreatedControls); m_skinCreatedControls.clear(); // TODO() Verify if this comment still applies: // WMainMenuBar holds references to controls so we need to delete it // before MixxxMainWindow is destroyed. QMainWindow calls deleteLater() in // setMenuBar() but we need to delete it now so we can ask for // DeferredDelete events to be processed for it. Once Mixxx shutdown lives // outside of MixxxMainWindow the parent relationship will directly destroy // the WMainMenuBar and this will no longer be a problem. qDebug() << t.elapsed(false).debugMillisWithUnit() << "deleting menubar"; QPointer pMenuBar = m_pMenuBar.toWeakRef(); DEBUG_ASSERT(menuBar() == m_pMenuBar.get()); // We need to reset the parented pointer here that it does not become a // dangling pinter after the object has been deleted. m_pMenuBar = nullptr; setMenuBar(nullptr); if (!pMenuBar.isNull()) { QCoreApplication::sendPostedEvents(pMenuBar, QEvent::DeferredDelete); } // Our main menu is now deleted. VERIFY_OR_DEBUG_ASSERT(pMenuBar.isNull()) { qWarning() << "WMainMenuBar was not deleted by our sendPostedEvents trick."; } qDebug() << t.elapsed(false).debugMillisWithUnit() << "deleting DeveloperToolsDlg"; if (m_pDeveloperToolsDlg) { delete m_pDeveloperToolsDlg; } #ifdef __ENGINEPRIME__ qDebug() << t.elapsed(false).debugMillisWithUnit() << "deleting LibraryExporter"; m_pLibraryExporter.reset(); #endif qDebug() << t.elapsed(false).debugMillisWithUnit() << "deleting DlgPreferences"; delete m_pPrefDlg; WaveformWidgetFactory::destroy(); delete m_pGuiTick; delete m_pVisualsManager; if (m_inhibitScreensaver != mixxx::ScreenSaverPreference::PREVENT_OFF) { mixxx::ScreenSaverHelper::uninhibit(); } m_pCoreServices->shutdown(); } void MixxxMainWindow::initializeWindow() { // be sure createMenuBar() is called first DEBUG_ASSERT(m_pMenuBar); QPalette Pal(palette()); // safe default QMenuBar background QColor MenuBarBackground(m_pMenuBar->palette().color(QPalette::Window)); Pal.setColor(QPalette::Window, QColor(0x202020)); setAutoFillBackground(true); setPalette(Pal); // restore default QMenuBar background Pal.setColor(QPalette::Window, MenuBarBackground); m_pMenuBar->setPalette(Pal); // Restore the current window state (position, maximized, etc) restoreGeometry(QByteArray::fromBase64( m_pCoreServices->getSettings() ->getValueString(ConfigKey("[MainWindow]", "geometry")) .toUtf8())); restoreState(QByteArray::fromBase64( m_pCoreServices->getSettings() ->getValueString(ConfigKey("[MainWindow]", "state")) .toUtf8())); setWindowIcon(QIcon(":/images/icons/mixxx.svg")); slotUpdateWindowTitle(TrackPointer()); } QDialog::DialogCode MixxxMainWindow::soundDeviceErrorDlg( const QString &title, const QString &text, bool* retryClicked) { QMessageBox msgBox; msgBox.setIcon(QMessageBox::Warning); msgBox.setWindowTitle(title); msgBox.setText(text); QPushButton* retryButton = msgBox.addButton(tr("Retry"), QMessageBox::ActionRole); QPushButton* reconfigureButton = msgBox.addButton(tr("Reconfigure"), QMessageBox::ActionRole); QPushButton* wikiButton = msgBox.addButton(tr("Help"), QMessageBox::ActionRole); QPushButton* exitButton = msgBox.addButton(tr("Exit"), QMessageBox::ActionRole); while (true) { msgBox.exec(); if (msgBox.clickedButton() == retryButton) { m_pCoreServices->getSoundManager()->clearAndQueryDevices(); *retryClicked = true; return QDialog::Accepted; } else if (msgBox.clickedButton() == wikiButton) { QDesktopServices::openUrl(QUrl(MIXXX_WIKI_TROUBLESHOOTING_SOUND_URL)); wikiButton->setEnabled(false); } else if (msgBox.clickedButton() == reconfigureButton) { msgBox.hide(); m_pCoreServices->getSoundManager()->clearAndQueryDevices(); // This way of opening the dialog allows us to use it synchronously m_pPrefDlg->setWindowModality(Qt::ApplicationModal); m_pPrefDlg->exec(); if (m_pPrefDlg->result() == QDialog::Accepted) { return QDialog::Accepted; } msgBox.show(); } else if (msgBox.clickedButton() == exitButton) { // Will finally quit Mixxx return QDialog::Rejected; } } } QDialog::DialogCode MixxxMainWindow::soundDeviceBusyDlg(bool* retryClicked) { QString title(tr("Sound Device Busy")); QString text( "

" % tr("Mixxx was unable to open all the configured sound devices.") + "

" % m_pCoreServices->getSoundManager()->getErrorDeviceName() % " is used by another application or not plugged in." "

    " "
  • " % tr("Retry after closing the other application " "or reconnecting a sound device") % "
  • " "
  • " % tr("Reconfigure Mixxx's sound device settings.") % "
  • " "
  • " % tr("Get Help from the Mixxx Wiki.") % "
  • " "
  • " % tr("Exit Mixxx.") % "
  • " "
"); return soundDeviceErrorDlg(title, text, retryClicked); } QDialog::DialogCode MixxxMainWindow::soundDeviceErrorMsgDlg( SoundDeviceError err, bool* retryClicked) { QString title(tr("Sound Device Error")); QString text("

" % tr("Mixxx was unable to open all the configured sound " "devices.") + "

" % m_pCoreServices->getSoundManager() ->getLastErrorMessage(err) .replace("\n", "
") % "

    " "
  • " % tr("Retry after fixing an issue") % "
  • " "
  • " % tr("Reconfigure Mixxx's sound device settings.") % "
  • " "
  • " % tr("Get Help from the Mixxx Wiki.") % "
  • " "
  • " % tr("Exit Mixxx.") % "
  • " "
"); return soundDeviceErrorDlg(title, text, retryClicked); } QDialog::DialogCode MixxxMainWindow::noOutputDlg(bool* continueClicked) { QMessageBox msgBox; msgBox.setIcon(QMessageBox::Warning); msgBox.setWindowTitle(tr("No Output Devices")); msgBox.setText( "" + tr("Mixxx was configured without any output sound devices. " "Audio processing will be disabled without a configured output device.") + "
    " "
  • " + tr("Continue without any outputs.") + "
  • " "
  • " + tr("Reconfigure Mixxx's sound device settings.") + "
  • " "
  • " + tr("Exit Mixxx.") + "
  • " "
" ); QPushButton* continueButton = msgBox.addButton(tr("Continue"), QMessageBox::ActionRole); QPushButton* reconfigureButton = msgBox.addButton(tr("Reconfigure"), QMessageBox::ActionRole); QPushButton* exitButton = msgBox.addButton(tr("Exit"), QMessageBox::ActionRole); while (true) { msgBox.exec(); if (msgBox.clickedButton() == continueButton) { *continueClicked = true; return QDialog::Accepted; } else if (msgBox.clickedButton() == reconfigureButton) { msgBox.hide(); // This way of opening the dialog allows us to use it synchronously m_pPrefDlg->setWindowModality(Qt::ApplicationModal); m_pPrefDlg->exec(); if (m_pPrefDlg->result() == QDialog::Accepted) { return QDialog::Accepted; } msgBox.show(); } else if (msgBox.clickedButton() == exitButton) { // Will finally quit Mixxx return QDialog::Rejected; } } } void MixxxMainWindow::slotUpdateWindowTitle(TrackPointer pTrack) { QString appTitle = VersionStore::applicationName(); // If we have a track, use getInfo() to format a summary string and prepend // it to the title. // TODO(rryan): Does this violate Mac App Store policies? if (pTrack) { QString trackInfo = pTrack->getInfo(); if (!trackInfo.isEmpty()) { appTitle = QString("%1 | %2").arg(trackInfo, appTitle); } } this->setWindowTitle(appTitle); } void MixxxMainWindow::createMenuBar() { ScopedTimer t("MixxxMainWindow::createMenuBar"); DEBUG_ASSERT(m_pCoreServices->getKeyboardConfig()); m_pMenuBar = make_parented( this, m_pCoreServices->getSettings(), m_pCoreServices->getKeyboardConfig().get()); if (m_pCentralWidget) { m_pMenuBar->setStyleSheet(m_pCentralWidget->styleSheet()); } setMenuBar(m_pMenuBar); } void MixxxMainWindow::connectMenuBar() { // This function might be invoked multiple times on startup // so all connections must be unique! ScopedTimer t("MixxxMainWindow::connectMenuBar"); connect(this, &MixxxMainWindow::skinLoaded, m_pMenuBar, &WMainMenuBar::onNewSkinLoaded, Qt::UniqueConnection); // Misc connect(m_pMenuBar, &WMainMenuBar::quit, this, &MixxxMainWindow::close, Qt::UniqueConnection); connect(m_pMenuBar, &WMainMenuBar::showPreferences, this, &MixxxMainWindow::slotOptionsPreferences, Qt::UniqueConnection); connect(m_pMenuBar, &WMainMenuBar::loadTrackToDeck, this, &MixxxMainWindow::slotFileLoadSongPlayer, Qt::UniqueConnection); connect(m_pMenuBar, &WMainMenuBar::showKeywheel, this, &MixxxMainWindow::slotShowKeywheel); // Fullscreen connect(m_pMenuBar, &WMainMenuBar::toggleFullScreen, this, &MixxxMainWindow::slotViewFullScreen, Qt::UniqueConnection); connect(this, &MixxxMainWindow::fullScreenChanged, m_pMenuBar, &WMainMenuBar::onFullScreenStateChange, Qt::UniqueConnection); // Refresh the Fullscreen checkbox for the case we went fullscreen earlier m_pMenuBar->onFullScreenStateChange(isFullScreen()); // Keyboard shortcuts connect(m_pMenuBar, &WMainMenuBar::toggleKeyboardShortcuts, m_pCoreServices.get(), &mixxx::CoreServices::slotOptionsKeyboard, Qt::UniqueConnection); // Help connect(m_pMenuBar, &WMainMenuBar::showAbout, this, &MixxxMainWindow::slotHelpAbout, Qt::UniqueConnection); // Developer connect(m_pMenuBar, &WMainMenuBar::reloadSkin, this, &MixxxMainWindow::rebootMixxxView, Qt::UniqueConnection); connect(m_pMenuBar, &WMainMenuBar::toggleDeveloperTools, this, &MixxxMainWindow::slotDeveloperTools, Qt::UniqueConnection); if (m_pCoreServices->getRecordingManager()) { connect(m_pCoreServices->getRecordingManager().get(), &RecordingManager::isRecording, m_pMenuBar, &WMainMenuBar::onRecordingStateChange, Qt::UniqueConnection); connect(m_pMenuBar, &WMainMenuBar::toggleRecording, m_pCoreServices->getRecordingManager().get(), &RecordingManager::slotSetRecording, Qt::UniqueConnection); m_pMenuBar->onRecordingStateChange( m_pCoreServices->getRecordingManager()->isRecordingActive()); } #ifdef __BROADCAST__ if (m_pCoreServices->getBroadcastManager()) { connect(m_pCoreServices->getBroadcastManager().get(), &BroadcastManager::broadcastEnabled, m_pMenuBar, &WMainMenuBar::onBroadcastingStateChange, Qt::UniqueConnection); connect(m_pMenuBar, &WMainMenuBar::toggleBroadcasting, m_pCoreServices->getBroadcastManager().get(), &BroadcastManager::setEnabled, Qt::UniqueConnection); m_pMenuBar->onBroadcastingStateChange(m_pCoreServices->getBroadcastManager()->isEnabled()); } #endif #ifdef __VINYLCONTROL__ if (m_pCoreServices->getVinylControlManager()) { connect(m_pMenuBar, &WMainMenuBar::toggleVinylControl, m_pCoreServices->getVinylControlManager().get(), &VinylControlManager::toggleVinylControl, Qt::UniqueConnection); connect(m_pCoreServices->getVinylControlManager().get(), &VinylControlManager::vinylControlDeckEnabled, m_pMenuBar, &WMainMenuBar::onVinylControlDeckEnabledStateChange, Qt::UniqueConnection); } #endif if (m_pCoreServices->getPlayerManager()) { connect(m_pCoreServices->getPlayerManager().get(), &PlayerManager::numberOfDecksChanged, m_pMenuBar, &WMainMenuBar::onNumberOfDecksChanged, Qt::UniqueConnection); m_pMenuBar->onNumberOfDecksChanged(m_pCoreServices->getPlayerManager()->numberOfDecks()); } if (m_pCoreServices->getTrackCollectionManager()) { connect(m_pMenuBar, &WMainMenuBar::rescanLibrary, m_pCoreServices->getTrackCollectionManager().get(), &TrackCollectionManager::startLibraryScan, Qt::UniqueConnection); connect(m_pCoreServices->getTrackCollectionManager().get(), &TrackCollectionManager::libraryScanStarted, m_pMenuBar, &WMainMenuBar::onLibraryScanStarted, Qt::UniqueConnection); connect(m_pCoreServices->getTrackCollectionManager().get(), &TrackCollectionManager::libraryScanFinished, m_pMenuBar, &WMainMenuBar::onLibraryScanFinished, Qt::UniqueConnection); } if (m_pCoreServices->getLibrary()) { connect(m_pMenuBar, &WMainMenuBar::createCrate, m_pCoreServices->getLibrary().get(), &Library::slotCreateCrate, Qt::UniqueConnection); connect(m_pMenuBar, &WMainMenuBar::createPlaylist, m_pCoreServices->getLibrary().get(), &Library::slotCreatePlaylist, Qt::UniqueConnection); } #ifdef __ENGINEPRIME__ DEBUG_ASSERT(m_pLibraryExporter); connect(m_pMenuBar, &WMainMenuBar::exportLibrary, m_pLibraryExporter.get(), &mixxx::LibraryExporter::slotRequestExport, Qt::UniqueConnection); #endif } void MixxxMainWindow::slotFileLoadSongPlayer(int deck) { QString group = m_pCoreServices->getPlayerManager()->groupForDeck(deck - 1); QString loadTrackText = tr("Load track to Deck %1").arg(QString::number(deck)); QString deckWarningMessage = tr("Deck %1 is currently playing a track.") .arg(QString::number(deck)); QString areYouSure = tr("Are you sure you want to load a new track?"); if (ControlObject::get(ConfigKey(group, "play")) > 0.0) { int ret = QMessageBox::warning(this, VersionStore::applicationName(), deckWarningMessage + "\n" + areYouSure, QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No, QMessageBox::No); if (ret != QMessageBox::Yes) { return; } } UserSettingsPointer pConfig = m_pCoreServices->getSettings(); QString trackPath = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName( this, loadTrackText, pConfig->getValueString(PREF_LEGACY_LIBRARY_DIR), QString("Audio (%1)") .arg(SoundSourceProxy::getSupportedFileNamePatterns().join(" "))); if (!trackPath.isNull()) { // The user has picked a file via a file dialog. This means the system // sandboxer (if we are sandboxed) has granted us permission to this // folder. Create a security bookmark while we have permission so that // we can access the folder on future runs. We need to canonicalize the // path so we first wrap the directory string with a QDir. mixxx::FileInfo fileInfo(trackPath); Sandbox::createSecurityToken(&fileInfo); m_pCoreServices->getPlayerManager()->slotLoadToDeck(trackPath, deck); } } void MixxxMainWindow::slotDeveloperTools(bool visible) { if (visible) { if (m_pDeveloperToolsDlg == nullptr) { UserSettingsPointer pConfig = m_pCoreServices->getSettings(); m_pDeveloperToolsDlg = new DlgDeveloperTools(this, pConfig); connect(m_pDeveloperToolsDlg, &DlgDeveloperTools::destroyed, this, &MixxxMainWindow::slotDeveloperToolsClosed); connect(this, &MixxxMainWindow::closeDeveloperToolsDlgChecked, m_pDeveloperToolsDlg, &DlgDeveloperTools::done); connect(m_pDeveloperToolsDlg, &DlgDeveloperTools::destroyed, m_pMenuBar, &WMainMenuBar::onDeveloperToolsHidden); } m_pMenuBar->onDeveloperToolsShown(); m_pDeveloperToolsDlg->show(); m_pDeveloperToolsDlg->activateWindow(); } else { emit closeDeveloperToolsDlgChecked(0); } } void MixxxMainWindow::slotDeveloperToolsClosed() { m_pDeveloperToolsDlg = nullptr; } void MixxxMainWindow::slotViewFullScreen(bool toggle) { if (isFullScreen() == toggle) { return; } if (toggle) { showFullScreen(); #ifdef __LINUX__ // Fix for "No menu bar with ubuntu unity in full screen mode" Bug // #885890 and Bug #1076789. Before touching anything here, please read // those bugs. createMenuBar(); connectMenuBar(); if (m_pMenuBar->isNativeMenuBar()) { m_pMenuBar->setNativeMenuBar(false); } #endif } else { #ifdef __LINUX__ createMenuBar(); connectMenuBar(); #endif showNormal(); } emit fullScreenChanged(toggle); } void MixxxMainWindow::slotOptionsPreferences() { m_pPrefDlg->show(); m_pPrefDlg->raise(); m_pPrefDlg->activateWindow(); } void MixxxMainWindow::slotNoVinylControlInputConfigured() { QMessageBox::StandardButton btn = QMessageBox::warning( this, VersionStore::applicationName(), tr("There is no input device selected for this vinyl control.\n" "Please select an input device in the sound hardware preferences first."), QMessageBox::Ok | QMessageBox::Cancel, QMessageBox::Cancel); if (btn == QMessageBox::Ok) { m_pPrefDlg->show(); m_pPrefDlg->showSoundHardwarePage(); } } void MixxxMainWindow::slotNoDeckPassthroughInputConfigured() { QMessageBox::StandardButton btn = QMessageBox::warning( this, VersionStore::applicationName(), tr("There is no input device selected for this passthrough control.\n" "Please select an input device in the sound hardware preferences first."), QMessageBox::Ok | QMessageBox::Cancel, QMessageBox::Cancel); if (btn == QMessageBox::Ok) { m_pPrefDlg->show(); m_pPrefDlg->showSoundHardwarePage(); } } void MixxxMainWindow::slotNoMicrophoneInputConfigured() { QMessageBox::StandardButton btn = QMessageBox::question( this, VersionStore::applicationName(), tr("There is no input device selected for this microphone.\n" "Do you want to select an input device?"), QMessageBox::Ok | QMessageBox::Cancel, QMessageBox::Cancel); if (btn == QMessageBox::Ok) { m_pPrefDlg->show(); m_pPrefDlg->showSoundHardwarePage(); } } void MixxxMainWindow::slotNoAuxiliaryInputConfigured() { QMessageBox::StandardButton btn = QMessageBox::question( this, VersionStore::applicationName(), tr("There is no input device selected for this auxiliary.\n" "Do you want to select an input device?"), QMessageBox::Ok | QMessageBox::Cancel, QMessageBox::Cancel); if (btn == QMessageBox::Ok) { m_pPrefDlg->show(); m_pPrefDlg->showSoundHardwarePage(); } } void MixxxMainWindow::slotChangedPlayingDeck(int deck) { if (m_inhibitScreensaver == mixxx::ScreenSaverPreference::PREVENT_ON_PLAY) { if (deck==-1) { // If no deck is playing, allow the screensaver to run. mixxx::ScreenSaverHelper::uninhibit(); } else { mixxx::ScreenSaverHelper::inhibit(); } } } void MixxxMainWindow::slotHelpAbout() { DlgAbout* about = new DlgAbout(this); about->show(); } void MixxxMainWindow::slotShowKeywheel(bool toggle) { if (!m_pKeywheel) { m_pKeywheel = make_parented(this, m_pCoreServices->getSettings()); // uncheck the menu item on window close connect(m_pKeywheel.get(), &DlgKeywheel::finished, m_pMenuBar, &WMainMenuBar::onKeywheelChange); } if (toggle) { m_pKeywheel->show(); m_pKeywheel->raise(); } else { m_pKeywheel->hide(); } } void MixxxMainWindow::setToolTipsCfg(mixxx::TooltipsPreference tt) { UserSettingsPointer pConfig = m_pCoreServices->getSettings(); pConfig->set(ConfigKey("[Controls]","Tooltips"), ConfigValue(static_cast(tt))); m_toolTipsCfg = tt; } void MixxxMainWindow::rebootMixxxView() { qDebug() << "Now in rebootMixxxView..."; // safe geometry for later restoration const QRect initGeometry = geometry(); // We need to tell the menu bar that we are about to delete the old skin and // create a new one. It holds "visibility" controls (e.g. "Show Samplers") // that need to be deleted -- otherwise we can't tell what features the skin // supports since the controls from the previous skin will be left over. m_pMenuBar->onNewSkinAboutToLoad(); if (m_pCentralWidget) { m_pCentralWidget->hide(); WaveformWidgetFactory::instance()->destroyWidgets(); delete m_pCentralWidget; m_pCentralWidget = nullptr; } // Workaround for changing skins while fullscreen, just go out of fullscreen // mode. If you change skins while in fullscreen (on Linux, at least) the // window returns to 0,0 but and the backdrop disappears so it looks as if // it is not fullscreen, but acts as if it is. bool wasFullScreen = isFullScreen(); slotViewFullScreen(false); if (!loadConfiguredSkin()) { QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Error in skin file"), tr("The selected skin cannot be loaded.")); // m_pWidgetParent is NULL, we can't continue. return; } m_pMenuBar->setStyleSheet(m_pCentralWidget->styleSheet()); setCentralWidget(m_pCentralWidget); #ifdef __LINUX__ // don't adjustSize() on Linux as this wouldn't use the entire available area // to paint the new skin with X11 // https://bugs.launchpad.net/mixxx/+bug/1773587 #else adjustSize(); #endif if (wasFullScreen) { slotViewFullScreen(true); } else { // Programmatic placement at this point is very problematic. // The screen() method returns stale data (primary screen) // until the user interacts with mixxx again. Keyboard shortcuts // do not count, moving window, opening menu etc does // Therefore the placement logic was removed by a simple geometry restore. // If the minimum size of the new skin is larger then the restored // geometry, the window will be enlarged right & bottom which is // safe as the menu is still reachable. setGeometry(initGeometry); } qDebug() << "rebootMixxxView DONE"; } bool MixxxMainWindow::loadConfiguredSkin() { // TODO: use std::shared_ptr throughout skin widgets instead of these hacky get() calls m_pCentralWidget = m_pSkinLoader->loadConfiguredSkin(this, &m_skinCreatedControls, m_pCoreServices.get()); if (centralWidget() == m_pLaunchImage) { initializationProgressUpdate(100, ""); } emit skinLoaded(); return m_pCentralWidget != nullptr; } bool MixxxMainWindow::eventFilter(QObject* obj, QEvent* event) { if (event->type() == QEvent::ToolTip) { // return true for no tool tips switch (m_toolTipsCfg) { case mixxx::TooltipsPreference::TOOLTIPS_ONLY_IN_LIBRARY: if (dynamic_cast(obj) != nullptr) { return true; } break; case mixxx::TooltipsPreference::TOOLTIPS_ON: break; case mixxx::TooltipsPreference::TOOLTIPS_OFF: return true; default: DEBUG_ASSERT(!"m_toolTipsCfg value unknown"); return true; } } // standard event processing return QMainWindow::eventFilter(obj, event); } void MixxxMainWindow::closeEvent(QCloseEvent *event) { // WARNING: We can receive a CloseEvent while only partially // initialized. This is because we call QApplication::processEvents to // render LaunchImage progress in the constructor. if (!confirmExit()) { event->ignore(); return; } QMainWindow::closeEvent(event); } void MixxxMainWindow::checkDirectRendering() { // IF // * A waveform viewer exists // AND // * The waveform viewer is an OpenGL waveform viewer // AND // * The waveform viewer does not have direct rendering enabled. // THEN // * Warn user WaveformWidgetFactory* factory = WaveformWidgetFactory::instance(); if (!factory) { return; } UserSettingsPointer pConfig = m_pCoreServices->getSettings(); if (!factory->isOpenGlAvailable() && !factory->isOpenGlesAvailable() && pConfig->getValueString(ConfigKey("[Direct Rendering]", "Warned")) != QString("yes")) { QMessageBox::warning(nullptr, tr("OpenGL Direct Rendering"), tr("Direct rendering is not enabled on your machine.

" "This means that the waveform displays will be very
" "slow and may tax your CPU heavily. Either update " "your
" "configuration to enable direct rendering, or disable
" "the waveform displays in the Mixxx preferences by " "selecting
" "\"Empty\" as the waveform display in the 'Interface' " "section.")); pConfig->set(ConfigKey("[Direct Rendering]", "Warned"), QString("yes")); } } bool MixxxMainWindow::confirmExit() { bool playing(false); bool playingSampler(false); unsigned int deckCount = m_pCoreServices->getPlayerManager()->numDecks(); unsigned int samplerCount = m_pCoreServices->getPlayerManager()->numSamplers(); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < deckCount; ++i) { if (ControlObject::toBool( ConfigKey(PlayerManager::groupForDeck(i), "play"))) { playing = true; break; } } for (unsigned int i = 0; i < samplerCount; ++i) { if (ControlObject::toBool( ConfigKey(PlayerManager::groupForSampler(i), "play"))) { playingSampler = true; break; } } if (playing) { QMessageBox::StandardButton btn = QMessageBox::question(this, tr("Confirm Exit"), tr("A deck is currently playing. Exit Mixxx?"), QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No, QMessageBox::No); if (btn == QMessageBox::No) { return false; } } else if (playingSampler) { QMessageBox::StandardButton btn = QMessageBox::question(this, tr("Confirm Exit"), tr("A sampler is currently playing. Exit Mixxx?"), QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No, QMessageBox::No); if (btn == QMessageBox::No) { return false; } } if (m_pPrefDlg && m_pPrefDlg->isVisible()) { QMessageBox::StandardButton btn = QMessageBox::question( this, tr("Confirm Exit"), tr("The preferences window is still open.") + "
" + tr("Discard any changes and exit Mixxx?"), QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No, QMessageBox::No); if (btn == QMessageBox::No) { return false; } else { m_pPrefDlg->close(); } } return true; } void MixxxMainWindow::setInhibitScreensaver(mixxx::ScreenSaverPreference newInhibit) { UserSettingsPointer pConfig = m_pCoreServices->getSettings(); if (m_inhibitScreensaver != mixxx::ScreenSaverPreference::PREVENT_OFF) { mixxx::ScreenSaverHelper::uninhibit(); } if (newInhibit == mixxx::ScreenSaverPreference::PREVENT_ON) { mixxx::ScreenSaverHelper::inhibit(); } else if (newInhibit == mixxx::ScreenSaverPreference::PREVENT_ON_PLAY && PlayerInfo::instance().getCurrentPlayingDeck()!=-1) { mixxx::ScreenSaverHelper::inhibit(); } int inhibit_int = static_cast(newInhibit); pConfig->setValue(ConfigKey("[Config]","InhibitScreensaver"), inhibit_int); m_inhibitScreensaver = newInhibit; } mixxx::ScreenSaverPreference MixxxMainWindow::getInhibitScreensaver() { return m_inhibitScreensaver; } void MixxxMainWindow::initializationProgressUpdate(int progress, const QString& serviceName) { if (m_pLaunchImage) { m_pLaunchImage->progress(progress, serviceName); } qApp->processEvents(); }