#include "library/setlogfeature.h" #include #include #include #include "control/controlobject.h" #include "library/library.h" #include "library/playlisttablemodel.h" #include "library/trackcollection.h" #include "library/trackcollectionmanager.h" #include "library/treeitem.h" #include "mixer/playerinfo.h" #include "mixer/playermanager.h" #include "moc_setlogfeature.cpp" #include "track/track.h" #include "util/compatibility.h" #include "widget/wlibrary.h" #include "widget/wlibrarysidebar.h" #include "widget/wtracktableview.h" SetlogFeature::SetlogFeature( Library* pLibrary, UserSettingsPointer pConfig) : BasePlaylistFeature( pLibrary, pConfig, new PlaylistTableModel( nullptr, pLibrary->trackCollections(), "mixxx.db.model.setlog", /*show-all-tracks*/ true), QStringLiteral("SETLOGHOME")), m_playlistId(-1), m_libraryWidget(nullptr), m_icon(QStringLiteral(":/images/library/ic_library_history.svg")) { //construct child model m_childModel.setRootItem(TreeItem::newRoot(this)); constructChildModel(-1); m_pJoinWithPreviousAction = new QAction(tr("Join with previous"), this); connect(m_pJoinWithPreviousAction, &QAction::triggered, this, &SetlogFeature::slotJoinWithPrevious); m_pGetNewPlaylist = new QAction(tr("Create new history playlist"), this); connect(m_pGetNewPlaylist, &QAction::triggered, this, &SetlogFeature::slotGetNewPlaylist); // initialized in a new generic slot(get new history playlist purpose) slotGetNewPlaylist(); } SetlogFeature::~SetlogFeature() { // If the history playlist we created doesn't have any tracks in it then // delete it so we don't end up with tons of empty playlists. This is mostly // for developers since they regularly open Mixxx without loading a track. if (m_playlistId != -1 && m_playlistDao.tracksInPlaylist(m_playlistId) == 0) { m_playlistDao.deletePlaylist(m_playlistId); } } QVariant SetlogFeature::title() { return tr("History"); } QIcon SetlogFeature::getIcon() { return m_icon; } void SetlogFeature::bindLibraryWidget(WLibrary* libraryWidget, KeyboardEventFilter* keyboard) { BasePlaylistFeature::bindLibraryWidget(libraryWidget, keyboard); connect(&PlayerInfo::instance(), &PlayerInfo::currentPlayingTrackChanged, this, &SetlogFeature::slotPlayingTrackChanged); m_libraryWidget = libraryWidget; } void SetlogFeature::bindSidebarWidget(WLibrarySidebar* pSidebarWidget) { // store the sidebar widget pointer for later use in onRightClickChild m_pSidebarWidget = pSidebarWidget; } void SetlogFeature::onRightClick(const QPoint& globalPos) { Q_UNUSED(globalPos); m_lastRightClickedIndex = QModelIndex(); // Create the right-click menu // QMenu menu(NULL); // menu.addAction(m_pCreatePlaylistAction); // TODO(DASCHUER) add something like disable logging // menu.exec(globalPos); } void SetlogFeature::onRightClickChild(const QPoint& globalPos, const QModelIndex& index) { //Save the model index so we can get it in the action slots... m_lastRightClickedIndex = index; QString playlistName = index.data().toString(); int playlistId = m_playlistDao.getPlaylistIdFromName(playlistName); bool locked = m_playlistDao.isPlaylistLocked(playlistId); m_pDeletePlaylistAction->setEnabled(!locked); m_pRenamePlaylistAction->setEnabled(!locked); m_pJoinWithPreviousAction->setEnabled(!locked); m_pLockPlaylistAction->setText(locked ? tr("Unlock") : tr("Lock")); QMenu menu(m_pSidebarWidget); //menu.addAction(m_pCreatePlaylistAction); //menu.addSeparator(); menu.addAction(m_pAddToAutoDJAction); menu.addAction(m_pAddToAutoDJTopAction); menu.addSeparator(); menu.addAction(m_pRenamePlaylistAction); if (playlistId != m_playlistId) { // Todays playlist should not be locked or deleted menu.addAction(m_pDeletePlaylistAction); menu.addAction(m_pLockPlaylistAction); } if (index.row() > 0) { // The very first setlog cannot be joint menu.addAction(m_pJoinWithPreviousAction); } if (playlistId == m_playlistId && m_playlistDao.tracksInPlaylist(m_playlistId) != 0) { // Todays playlists can change ! menu.addAction(m_pGetNewPlaylist); } menu.addSeparator(); menu.addAction(m_pExportPlaylistAction); menu.exec(globalPos); } QList SetlogFeature::createPlaylistLabels() { QList playlistLabels; // Setup the sidebar playlist model QSqlTableModel playlistTableModel(this, m_pLibrary->trackCollections()->internalCollection()->database()); playlistTableModel.setTable("Playlists"); playlistTableModel.setFilter("hidden=2"); // PLHT_SET_LOG playlistTableModel.setSort(playlistTableModel.fieldIndex("id"), Qt::AscendingOrder); playlistTableModel.select(); while (playlistTableModel.canFetchMore()) { playlistTableModel.fetchMore(); } QSqlRecord record = playlistTableModel.record(); int nameColumn = record.indexOf("name"); int idColumn = record.indexOf("id"); for (int row = 0; row < playlistTableModel.rowCount(); ++row) { int id = playlistTableModel.data( playlistTableModel.index(row, idColumn)) .toInt(); QString name = playlistTableModel.data( playlistTableModel.index(row, nameColumn)) .toString(); BasePlaylistFeature::IdAndLabel idAndLabel; idAndLabel.id = id; idAndLabel.label = name; playlistLabels.append(idAndLabel); } return playlistLabels; } QString SetlogFeature::fetchPlaylistLabel(int playlistId) { // Setup the sidebar playlist model QSqlTableModel playlistTableModel(this, m_pLibrary->trackCollections()->internalCollection()->database()); playlistTableModel.setTable("Playlists"); QString filter = "id=" + QString::number(playlistId); playlistTableModel.setFilter(filter); playlistTableModel.select(); while (playlistTableModel.canFetchMore()) { playlistTableModel.fetchMore(); } QSqlRecord record = playlistTableModel.record(); int nameColumn = record.indexOf("name"); DEBUG_ASSERT(playlistTableModel.rowCount() <= 1); if (playlistTableModel.rowCount() > 0) { return playlistTableModel.data( playlistTableModel.index(0, nameColumn)) .toString(); } return QString(); } void SetlogFeature::decorateChild(TreeItem* item, int playlistId) { if (playlistId == m_playlistId) { item->setIcon(QIcon(":/images/library/ic_library_history_current.svg")); } else if (m_playlistDao.isPlaylistLocked(playlistId)) { item->setIcon(QIcon(":/images/library/ic_library_locked.svg")); } else { item->setIcon(QIcon()); } } void SetlogFeature::slotGetNewPlaylist() { //qDebug() << "slotGetNewPlaylist() successfully triggered !"; // create a new playlist for today QString set_log_name_format; QString set_log_name; set_log_name = QDate::currentDate().toString(Qt::ISODate); set_log_name_format = set_log_name + " (%1)"; int i = 1; // calculate name of the todays setlog while (m_playlistDao.getPlaylistIdFromName(set_log_name) != -1) { set_log_name = set_log_name_format.arg(++i); } //qDebug() << "Creating session history playlist name:" << set_log_name; m_playlistId = m_playlistDao.createPlaylist(set_log_name, PlaylistDAO::PLHT_SET_LOG); if (m_playlistId == -1) { qDebug() << "Setlog playlist Creation Failed"; qDebug() << "An unknown error occurred while creating playlist: " << set_log_name; } reloadChildModel(m_playlistId); // For moving selection emit showTrackModel(m_pPlaylistTableModel); } void SetlogFeature::slotJoinWithPrevious() { //qDebug() << "slotJoinWithPrevious() row:" << m_lastRightClickedIndex.data(); if (m_lastRightClickedIndex.isValid()) { int currentPlaylistId = m_playlistDao.getPlaylistIdFromName( m_lastRightClickedIndex.data().toString()); if (currentPlaylistId >= 0) { bool locked = m_playlistDao.isPlaylistLocked(currentPlaylistId); if (locked) { qDebug() << "Skipping playlist deletion because playlist" << currentPlaylistId << "is locked."; return; } // Add every track from right-clicked playlist to that with the next smaller ID int previousPlaylistId = m_playlistDao.getPreviousPlaylist(currentPlaylistId, PlaylistDAO::PLHT_SET_LOG); if (previousPlaylistId >= 0) { m_pPlaylistTableModel->setTableModel(previousPlaylistId); if (currentPlaylistId == m_playlistId) { // mark all the Tracks in the previous Playlist as played m_pPlaylistTableModel->select(); int rows = m_pPlaylistTableModel->rowCount(); for (int i = 0; i < rows; ++i) { QModelIndex index = m_pPlaylistTableModel->index(i, 0); if (index.isValid()) { TrackPointer track = m_pPlaylistTableModel->getTrack(index); // Do not update the play count, just set played status. PlayCounter playCounter(track->getPlayCounter()); playCounter.setPlayed(); track->setPlayCounter(playCounter); } } // Change current setlog m_playlistId = previousPlaylistId; } qDebug() << "slotJoinWithPrevious() current:" << currentPlaylistId << " previous:" << previousPlaylistId; if (m_playlistDao.copyPlaylistTracks(currentPlaylistId, previousPlaylistId)) { m_playlistDao.deletePlaylist(currentPlaylistId); reloadChildModel(previousPlaylistId); // For moving selection emit showTrackModel(m_pPlaylistTableModel); } } } } } void SetlogFeature::slotPlayingTrackChanged(TrackPointer currentPlayingTrack) { if (!currentPlayingTrack) { return; } TrackId currentPlayingTrackId(currentPlayingTrack->getId()); bool track_played_recently = false; if (currentPlayingTrackId.isValid()) { // Remove the track from the recent tracks list if it's present and put // at the front of the list. auto it = std::find(std::begin(m_recentTracks), std::end(m_recentTracks), currentPlayingTrackId); if (it == std::end(m_recentTracks)) { track_played_recently = false; } else { track_played_recently = true; m_recentTracks.erase(it); } m_recentTracks.push_front(currentPlayingTrackId); // Keep a window of 6 tracks (inspired by 2 decks, 4 samplers) const int kRecentTrackWindow = 6; while (m_recentTracks.size() > kRecentTrackWindow) { m_recentTracks.pop_back(); } } // If the track was recently played, don't increment the playcount or // add it to the history. if (track_played_recently) { return; } // If the track is not present in the recent tracks list, mark it // played and update its playcount. currentPlayingTrack->updatePlayCounter(); // We can only add tracks that are Mixxx library tracks, not external // sources. if (!currentPlayingTrackId.isValid()) { return; } if (m_pPlaylistTableModel->getPlaylist() == m_playlistId) { // View needs a refresh WTrackTableView* view = dynamic_cast(m_libraryWidget->getActiveView()); if (view != nullptr) { // We have a active view on the history. The user may have some // important active selection. For example putting track into crates // while the song changes trough autodj. The selection is then lost // and dataloss occurs const QList trackIds = view->getSelectedTrackIds(); m_pPlaylistTableModel->appendTrack(currentPlayingTrackId); view->setSelectedTracks(trackIds); } else { m_pPlaylistTableModel->appendTrack(currentPlayingTrackId); } } else { // TODO(XXX): Care whether the append succeeded. m_playlistDao.appendTrackToPlaylist(currentPlayingTrackId, m_playlistId); } } void SetlogFeature::slotPlaylistTableChanged(int playlistId) { reloadChildModel(playlistId); } void SetlogFeature::reloadChildModel(int playlistId) { //qDebug() << "updateChildModel() playlistId:" << playlistId; PlaylistDAO::HiddenType type = m_playlistDao.getHiddenType(playlistId); if (type == PlaylistDAO::PLHT_SET_LOG || type == PlaylistDAO::PLHT_UNKNOWN) { // In case of a deleted Playlist clearChildModel(); m_lastRightClickedIndex = constructChildModel(playlistId); } } void SetlogFeature::slotPlaylistContentChanged(QSet playlistIds) { for (const auto playlistId : qAsConst(playlistIds)) { enum PlaylistDAO::HiddenType type = m_playlistDao.getHiddenType(playlistId); if (type == PlaylistDAO::PLHT_SET_LOG || type == PlaylistDAO::PLHT_UNKNOWN) { // In case of a deleted Playlist updateChildModel(playlistId); } } } void SetlogFeature::slotPlaylistTableRenamed( int playlistId, const QString& newName) { Q_UNUSED(newName); //qDebug() << "slotPlaylistTableRenamed() playlistId:" << playlistId; enum PlaylistDAO::HiddenType type = m_playlistDao.getHiddenType(playlistId); if (type == PlaylistDAO::PLHT_SET_LOG || type == PlaylistDAO::PLHT_UNKNOWN) { // In case of a deleted Playlist clearChildModel(); m_lastRightClickedIndex = constructChildModel(playlistId); if (type != PlaylistDAO::PLHT_UNKNOWN) { activatePlaylist(playlistId); } } } QString SetlogFeature::getRootViewHtml() const { QString playlistsTitle = tr("History"); QString playlistsSummary = tr("The history section automatically keeps a list of tracks you play in your DJ sets."); QString playlistsSummary2 = tr("This is handy for remembering what worked in your DJ sets, posting set-lists, or reporting your plays to licensing organizations."); QString playlistsSummary3 = tr("Every time you start Mixxx, a new history section is created. You can export it as a playlist in various formats or play it again with Auto DJ."); QString playlistsSummary4 = tr("You can join the current history session with a previous one by right-clicking and selecting \"Join with previous\"."); QString html; html.append(QString("


").arg(playlistsTitle)); html.append(QString("


").arg(playlistsSummary)); html.append(QString("


").arg(playlistsSummary2)); html.append(QString("


").arg(playlistsSummary3)); html.append(QString("


").arg(playlistsSummary4)); return html; }