// cratefeature.cpp // Created 10/22/2009 by RJ Ryan (rryan@mit.edu) #include #include #include #include #include #include "library/cratefeature.h" #include "library/export/trackexportwizard.h" #include "library/parser.h" #include "library/parserm3u.h" #include "library/parserpls.h" #include "library/parsercsv.h" #include "library/cratetablemodel.h" #include "library/trackcollection.h" #include "library/queryutil.h" #include "widget/wlibrarytextbrowser.h" #include "widget/wlibrary.h" #include "mixxxkeyboard.h" #include "treeitem.h" #include "soundsourceproxy.h" #include "util/dnd.h" #include "util/time.h" CrateFeature::CrateFeature(Library* pLibrary, TrackCollection* pTrackCollection, ConfigObject* pConfig) : m_pTrackCollection(pTrackCollection), m_crateDao(pTrackCollection->getCrateDAO()), m_crateTableModel(this, pTrackCollection), m_pConfig(pConfig) { m_pCreateCrateAction = new QAction(tr("Create New Crate"),this); connect(m_pCreateCrateAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotCreateCrate())); m_pDeleteCrateAction = new QAction(tr("Remove"),this); connect(m_pDeleteCrateAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotDeleteCrate())); m_pRenameCrateAction = new QAction(tr("Rename"),this); connect(m_pRenameCrateAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotRenameCrate())); m_pLockCrateAction = new QAction(tr("Lock"),this); connect(m_pLockCrateAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotToggleCrateLock())); m_pImportPlaylistAction = new QAction(tr("Import Crate"),this); connect(m_pImportPlaylistAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotImportPlaylist())); m_pExportPlaylistAction = new QAction(tr("Export Crate"), this); connect(m_pExportPlaylistAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotExportPlaylist())); m_pExportTrackFilesAction = new QAction(tr("Export Track Files"), this); connect(m_pExportTrackFilesAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotExportTrackFiles())); m_pDuplicateCrateAction = new QAction(tr("Duplicate"),this); connect(m_pDuplicateCrateAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotDuplicateCrate())); m_pAnalyzeCrateAction = new QAction(tr("Analyze entire Crate"),this); connect(m_pAnalyzeCrateAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotAnalyzeCrate())); #ifdef __AUTODJCRATES__ m_pAutoDjTrackSource = new QAction(tr("Auto DJ Track Source"),this); m_pAutoDjTrackSource->setCheckable(true); connect(m_pAutoDjTrackSource, SIGNAL(changed()), this, SLOT(slotAutoDjTrackSourceChanged())); #endif // __AUTODJCRATES__ connect(&m_crateDao, SIGNAL(added(int)), this, SLOT(slotCrateTableChanged(int))); connect(&m_crateDao, SIGNAL(deleted(int)), this, SLOT(slotCrateTableChanged(int))); connect(&m_crateDao, SIGNAL(changed(int)), this, SLOT(slotCrateContentChanged(int))); connect(&m_crateDao, SIGNAL(renamed(int,QString)), this, SLOT(slotCrateTableRenamed(int,QString))); connect(&m_crateDao, SIGNAL(lockChanged(int)), this, SLOT(slotCrateTableChanged(int))); // construct child model TreeItem *rootItem = new TreeItem(); m_childModel.setRootItem(rootItem); constructChildModel(-1); connect(pLibrary, SIGNAL(trackSelected(TrackPointer)), this, SLOT(slotTrackSelected(TrackPointer))); connect(pLibrary, SIGNAL(switchToView(const QString&)), this, SLOT(slotResetSelectedTrack())); } CrateFeature::~CrateFeature() { //delete QActions delete m_pExportTrackFilesAction; delete m_pCreateCrateAction; delete m_pDeleteCrateAction; delete m_pRenameCrateAction; delete m_pDuplicateCrateAction; delete m_pLockCrateAction; delete m_pImportPlaylistAction; delete m_pAnalyzeCrateAction; #ifdef __AUTODJCRATES__ delete m_pAutoDjTrackSource; #endif // __AUTODJCRATES__ } QVariant CrateFeature::title() { return tr("Crates"); } QIcon CrateFeature::getIcon() { return QIcon(":/images/library/ic_library_crates.png"); } int CrateFeature::crateIdFromIndex(QModelIndex index) { TreeItem* item = static_cast(index.internalPointer()); if (item == NULL) { return -1; } QString dataPath = item->dataPath().toString(); bool ok = false; int playlistId = dataPath.toInt(&ok); if (!ok) { return -1; } return playlistId; } bool CrateFeature::dropAcceptChild(const QModelIndex& index, QList urls, QObject* pSource) { int crateId = crateIdFromIndex(index); if (crateId == -1) { return false; } QList files = DragAndDropHelper::supportedTracksFromUrls(urls, false, true); QList trackIds; if (pSource) { trackIds = m_pTrackCollection->getTrackDAO().getTrackIds(files); m_pTrackCollection->getTrackDAO().unhideTracks(trackIds); } else { // Adds track, does not insert duplicates, handles unremoving logic. trackIds = m_pTrackCollection->getTrackDAO().addTracks(files, true); } qDebug() << "CrateFeature::dropAcceptChild adding tracks" << trackIds.size() << " to crate "<< crateId; // remove tracks that could not be added for (int trackIdIndex = 0; trackIdIndex < trackIds.size(); ++trackIdIndex) { if (!trackIds.at(trackIdIndex).isValid()) { trackIds.removeAt(trackIdIndex--); } } m_crateDao.addTracksToCrate(crateId, &trackIds); return true; } bool CrateFeature::dragMoveAcceptChild(const QModelIndex& index, QUrl url) { int crateId = crateIdFromIndex(index); if (crateId == -1) { return false; } bool locked = m_crateDao.isCrateLocked(crateId); bool formatSupported = SoundSourceProxy::isUrlSupported(url) || Parser::isPlaylistFilenameSupported(url.toLocalFile()); return !locked && formatSupported; } void CrateFeature::bindWidget(WLibrary* libraryWidget, MixxxKeyboard* keyboard) { Q_UNUSED(keyboard); WLibraryTextBrowser* edit = new WLibraryTextBrowser(libraryWidget); edit->setHtml(getRootViewHtml()); edit->setOpenLinks(false); connect(edit, SIGNAL(anchorClicked(const QUrl)), this, SLOT(htmlLinkClicked(const QUrl))); libraryWidget->registerView("CRATEHOME", edit); } TreeItemModel* CrateFeature::getChildModel() { return &m_childModel; } void CrateFeature::activate() { emit(switchToView("CRATEHOME")); emit(restoreSearch(QString())); //disable search on crate home emit(enableCoverArtDisplay(true)); } void CrateFeature::activateChild(const QModelIndex& index) { if (!index.isValid()) return; int crateId = crateIdFromIndex(index); if (crateId == -1) { return; } m_crateTableModel.setTableModel(crateId); emit(showTrackModel(&m_crateTableModel)); emit(enableCoverArtDisplay(true)); } void CrateFeature::activateCrate(int crateId) { //qDebug() << "CrateFeature::activateCrate()" << crateId; QModelIndex index = indexFromCrateId(crateId); if (crateId != -1 && index.isValid()) { m_crateTableModel.setTableModel(crateId); emit(showTrackModel(&m_crateTableModel)); emit(enableCoverArtDisplay(true)); // Update selection emit(featureSelect(this, m_lastRightClickedIndex)); activateChild(m_lastRightClickedIndex); } } void CrateFeature::onRightClick(const QPoint& globalPos) { m_lastRightClickedIndex = QModelIndex(); QMenu menu(NULL); menu.addAction(m_pCreateCrateAction); menu.exec(globalPos); } void CrateFeature::onRightClickChild(const QPoint& globalPos, QModelIndex index) { //Save the model index so we can get it in the action slots... m_lastRightClickedIndex = index; int crateId = crateIdFromIndex(index); if (crateId == -1) { return; } bool locked = m_crateDao.isCrateLocked(crateId); m_pDeleteCrateAction->setEnabled(!locked); m_pRenameCrateAction->setEnabled(!locked); #ifdef __AUTODJCRATES__ bool bAutoDj = m_crateDao.isCrateInAutoDj(crateId); m_pAutoDjTrackSource->setChecked(bAutoDj); #endif // __AUTODJCRATES__ m_pLockCrateAction->setText(locked ? tr("Unlock") : tr("Lock")); QMenu menu(NULL); menu.addAction(m_pCreateCrateAction); menu.addSeparator(); menu.addAction(m_pRenameCrateAction); menu.addAction(m_pDuplicateCrateAction); menu.addAction(m_pDeleteCrateAction); menu.addAction(m_pLockCrateAction); menu.addSeparator(); #ifdef __AUTODJCRATES__ menu.addAction(m_pAutoDjTrackSource); menu.addSeparator(); #endif // __AUTODJCRATES__ menu.addAction(m_pAnalyzeCrateAction); menu.addSeparator(); menu.addAction(m_pImportPlaylistAction); menu.addAction(m_pExportPlaylistAction); menu.addAction(m_pExportTrackFilesAction); menu.exec(globalPos); } void CrateFeature::slotCreateCrate() { QString name; bool validNameGiven = false; while (!validNameGiven) { bool ok = false; name = QInputDialog::getText(NULL, tr("Create New Crate"), tr("Enter name for new crate:"), QLineEdit::Normal, tr("New Crate"), &ok).trimmed(); if (!ok) return; int existingId = m_crateDao.getCrateIdByName(name); if (existingId != -1) { QMessageBox::warning(NULL, tr("Creating Crate Failed"), tr("A crate by that name already exists.")); } else if (name.isEmpty()) { QMessageBox::warning(NULL, tr("Creating Crate Failed"), tr("A crate cannot have a blank name.")); } else { validNameGiven = true; } } int crateId = m_crateDao.createCrate(name); if (crateId != -1) { activateCrate(crateId); } else { qDebug() << "Error creating crate with name " << name; QMessageBox::warning(NULL, tr("Creating Crate Failed"), tr("An unknown error occurred while creating crate: ") + name); } } void CrateFeature::slotDeleteCrate() { int crateId = crateIdFromIndex(m_lastRightClickedIndex); if (crateId == -1) { return; } bool locked = m_crateDao.isCrateLocked(crateId); if (locked) { qDebug() << "Skipping crate deletion because crate" << crateId << "is locked."; return; } bool deleted = m_crateDao.deleteCrate(crateId); if (deleted) { activate(); } else { qDebug() << "Failed to delete crateId" << crateId; } } void CrateFeature::slotRenameCrate() { int crateId = crateIdFromIndex(m_lastRightClickedIndex); if (crateId == -1) { return; } QString oldName = m_crateDao.crateName(crateId); bool locked = m_crateDao.isCrateLocked(crateId); if (locked) { qDebug() << "Skipping crate rename because crate" << crateId << "is locked."; return; } QString newName; bool validNameGiven = false; while (!validNameGiven) { bool ok = false; newName = QInputDialog::getText(NULL, tr("Rename Crate"), tr("Enter new name for crate:"), QLineEdit::Normal, oldName, &ok).trimmed(); if (!ok || newName == oldName) { return; } int existingId = m_crateDao.getCrateIdByName(newName); if (existingId != -1) { QMessageBox::warning(NULL, tr("Renaming Crate Failed"), tr("A crate by that name already exists.")); } else if (newName.isEmpty()) { QMessageBox::warning(NULL, tr("Renaming Crate Failed"), tr("A crate cannot have a blank name.")); } else { validNameGiven = true; } } if (!m_crateDao.renameCrate(crateId, newName)) { qDebug() << "Failed to rename crateId" << crateId; } } void CrateFeature::slotDuplicateCrate() { int oldCrateId = crateIdFromIndex(m_lastRightClickedIndex); if (oldCrateId == -1) { return; } QString oldName = m_crateDao.crateName(oldCrateId); QString name; bool validNameGiven = false; while (!validNameGiven) { bool ok = false; name = QInputDialog::getText(NULL, tr("Duplicate Crate"), tr("Enter name for new crate:"), QLineEdit::Normal, //: Appendix to default name when duplicating a crate oldName + tr("_copy" , "[noun]"), &ok).trimmed(); if (!ok || name == oldName) { return; } int existingId = m_crateDao.getCrateIdByName(name); if (existingId != -1) { QMessageBox::warning(NULL, tr("Renaming Crate Failed"), tr("A crate by that name already exists.")); } else if (name.isEmpty()) { QMessageBox::warning(NULL, tr("Renaming Crate Failed"), tr("A crate cannot have a blank name.")); } else { validNameGiven = true; } } int newCrateId = m_crateDao.createCrate(name); m_crateDao.copyCrateTracks(oldCrateId, newCrateId); if (newCrateId != -1) { activateCrate(newCrateId); } else { qDebug() << "Error creating crate with name " << name; QMessageBox::warning(NULL, tr("Creating Crate Failed"), tr("An unknown error occurred while creating crate: ") + name); } } void CrateFeature::slotToggleCrateLock() { int crateId = crateIdFromIndex(m_lastRightClickedIndex); if (crateId == -1) { return; } QString crateName = m_crateDao.crateName(crateId); bool locked = !m_crateDao.isCrateLocked(crateId); if (!m_crateDao.setCrateLocked(crateId, locked)) { qDebug() << "Failed to toggle lock of crateId " << crateId; } } void CrateFeature::slotAutoDjTrackSourceChanged() { #ifdef __AUTODJCRATES__ int crateId = crateIdFromIndex(m_lastRightClickedIndex); if (crateId != -1) { m_crateDao.setCrateInAutoDj(crateId, m_pAutoDjTrackSource->isChecked()); } #endif // __AUTODJCRATES__ } void CrateFeature::buildCrateList() { m_crateList.clear(); QString queryString = QString( "CREATE TEMPORARY VIEW IF NOT EXISTS CratesCountsDurations " "AS SELECT " " crates.id as id, " " crates.name as name, " " COUNT(library.id) as count, " " SUM(library.duration) as durationSeconds " "FROM crates " "LEFT JOIN crate_tracks ON crate_tracks.crate_id = crates.id " "LEFT JOIN library ON crate_tracks.track_id = library.id " "WHERE show = 1 " "GROUP BY crates.id;"); QSqlQuery query(m_pTrackCollection->getDatabase()); if (!query.exec(queryString)) { LOG_FAILED_QUERY(query); } QSqlTableModel crateListTableModel(this, m_pTrackCollection->getDatabase()); crateListTableModel.setTable("CratesCountsDurations"); crateListTableModel.setSort(crateListTableModel.fieldIndex("name"), Qt::AscendingOrder); crateListTableModel.select(); while (crateListTableModel.canFetchMore()) { crateListTableModel.fetchMore(); } QSqlRecord record = crateListTableModel.record(); int nameColumn = record.indexOf("name"); int idColumn = record.indexOf("id"); int countColumn = record.indexOf("count"); int durationColumn = record.indexOf("durationSeconds"); for (int row = 0; row < crateListTableModel.rowCount(); ++row) { int id = crateListTableModel.data( crateListTableModel.index(row, idColumn)).toInt(); QString name = crateListTableModel.data( crateListTableModel.index(row, nameColumn)).toString(); int count = crateListTableModel.data( crateListTableModel.index(row, countColumn)).toInt(); int duration = crateListTableModel.data( crateListTableModel.index(row, durationColumn)).toInt(); m_crateList.append(qMakePair(id, QString("%1 (%2) %3") .arg(name, QString::number(count), Time::formatSeconds(duration)))); } } /** * Purpose: When inserting or removing playlists, * we require the sidebar model not to reset. * This method queries the database and does dynamic insertion */ QModelIndex CrateFeature::constructChildModel(int selected_id) { buildCrateList(); QList data_list; int selected_row = -1; // Access the invisible root item TreeItem* root = m_childModel.getItem(QModelIndex()); int row = 0; for (QList >::const_iterator it = m_crateList.begin(); it != m_crateList.end(); ++it, ++row) { int crate_id = it->first; QString crate_name = it->second; if (selected_id == crate_id) { // save index for selection selected_row = row; m_childModel.index(selected_row, 0); } // Create the TreeItem whose parent is the invisible root item TreeItem* item = new TreeItem(crate_name, QString::number(crate_id), this, root); bool locked = m_crateDao.isCrateLocked(crate_id); item->setIcon(locked ? QIcon(":/images/library/ic_library_locked.png") : QIcon()); item->setBold(m_cratesSelectedTrackIsIn.contains(crate_id)); data_list.append(item); } // Append all the newly created TreeItems in a dynamic way to the childmodel m_childModel.insertRows(data_list, 0, m_crateList.size()); if (selected_row == -1) { return QModelIndex(); } return m_childModel.index(selected_row, 0); } void CrateFeature::updateChildModel(int selected_id) { buildCrateList(); int row = 0; for (QList >::const_iterator it = m_crateList.begin(); it != m_crateList.end(); ++it, ++row) { int crate_id = it->first; QString crate_name = it->second; if (selected_id == crate_id) { TreeItem* item = m_childModel.getItem(indexFromCrateId(crate_id)); item->setData(crate_name, QString::number(crate_id)); bool locked = m_crateDao.isCrateLocked(crate_id); item->setIcon(locked ? QIcon(":/images/library/ic_library_locked.png") : QIcon()); } } } /** * Clears the child model dynamically */ void CrateFeature::clearChildModel() { m_childModel.removeRows(0, m_crateList.size()); m_crateList.clear(); } void CrateFeature::slotImportPlaylist() { qDebug() << "slotImportPlaylist() row:" ; //<< m_lastRightClickedIndex.data(); QString lastCrateDirectory = m_pConfig->getValueString( ConfigKey("[Library]", "LastImportExportCrateDirectory"), QDesktopServices::storageLocation(QDesktopServices::MusicLocation)); QString playlist_file = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName( NULL, tr("Import Playlist"), lastCrateDirectory, tr("Playlist Files (*.m3u *.m3u8 *.pls *.csv)")); // Exit method if user cancelled the open dialog. if (playlist_file.isNull() || playlist_file.isEmpty()) return; // Update the import/export crate directory QFileInfo fileName(playlist_file); m_pConfig->set(ConfigKey("[Library]","LastImportExportCrateDirectory"), ConfigValue(fileName.dir().absolutePath())); // The user has picked a new directory via a file dialog. This means the // system sandboxer (if we are sandboxed) has granted us permission to this // folder. We don't need access to this file on a regular basis so we do not // register a security bookmark. Parser* playlist_parser = NULL; if (playlist_file.endsWith(".m3u", Qt::CaseInsensitive) || playlist_file.endsWith(".m3u8", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { // .m3u8 is Utf8 representation of an m3u playlist playlist_parser = new ParserM3u(); } else if (playlist_file.endsWith(".pls", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { playlist_parser = new ParserPls(); } else if (playlist_file.endsWith(".csv", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { playlist_parser = new ParserCsv(); } else { return; } if (playlist_parser) { QList entries = playlist_parser->parse(playlist_file); //qDebug() << "Size of Imported Playlist: " << entries.size(); //Iterate over the List that holds URLs of playlist entires m_crateTableModel.addTracks(QModelIndex(), entries); activateChild(m_lastRightClickedIndex); //delete the parser object delete playlist_parser; } } void CrateFeature::slotAnalyzeCrate() { if (m_lastRightClickedIndex.isValid()) { int crateId = crateIdFromIndex(m_lastRightClickedIndex); if (crateId >= 0) { QList ids = m_crateDao.getTrackIds(crateId); emit(analyzeTracks(ids)); } } } void CrateFeature::slotExportPlaylist() { qDebug() << "Export crate" << m_lastRightClickedIndex.data(); QString lastCrateDirectory = m_pConfig->getValueString( ConfigKey("[Library]", "LastImportExportCrateDirectory"), QDesktopServices::storageLocation(QDesktopServices::MusicLocation)); QString file_location = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName( NULL, tr("Export Crate"), lastCrateDirectory, tr("M3U Playlist (*.m3u);;M3U8 Playlist (*.m3u8);;PLS Playlist (*.pls);;Text CSV (*.csv);;Readable Text (*.txt)")); // Exit method if user cancelled the open dialog. if (file_location.isNull() || file_location.isEmpty()) { return; } // Update the import/export crate directory QFileInfo fileName(file_location); m_pConfig->set(ConfigKey("[Library]","LastImportExportCrateDirectory"), ConfigValue(fileName.dir().absolutePath())); // The user has picked a new directory via a file dialog. This means the // system sandboxer (if we are sandboxed) has granted us permission to this // folder. We don't need access to this file on a regular basis so we do not // register a security bookmark. // check config if relative paths are desired bool useRelativePath = static_cast( m_pConfig->getValueString( ConfigKey("[Library]", "UseRelativePathOnExport")).toInt()); // Create list of files of the crate QList playlist_items; // Create a new table model since the main one might have an active search. QScopedPointer pCrateTableModel( new CrateTableModel(this, m_pTrackCollection)); pCrateTableModel->setTableModel(m_crateTableModel.getCrate()); pCrateTableModel->select(); if (file_location.endsWith(".csv", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { ParserCsv::writeCSVFile(file_location, pCrateTableModel.data(), useRelativePath); } else if (file_location.endsWith(".txt", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { ParserCsv::writeReadableTextFile(file_location, pCrateTableModel.data(), false); } else{ // populate a list of files of the crate QList playlist_items; int rows = pCrateTableModel->rowCount(); for (int i = 0; i < rows; ++i) { QModelIndex index = m_crateTableModel.index(i, 0); playlist_items << m_crateTableModel.getTrackLocation(index); } if (file_location.endsWith(".pls", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { ParserPls::writePLSFile(file_location, playlist_items, useRelativePath); } else if (file_location.endsWith(".m3u8", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { ParserM3u::writeM3U8File(file_location, playlist_items, useRelativePath); } else { //default export to M3U if file extension is missing if(!file_location.endsWith(".m3u", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { qDebug() << "Crate export: No valid file extension specified. Appending .m3u " << "and exporting to M3U."; file_location.append(".m3u"); } ParserM3u::writeM3UFile(file_location, playlist_items, useRelativePath); } } } void CrateFeature::slotExportTrackFiles() { // Create a new table model since the main one might have an active search. QScopedPointer pCrateTableModel( new CrateTableModel(this, m_pTrackCollection)); pCrateTableModel->setTableModel(m_crateTableModel.getCrate()); pCrateTableModel->select(); int rows = pCrateTableModel->rowCount(); QList trackpointers; for (int i = 0; i < rows; ++i) { QModelIndex index = m_crateTableModel.index(i, 0); trackpointers.push_back(m_crateTableModel.getTrack(index)); } TrackExportWizard track_export(nullptr, m_pConfig, trackpointers); track_export.exportTracks(); } void CrateFeature::slotCrateTableChanged(int crateId) { //qDebug() << "slotCrateTableChanged() crateId:" << crateId; clearChildModel(); m_lastRightClickedIndex = constructChildModel(crateId); } void CrateFeature::slotCrateContentChanged(int crateId) { //qDebug() << "slotCrateContentChanged()crateId:" << crateId; updateChildModel(crateId); } void CrateFeature::slotCrateTableRenamed(int a_iCrateId, QString /* a_strName */) { activateCrate(a_iCrateId); } void CrateFeature::htmlLinkClicked(const QUrl& link) { if (QString(link.path())=="create") { slotCreateCrate(); } else { qDebug() << "Unknown crate link clicked" << link; } } QString CrateFeature::getRootViewHtml() const { QString cratesTitle = tr("Crates"); QString cratesSummary = tr("Crates are a great way to help organize the music you want to DJ with."); QString cratesSummary2 = tr("Make a crate for your next gig, for your favorite electrohouse tracks, or for your most requested songs."); QString cratesSummary3 = tr("Crates let you organize your music however you'd like!"); QString html; QString createCrateLink = tr("Create New Crate"); html.append(QString("


").arg(cratesTitle)); html.append(""); html.append(QString("
"); html.append(QString("


").arg(cratesSummary)); html.append(QString("


").arg(cratesSummary2)); html.append(QString("


").arg(cratesSummary3)); html.append("
"); html.append(""); html.append("
%1") .arg(createCrateLink)); html.append("
"); return html; } void CrateFeature::slotTrackSelected(TrackPointer pTrack) { m_pSelectedTrack = pTrack; TrackId trackId(pTrack.isNull() ? TrackId() : pTrack->getId()); m_crateDao.getCratesTrackIsIn(trackId, &m_cratesSelectedTrackIsIn); TreeItem* rootItem = m_childModel.getItem(QModelIndex()); if (rootItem == nullptr) { return; } // Set all crates the track is in bold (or if there is no track selected, // clear all the bolding). int row = 0; for (QList >::const_iterator it = m_crateList.begin(); it != m_crateList.end(); ++it, ++row) { TreeItem* crate = rootItem->child(row); if (crate == nullptr) { continue; } int crateId = it->first; bool shouldBold = m_cratesSelectedTrackIsIn.contains(crateId); crate->setBold(shouldBold); } m_childModel.triggerRepaint(); } void CrateFeature::slotResetSelectedTrack() { slotTrackSelected(TrackPointer()); } QModelIndex CrateFeature::indexFromCrateId(int crateId) { int row = 0; for (QList >::const_iterator it = m_crateList.begin(); it != m_crateList.end(); ++it, ++row) { int current_id = it->first; QString crate_name = it->second; if (crateId == current_id) { return m_childModel.index(row, 0); } } return QModelIndex(); }