#include "engine/controls/ratecontrol.h" #include #include "control/controlobject.h" #include "control/controlpotmeter.h" #include "control/controlproxy.h" #include "control/controlpushbutton.h" #include "control/controlttrotary.h" #include "engine/controls/bpmcontrol.h" #include "engine/controls/enginecontrol.h" #include "engine/positionscratchcontroller.h" #include "moc_ratecontrol.cpp" #include "util/math.h" #include "util/rotary.h" #include "vinylcontrol/defs_vinylcontrol.h" namespace { constexpr int kRateSensitivityMin = 100; constexpr int kRateSensitivityMax = 2500; } // namespace // Static default values for rate buttons (percents) ControlValueAtomic RateControl::m_dTemporaryRateChangeCoarse; ControlValueAtomic RateControl::m_dTemporaryRateChangeFine; ControlValueAtomic RateControl::m_dPermanentRateChangeCoarse; ControlValueAtomic RateControl::m_dPermanentRateChangeFine; int RateControl::m_iRateRampSensitivity; RateControl::RampMode RateControl::m_eRateRampMode; const double RateControl::kWheelMultiplier = 40.0; const double RateControl::kPausedJogMultiplier = 18.0; RateControl::RateControl(const QString& group, UserSettingsPointer pConfig) : EngineControl(group, pConfig), m_pBpmControl(nullptr), m_bTempStarted(false), m_tempRateRatio(0.0), m_dRateTempRampChange(0.0) { m_pScratchController = new PositionScratchController(group); // This is the resulting rate ratio that can be used for display or calculations. // The track original rate ratio is 1. m_pRateRatio = new ControlObject(ConfigKey(group, "rate_ratio"), true, false, false, 1.0); connect(m_pRateRatio, &ControlObject::valueChanged, this, &RateControl::slotRateRatioChanged, Qt::DirectConnection); m_pRateDir = new ControlObject(ConfigKey(group, "rate_dir")); connect(m_pRateDir, &ControlObject::valueChanged, this, &RateControl::slotRateRangeChanged, Qt::DirectConnection); m_pRateRange = new ControlPotmeter( ConfigKey(group, "rateRange"), 0.01, 4.00); connect(m_pRateRange, &ControlObject::valueChanged, this, &RateControl::slotRateRangeChanged, Qt::DirectConnection); // Allow rate slider to go out of bounds so that master sync rate // adjustments are not capped. m_pRateSlider = new ControlPotmeter( ConfigKey(group, "rate"), -1.0, 1.0, true); connect(m_pRateSlider, &ControlObject::valueChanged, this, &RateControl::slotRateSliderChanged, Qt::DirectConnection); // Search rate. Rate used when searching in sound. This overrules the // playback rate m_pRateSearch = new ControlPotmeter(ConfigKey(group, "rateSearch"), -300., 300.); // Reverse button m_pReverseButton = new ControlPushButton(ConfigKey(group, "reverse")); m_pReverseButton->set(0); // Forward button m_pForwardButton = new ControlPushButton(ConfigKey(group, "fwd")); connect(m_pForwardButton, &ControlObject::valueChanged, this, &RateControl::slotControlFastForward, Qt::DirectConnection); m_pForwardButton->set(0); // Back button m_pBackButton = new ControlPushButton(ConfigKey(group, "back")); connect(m_pBackButton, &ControlObject::valueChanged, this, &RateControl::slotControlFastBack, Qt::DirectConnection); m_pBackButton->set(0); m_pReverseRollButton = new ControlPushButton(ConfigKey(group, "reverseroll")); connect(m_pReverseRollButton, &ControlObject::valueChanged, this, &RateControl::slotReverseRollActivate, Qt::DirectConnection); m_pSlipEnabled = new ControlProxy(group, "slip_enabled", this); m_pVCEnabled = ControlObject::getControl(ConfigKey(getGroup(), "vinylcontrol_enabled")); m_pVCScratching = ControlObject::getControl(ConfigKey(getGroup(), "vinylcontrol_scratching")); m_pVCMode = ControlObject::getControl(ConfigKey(getGroup(), "vinylcontrol_mode")); // Permanent rate-change buttons m_pButtonRatePermDown = new ControlPushButton(ConfigKey(group,"rate_perm_down")); connect(m_pButtonRatePermDown, &ControlObject::valueChanged, this, &RateControl::slotControlRatePermDown, Qt::DirectConnection); m_pButtonRatePermDownSmall = new ControlPushButton(ConfigKey(group,"rate_perm_down_small")); connect(m_pButtonRatePermDownSmall, &ControlObject::valueChanged, this, &RateControl::slotControlRatePermDownSmall, Qt::DirectConnection); m_pButtonRatePermUp = new ControlPushButton(ConfigKey(group,"rate_perm_up")); connect(m_pButtonRatePermUp, &ControlObject::valueChanged, this, &RateControl::slotControlRatePermUp, Qt::DirectConnection); m_pButtonRatePermUpSmall = new ControlPushButton(ConfigKey(group,"rate_perm_up_small")); connect(m_pButtonRatePermUpSmall, &ControlObject::valueChanged, this, &RateControl::slotControlRatePermUpSmall, Qt::DirectConnection); // Temporary rate-change buttons m_pButtonRateTempDown = new ControlPushButton(ConfigKey(group,"rate_temp_down")); m_pButtonRateTempDownSmall = new ControlPushButton(ConfigKey(group,"rate_temp_down_small")); m_pButtonRateTempUp = new ControlPushButton(ConfigKey(group,"rate_temp_up")); m_pButtonRateTempUpSmall = new ControlPushButton(ConfigKey(group,"rate_temp_up_small")); // We need the sample rate so we can guesstimate something close // what latency is. m_pSampleRate = ControlObject::getControl(ConfigKey("[Master]","samplerate")); // Wheel to control playback position/speed m_pWheel = new ControlTTRotary(ConfigKey(group, "wheel")); // Scratch controller, this is an accumulator which is useful for // controllers that return individual +1 or -1s, these get added up and // cleared when we read m_pScratch2 = new ControlObject(ConfigKey(group, "scratch2")); // Scratch enable toggle m_pScratch2Enable = new ControlPushButton(ConfigKey(group, "scratch2_enable")); m_pScratch2Enable->set(0); m_pScratch2Scratching = new ControlPushButton(ConfigKey(group, "scratch2_indicates_scratching")); // Enable by default, because it was always scratching before introducing // this control. m_pScratch2Scratching->set(1.0); m_pJog = new ControlObject(ConfigKey(group, "jog")); m_pJogFilter = new Rotary(); // FIXME: This should be dependent on sample rate/block size or something m_pJogFilter->setFilterLength(25); // // Update Internal Settings // // Set Pitchbend Mode // m_eRateRampMode = static_cast( // getConfig()->getValue(ConfigKey("[Controls]","RateRamp"), // static_cast(RampMode::Stepping))); // // Set the Sensitivity // m_iRateRampSensitivity = // getConfig()->getValueString(ConfigKey("[Controls]","RateRampSensitivity")).toInt(); m_pSyncMode = new ControlProxy(group, "sync_mode", this); } RateControl::~RateControl() { delete m_pRateRatio; delete m_pRateSlider; delete m_pRateRange; delete m_pRateDir; delete m_pSyncMode; delete m_pRateSearch; delete m_pReverseButton; delete m_pReverseRollButton; delete m_pForwardButton; delete m_pBackButton; delete m_pButtonRateTempDown; delete m_pButtonRateTempDownSmall; delete m_pButtonRateTempUp; delete m_pButtonRateTempUpSmall; delete m_pButtonRatePermDown; delete m_pButtonRatePermDownSmall; delete m_pButtonRatePermUp; delete m_pButtonRatePermUpSmall; delete m_pWheel; delete m_pScratch2; delete m_pScratch2Scratching; delete m_pScratch2Enable; delete m_pJog; delete m_pJogFilter; delete m_pScratchController; } void RateControl::setBpmControl(BpmControl* bpmcontrol) { m_pBpmControl = bpmcontrol; } //static void RateControl::setRateRampMode(RampMode mode) { m_eRateRampMode = mode; } //static RateControl::RampMode RateControl::getRateRampMode() { return m_eRateRampMode; } //static void RateControl::setRateRampSensitivity(int sense) { // Reverse the actual sensitivity value passed. // That way the gui works in an intuitive manner. sense = kRateSensitivityMax - sense + kRateSensitivityMin; if (sense < kRateSensitivityMin) { m_iRateRampSensitivity = kRateSensitivityMin; } else if (sense > kRateSensitivityMax) { m_iRateRampSensitivity = kRateSensitivityMax; } else { m_iRateRampSensitivity = sense; } } //static void RateControl::setTemporaryRateChangeCoarseAmount(double v) { m_dTemporaryRateChangeCoarse.setValue(v); } //static void RateControl::setTemporaryRateChangeFineAmount(double v) { m_dTemporaryRateChangeFine.setValue(v); } //static void RateControl::setPermanentRateChangeCoarseAmount(double v) { m_dPermanentRateChangeCoarse.setValue(v); } //static void RateControl::setPermanentRateChangeFineAmount(double v) { m_dPermanentRateChangeFine.setValue(v); } //static double RateControl::getTemporaryRateChangeCoarseAmount() { return m_dTemporaryRateChangeCoarse.getValue(); } //static double RateControl::getTemporaryRateChangeFineAmount() { return m_dTemporaryRateChangeFine.getValue(); } //static double RateControl::getPermanentRateChangeCoarseAmount() { return m_dPermanentRateChangeCoarse.getValue(); } //static double RateControl::getPermanentRateChangeFineAmount() { return m_dPermanentRateChangeFine.getValue(); } void RateControl::slotRateRangeChanged(double) { // update RateSlider with the new Range value butdo not change m_pRateRatio slotRateRatioChanged(m_pRateRatio->get()); } void RateControl::slotRateSliderChanged(double v) { double rateRatio = 1.0 + m_pRateDir->get() * m_pRateRange->get() * v; m_pRateRatio->set(rateRatio); } void RateControl::slotRateRatioChanged(double v) { double rateRange = m_pRateRange->get(); if (rateRange > 0.0) { double newRate = m_pRateDir->get() * (v - 1) / rateRange; m_pRateSlider->set(newRate); } else { m_pRateSlider->set(0); } } void RateControl::slotReverseRollActivate(double v) { if (v > 0.0) { m_pSlipEnabled->set(1); m_pReverseButton->set(1); } else { m_pReverseButton->set(0); m_pSlipEnabled->set(0); } } void RateControl::slotControlFastForward(double v) { //qDebug() << "slotControlFastForward(" << v << ")"; if (v > 0.0) { m_pRateSearch->set(4.0); } else { m_pRateSearch->set(0.0); } } void RateControl::slotControlFastBack(double v) { //qDebug() << "slotControlFastBack(" << v << ")"; if (v > 0.0) { m_pRateSearch->set(-4.0); } else { m_pRateSearch->set(0.0); } } void RateControl::slotControlRatePermDown(double v) { // Adjusts temp rate down if button pressed if (v > 0.0) { m_pRateSlider->set(m_pRateSlider->get() - m_pRateDir->get() * m_dPermanentRateChangeCoarse.getValue() / (100 * m_pRateRange->get())); slotRateSliderChanged(m_pRateSlider->get()); } } void RateControl::slotControlRatePermDownSmall(double v) { // Adjusts temp rate down if button pressed if (v > 0.0) { m_pRateSlider->set(m_pRateSlider->get() - m_pRateDir->get() * m_dPermanentRateChangeFine.getValue() / (100. * m_pRateRange->get())); slotRateSliderChanged(m_pRateSlider->get()); } } void RateControl::slotControlRatePermUp(double v) { // Adjusts temp rate up if button pressed if (v > 0.0) { m_pRateSlider->set(m_pRateSlider->get() + m_pRateDir->get() * m_dPermanentRateChangeCoarse.getValue() / (100. * m_pRateRange->get())); slotRateSliderChanged(m_pRateSlider->get()); } } void RateControl::slotControlRatePermUpSmall(double v) { // Adjusts temp rate up if button pressed if (v > 0.0) { m_pRateSlider->set(m_pRateSlider->get() + m_pRateDir->get() * m_dPermanentRateChangeFine.getValue() / (100. * m_pRateRange->get())); slotRateSliderChanged(m_pRateSlider->get()); } } double RateControl::getWheelFactor() const { return m_pWheel->get(); } double RateControl::getJogFactor() const { // FIXME: Sensitivity should be configurable separately? const double jogSensitivity = 0.1; // Nudges during playback double jogValue = m_pJog->get(); // Since m_pJog is an accumulator, reset it since we've used its value. if (jogValue != 0.) { m_pJog->set(0.); } double jogValueFiltered = m_pJogFilter->filter(jogValue); double jogFactor = jogValueFiltered * jogSensitivity; if (isnan(jogValue) || isnan(jogFactor)) { jogFactor = 0.0; } return jogFactor; } SyncMode RateControl::getSyncMode() const { return syncModeFromDouble(m_pSyncMode->get()); } double RateControl::calculateSpeed(double baserate, double speed, bool paused, int iSamplesPerBuffer, bool* pReportScratching, bool* pReportReverse) { *pReportScratching = false; *pReportReverse = false; processTempRate(iSamplesPerBuffer); double rate; const double searching = m_pRateSearch->get(); if (searching != 0) { // If searching is in progress, it overrides everything else rate = searching; } else { double wheelFactor = getWheelFactor(); double jogFactor = getJogFactor(); bool bVinylControlEnabled = m_pVCEnabled && m_pVCEnabled->toBool(); bool useScratch2Value = m_pScratch2Enable->toBool(); // By default scratch2_enable is enough to determine if the user is // scratching or not. Moving platter controllers have to disable // "scratch2_indicates_scratching" if they are not scratching, // to allow things like key-lock. if (useScratch2Value && m_pScratch2Scratching->toBool()) { *pReportScratching = true; } if (bVinylControlEnabled) { if (m_pVCScratching->toBool()) { *pReportScratching = true; } rate = speed; } else { double scratchFactor = m_pScratch2->get(); // Don't trust values from m_pScratch2 if (isnan(scratchFactor)) { scratchFactor = 0.0; } if (paused) { // Stopped. Wheel, jog and scratch controller all scrub through audio. if (useScratch2Value) { rate = scratchFactor + jogFactor + wheelFactor * kWheelMultiplier; } else { rate = jogFactor * kPausedJogMultiplier + wheelFactor; } } else { // The buffer is playing, so calculate the buffer rate. // There are four rate effects we apply: wheel, scratch, jog and temp. // Wheel: a linear additive effect (no spring-back) // Scratch: a rate multiplier // Jog: a linear additive effect whose value is filtered (springs back) // Temp: pitch bend // New scratch behavior - overrides playback speed (and old behavior) if (useScratch2Value) { rate = scratchFactor; } else { // add temp rate, but don't go backwards rate = math_max(speed + getTempRate(), 0.0); rate += wheelFactor; } rate += jogFactor; } } double currentSample = getSampleOfTrack().current; m_pScratchController->process(currentSample, rate, iSamplesPerBuffer, baserate); // If waveform scratch is enabled, override all other controls if (m_pScratchController->isEnabled()) { rate = m_pScratchController->getRate(); *pReportScratching = true; } else { // If master sync is on, respond to it -- but vinyl and scratch mode always override. if (getSyncMode() == SYNC_FOLLOWER && !paused && !bVinylControlEnabled && !useScratch2Value) { if (m_pBpmControl == nullptr) { qDebug() << "ERROR: calculateRate m_pBpmControl is null during master sync"; return 1.0; } double userTweak = 0.0; if (!*pReportScratching) { // Only report user tweak if the user is not scratching. userTweak = getTempRate() + wheelFactor + jogFactor; } rate = m_pBpmControl->calcSyncedRate(userTweak); } // If we are reversing (and not scratching,) flip the rate. This is ok even when syncing. // Reverse with vinyl is only ok if absolute mode isn't on. int vcmode = m_pVCMode ? static_cast(m_pVCMode->get()) : MIXXX_VCMODE_ABSOLUTE; // TODO(owen): Instead of just ignoring reverse mode, should we // disable absolute mode instead? if (m_pReverseButton->toBool() && !m_pScratch2Enable->toBool() && (!bVinylControlEnabled || vcmode != MIXXX_VCMODE_ABSOLUTE)) { rate = -rate; *pReportReverse = true; } } } return rate; } void RateControl::processTempRate(const int bufferSamples) { // Code to handle temporary rate change buttons. // We support two behaviors, the standard ramped pitch bending // and pitch shift stepping, which is the old behavior. RampDirection rampDirection = RampDirection::None; if (m_pButtonRateTempUp->toBool()) { rampDirection = RampDirection::Up; } else if (m_pButtonRateTempDown->toBool()) { rampDirection = RampDirection::Down; } else if (m_pButtonRateTempUpSmall->toBool()) { rampDirection = RampDirection::UpSmall; } else if (m_pButtonRateTempDownSmall->toBool()) { rampDirection = RampDirection::DownSmall; } if (rampDirection != RampDirection::None) { if (m_eRateRampMode == RampMode::Stepping) { if (!m_bTempStarted) { m_bTempStarted = true; // old temporary pitch shift behavior double change = m_dTemporaryRateChangeCoarse.getValue() / 100.0; double csmall = m_dTemporaryRateChangeFine.getValue() / 100.0; switch (rampDirection) { case RampDirection::Up: setRateTemp(change); break; case RampDirection::Down: setRateTemp(-change); break; case RampDirection::UpSmall: setRateTemp(csmall); break; case RampDirection::DownSmall: setRateTemp(-csmall); break; case RampDirection::None: default: DEBUG_ASSERT(false); } } } else if (m_eRateRampMode == RampMode::Linear) { if (rampDirection != RampDirection::None) { if (!m_bTempStarted) { m_bTempStarted = true; double latrate = ((double)bufferSamples / (double)m_pSampleRate->get()); m_dRateTempRampChange = (latrate / ((double)m_iRateRampSensitivity / 100.)); } switch (rampDirection) { case RampDirection::Up: case RampDirection::UpSmall: addRateTemp(m_dRateTempRampChange * m_pRateRange->get()); break; case RampDirection::Down: case RampDirection::DownSmall: subRateTemp(m_dRateTempRampChange * m_pRateRange->get()); break; case RampDirection::None: default: DEBUG_ASSERT(false); } } } } else if (m_bTempStarted) { m_bTempStarted = false; resetRateTemp(); } } double RateControl::getTempRate() { // qDebug() << m_tempRateRatio; return m_tempRateRatio; } void RateControl::setRateTemp(double v) { m_tempRateRatio = v; if (m_tempRateRatio < -1.0) { m_tempRateRatio = -1.0; } else if (m_tempRateRatio > 1.0) { m_tempRateRatio = 1.0; } else if (isnan(m_tempRateRatio)) { m_tempRateRatio = 0; } } void RateControl::addRateTemp(double v) { setRateTemp(m_tempRateRatio + v); } void RateControl::subRateTemp(double v) { setRateTemp(m_tempRateRatio - v); } void RateControl::resetRateTemp(void) { setRateTemp(0.0); } void RateControl::notifySeek(double playPos) { m_pScratchController->notifySeek(playPos); EngineControl::notifySeek(playPos); } bool RateControl::isReverseButtonPressed() { if (m_pReverseButton) { return m_pReverseButton->toBool(); } return false; }