Vestax Typhoon bestdani bestdani's controller capping for Vestax Typhoon in Mixxx 2.0+ and script. The controller reacts as described on the console. Some elements are taken from Bill Good's original mapping. vestax_typhoon [EffectRack1_EffectUnit1] mix 0xB2 0x51 [EffectRack1_EffectUnit2] mix 0xB2 0x52 [EffectRack1_EffectUnit1] enabled 0x92 0x29 [EffectRack1_EffectUnit2] enabled 0x92 0x28 [Playlist] SelectNextPlaylist 0x92 0x26 [Channel1] play 0x90 0x32 [Channel1] cue_default 0x90 0x35 [Channel1] cue_gotoandplay 0x90 0x33 [Channel1] start_stop 0x90 0x36 [Channel1] back 0x90 0x37 [Channel1] fwd 0x90 0x38 [Channel2] play 0x91 0x32 [Channel2] cue_default 0x91 0x35 [Channel2] cue_gotoandplay 0x91 0x33 [Channel2] start_stop 0x91 0x36 [Channel2] back 0x91 0x37 [Channel2] fwd 0x91 0x38 [Channel1] VestaxTyphoon.changeModeSimple 0x90 0x24 [Channel2] VestaxTyphoon.changeModeSimple 0x91 0x24 [Channel1] rate 0xB0 0x0e [Channel1] rate_temp_down 0x90 0x22 [Channel1] rate_temp_up 0x90 0x23 [Channel2] rate 0xB1 0x0e [Channel2] rate_temp_down 0x91 0x22 [Channel2] rate_temp_up 0x91 0x23 [Channel1] VestaxTyphoon.wheelTouch 0x90 0x2e [Channel1] VestaxTyphoon.wheelTouch 0x90 0x2f [Channel1] VestaxTyphoon.wheelTurn 0xB0 0x10 [Channel1] VestaxTyphoon.wheelTurn 0xB0 0x11 [Channel2] VestaxTyphoon.wheelTouch 0x91 0x2e [Channel2] VestaxTyphoon.wheelTouch 0x91 0x2f [Channel2] VestaxTyphoon.wheelTurn 0xB1 0x10 [Channel2] VestaxTyphoon.wheelTurn 0xB1 0x11 [Channel1] VestaxTyphoon.loops 0x90 0x20 [Channel1] loop_halve 0x90 0x21 [Channel1] loop_double 0x90 0x42 [Channel2] VestaxTyphoon.loops 0x91 0x20 [Channel2] loop_halve 0x91 0x21 [Channel2] loop_double 0x91 0x42 [Channel1] LoadSelectedTrack 0x92 0x60 [Channel2] LoadSelectedTrack 0x92 0x61 [EqualizerRack1_[Channel1]_Effect1] parameter1 0xB0 0x17 [EqualizerRack1_[Channel1]_Effect1] parameter2 0xB0 0x16 [EqualizerRack1_[Channel1]_Effect1] parameter3 0xB0 0x15 [Channel1] pregain 0xB0 0x14 [Channel1] pfl 0x90 0x25 [Channel1] volume 0xB0 0x0c [Channel1] VestaxTyphoon.setSyncSimple 0x90 0x46 [EqualizerRack1_[Channel2]_Effect1] parameter1 0xB1 0x17 [EqualizerRack1_[Channel2]_Effect1] parameter2 0xB1 0x16 [EqualizerRack1_[Channel2]_Effect1] parameter3 0xB1 0x15 [Channel2] pregain 0xB1 0x14 [Channel2] pfl 0x91 0x25 [Channel2] volume 0xB1 0x0c [Channel2] VestaxTyphoon.setSyncSimple 0x91 0x46 [Playlist] SelectPrevTrack 0x92 0x5c [Playlist] SelectNextTrack 0x92 0x5d [Master] crossfader 0xB2 0x08 [Channel1] loop_enabled 0x90 0x20 0x7f 0.1 [Channel1] pfl 0x90 0x25 0x7f 0.1 [Channel2] loop_enabled 0x91 0x20 0x7f 0.1 [Channel2] pfl 0x91 0x25 0x7f 0.1 [EffectRack1_EffectUnit1] enabled 0x92 0x29 0.1 [EffectRack1_EffectUnit2] enabled 0x92 0x28 0.1