Vestax Typhoon Enhanced bestdani bestdani's customized controller mapping for Vestax Typhoon in Mixxx 2.0+ and script. The controller actions differ from the description on the console. Therefore it enables more controls such as hotcues, relative pitch movements, slip mode and much more. Some elements are taken from Bill Good's original mapping. vestax_typhoon [EffectRack1_EffectUnit1] mix 0xB2 0x51 [EffectRack1_EffectUnit2] mix 0xB2 0x52 [EffectRack1_EffectUnit1] enabled 0x92 0x29 [EffectRack1_EffectUnit2] enabled 0x92 0x28 [Playlist] VestaxTyphoon.slipShift 0x92 0x26 [Channel1] VestaxTyphoon.playh1 0x90 0x32 [Channel1] VestaxTyphoon.cueh2 0x90 0x35 [Channel1] VestaxTyphoon.cuph3 0x90 0x33 [Channel1] VestaxTyphoon.begd1 0x90 0x36 [Channel1] VestaxTyphoon.rrd2 0x90 0x37 [Channel1] VestaxTyphoon.ffd3 0x90 0x38 [Channel2] VestaxTyphoon.playh1 0x91 0x32 [Channel2] VestaxTyphoon.cueh2 0x91 0x35 [Channel2] VestaxTyphoon.cuph3 0x91 0x33 [Channel2] VestaxTyphoon.begd1 0x91 0x36 [Channel2] VestaxTyphoon.rrd2 0x91 0x37 [Channel2] VestaxTyphoon.ffd3 0x91 0x38 [Channel1] VestaxTyphoon.changeMode 0x90 0x24 [Channel2] VestaxTyphoon.changeMode 0x91 0x24 [Channel1] VestaxTyphoon.setPitch 0xB0 0x0e [Channel1] VestaxTyphoon.relPitch 0x90 0x22 [Channel1] VestaxTyphoon.relPitch 0x90 0x23 [Channel2] VestaxTyphoon.setPitch 0xB1 0x0e [Channel2] VestaxTyphoon.relPitch 0x91 0x22 [Channel2] VestaxTyphoon.relPitch 0x91 0x23 [Channel1] VestaxTyphoon.wheelTouch 0x90 0x2e [Channel1] VestaxTyphoon.wheelTouch 0x90 0x2f [Channel1] VestaxTyphoon.wheelTurn 0xB0 0x10 [Channel1] VestaxTyphoon.wheelTurn 0xB0 0x11 [Channel2] VestaxTyphoon.wheelTouch 0x91 0x2e [Channel2] VestaxTyphoon.wheelTouch 0x91 0x2f [Channel2] VestaxTyphoon.wheelTurn 0xB1 0x10 [Channel2] VestaxTyphoon.wheelTurn 0xB1 0x11 [Channel1] VestaxTyphoon.loops 0x90 0x20 [Channel1] VestaxTyphoon.loopInMinus 0x90 0x21 [Channel1] VestaxTyphoon.loopOutPlus 0x90 0x42 [Channel2] VestaxTyphoon.loops 0x91 0x20 [Channel2] VestaxTyphoon.loopInMinus 0x91 0x21 [Channel2] VestaxTyphoon.loopOutPlus 0x91 0x42 [Channel1] VestaxTyphoon.DeckLoad 0x92 0x60 [Channel2] VestaxTyphoon.DeckLoad 0x92 0x61 [Channel1] VestaxTyphoon.eqLow 0xB0 0x17 [Channel1] VestaxTyphoon.eqMid 0xB0 0x16 [Channel1] VestaxTyphoon.eqHigh 0xB0 0x15 [Channel1] pregain 0xB0 0x14 [Channel1] pfl 0x90 0x25 [Channel1] volume 0xB0 0x0c [Channel1] VestaxTyphoon.setSync 0x90 0x46 [Channel2] VestaxTyphoon.eqLow 0xB1 0x17 [Channel2] VestaxTyphoon.eqMid 0xB1 0x16 [Channel2] VestaxTyphoon.eqHigh 0xB1 0x15 [Channel2] pregain 0xB1 0x14 [Channel2] pfl 0x91 0x25 [Channel2] volume 0xB1 0x0c [Channel2] VestaxTyphoon.setSync 0x91 0x46 [Playlist] SelectPrevTrack 0x92 0x5c [Playlist] SelectNextTrack 0x92 0x5d [Master] crossfader 0xB2 0x08 [Channel1] loop_enabled 0x90 0x20 0x7f 0.1 [Channel1] pfl 0x90 0x25 0x7f 0.1 [Channel2] loop_enabled 0x91 0x20 0x7f 0.1 [Channel2] pfl 0x91 0x25 0x7f 0.1 [EffectRack1_EffectUnit1] enabled 0x92 0x29 0.1 [EffectRack1_EffectUnit2] enabled 0x92 0x28 0.1