var DJCStarlight = {}; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // USER OPTIONS // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // How fast scratching is. DJCStarlight.scratchScale = 1.0; // How much faster seeking (shift+scratch) is than scratching. DJCStarlight.scratchShiftMultiplier = 4; // How fast bending is. DJCStarlight.bendScale = 1.0; // DJControl_Starlight_scripts.js // // **************************************************************************** // * Mixxx mapping script file for the Hercules DJControl Starlight. // * Author: DJ Phatso and Kerrick Staley // * Version 1.3 (March 21 2019) // * Forum: // * Wiki: // Changes to v1.3 // - Fix seek-to-start and cue-master behavior. // - Change loops to 1/2/4/8 beats. // - Tweak scratch, seek, and bend behavior. // - Refactor to reduce code size. // Changes to v1.2 // - Controller knob/slider values are queried on startup, so MIXXX is synced. // - Fixed vinyl button behavior the first time it's pressed. // Changes to v1.1 // - Vinyl button now enables/disables scratch function (On by default); // - FX: SHIFT + Pad = Effect Select // // v1.0 : Original release // TODO: Functions that could be implemented to the script: // * Tweak/map base LED to other functions (if possible). // * FX: // - Potentially pre-select/load effects into deck and set parameters // * Fix behavior when adjusting tempo slider after pressing [Sync] (tempo // adjustment should be relative, not absolute). // **************************************************************************** // We have to disable the no-unused-vars check because we have many MIDI // callbacks that receive a fixed list of arguments, but we usually don't use // most of these arguments. Eslint seems to make it relatively difficult to // disable this check on a case-by-case basis, so we disable it for the whole // file. // See this GitHub issue for more context: // /*eslint-disable no-unused-vars*/ DJCStarlight.kScratchActionNone = 0; DJCStarlight.kScratchActionScratch = 1; DJCStarlight.kScratchActionSeek = 2; DJCStarlight.kScratchActionBend = 3; // The base LED are mapped to the VU Meter for light show. DJCStarlight.baseLEDUpdate = function(value, group, control){ value = (value*127); switch(control) { case "VuMeterL": midi.sendShortMsg(0x91, 0x23, value); break; case "VuMeterR": midi.sendShortMsg(0x92, 0x23, value); break; } }; DJCStarlight.init = function() { DJCStarlight.scratchButtonState = true; DJCStarlight.scratchAction = { 1: DJCStarlight.kScratchActionNone, 2: DJCStarlight.kScratchActionNone}; // Turn off base LED default behavior midi.sendShortMsg(0x90,0x24,0x00); // Vinyl button LED On. midi.sendShortMsg(0x91, 0x03, 0x7F); // Connect the base LEDs engine.connectControl("[Channel1]","VuMeterL","DJCStarlight.baseLEDUpdate"); engine.connectControl("[Channel2]","VuMeterR","DJCStarlight.baseLEDUpdate"); // Set effects Levels - Dry/Wet engine.setParameter("[EffectRack1_EffectUnit1_Effect1]", "meta", 0.6); engine.setParameter("[EffectRack1_EffectUnit1_Effect2]", "meta", 0.6); engine.setParameter("[EffectRack1_EffectUnit1_Effect3]", "meta", 0.6); engine.setParameter("[EffectRack1_EffectUnit2_Effect1]", "meta", 0.6); engine.setParameter("[EffectRack1_EffectUnit2_Effect2]", "meta", 0.6); engine.setParameter("[EffectRack1_EffectUnit2_Effect3]", "meta", 0.6); engine.setParameter("[EffectRack1_EffectUnit1]", "mix", 1); engine.setParameter("[EffectRack1_EffectUnit2]", "mix", 1); // Ask the controller to send all current knob/slider values over MIDI, which will update // the corresponding GUI controls in MIXXX. midi.sendShortMsg(0xB0, 0x7F, 0x7F); }; // The Vinyl button, used to enable or disable scratching on the jog wheels (The Vinyl button enables both deck). DJCStarlight.vinylButton = function(channel, control, value, status, group) { if (value) { if (DJCStarlight.scratchButtonState) { DJCStarlight.scratchButtonState = false; midi.sendShortMsg(0x91,0x03,0x00); } else { DJCStarlight.scratchButtonState = true; midi.sendShortMsg(0x91,0x03,0x7F); } } }; DJCStarlight._scratchEnable = function(deck) { var alpha = 1.0/8; var beta = alpha/32; engine.scratchEnable(deck, 248, 33 + 1/3, alpha, beta); }; DJCStarlight._convertWheelRotation = function(value) { // When you rotate the jogwheel, the controller always sends either 0x1 // (clockwise) or 0x7F (counter clockwise). 0x1 should map to 1, 0x7F // should map to -1 (IOW it's 7-bit signed). return value < 0x40 ? 1 : -1; } // The touch action on the jog wheel's top surface DJCStarlight.wheelTouch = function(channel, control, value, status, group) { var deck = channel; if (value > 0) { // Touching the wheel. if (engine.getValue("[Channel" + deck + "]", "play") !== 1 || DJCStarlight.scratchButtonState) { DJCStarlight._scratchEnable(deck); DJCStarlight.scratchAction[deck] = DJCStarlight.kScratchActionScratch; } else { DJCStarlight.scratchAction[deck] = DJCStarlight.kScratchActionBend; } } else { // Released the wheel. engine.scratchDisable(deck); DJCStarlight.scratchAction[deck] = DJCStarlight.kScratchActionNone; } }; // The touch action on the jog wheel's top surface while holding shift DJCStarlight.wheelTouchShift = function(channel, control, value, status, group) { var deck = channel - 3; // We always enable scratching regardless of button state. if (value > 0) { DJCStarlight._scratchEnable(deck); DJCStarlight.scratchAction[deck] = DJCStarlight.kScratchActionSeek; } else { // Released the wheel. engine.scratchDisable(deck); DJCStarlight.scratchAction[deck] = DJCStarlight.kScratchActionNone; } }; // Scratching on the jog wheel (rotating it while pressing the top surface) DJCStarlight._scratchWheelImpl = function(deck, value) { var interval = DJCStarlight._convertWheelRotation(value); var scratchAction = DJCStarlight.scratchAction[deck]; if (scratchAction == DJCStarlight.kScratchActionScratch) { engine.scratchTick(deck, interval * DJCStarlight.scratchScale); } else if (scratchAction == DJCStarlight.kScratchActionSeek) { engine.scratchTick(deck, interval * DJCStarlight.scratchScale * DJCStarlight.scratchShiftMultiplier); } else { DJCStarlight._bendWheelImpl(deck, value); } }; // Scratching on the jog wheel (rotating it while pressing the top surface) DJCStarlight.scratchWheel = function(channel, control, value, status, group) { var deck = channel; DJCStarlight._scratchWheelImpl(deck, value); }; // Seeking on the jog wheel (rotating it while pressing the top surface and holding Shift) DJCStarlight.scratchWheelShift = function(channel, control, value, status, group) { var deck = channel - 3; DJCStarlight._scratchWheelImpl(deck, value); }; DJCStarlight._bendWheelImpl = function(deck, value) { var interval = DJCStarlight._convertWheelRotation(value); engine.setValue('[Channel' + deck + ']', 'jog', interval * DJCStarlight.bendScale); }; // Bending on the jog wheel (rotating using the edge) DJCStarlight.bendWheel = function(channel, control, value, status, group) { var deck = channel; DJCStarlight._bendWheelImpl(deck, value); }; // Cue master button DJCStarlight.cueMaster = function(channel, control, value, status, group) { // This button acts as a toggle. Ignore the release. if (value === 0) { return; } var masterIsCued = engine.getValue('[Master]', 'headMix') > 0; // Toggle state. masterIsCued = !masterIsCued; var headMixValue = masterIsCued ? 1 : -1; engine.setValue('[Master]', 'headMix', headMixValue); // Set LED (will be overwritten when [Shift] is released) var cueMasterLedValue = masterIsCued ? 0x7F : 0x00; midi.sendShortMsg(0x91, 0x0C, cueMasterLedValue); }; // Cue mix button, toggles PFL / master split feature // We need a special function for this because we want to turn on the LED (but // we *don't* want to turn on the LED when the user clicks the headSplit button // in the GUI). DJCStarlight.cueMix = function(channel, control, value, status, group) { // This button acts as a toggle. Ignore the release. if (value === 0) { return; } // Toggle state. script.toggleControl('[Master]', 'headSplit'); // Set LED (will be overwritten when [Shift] is released) var cueMixLedValue = engine.getValue('[Master]', 'headSplit') ? 0x7F : 0x00; midi.sendShortMsg(0x92, 0x0C, cueMixLedValue); }; DJCStarlight.shiftButton = function(channel, control, value, status, group) { if (value >= 0x40) { // When Shift is held, light the LEDS to show the status of the alt // functions of the cue buttons. var cueMasterLedValue = engine.getValue('[Master]', 'headMix') > 0 ? 0x7F : 0x00; midi.sendShortMsg(0x91, 0x0C, cueMasterLedValue); var cueMixLedValue = engine.getValue('[Master]', 'headSplit') ? 0x7F : 0x00; midi.sendShortMsg(0x92, 0x0C, cueMixLedValue); } else { // When Shift is released, go back to the normal LED values. var cueChan1LedValue = engine.getValue('[Channel1]', 'pfl') ? 0x7F : 0x00; midi.sendShortMsg(0x91, 0x0C, cueChan1LedValue); var cueChan2LedValue = engine.getValue('[Channel2]', 'pfl') ? 0x7F : 0x00; midi.sendShortMsg(0x92, 0x0C, cueChan2LedValue); } }; DJCStarlight.shutdown = function() { // Reset base LED midi.sendShortMsg(0x90,0x24,0x7F); };