//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // JSHint configuration // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* global engine */ /* global script */ /* global print */ /* global midi */ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function HerculesMP3e2() {} // Control schema: http://blog.ebruni.it/blog/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/Hercules-mp3e2-schema-comandi.jpg // Image: http://www.hablarcom.com.br/Imagens/arquivos/jptech/DJ_control_MP3_2_frente.jpg // Explanation: http://www.mixxx.org/wiki/doku.php/hercules_dj_control_mp3_e2 // Number of the standard RPM value. Lower values increase de sensitivity as the really records. var standardRpm = 33.33; // The alpha value for the filter (start with 1/8 (0.125) and tune from there) var alpha = 1 / 8; // The beta value for the filter (start with alpha/32 and tune from there) var beta = alpha / 20; // Timer to disable the scratch if the "jog wheel" is stopped for "x" milliseconds (default = 60) var scratchResetTime = 60; // Tune the jog sensitivity when the scratch mode is disabled (default = 1, increase for increase the sensitivity var jogSensitivity = 0.8; // Debug switch. set to true to print debug log messages in console. var debug = false; // 4-decks variables var deckA = 1; var deckB = 2; // Lower jog sensitivity when selecting playlists // Count each step until jogPlaylistSensitivityDivider is reached, then change Playlist // // TODO(XXX): add a jogPlaylistCounter reset timer if no jogWheel move is done for some time // var jogPlaylistSensitivityDivider = 3; var jogPlaylistSense = 0; var jogPlaylistCounter = 0; var superButtonHold = 0; var automixPressed = false; var scratchMode = 0; var scratchTimer = 0; var wheelMove = [0, 0, 0, 0]; // HerculesMP3e2.controls is completely useless but I kept it here // to be used as a reference of MP3e2 MIDI controls /*HerculesMP3e2.controls = { "inputs": { 0x11: { "channel": 1, "name": "loadA", "type": "button" }, 0x25: { "channel": 2, "name": "loadB", "type": "button" }, 0x0B: { "channel": 1, "name": "pitchbend+", "type": "button" }, 0x0A: { "channel": 1, "name": "pitchbend-", "type": "button" }, 0x1F: { "channel": 2, "name": "pitchbend+", "type": "button" }, 0x1E: { "channel": 2, "name": "pitchbend-", "type": "button" }, 0x12: { "channel": 1, "name": "sync", "type": "button" }, 0x26: { "channel": 2, "name": "sync", "type": "button" }, 0x13: { "channel": 1, "name": "mastertempo", "type": "button" }, 0x27: { "channel": 2, "name": "mastertempo", "type": "button" }, 0x0F: { "channel": 1, "name": "play", "type": "button" }, 0x23: { "channel": 2, "name": "play", "type": "button" }, 0x0E: { "channel": 1, "name": "cue", "type": "button" }, 0x22: { "channel": 2, "name": "cue", "type": "button" }, 0x2D: { "channel": 1, "name": "scratch", "type": "button" }, 0x2E: { "channel": 1, "name": "automix", "type": "button" }, 0x01: { "channel": 1, "name": "K1", "type": "button" }, 0x02: { "channel": 1, "name": "K2", "type": "button" }, 0x03: { "channel": 1, "name": "K3", "type": "button" }, 0x04: { "channel": 1, "name": "K4", "type": "button" }, 0x05: { "channel": 1, "name": "K5", "type": "button" }, 0x06: { "channel": 1, "name": "K6", "type": "button" }, 0x07: { "channel": 1, "name": "K7", "type": "button" }, 0x08: { "channel": 1, "name": "K8", "type": "button" }, 0x15: { "channel": 2, "name": "K1", "type": "button" }, 0x16: { "channel": 2, "name": "K2", "type": "button" }, 0x17: { "channel": 2, "name": "K3", "type": "button" }, 0x18: { "channel": 2, "name": "K4", "type": "button" }, 0x19: { "channel": 2, "name": "K5", "type": "button" }, 0x1A: { "channel": 2, "name": "K6", "type": "button" }, 0x1B: { "channel": 2, "name": "K7", "type": "button" }, 0x1C: { "channel": 2, "name": "K8", "type": "button" }, 0x30: { "channel": 1, "name": "wheel", "type": "pot" }, 0x31: { "channel": 2, "name": "wheel", "type": "pot" }, 0x2C: { "channel": 1, "name": "folder", "type": "button" }, 0x2B: { "channel": 1, "name": "files", "type": "button" }, }, }; */ // This function return group with 1/3 and 2/4 modifier. HerculesMP3e2.switchDeck = function(group) { var deck = group.replace("Channel1", "Channel" + deckA); deck = deck.replace("Channel2", "Channel" + deckB); return deck; }; // This function connect a control or remove the connection if the remove parameter is set to true. HerculesMP3e2.connectControl = function(deck, remove) { remove = (typeof remove !== 'undefined') ? remove : false; // default value for remove is false engine.connectControl("[Channel" + deck + "]", "cue_indicator", "HerculesMP3e2.cueLed", remove); engine.connectControl("[Channel" + deck + "]", "play_indicator", "HerculesMP3e2.playLed", remove); engine.connectControl("[Channel" + deck + "]", "loop_start_position", "HerculesMP3e2.loopStartSetLeds", remove); engine.connectControl("[Channel" + deck + "]", "loop_end_position", "HerculesMP3e2.loopEndSetLeds", remove); engine.connectControl("[Channel" + deck + "]", "loop_enabled", "HerculesMP3e2.loopEnabledLeds", remove); engine.connectControl("[Channel" + deck + "]", "hotcue_1_enabled", "HerculesMP3e2.hotcueLeds", remove); engine.connectControl("[Channel" + deck + "]", "hotcue_2_enabled", "HerculesMP3e2.hotcueLeds", remove); engine.connectControl("[Channel" + deck + "]", "hotcue_3_enabled", "HerculesMP3e2.hotcueLeds", remove); engine.connectControl("[Channel" + deck + "]", "hotcue_4_enabled", "HerculesMP3e2.hotcueLeds", remove); engine.connectControl("[Channel" + deck + "]", "sync_enabled", "HerculesMP3e2.syncmode", remove); engine.connectControl("[Channel" + deck + "]", "pfl", "HerculesMP3e2.pflLeds", remove); if (debug) { print("*** " + (remove === true) ? "Disable" : "Enable" + " soft takeover for [EqualizerRack1_[Channel" + deck + "]_Effect1].parameter[1-3]"); } engine.softTakeover("[EqualizerRack1_[Channel" + deck + "]_Effect1]", "parameter1", (remove === true) ? false : true); engine.softTakeover("[EqualizerRack1_[Channel" + deck + "]_Effect1]", "parameter2", (remove === true) ? false : true); engine.softTakeover("[EqualizerRack1_[Channel" + deck + "]_Effect1]", "parameter3", (remove === true) ? false : true); if (debug) { print("*** " + (remove === true) ? "Disable" : "Enable" + " soft takeover for [Channel" + deck + "].volume"); } engine.softTakeover("[Channel" + deck + "]", "volume", (remove === true) ? false : true); }; // This function prints its argument values for debug purposes // Use it like this : engine.connectControl("[Channel1]", "volume", "HerculesMP3e2.debugControl"); HerculesMP3e2.debugControl = function(value, group, control) { print("*** Received control: value=" + value + ", group=" + group + ", control=" + control + ";"); }; // This function calls engine.trigger to update Leds of DeckA or DeckB after a deck change (switch between 1/3 ou 2/4) HerculesMP3e2.updateLeds = function(deck) { engine.trigger("[Channel" + deck + "]", "cue_indicator"); engine.trigger("[Channel" + deck + "]", "play_indicator"); engine.trigger("[Channel" + deck + "]", "loop_start_position"); engine.trigger("[Channel" + deck + "]", "loop_end_position"); engine.trigger("[Channel" + deck + "]", "loop_enabled"); engine.trigger("[Channel" + deck + "]", "hotcue_1_enabled"); engine.trigger("[Channel" + deck + "]", "hotcue_2_enabled"); engine.trigger("[Channel" + deck + "]", "hotcue_3_enabled"); engine.trigger("[Channel" + deck + "]", "hotcue_4_enabled"); engine.trigger("[Channel" + deck + "]", "sync_enabled"); engine.trigger("[Channel" + deck + "]", "pfl"); }; HerculesMP3e2.init = function(id, debugging) { if (debugging) { debug = true; } if (debug) { print("*** Hercules MP3 e2 id " + id + " initialization begins"); } // Switch off all LEDs for (var i = 1; i < 95; i++) { midi.sendShortMsg(0x90, i, 0x00); } midi.sendShortMsg(0xB0, 0x7F, 0x7F); // Switch-on some LEDs for improve the usability midi.sendShortMsg(0x90, 46, 0x7F); // Automix LED if (debug) { print("*** Connecting controls of deck A to [Channel" + deckA + "]"); } HerculesMP3e2.connectControl(deckA); HerculesMP3e2.updateLeds(deckA); if (debug) { print("*** Connecting controls of deck B to [Channel" + deckB + "]"); } HerculesMP3e2.connectControl(deckB); HerculesMP3e2.updateLeds(deckB); if (debug) { print("*** Hercules MP3 e2 initialization complete"); } }; HerculesMP3e2.shutdown = function() { if (debug) { print("*** Hercules MP3 e2 shutdown begins. Swhitching off all leds"); } // Switch off all LEDs for (var i = 1; i < 95; i++) { midi.sendShortMsg(0x90, i, 0x00); } if (debug) { print("*** Hercules MP3 e2 shutdown complete, Bye..."); } }; HerculesMP3e2.automix = function(midino, control, value, status, group) { // SHIFT BUTTON // The "Automix" button is used like a shift button. When this is hold // down, many commands of the console has another functions // Button pressed if (value) { superButtonHold = 1; automixPressed = true; // Switch-on some LEDs midi.sendShortMsg(0x90, 30, 0x7F); // Pitchbend - DB midi.sendShortMsg(0x90, 31, 0x7F); // Pitchbend + DB midi.sendShortMsg(0x90, 10, 0x7F); // Pitchbend - DA midi.sendShortMsg(0x90, 11, 0x7F); // Pitchbend + DA midi.sendShortMsg(0x90, 18, 0x7F); // Sync DA midi.sendShortMsg(0x90, 38, 0x7F); // Sync DB } // Button released else { if (superButtonHold != 2) { superButtonHold = 0; } automixPressed = false; // Switch-off some LEDs midi.sendShortMsg(0x90, 30, 0x00); // Pitchbend - DB midi.sendShortMsg(0x90, 31, 0x00); // Pitchbend + DB midi.sendShortMsg(0x90, 10, 0x00); // Pitchbend - DA midi.sendShortMsg(0x90, 11, 0x00); // Pitchbend + DA midi.sendShortMsg(0x90, 18, 0x00); // Sync DA midi.sendShortMsg(0x90, 38, 0x00); // Sync DB } }; // Enable/disable the magnet or enable/disable the keylock tempo if shifted or define a loop if supershifted HerculesMP3e2.masterTempo = function(midino, control, value, status, group) { var deck = HerculesMP3e2.switchDeck(group); if (superButtonHold == 2) { if (value) { engine.setValue(deck, "quantize", !(engine.getValue(deck, "quantize"))); } } else if (superButtonHold == 1) { if (value && scratchMode === 0) { engine.setValue(deck, "keylock", (engine.getValue(deck, "keylock") === 0) ? 1 : 0); } } else { if (value) { engine.setValue(deck, "sync_enabled", (engine.getValue(deck, "sync_enabled") === 0) ? 1 : 0); } } }; HerculesMP3e2.loadTrack = function(midino, control, value, status, group) { // Normal : Load track to deckA or deckB // Shifted : Load into sampler // Supershifted : Deck switch 1/3 or 2/4 if (superButtonHold == 2) { if (value) { // Deck switch between 1/3 or 2/4 if (control == 0x11) { if (debug) { print("*** remove Deck A controls from [Channel" + deckA + "]"); } HerculesMP3e2.connectControl(deckA, true); // remove connected controls for deckA deckA = (deckA == 1) ? 3 : 1; // Switch Deck midi.sendShortMsg(0x90, 44, (deckA == 3) ? 0x7F : 0x00); // Folder Led On if DeckA = [Channel3] or Off if DeckA = [Channel1] HerculesMP3e2.connectControl(deckA); // Connect new controls for deckA HerculesMP3e2.updateLeds(deckA); // Update all leds for deckA according to new Channel if (debug) { print("*** Switched Deck A to [Channel" + deckA + "]"); } } else { HerculesMP3e2.connectControl(deckB, true); // remove connected controls for deckB deckB = (deckB == 2) ? 4 : 2; // Switch Deck midi.sendShortMsg(0x90, 43, (deckB == 4) ? 0x7F : 0x00); // Folder Led On if DeckB = [Channel4] or Off if DeckB = [Channel2] HerculesMP3e2.connectControl(deckB); // Connect new controls for deckB HerculesMP3e2.updateLeds(deckB); // Update all leds for DeckB according to new Channel if (debug) { print("*** Switched Deck B to [Channel" + deckB + "]"); } } } } else { var deck = HerculesMP3e2.switchDeck(group); if (superButtonHold == 1) { deck = deck.replace("Channel", "Sampler"); } if (value && engine.getValue(deck, "play") != 1) { // Load the selected track in the corresponding deck only if the track is paused engine.setValue(deck, "LoadSelectedTrack", 1); engine.setValue(deck, "rate", 0); } else { engine.setValue(deck, "LoadSelectedTrack", 0); } } }; HerculesMP3e2.scroll = function(midino, control, value, status, group) { // Folder/Files buttons // Normal: Toggle selected sidebar item // Shifted: play sampler // Supershifted: stop sampler var deck = ""; if (control == 0x2C) { deck = "[Sampler" + deckA + "]"; } else { deck = "[Sampler" + deckB + "]"; } if (value) { if (superButtonHold == 2) { engine.setValue(deck, "start_stop", 1); } else if (superButtonHold == 1) { engine.setValue(deck, "cue_gotoandplay", 1); } else { engine.setValue("[Playlist]", "ToggleSelectedSidebarItem", 1); } } }; /* // NOT USED HerculesMP3e2.holdTimer = function (group, first, second) { holdButtonFlag = 1; engine.setValue(group, first, 0); // Set "Off" the first function engine.setValue(group, second, 1); // Set "On" the second function }; HerculesMP3e2.holdButton = function (group, value, first, second) { // This feature allows you to perform a different function if a button is // pressed for 2 seconds. When the button is pressed, the first function is // performed. If the button is hold down for 2 seconds, the second function // is performed and the first function is disables. if (value) { engine.setValue(group, first, 1); // Set "On" the first function holdTimerID = engine.beginTimer(2000, "HerculesMP3e2.holdTimer(\""+group+"\", \""+first+"\", \""+second+"\")", true); } else { if (holdButtonFlag) { engine.setValue(group, second, 0); // Set "Off" the second function holdButtonFlag = 0; } else { engine.stopTimer(holdTimerID); engine.setValue(group, first, 0); // Set "Off" the first function } } }; */ HerculesMP3e2.keyButton = function(midino, control, value, status, group) { // Loop command for the first 4 Key, Hotcues command for the latest 4 var deck = HerculesMP3e2.switchDeck(group); switch (control) { // Loop buttons // normal: loop in, loop out, reloop/exit, loop 4 // shift: loop 1, loop 1/2, loop 1/4, loop 2 // supershift: loop 8, loop 16, loop 1/8, clear loop case 0x01: case 0x15: // K1, Loop in if (superButtonHold == 2 && value) { engine.setValue(deck, "loop_start_position", -1); engine.setValue(deck, "loop_end_position", -1); } else if (superButtonHold == 1 && value) { engine.setValue(deck, "beatloop_0.25_toggle", 1); } else engine.setValue(deck, "loop_in", value ? 1 : 0); break; case 0x02: case 0x16: // K2, Loop out if (superButtonHold == 2 && value) { engine.setValue(deck, "beatloop_0.125_toggle", 1); } else if (superButtonHold == 1 && value) { engine.setValue(deck, "beatloop_0.5_toggle", 1); } else engine.setValue(deck, "loop_out", value ? 1 : 0); break; case 0x03: case 0x17: // K3, Reloop/Exit if (superButtonHold == 2 && value) { engine.setValue(deck, "beatloop_8_toggle", 1); } else if (superButtonHold == 1 && value) { engine.setValue(deck, "beatloop_1_toggle", 1); } else engine.setValue(deck, "reloop_exit", value ? 1 : 0); break; case 0x04: case 0x18: // K4, Reloop/Exit if (superButtonHold == 2 && value) { engine.setValue(deck, "beatloop_16_toggle", 1); } else if (superButtonHold == 1 && value) { engine.setValue(deck, "beatloop_2_toggle", 1); } else if (value) { engine.setValue(deck, "beatloop_4_toggle", 1); } break; // Hotcue buttons: // Simple press: go to the hotcue position // Shift (hold down "Automix"): clear the hotcue case 0x05: case 0x19: // K5 if (superButtonHold == 2 && value) { //Nothing } else if (superButtonHold == 1) { engine.setValue(deck, "hotcue_1_clear", value ? 1 : 0); } else { engine.setValue(deck, "hotcue_1_activate", value ? 1 : 0); } break; case 0x06: case 0x1A: // K6 if (superButtonHold == 2 && value) { //Nothing } else if (superButtonHold == 1) { engine.setValue(deck, "hotcue_2_clear", value ? 1 : 0); } else { engine.setValue(deck, "hotcue_2_activate", value ? 1 : 0); } break; case 0x07: case 0x1B: // K7 if (superButtonHold == 2 && value) { //Nothing } else if (superButtonHold == 1) { engine.setValue(deck, "hotcue_3_clear", value ? 1 : 0); } else { engine.setValue(deck, "hotcue_3_activate", value ? 1 : 0); } break; case 0x08: case 0x1C: // K8 if (superButtonHold == 2 && value) { //Nothing } else if (superButtonHold == 1) { engine.setValue(deck, "hotcue_4_clear", value ? 1 : 0); } else { engine.setValue(deck, "hotcue_4_activate", value ? 1 : 0); } break; } }; HerculesMP3e2.pitch = function(midino, control, value, status, group) { // Simple: pitch slider // Shifted: Headphone volume and pre/main (these are 4-deck independent) // Supershifted: QuickEffect Filter knob var sign; var newValue; if (superButtonHold == 2) { sign = (value == 0x01) ? 1 : -1; if (group == "[Channel1]") { newValue = HerculesMP3e2.knobIncrement("[QuickEffectRack1_[Channel" + deckA + "]]", "super1", 0, 1, 0.5, 20, sign); engine.setValue("[QuickEffectRack1_[Channel" + deckA + "]]", "super1", newValue); } if (group == "[Channel2]") { newValue = HerculesMP3e2.knobIncrement("[QuickEffectRack1_[Channel" + deckB + "]]", "super1", 0, 1, 0.5, 20, sign); engine.setValue("[QuickEffectRack1_[Channel" + deckB + "]]", "super1", newValue); } } else if (superButtonHold == 1) { sign = (value == 0x01) ? 1 : -1; if (group == "[Channel1]") { newValue = HerculesMP3e2.knobIncrement("[Master]", "headVolume", 0, 5, 1, 30, sign); engine.setValue("[Master]", "headVolume", newValue); } if (group == "[Channel2]") { newValue = HerculesMP3e2.knobIncrement("[Master]", "headMix", -1, 1, 0, 20, sign); engine.setValue("[Master]", "headMix", newValue); } } else { var deck = HerculesMP3e2.switchDeck(group); engine.setValue(deck, (value == 1) ? "rate_perm_up" : "rate_perm_down", 1); engine.setValue(deck, (value == 1) ? "rate_perm_up" : "rate_perm_down", 0); } }; HerculesMP3e2.knobIncrement = function(group, action, minValue, maxValue, centralValue, step, sign) { // This function allows you to increment a non-linear value like the volume's knob // sign must be 1 for positive increment, -1 for negative increment var semiStep = step / 2; var rangeWidthLeft = centralValue - minValue; var rangeWidthRight = maxValue - centralValue; var actual = engine.getValue(group, action); var newValue; var increment; if (actual < 1) { increment = ((rangeWidthLeft) / semiStep) * sign; } else if (actual > 1) { increment = ((rangeWidthRight) / semiStep) * sign; } else if (actual == 1) { increment = (sign == 1) ? rangeWidthRight / semiStep : (rangeWidthLeft / semiStep) * sign; } if (sign == 1 && actual < maxValue) { newValue = actual + increment; } else if (sign == -1 && actual > minValue) { newValue = actual + increment; } return newValue; }; HerculesMP3e2.pitchbend = function(midino, control, value, status, group) { // Simple: temporary pitch adjust // Shift: old: pregain adjust, new: double/half loop // Supershift: disable low/high var deck = HerculesMP3e2.switchDeck(group); if (superButtonHold == 2 && value) { // disable high if (control == 0x0B || control == 0x1F) { engine.setValue(deck, "filterHighKill", !(engine.getValue(deck, "filterHighKill"))); } // disable low else { engine.setValue(deck, "filterLowKill", !(engine.getValue(deck, "filterLowKill"))); } } else if (superButtonHold == 1) { // double loop if (control == 0x0B || control == 0x1F) { engine.setValue(deck, "loop_double", value ? 1 : 0); } // half loop else { engine.setValue(deck, "loop_halve", value ? 1 : 0); } } else { // Pitchbend + if (control == 0x0B || control == 0x1F) { engine.setValue(deck, "rate_temp_up", value ? 1 : 0); } // Pitchbend - else { engine.setValue(deck, "rate_temp_down", value ? 1 : 0); } } }; HerculesMP3e2.cue = function(channel, control, value, status, group) { var deck = HerculesMP3e2.switchDeck(group); // Don't set Cue accidentally at the end of the song if (engine.getValue(deck, "playposition") <= 0.97) { engine.setValue(deck, "cue_default", value ? 1 : 0); } else { engine.setValue(deck, "cue_preview", value ? 1 : 0); } }; HerculesMP3e2.scratch = function(midino, control, value, status, group) { if (superButtonHold >= 1) { // Add an second Control Button if Automix and Scratch are pressed - Supershift if (value) { superButtonHold = 2; midi.sendShortMsg(0x90, 78, 0x7F); // Blink Pitchbend - DB midi.sendShortMsg(0x90, 79, 0x7F); // Blink Pitchbend + DB midi.sendShortMsg(0x90, 58, 0x7F); // Blink Pitchbend - DA midi.sendShortMsg(0x90, 59, 0x7F); // Blink Pitchbend + DA midi.sendShortMsg(0x90, 66, 0x7F); // Blink Sync DA midi.sendShortMsg(0x90, 86, 0x7F); // Blink Sync DB } else { midi.sendShortMsg(0x90, 78, 0x00); // Blink Pitchbend - DB midi.sendShortMsg(0x90, 79, 0x00); // Blink Pitchbend + DB midi.sendShortMsg(0x90, 58, 0x00); // Blink Pitchbend - DA midi.sendShortMsg(0x90, 59, 0x00); // Blink Pitchbend + DA midi.sendShortMsg(0x90, 66, 0x00); // Blink Sync DA midi.sendShortMsg(0x90, 86, 0x00); // Blink Sync DB if (automixPressed) { superButtonHold = 1; } else { superButtonHold = 0; } } } else { // Normal scratch function if (value) { if (scratchMode === 0) { // Enable the scratch mode on the corresponding deck and start the timer scratchMode = 1; scratchTimer = engine.beginTimer(scratchResetTime, "HerculesMP3e2.wheelOnOff()"); midi.sendShortMsg(0x90, 45, 0x7F); // Switch-on the Scratch led engine.setValue("[Channel1]", "keylock", 0); engine.setValue("[Channel2]", "keylock", 0); engine.setValue("[Channel3]", "keylock", 0); engine.setValue("[Channel4]", "keylock", 0); } else { // Disable the scratch mode on the corresponding deck and stop the timer scratchMode = 0; engine.stopTimer(scratchTimer); midi.sendShortMsg(0x90, 45, 0x00); // Switch-off the Scratch led } } } }; HerculesMP3e2.sync = function(midino, control, value, status, group) { //Normal: Sync //Shifted: Adjust Beatgrid //Supershifted: Kill Mid var deck = HerculesMP3e2.switchDeck(group); if (superButtonHold == 2) { if (value) { engine.setValue(deck, "filterMidKill", !(engine.getValue(deck, "filterMidKill"))); } } else if (superButtonHold == 1) { engine.setValue(deck, "beats_translate_curpos", value ? 1 : 0); } else { engine.setValue(deck, "beatsync", value ? 1 : 0); } }; // This function is called every "scratchResetTime" seconds and checks if the wheel was moved in the previous interval // (every interval last "scratchResetTime" seconds). If the wheel was moved enables the scratch mode, else disables it. // In this way I have made a simple workaround to simulate the touch-sensitivity of the other controllers. HerculesMP3e2.wheelOnOff = function() { // Wheel Deck A / Channel 1 if (wheelMove[0]) { engine.scratchEnable(1, 128, standardRpm, alpha, beta); } else engine.scratchDisable(1); wheelMove[0] = 0; //Wheel Deck B / Channel 2 if (wheelMove[1]) { engine.scratchEnable(2, 128, standardRpm, alpha, beta); } else engine.scratchDisable(2); wheelMove[1] = 0; // Wheel Deck A / Channel 3 if (wheelMove[2]) { engine.scratchEnable(3, 128, standardRpm, alpha, beta); } else engine.scratchDisable(3); wheelMove[2] = 0; //Wheel Deck B / Channel 4 if (wheelMove[3]) { engine.scratchEnable(4, 128, standardRpm, alpha, beta); } else engine.scratchDisable(4); wheelMove[3] = 0; }; HerculesMP3e2.jogWheel = function(midino, control, value, status, group) { var deck = (group == "[Channel1]") ? deckA : deckB; // This function is called everytime the jog is moved if (value == 0x01) { if (superButtonHold == 2) { if ((deck == 1) || (deck == 3)) { if (jogPlaylistSense != 1) { jogPlaylistSense = 1; jogPlaylistCounter = jogPlaylistSensitivityDivider; // Force doing it NOW as we changes rotation sense } else { jogPlaylistCounter += 1; } if (jogPlaylistCounter >= jogPlaylistSensitivityDivider) { jogPlaylistCounter = 0; engine.setValue("[Playlist]", "SelectNextPlaylist", 1); } } else { engine.setValue("[Playlist]", "SelectNextTrack", 1); } } else { if (scratchMode) { engine.scratchTick(deck, 1); wheelMove[deck - 1] = 1; } else engine.setValue("[Channel" + deck + "]", "jog", jogSensitivity); } } else { if (superButtonHold == 2) { if ((deck == 1) || (deck == 3)) { if (jogPlaylistSense != -1) { jogPlaylistSense = -1; jogPlaylistCounter = jogPlaylistSensitivityDivider; // Force doing it NOW as we changes rotation sense } else { jogPlaylistCounter += 1; } if (jogPlaylistCounter >= jogPlaylistSensitivityDivider) { jogPlaylistCounter = 0; engine.setValue("[Playlist]", "SelectPrevPlaylist", 1); } } else { engine.setValue("[Playlist]", "SelectPrevTrack", 1); } } else { if (scratchMode) { engine.scratchTick(deck, -1); wheelMove[deck - 1] = 1; } else engine.setValue("[Channel" + deck + "]", "jog", -jogSensitivity); } } }; // drive master tempo led connected to sync_mode HerculesMP3e2.syncmode = function(value, group, control) { // Following code was used for sync_master control. // Deactivated for now due to https://bugs.launchpad.net/mixxx/+bug/1456801 // currently (2015-05-20) explicit master mode is not supported. // Switched to sync_enabled (binary) control /* if (value == 2) //Master => Blink { if (((group == "[Channel1]") && (deckA == 1)) || ((group == "[Channel3]") && (deckA == 3))) { midi.sendShortMsg(0x90,19,0x00); //fixed off midi.sendShortMsg(0x90,67,0x7F); //blink on } else if (((group == "[Channel2]") && (deckB == 2)) || ((group == "[Channel4]") && (deckB == 4))) { midi.sendShortMsg(0x90,39,0x00); //fixed off midi.sendShortMsg(0x90,87,0x7F); //blink on } } else */ if (value == 1) { // Sync_enabled => fixed if (((group == "[Channel1]") && (deckA == 1)) || ((group == "[Channel3]") && (deckA == 3))) { midi.sendShortMsg(0x90, 67, 0x00); //blink off midi.sendShortMsg(0x90, 19, 0x7F); //fixed on } else if (((group == "[Channel2]") && (deckB == 2)) || ((group == "[Channel4]") && (deckB == 4))) { midi.sendShortMsg(0x90, 87, 0x00); //blink off midi.sendShortMsg(0x90, 39, 0x7F); //fixed on } } else if (value === 0) { //None => led off if (((group == "[Channel1]") && (deckA == 1)) || ((group == "[Channel3]") && (deckA == 3))) { midi.sendShortMsg(0x90, 67, 0x00); //blink off midi.sendShortMsg(0x90, 19, 0x00); //fixed off } else if (((group == "[Channel2]") && (deckB == 2)) || ((group == "[Channel4]") && (deckB == 4))) { midi.sendShortMsg(0x90, 87, 0x00); //blink off midi.sendShortMsg(0x90, 39, 0x00); //fixed off } } }; HerculesMP3e2.cueLed = function(value, group, control) { if (((group == "[Channel1]") && (deckA == 1)) || ((group == "[Channel3]") && (deckA == 3))) { midi.sendShortMsg(0x90, 14, (value) ? 0x7F : 0x00); // Switch-on Cue Led } else if (((group == "[Channel2]") && (deckB == 2)) || ((group == "[Channel4]") && (deckB == 4))) { midi.sendShortMsg(0x90, 34, (value) ? 0x7F : 0x00); // Switch-on Cue Led } }; // Play led HerculesMP3e2.playLed = function(value, group, control) { if (((group == "[Channel1]") && (deckA == 1)) || ((group == "[Channel3]") && (deckA == 3))) { midi.sendShortMsg(0x90, 15, (value) ? 0x7F : 0x00); // Switch-on Play Led } else if (((group == "[Channel2]") && (deckB == 2)) || ((group == "[Channel4]") && (deckB == 4))) { midi.sendShortMsg(0x90, 35, (value) ? 0x7F : 0x00); // Switch-on Play Led } }; // Switch on the hotcue leds HerculesMP3e2.hotcueLeds = function(value, group, control) { var ledStatus = (value === 0) ? 0x00 : 0x7F; var ledNo = 0; if (((group == "[Channel1]") && (deckA == 1)) || ((group == "[Channel3]") && (deckA == 3))) { switch (control) { case "hotcue_1_enabled": ledNo = 5; break; case "hotcue_2_enabled": ledNo = 6; break; case "hotcue_3_enabled": ledNo = 7; break; case "hotcue_4_enabled": ledNo = 8; break; } midi.sendShortMsg(0x90, ledNo, ledStatus); } else if (((group == "[Channel2]") && (deckB == 2)) || ((group == "[Channel4]") && (deckB == 4))) { switch (control) { case "hotcue_1_enabled": ledNo = 25; break; case "hotcue_2_enabled": ledNo = 26; break; case "hotcue_3_enabled": ledNo = 27; break; case "hotcue_4_enabled": ledNo = 28; break; } midi.sendShortMsg(0x90, ledNo, ledStatus); } }; // Switch-on the K1 Led if the loop start is set HerculesMP3e2.loopStartSetLeds = function(loopStartPos, group) { if (((group == "[Channel1]") && (deckA == 1)) || ((group == "[Channel3]") && (deckA == 3))) { if (loopStartPos != -1) { midi.sendShortMsg(0x90, 1, 0x7F); } else { midi.sendShortMsg(0x90, 1, 0x00); } } else if (((group == "[Channel2]") && (deckB == 2)) || ((group == "[Channel4]") && (deckB == 4))) { if (loopStartPos != -1) { midi.sendShortMsg(0x90, 21, 0x7F); } else { midi.sendShortMsg(0x90, 21, 0x00); } } }; // Switch-on the K2 Led if the loop end is set HerculesMP3e2.loopEndSetLeds = function(loopEndPos, group) { if (((group == "[Channel1]") && (deckA == 1)) || ((group == "[Channel3]") && (deckA == 3))) { if (loopEndPos != -1) { midi.sendShortMsg(0x90, 2, 0x7F); } else { midi.sendShortMsg(0x90, 2, 0x00); } } else if (((group == "[Channel2]") && (deckB == 2)) || ((group == "[Channel4]") && (deckB == 4))) { if (loopEndPos != -1) { midi.sendShortMsg(0x90, 22, 0x7F); } else { midi.sendShortMsg(0x90, 22, 0x00); } } }; HerculesMP3e2.wind = function(midino, control, value, status, group) { //normal: fwd and rwd //shift: adjust pregain //supershift: same as shift var deck = HerculesMP3e2.switchDeck(group); var newValue = 0; if (control == 0x21 || control == 0x0D) { //forward if (superButtonHold == 2) { if (debug) { print("**** BRAKE deck " + (control == 0x0D ? deckA.toString() : deckB.toString()) + " : " + (value ? "true" : "false")); } engine.brake(control == 0x0D ? deckA : deckB, value ? true : false); } else if (superButtonHold == 1) { if (value) { newValue = HerculesMP3e2.knobIncrement(deck, "pregain", 0, 4, 1, 20, 1); engine.setValue(deck, "pregain", newValue); } } else { engine.setValue(deck, "fwd", value ? 1 : 0); } } else { // Backward if (superButtonHold == 2) { if (debug) { print("**** SPINBACK deck " + (control == 0x0C ? deckA.toString() : deckB.toString()) + " : " + (value ? "true" : "false")); } engine.spinback(control == 0x0C ? deckA : deckB, value ? true : false); } else if (superButtonHold == 1) { if (value) { newValue = HerculesMP3e2.knobIncrement(deck, "pregain", 0, 4, 1, 20, -1); engine.setValue(deck, "pregain", newValue); } } else { engine.setValue(deck, "back", value ? 1 : 0); } } }; HerculesMP3e2.pfl = function(midino, control, value, status, group) { //normal: pfl / Headphones //shift: pfl / Headphones //supershift: pfl / Headphones var deck = HerculesMP3e2.switchDeck(group); if (value) { engine.setValue(deck, "pfl", !(engine.getValue(deck, "pfl"))); } }; HerculesMP3e2.play = function(midino, control, value, status, group) { //normal: play //shift: backwards play //supershift: replay button var deck = HerculesMP3e2.switchDeck(group); if (superButtonHold == 2 && value) { engine.setValue(deck, "repeat", !(engine.getValue(deck, "repeat"))); } else if (superButtonHold == 1) { engine.setValue(deck, "reverse", value ? 1 : 0); } else if (value) { engine.setValue(deck, "play", !(engine.getValue(deck, "play"))); } }; // Switch-on the pfl / headphone Led if pfl is set HerculesMP3e2.pflLeds = function(value, group, control) { if (((group == "[Channel1]") && (deckA == 1)) || ((group == "[Channel3]") && (deckA == 3))) { if (value) { midi.sendShortMsg(0x90, 16, 0x7F); } else { midi.sendShortMsg(0x90, 16, 0x00); } } else if (((group == "[Channel2]") && (deckB == 2)) || ((group == "[Channel4]") && (deckB == 4))) { if (value) { midi.sendShortMsg(0x90, 36, 0x7F); } else { midi.sendShortMsg(0x90, 36, 0x00); } } }; // Blink loop mod 3/4 leds when loop enabled HerculesMP3e2.loopEnabledLeds = function(value, group, control) { if (((group == "[Channel1]") && (deckA == 1)) || ((group == "[Channel3]") && (deckA == 3))) { if (value) { midi.sendShortMsg(0x90, 51, 0x7F); midi.sendShortMsg(0x90, 52, 0x7F); } else { midi.sendShortMsg(0x90, 51, 0x00); midi.sendShortMsg(0x90, 52, 0x00); } } else if (((group == "[Channel2]") && (deckB == 2)) || ((group == "[Channel4]") && (deckB == 4))) { if (value) { midi.sendShortMsg(0x90, 71, 0x7F); midi.sendShortMsg(0x90, 72, 0x7F); } else { midi.sendShortMsg(0x90, 71, 0x00); midi.sendShortMsg(0x90, 72, 0x00); } } }; HerculesMP3e2.selectTrack = function(midino, control, value, status, group) { //normal: goes 1 track down //shift: goes 1 track up if (superButtonHold >= 1 && value) { engine.setValue("[Playlist]", "SelectPrevTrack", 1); } else if (value) { engine.setValue("[Playlist]", "SelectNextTrack", 1); } }; HerculesMP3e2.mic = function(midino, control, value, status, group) { //Activates talk with mic. engine.setValue("[Microphone]", "talkover", value ? 1 : 0); }; HerculesMP3e2.volume = function(midino, control, value, status, group) { var deck = HerculesMP3e2.switchDeck(group); var newValue = script.absoluteLin(value, 0, 1); engine.setValue(deck, "volume", newValue); }; HerculesMP3e2.filterKnob = function(group, control, value) { var deck = HerculesMP3e2.switchDeck(group); engine.setValue("[EqualizerRack1_" + deck + "_Effect1]", control, script.absoluteNonLin(value, 0, 1, 4)); }; HerculesMP3e2.filterHigh = function(midino, control, value, status, group) { HerculesMP3e2.filterKnob(group, "parameter3", value); }; HerculesMP3e2.filterMid = function(midino, control, value, status, group) { HerculesMP3e2.filterKnob(group, "parameter2", value); }; HerculesMP3e2.filterLow = function(midino, control, value, status, group) { HerculesMP3e2.filterKnob(group, "parameter1", value); };