#include #if defined(__APPLE__) #include #include #define bswap_16(x) OSSwapInt16(x) #define bswap_32(x) OSSwapInt32(x) #define bswap_64(x) OSSwapInt64(x) #define __BYTE_ORDER BYTE_ORDER #define __BIG_ENDIAN BIG_ENDIAN #define __LITTLE_ENDIAN LITTLE_ENDIAN #elif defined(_MSC_VER) // !__APPLE__ #include #define __LITTLE_ENDIAN 1234 #define __BIG_ENDIAN 4321 #define __BYTE_ORDER __LITTLE_ENDIAN #define bswap_16(x) _byteswap_ushort(x) #define bswap_32(x) _byteswap_ulong(x) #define bswap_64(x) _byteswap_uint64(x) #else // !__APPLE__ or !_MSC_VER #include #include #endif #include #include #include kaitai::kstream::kstream(std::istream* io) { m_io = io; init(); } kaitai::kstream::kstream(std::string& data): m_io_str(data) { m_io = &m_io_str; init(); } void kaitai::kstream::init() { exceptions_enable(); align_to_byte(); } void kaitai::kstream::close() { // m_io->close(); } void kaitai::kstream::exceptions_enable() const { m_io->exceptions( std::istream::eofbit | std::istream::failbit | std::istream::badbit ); } // ======================================================================== // Stream positioning // ======================================================================== bool kaitai::kstream::is_eof() const { if (m_bits_left > 0) { return false; } char t; m_io->exceptions( std::istream::badbit ); m_io->get(t); if (m_io->eof()) { m_io->clear(); exceptions_enable(); return true; } else { m_io->unget(); exceptions_enable(); return false; } } void kaitai::kstream::seek(uint64_t pos) { m_io->seekg(pos); } uint64_t kaitai::kstream::pos() { return m_io->tellg(); } uint64_t kaitai::kstream::size() { std::iostream::pos_type cur_pos = m_io->tellg(); m_io->seekg(0, std::ios::end); std::iostream::pos_type len = m_io->tellg(); m_io->seekg(cur_pos); return len; } // ======================================================================== // Integer numbers // ======================================================================== // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Signed // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ int8_t kaitai::kstream::read_s1() { char t; m_io->get(t); return t; } // ........................................................................ // Big-endian // ........................................................................ int16_t kaitai::kstream::read_s2be() { int16_t t; m_io->read(reinterpret_cast(&t), 2); #if __BYTE_ORDER == __LITTLE_ENDIAN t = bswap_16(t); #endif return t; } int32_t kaitai::kstream::read_s4be() { int32_t t; m_io->read(reinterpret_cast(&t), 4); #if __BYTE_ORDER == __LITTLE_ENDIAN t = bswap_32(t); #endif return t; } int64_t kaitai::kstream::read_s8be() { int64_t t; m_io->read(reinterpret_cast(&t), 8); #if __BYTE_ORDER == __LITTLE_ENDIAN t = bswap_64(t); #endif return t; } // ........................................................................ // Little-endian // ........................................................................ int16_t kaitai::kstream::read_s2le() { int16_t t; m_io->read(reinterpret_cast(&t), 2); #if __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN t = bswap_16(t); #endif return t; } int32_t kaitai::kstream::read_s4le() { int32_t t; m_io->read(reinterpret_cast(&t), 4); #if __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN t = bswap_32(t); #endif return t; } int64_t kaitai::kstream::read_s8le() { int64_t t; m_io->read(reinterpret_cast(&t), 8); #if __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN t = bswap_64(t); #endif return t; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Unsigned // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ uint8_t kaitai::kstream::read_u1() { char t; m_io->get(t); return t; } // ........................................................................ // Big-endian // ........................................................................ uint16_t kaitai::kstream::read_u2be() { uint16_t t; m_io->read(reinterpret_cast(&t), 2); #if __BYTE_ORDER == __LITTLE_ENDIAN t = bswap_16(t); #endif return t; } uint32_t kaitai::kstream::read_u4be() { uint32_t t; m_io->read(reinterpret_cast(&t), 4); #if __BYTE_ORDER == __LITTLE_ENDIAN t = bswap_32(t); #endif return t; } uint64_t kaitai::kstream::read_u8be() { uint64_t t; m_io->read(reinterpret_cast(&t), 8); #if __BYTE_ORDER == __LITTLE_ENDIAN t = bswap_64(t); #endif return t; } // ........................................................................ // Little-endian // ........................................................................ uint16_t kaitai::kstream::read_u2le() { uint16_t t; m_io->read(reinterpret_cast(&t), 2); #if __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN t = bswap_16(t); #endif return t; } uint32_t kaitai::kstream::read_u4le() { uint32_t t; m_io->read(reinterpret_cast(&t), 4); #if __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN t = bswap_32(t); #endif return t; } uint64_t kaitai::kstream::read_u8le() { uint64_t t; m_io->read(reinterpret_cast(&t), 8); #if __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN t = bswap_64(t); #endif return t; } // ======================================================================== // Floating point numbers // ======================================================================== // ........................................................................ // Big-endian // ........................................................................ float kaitai::kstream::read_f4be() { uint32_t t; m_io->read(reinterpret_cast(&t), 4); #if __BYTE_ORDER == __LITTLE_ENDIAN t = bswap_32(t); #endif return reinterpret_cast(t); } double kaitai::kstream::read_f8be() { uint64_t t; m_io->read(reinterpret_cast(&t), 8); #if __BYTE_ORDER == __LITTLE_ENDIAN t = bswap_64(t); #endif return reinterpret_cast(t); } // ........................................................................ // Little-endian // ........................................................................ float kaitai::kstream::read_f4le() { uint32_t t; m_io->read(reinterpret_cast(&t), 4); #if __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN t = bswap_32(t); #endif return reinterpret_cast(t); } double kaitai::kstream::read_f8le() { uint64_t t; m_io->read(reinterpret_cast(&t), 8); #if __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN t = bswap_64(t); #endif return reinterpret_cast(t); } // ======================================================================== // Unaligned bit values // ======================================================================== void kaitai::kstream::align_to_byte() { m_bits_left = 0; m_bits = 0; } uint64_t kaitai::kstream::read_bits_int(int n) { int bits_needed = n - m_bits_left; if (bits_needed > 0) { // 1 bit => 1 byte // 8 bits => 1 byte // 9 bits => 2 bytes int bytes_needed = ((bits_needed - 1) / 8) + 1; if (bytes_needed > 8) throw std::runtime_error("read_bits_int: more than 8 bytes requested"); char buf[8]; m_io->read(buf, bytes_needed); for (int i = 0; i < bytes_needed; i++) { uint8_t b = buf[i]; m_bits <<= 8; m_bits |= b; m_bits_left += 8; } } // raw mask with required number of 1s, starting from lowest bit uint64_t mask = get_mask_ones(n); // shift mask to align with highest bits available in @bits int shift_bits = m_bits_left - n; mask <<= shift_bits; // derive reading result uint64_t res = (m_bits & mask) >> shift_bits; // clear top bits that we've just read => AND with 1s m_bits_left -= n; mask = get_mask_ones(m_bits_left); m_bits &= mask; return res; } uint64_t kaitai::kstream::get_mask_ones(int n) { if (n == 64) { return 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF; } else { return ((uint64_t) 1 << n) - 1; } } // ======================================================================== // Byte arrays // ======================================================================== std::string kaitai::kstream::read_bytes(std::streamsize len) { std::vector result(len); // NOTE: streamsize type is signed, negative values are only *supposed* to not be used. // http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/io/streamsize if (len < 0) { throw std::runtime_error("read_bytes: requested a negative amount"); } if (len > 0) { m_io->read(&result[0], len); } return std::string(result.begin(), result.end()); } std::string kaitai::kstream::read_bytes_full() { std::iostream::pos_type p1 = m_io->tellg(); m_io->seekg(0, std::ios::end); std::iostream::pos_type p2 = m_io->tellg(); size_t len = p2 - p1; // Note: this requires a std::string to be backed with a // contiguous buffer. Officially, it's a only requirement since // C++11 (C++98 and C++03 didn't have this requirement), but all // major implementations had contiguous buffers anyway. std::string result(len, ' '); m_io->seekg(p1); m_io->read(&result[0], len); return result; } std::string kaitai::kstream::read_bytes_term(char term, bool include, bool consume, bool eos_error) { std::string result; std::getline(*m_io, result, term); if (m_io->eof()) { // encountered EOF if (eos_error) { throw std::runtime_error("read_bytes_term: encountered EOF"); } } else { // encountered terminator if (include) result.push_back(term); if (!consume) m_io->unget(); } return result; } std::string kaitai::kstream::ensure_fixed_contents(std::string expected) { std::string actual = read_bytes(expected.length()); if (actual != expected) { // NOTE: I think printing it outright is not best idea, it could contain non-ascii charactes like backspace and beeps and whatnot. It would be better to print hexlified version, and also to redirect it to stderr. throw std::runtime_error("ensure_fixed_contents: actual data does not match expected data"); } return actual; } std::string kaitai::kstream::bytes_strip_right(std::string src, char pad_byte) { std::size_t new_len = src.length(); while (new_len > 0 && src[new_len - 1] == pad_byte) new_len--; return src.substr(0, new_len); } std::string kaitai::kstream::bytes_terminate(std::string src, char term, bool include) { std::size_t new_len = 0; std::size_t max_len = src.length(); while (new_len < max_len && src[new_len] != term) new_len++; if (include && new_len < max_len) new_len++; return src.substr(0, new_len); } // ======================================================================== // Byte array processing // ======================================================================== std::string kaitai::kstream::process_xor_one(std::string data, uint8_t key) { size_t len = data.length(); std::string result(len, ' '); for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i++) result[i] = data[i] ^ key; return result; } std::string kaitai::kstream::process_xor_many(std::string data, std::string key) { size_t len = data.length(); size_t kl = key.length(); std::string result(len, ' '); size_t ki = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i++) { result[i] = data[i] ^ key[ki]; ki++; if (ki >= kl) ki = 0; } return result; } std::string kaitai::kstream::process_rotate_left(std::string data, int amount) { size_t len = data.length(); std::string result(len, ' '); for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i++) { uint8_t bits = data[i]; result[i] = (bits << amount) | (bits >> (8 - amount)); } return result; } #ifdef KS_ZLIB #include std::string kaitai::kstream::process_zlib(std::string data) { int ret; unsigned char *src_ptr = reinterpret_cast(&data[0]); std::stringstream dst_strm; z_stream strm; strm.zalloc = Z_NULL; strm.zfree = Z_NULL; strm.opaque = Z_NULL; ret = inflateInit(&strm); if (ret != Z_OK) throw std::runtime_error("process_zlib: inflateInit error"); strm.next_in = src_ptr; strm.avail_in = data.length(); unsigned char outbuffer[ZLIB_BUF_SIZE]; std::string outstring; // get the decompressed bytes blockwise using repeated calls to inflate do { strm.next_out = reinterpret_cast(outbuffer); strm.avail_out = sizeof(outbuffer); ret = inflate(&strm, 0); if (outstring.size() < strm.total_out) outstring.append(reinterpret_cast(outbuffer), strm.total_out - outstring.size()); } while (ret == Z_OK); if (ret != Z_STREAM_END) { // an error occurred that was not EOF std::ostringstream exc_msg; exc_msg << "process_zlib: error #" << ret << "): " << strm.msg; throw std::runtime_error(exc_msg.str()); } if (inflateEnd(&strm) != Z_OK) throw std::runtime_error("process_zlib: inflateEnd error"); return outstring; } #endif // ======================================================================== // Misc utility methods // ======================================================================== int kaitai::kstream::mod(int a, int b) { if (b <= 0) throw std::invalid_argument("mod: divisor b <= 0"); int r = a % b; if (r < 0) r += b; return r; } #include std::string kaitai::kstream::to_string(int val) { // if int is 32 bits, "-2147483648" is the longest string representation // => 11 chars + zero => 12 chars // if int is 64 bits, "-9223372036854775808" is the longest // => 20 chars + zero => 21 chars char buf[25]; int got_len = snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", val); // should never happen, but check nonetheless if (got_len > sizeof(buf)) throw std::invalid_argument("to_string: integer is longer than string buffer"); return std::string(buf); } #include std::string kaitai::kstream::reverse(std::string val) { std::reverse(val.begin(), val.end()); return val; } // ======================================================================== // Other internal methods // ======================================================================== #ifndef KS_STR_DEFAULT_ENCODING #define KS_STR_DEFAULT_ENCODING "UTF-8" #endif #ifdef KS_STR_ENCODING_ICONV #include #include #include std::string kaitai::kstream::bytes_to_str(std::string src, std::string src_enc) { iconv_t cd = iconv_open(KS_STR_DEFAULT_ENCODING, src_enc.c_str()); if (cd == (iconv_t) -1) { if (errno == EINVAL) { throw std::runtime_error("bytes_to_str: invalid encoding pair conversion requested"); } else { throw std::runtime_error("bytes_to_str: error opening iconv"); } } size_t src_len = src.length(); size_t src_left = src_len; // Start with a buffer length of double the source length. size_t dst_len = src_len * 2; std::string dst(dst_len, ' '); size_t dst_left = dst_len; char *src_ptr = &src[0]; char *dst_ptr = &dst[0]; while (true) { size_t res = iconv(cd, &src_ptr, &src_left, &dst_ptr, &dst_left); if (res == (size_t) -1) { if (errno == E2BIG) { // dst buffer is not enough to accomodate whole string // enlarge the buffer and try again size_t dst_used = dst_len - dst_left; dst_left += dst_len; dst_len += dst_len; dst.resize(dst_len); // dst.resize might have allocated destination buffer in another area // of memory, thus our previous pointer "dst" will be invalid; re-point // it using "dst_used". dst_ptr = &dst[dst_used]; } else { throw std::runtime_error("bytes_to_str: iconv error"); } } else { // conversion successful dst.resize(dst_len - dst_left); break; } } if (iconv_close(cd) != 0) { throw std::runtime_error("bytes_to_str: iconv close error"); } return dst; } #elif defined(KS_STR_ENCODING_NONE) std::string kaitai::kstream::bytes_to_str(std::string src, std::string src_enc) { return src; } #else #error Need to decide how to handle strings: please define one of: KS_STR_ENCODING_ICONV, KS_STR_ENCODING_NONE #endif