#!/usr/bin/python2.4 Import('env') env = env.Clone() # Add root and include folders env.Prepend(CPPPATH = ['.', '../include']) # Sources used by base library and library that includes main. gtest_source = 'src/gtest-all.cc' gtest_main_source = 'src/gtest_main.cc' # gtest.lib to be used by most apps (if you have your own main # function) gtest = env.StaticLibrary(target='gtest', source=[gtest_source]) # gtest_main.lib can be used if you just want a basic main function; # it is also used by the tests for Google Test itself. gtest_main = env.StaticLibrary(target='gtest_main', source=[gtest_source, gtest_main_source]) env_with_exceptions = env.Clone() platform = env_with_exceptions['PLATFORM'] if platform == 'win32': env_with_exceptions.Append(CCFLAGS = ['/EHsc']) env_with_exceptions.Append(CPPDEFINES = '_HAS_EXCEPTIONS=1') gtest_ex_obj = env_with_exceptions.Object(target='gtest_ex', source=gtest_source) gtest_main_ex_obj = env_with_exceptions.Object(target='gtest_main_ex', source=gtest_main_source) gtest_ex_main = env_with_exceptions.StaticLibrary( target='gtest_ex_main', source=gtest_ex_obj + gtest_main_ex_obj) # Install the libraries if needed. if 'LIB_OUTPUT' in env.Dictionary(): env.Install('$LIB_OUTPUT', source=[gtest, gtest_main, gtest_ex_main])