/* File: CADebugMacros.h Abstract: Part of CoreAudio Utility Classes Version: 1.0.3 Disclaimer: IMPORTANT: This Apple software is supplied to you by Apple Inc. ("Apple") in consideration of your agreement to the following terms, and your use, installation, modification or redistribution of this Apple software constitutes acceptance of these terms. If you do not agree with these terms, please do not use, install, modify or redistribute this Apple software. In consideration of your agreement to abide by the following terms, and subject to these terms, Apple grants you a personal, non-exclusive license, under Apple's copyrights in this original Apple software (the "Apple Software"), to use, reproduce, modify and redistribute the Apple Software, with or without modifications, in source and/or binary forms; provided that if you redistribute the Apple Software in its entirety and without modifications, you must retain this notice and the following text and disclaimers in all such redistributions of the Apple Software. Neither the name, trademarks, service marks or logos of Apple Inc. may be used to endorse or promote products derived from the Apple Software without specific prior written permission from Apple. Except as expressly stated in this notice, no other rights or licenses, express or implied, are granted by Apple herein, including but not limited to any patent rights that may be infringed by your derivative works or by other works in which the Apple Software may be incorporated. The Apple Software is provided by Apple on an "AS IS" basis. APPLE MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, REGARDING THE APPLE SOFTWARE OR ITS USE AND OPERATION ALONE OR IN COMBINATION WITH YOUR PRODUCTS. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE, REPRODUCTION, MODIFICATION AND/OR DISTRIBUTION OF THE APPLE SOFTWARE, HOWEVER CAUSED AND WHETHER UNDER THEORY OF CONTRACT, TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE), STRICT LIABILITY OR OTHERWISE, EVEN IF APPLE HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. Copyright (C) 2013 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved. */ #if !defined(__CADebugMacros_h__) #define __CADebugMacros_h__ //============================================================================= // Includes //============================================================================= #if !defined(__COREAUDIO_USE_FLAT_INCLUDES__) #include #else #include "CoreAudioTypes.h" #endif //============================================================================= // CADebugMacros //============================================================================= //#define CoreAudio_StopOnFailure 1 //#define CoreAudio_TimeStampMessages 1 //#define CoreAudio_ThreadStampMessages 1 //#define CoreAudio_FlushDebugMessages 1 #if TARGET_RT_BIG_ENDIAN #define CA4CCToCString(the4CC) { ((char*)&the4CC)[0], ((char*)&the4CC)[1], ((char*)&the4CC)[2], ((char*)&the4CC)[3], 0 } #define CACopy4CCToCString(theCString, the4CC) { theCString[0] = ((char*)&the4CC)[0]; theCString[1] = ((char*)&the4CC)[1]; theCString[2] = ((char*)&the4CC)[2]; theCString[3] = ((char*)&the4CC)[3]; theCString[4] = 0; } #else #define CA4CCToCString(the4CC) { ((char*)&the4CC)[3], ((char*)&the4CC)[2], ((char*)&the4CC)[1], ((char*)&the4CC)[0], 0 } #define CACopy4CCToCString(theCString, the4CC) { theCString[0] = ((char*)&the4CC)[3]; theCString[1] = ((char*)&the4CC)[2]; theCString[2] = ((char*)&the4CC)[1]; theCString[3] = ((char*)&the4CC)[0]; theCString[4] = 0; } #endif // This is a macro that does a sizeof and casts the result to a UInt32. This is useful for all the // places where -wshorten64-32 catches assigning a sizeof expression to a UInt32. // For want of a better place to park this, we'll park it here. #define SizeOf32(X) ((UInt32)sizeof(X)) // This is a macro that does a offsetof and casts the result to a UInt32. This is useful for all the // places where -wshorten64-32 catches assigning an offsetof expression to a UInt32. // For want of a better place to park this, we'll park it here. #define OffsetOf32(X, Y) ((UInt32)offsetof(X, Y)) // This macro casts the expression to a UInt32. It is called out specially to allow us to track casts // that have been added purely to avert -wshorten64-32 warnings on 64 bit platforms. // For want of a better place to park this, we'll park it here. #define ToUInt32(X) ((UInt32)(X)) #pragma mark Basic Definitions #if DEBUG || CoreAudio_Debug // can be used to break into debugger immediately, also see CADebugger #define BusError() { long* p=NULL; *p=0; } // basic debugging print routines #if TARGET_OS_MAC && !TARGET_API_MAC_CARBON extern void DebugStr(const unsigned char* debuggerMsg); #define DebugMessage(msg) DebugStr("\p"msg) #define DebugMessageN1(msg, N1) #define DebugMessageN2(msg, N1, N2) #define DebugMessageN3(msg, N1, N2, N3) #else #include "CADebugPrintf.h" #if (CoreAudio_FlushDebugMessages && !CoreAudio_UseSysLog) || defined(CoreAudio_UseSideFile) #define FlushRtn ,fflush(DebugPrintfFile) #else #define FlushRtn #endif #if CoreAudio_ThreadStampMessages #include #include "CAHostTimeBase.h" #if TARGET_RT_64_BIT #define DebugPrintfThreadIDFormat "%16p" #else #define DebugPrintfThreadIDFormat "%8p" #endif #define DebugMsg(inFormat, ...) DebugPrintf("%17qd: " DebugPrintfThreadIDFormat " " inFormat, CAHostTimeBase::GetCurrentTimeInNanos(), pthread_self(), ## __VA_ARGS__) FlushRtn #elif CoreAudio_TimeStampMessages #include "CAHostTimeBase.h" #define DebugMsg(inFormat, ...) DebugPrintf("%17qd: " inFormat, CAHostTimeBase::GetCurrentTimeInNanos(), ## __VA_ARGS__) FlushRtn #else #define DebugMsg(inFormat, ...) DebugPrintf(inFormat, ## __VA_ARGS__) FlushRtn #endif #endif void DebugPrint(const char *fmt, ...); // can be used like printf #ifndef DEBUGPRINT #define DEBUGPRINT(msg) DebugPrint msg // have to double-parenthesize arglist (see Debugging.h) #endif #if VERBOSE #define vprint(msg) DEBUGPRINT(msg) #else #define vprint(msg) #endif // Original macro keeps its function of turning on and off use of CADebuggerStop() for both asserts and throws. // For backwards compat, it overrides any setting of the two sub-macros. #if CoreAudio_StopOnFailure #include "CADebugger.h" #undef CoreAudio_StopOnAssert #define CoreAudio_StopOnAssert 1 #undef CoreAudio_StopOnThrow #define CoreAudio_StopOnThrow 1 #define STOP CADebuggerStop() #else #define STOP #endif #if CoreAudio_StopOnAssert #if !CoreAudio_StopOnFailure #include "CADebugger.h" #define STOP #endif #define __ASSERT_STOP CADebuggerStop() #else #define __ASSERT_STOP #endif #if CoreAudio_StopOnThrow #if !CoreAudio_StopOnFailure #include "CADebugger.h" #define STOP #endif #define __THROW_STOP CADebuggerStop() #else #define __THROW_STOP #endif #else #define DebugMsg(inFormat, ...) #ifndef DEBUGPRINT #define DEBUGPRINT(msg) #endif #define vprint(msg) #define STOP #define __ASSERT_STOP #define __THROW_STOP #endif // Old-style numbered DebugMessage calls are implemented in terms of DebugMsg() now #define DebugMessage(msg) DebugMsg(msg) #define DebugMessageN1(msg, N1) DebugMsg(msg, N1) #define DebugMessageN2(msg, N1, N2) DebugMsg(msg, N1, N2) #define DebugMessageN3(msg, N1, N2, N3) DebugMsg(msg, N1, N2, N3) #define DebugMessageN4(msg, N1, N2, N3, N4) DebugMsg(msg, N1, N2, N3, N4) #define DebugMessageN5(msg, N1, N2, N3, N4, N5) DebugMsg(msg, N1, N2, N3, N4, N5) #define DebugMessageN6(msg, N1, N2, N3, N4, N5, N6) DebugMsg(msg, N1, N2, N3, N4, N5, N6) #define DebugMessageN7(msg, N1, N2, N3, N4, N5, N6, N7) DebugMsg(msg, N1, N2, N3, N4, N5, N6, N7) #define DebugMessageN8(msg, N1, N2, N3, N4, N5, N6, N7, N8) DebugMsg(msg, N1, N2, N3, N4, N5, N6, N7, N8) #define DebugMessageN9(msg, N1, N2, N3, N4, N5, N6, N7, N8, N9) DebugMsg(msg, N1, N2, N3, N4, N5, N6, N7, N8, N9) void LogError(const char *fmt, ...); // writes to syslog (and stderr if debugging) void LogWarning(const char *fmt, ...); // writes to syslog (and stderr if debugging) #define NO_ACTION (void)0 #if DEBUG || CoreAudio_Debug #pragma mark Debug Macros #define Assert(inCondition, inMessage) \ if(!(inCondition)) \ { \ DebugMessage(inMessage); \ __ASSERT_STOP; \ } #define AssertFileLine(inCondition, inMessage) \ if(!(inCondition)) \ { \ DebugMessageN3("%s, line %d: %s", __FILE__, __LINE__, inMessage); \ __ASSERT_STOP; \ } #define AssertNoError(inError, inMessage) \ { \ SInt32 __Err = (inError); \ if(__Err != 0) \ { \ char __4CC[5] = CA4CCToCString(__Err); \ DebugMessageN2(inMessage ", Error: %d (%s)", (int)__Err, __4CC); \ __ASSERT_STOP; \ } \ } #define AssertNoKernelError(inError, inMessage) \ { \ unsigned int __Err = (unsigned int)(inError); \ if(__Err != 0) \ { \ DebugMessageN1(inMessage ", Error: 0x%X", __Err); \ __ASSERT_STOP; \ } \ } #define AssertNotNULL(inPtr, inMessage) \ { \ if((inPtr) == NULL) \ { \ DebugMessage(inMessage); \ __ASSERT_STOP; \ } \ } #define FailIf(inCondition, inHandler, inMessage) \ if(inCondition) \ { \ DebugMessage(inMessage); \ STOP; \ goto inHandler; \ } #define FailWithAction(inCondition, inAction, inHandler, inMessage) \ if(inCondition) \ { \ DebugMessage(inMessage); \ STOP; \ { inAction; } \ goto inHandler; \ } #define FailIfNULL(inPointer, inAction, inHandler, inMessage) \ if((inPointer) == NULL) \ { \ DebugMessage(inMessage); \ STOP; \ { inAction; } \ goto inHandler; \ } #define FailIfKernelError(inKernelError, inAction, inHandler, inMessage) \ { \ unsigned int __Err = (inKernelError); \ if(__Err != 0) \ { \ DebugMessageN1(inMessage ", Error: 0x%X", __Err); \ STOP; \ { inAction; } \ goto inHandler; \ } \ } #define FailIfError(inError, inAction, inHandler, inMessage) \ { \ SInt32 __Err = (inError); \ if(__Err != 0) \ { \ char __4CC[5] = CA4CCToCString(__Err); \ DebugMessageN2(inMessage ", Error: %ld (%s)", (long int)__Err, __4CC); \ STOP; \ { inAction; } \ goto inHandler; \ } \ } #define FailIfNoMessage(inCondition, inHandler, inMessage) \ if(inCondition) \ { \ STOP; \ goto inHandler; \ } #define FailWithActionNoMessage(inCondition, inAction, inHandler, inMessage) \ if(inCondition) \ { \ STOP; \ { inAction; } \ goto inHandler; \ } #define FailIfNULLNoMessage(inPointer, inAction, inHandler, inMessage) \ if((inPointer) == NULL) \ { \ STOP; \ { inAction; } \ goto inHandler; \ } #define FailIfKernelErrorNoMessage(inKernelError, inAction, inHandler, inMessage) \ { \ unsigned int __Err = (inKernelError); \ if(__Err != 0) \ { \ STOP; \ { inAction; } \ goto inHandler; \ } \ } #define FailIfErrorNoMessage(inError, inAction, inHandler, inMessage) \ { \ SInt32 __Err = (inError); \ if(__Err != 0) \ { \ STOP; \ { inAction; } \ goto inHandler; \ } \ } #if defined(__cplusplus) #define Throw(inException) __THROW_STOP; throw (inException) #define ThrowIf(inCondition, inException, inMessage) \ if(inCondition) \ { \ DebugMessage(inMessage); \ Throw(inException); \ } #define ThrowIfNULL(inPointer, inException, inMessage) \ if((inPointer) == NULL) \ { \ DebugMessage(inMessage); \ Throw(inException); \ } #define ThrowIfKernelError(inKernelError, inException, inMessage) \ { \ unsigned int __Err = (inKernelError); \ if(__Err != 0) \ { \ DebugMessageN1(inMessage ", Error: 0x%X", __Err); \ Throw(inException); \ } \ } #define ThrowIfError(inError, inException, inMessage) \ { \ SInt32 __Err = (inError); \ if(__Err != 0) \ { \ char __4CC[5] = CA4CCToCString(__Err); \ DebugMessageN2(inMessage ", Error: %d (%s)", (int)__Err, __4CC); \ Throw(inException); \ } \ } #if TARGET_OS_WIN32 #define ThrowIfWinError(inError, inException, inMessage) \ { \ HRESULT __Err = (inError); \ if(FAILED(__Err)) \ { \ DebugMessageN2(inMessage ", Code: %d, Facility: 0x%X", HRESULT_CODE(__Err), HRESULT_FACILITY(__Err)); \ Throw(inException); \ } \ } #endif #define SubclassResponsibility(inMethodName, inException) \ { \ DebugMessage(inMethodName": Subclasses must implement this method"); \ Throw(inException); \ } #endif // defined(__cplusplus) #else #pragma mark Release Macros #define Assert(inCondition, inMessage) \ if(!(inCondition)) \ { \ __ASSERT_STOP; \ } #define AssertFileLine(inCondition, inMessage) Assert(inCondition, inMessage) #define AssertNoError(inError, inMessage) \ { \ SInt32 __Err = (inError); \ if(__Err != 0) \ { \ __ASSERT_STOP; \ } \ } #define AssertNoKernelError(inError, inMessage) \ { \ unsigned int __Err = (unsigned int)(inError); \ if(__Err != 0) \ { \ __ASSERT_STOP; \ } \ } #define AssertNotNULL(inPtr, inMessage) \ { \ if((inPtr) == NULL) \ { \ __ASSERT_STOP; \ } \ } #define FailIf(inCondition, inHandler, inMessage) \ if(inCondition) \ { \ STOP; \ goto inHandler; \ } #define FailWithAction(inCondition, inAction, inHandler, inMessage) \ if(inCondition) \ { \ STOP; \ { inAction; } \ goto inHandler; \ } #define FailIfNULL(inPointer, inAction, inHandler, inMessage) \ if((inPointer) == NULL) \ { \ STOP; \ { inAction; } \ goto inHandler; \ } #define FailIfKernelError(inKernelError, inAction, inHandler, inMessage) \ if((inKernelError) != 0) \ { \ STOP; \ { inAction; } \ goto inHandler; \ } #define FailIfError(inError, inAction, inHandler, inMessage) \ if((inError) != 0) \ { \ STOP; \ { inAction; } \ goto inHandler; \ } #define FailIfNoMessage(inCondition, inHandler, inMessage) \ if(inCondition) \ { \ STOP; \ goto inHandler; \ } #define FailWithActionNoMessage(inCondition, inAction, inHandler, inMessage) \ if(inCondition) \ { \ STOP; \ { inAction; } \ goto inHandler; \ } #define FailIfNULLNoMessage(inPointer, inAction, inHandler, inMessage) \ if((inPointer) == NULL) \ { \ STOP; \ { inAction; } \ goto inHandler; \ } #define FailIfKernelErrorNoMessage(inKernelError, inAction, inHandler, inMessage) \ { \ unsigned int __Err = (inKernelError); \ if(__Err != 0) \ { \ STOP; \ { inAction; } \ goto inHandler; \ } \ } #define FailIfErrorNoMessage(inError, inAction, inHandler, inMessage) \ { \ SInt32 __Err = (inError); \ if(__Err != 0) \ { \ STOP; \ { inAction; } \ goto inHandler; \ } \ } #if defined(__cplusplus) #define Throw(inException) __THROW_STOP; throw (inException) #define ThrowIf(inCondition, inException, inMessage) \ if(inCondition) \ { \ Throw(inException); \ } #define ThrowIfNULL(inPointer, inException, inMessage) \ if((inPointer) == NULL) \ { \ Throw(inException); \ } #define ThrowIfKernelError(inKernelError, inException, inMessage) \ { \ unsigned int __Err = (inKernelError); \ if(__Err != 0) \ { \ Throw(inException); \ } \ } #define ThrowIfError(inError, inException, inMessage) \ { \ SInt32 __Err = (inError); \ if(__Err != 0) \ { \ Throw(inException); \ } \ } #if TARGET_OS_WIN32 #define ThrowIfWinError(inError, inException, inMessage) \ { \ HRESULT __Err = (inError); \ if(FAILED(__Err)) \ { \ Throw(inException); \ } \ } #endif #define SubclassResponsibility(inMethodName, inException) \ { \ Throw(inException); \ } #endif // defined(__cplusplus) #endif // DEBUG || CoreAudio_Debug #endif