From 99419f9a8265221faab895f8f7d9b500b1789f4e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: xerus2000 <> Date: Thu, 13 Aug 2020 13:47:36 +0200 Subject: Use #pragma once everywhere --- src/analyzer/analyzerbeats.h | 5 +---- src/analyzer/analyzerebur128.h | 5 +---- src/analyzer/analyzergain.h | 5 +---- src/analyzer/analyzerkey.h | 5 +---- src/analyzer/analyzerwaveform.h | 5 +---- src/analyzer/plugins/analyzerplugin.h | 5 +---- src/analyzer/plugins/analyzerqueenmarybeats.h | 5 +---- src/analyzer/plugins/analyzerqueenmarykey.h | 5 +---- src/analyzer/plugins/analyzersoundtouchbeats.h | 5 +---- src/broadcast/broadcastmanager.h | 5 +---- src/broadcast/defs_broadcast.h | 5 +---- src/build.h.template | 5 +---- src/control/controlaudiotaperpot.h | 5 +---- src/control/controlbehavior.h | 5 +---- src/control/controleffectknob.h | 5 +---- src/control/controlencoder.h | 5 +---- src/control/controlindicator.h | 5 +---- src/control/controllinpotmeter.h | 5 +---- src/control/controllogpotmeter.h | 5 +---- src/control/controlmodel.h | 5 +---- src/control/controlobjectscript.h | 5 +---- src/control/controlpotmeter.h | 5 +---- src/control/controlproxy.h | 5 +---- src/control/controlttrotary.h | 5 +---- src/controllers/bulk/bulkcontroller.h | 5 +---- src/controllers/bulk/bulkenumerator.h | 5 +---- src/controllers/bulk/bulksupported.h | 5 +---- src/controllers/controller.h | 5 +---- src/controllers/controllerdebug.h | 18 +++++++----------- src/controllers/controllerenumerator.h | 5 +---- src/controllers/controllerlearningeventfilter.h | 6 +----- src/controllers/controllermanager.h | 5 +---- src/controllers/controllermappingtablemodel.h | 5 +---- src/controllers/controllerpresetinfo.h | 5 +---- src/controllers/controllerpresetinfoenumerator.h | 5 +---- src/controllers/controllerpresetvisitor.h | 5 +---- src/controllers/controllervisitor.h | 5 +---- src/controllers/controlpickermenu.h | 5 +---- src/controllers/defs_controllers.h | 5 +---- src/controllers/delegates/controldelegate.h | 5 +---- src/controllers/delegates/midibytedelegate.h | 5 +---- src/controllers/delegates/midichanneldelegate.h | 5 +---- src/controllers/delegates/midiopcodedelegate.h | 5 +---- src/controllers/delegates/midioptionsdelegate.h | 5 +---- src/controllers/dlgcontrollerlearning.h | 5 +---- src/controllers/dlgprefcontroller.h | 5 +---- src/controllers/hid/hidblacklist.h | 5 +---- src/controllers/hid/hidcontroller.h | 5 +---- src/controllers/hid/hidcontrollerpresetfilehandler.h | 5 +---- src/controllers/hid/hidenumerator.h | 5 +---- src/controllers/keyboard/keyboardeventfilter.h | 5 +---- src/controllers/learningutils.h | 5 +---- src/controllers/midi/hss1394controller.h | 5 +---- src/controllers/midi/hss1394enumerator.h | 5 +---- src/controllers/midi/midicontroller.h | 5 +---- src/controllers/midi/midicontrollerpresetfilehandler.h | 5 +---- src/controllers/midi/midimessage.h | 5 +---- src/controllers/midi/midioutputhandler.h | 5 +---- src/controllers/midi/midiutils.h | 6 +----- src/controllers/midi/portmidicontroller.h | 5 +---- src/controllers/midi/portmididevice.h | 5 +---- src/controllers/midi/portmidienumerator.h | 5 +---- src/controllers/softtakeover.h | 5 +---- src/database/mixxxdb.h | 7 +------ src/defs_urls.h | 5 +---- src/dialog/dlgabout.h | 5 +---- src/dialog/dlgdevelopertools.h | 5 +---- src/effects/builtin/autopaneffect.h | 5 +---- src/effects/builtin/balanceeffect.h | 5 +---- src/effects/builtin/bessel4lvmixeqeffect.h | 5 +---- src/effects/builtin/bessel8lvmixeqeffect.h | 5 +---- src/effects/builtin/biquadfullkilleqeffect.h | 5 +---- src/effects/builtin/bitcrushereffect.h | 5 +---- src/effects/builtin/builtinbackend.h | 5 +---- src/effects/builtin/echoeffect.h | 5 +---- src/effects/builtin/equalizer_util.h | 6 +----- src/effects/builtin/filtereffect.h | 5 +---- src/effects/builtin/flangereffect.h | 5 +---- src/effects/builtin/graphiceqeffect.h | 5 +---- src/effects/builtin/linkwitzriley8eqeffect.h | 5 +---- src/effects/builtin/loudnesscontoureffect.h | 5 +---- src/effects/builtin/metronomeeffect.h | 5 +---- src/effects/builtin/moogladder4filtereffect.h | 5 +---- src/effects/builtin/parametriceqeffect.h | 5 +---- src/effects/builtin/phasereffect.h | 5 +---- src/effects/builtin/reverbeffect.h | 5 +---- src/effects/builtin/threebandbiquadeqeffect.h | 5 +---- src/effects/builtin/tremoloeffect.h | 5 +---- src/effects/effect.h | 5 +---- src/effects/effectbuttonparameterslot.h | 5 +---- src/effects/effectchain.h | 5 +---- src/effects/effectchainmanager.h | 5 +---- src/effects/effectchainslot.h | 6 +----- src/effects/effectinstantiator.h | 5 +---- src/effects/effectmanifest.h | 5 +---- src/effects/effectmanifestparameter.h | 5 +---- src/effects/effectparameter.h | 6 +----- src/effects/effectparameterslot.h | 5 +---- src/effects/effectparameterslotbase.h | 5 +---- src/effects/effectprocessor.h | 5 +---- src/effects/effectrack.h | 5 +---- src/effects/effectsbackend.h | 5 +---- src/effects/effectslot.h | 5 +---- src/effects/effectsmanager.h | 6 +----- src/effects/lv2/lv2backend.h | 5 +---- src/effects/lv2/lv2effectprocessor.h | 6 +----- src/effects/lv2/lv2manifest.h | 5 +---- src/encoder/encoder.h | 6 +----- src/encoder/encoderbroadcastsettings.h | 5 +---- src/encoder/encodercallback.h | 5 +---- src/encoder/encoderffmpegcore.h | 6 +----- src/encoder/encoderffmpegmp3.h | 5 +---- src/encoder/encoderffmpegresample.h | 5 +---- src/encoder/encoderffmpegvorbis.h | 5 +---- src/encoder/encoderflacsettings.h | 5 +---- src/encoder/encodermp3.h | 5 +---- src/encoder/encodermp3settings.h | 5 +---- src/encoder/encoderopus.h | 5 +---- src/encoder/encoderopussettings.h | 5 +---- src/encoder/encodersettings.h | 5 +---- src/encoder/encodersndfileflac.h | 6 +----- src/encoder/encodervorbis.h | 6 +----- src/encoder/encodervorbissettings.h | 6 +----- src/encoder/encoderwave.h | 6 +----- src/encoder/encoderwavesettings.h | 12 +----------- src/engine/bufferscalers/enginebufferscale.h | 5 +---- src/engine/bufferscalers/enginebufferscalelinear.h | 5 +---- src/engine/bufferscalers/enginebufferscalerubberband.h | 6 +----- src/engine/cachingreader/cachingreaderchunk.h | 6 +----- src/engine/cachingreader/cachingreaderworker.h | 6 +----- src/engine/channelmixer.h | 5 +---- src/engine/channels/engineaux.h | 5 +---- src/engine/channels/enginechannel.h | 5 +---- src/engine/channels/enginemicrophone.h | 5 +---- src/engine/controls/bpmcontrol.h | 5 +---- src/engine/controls/clockcontrol.h | 5 +---- src/engine/controls/cuecontrol.h | 6 +----- src/engine/controls/enginecontrol.h | 5 +---- src/engine/controls/keycontrol.h | 5 +---- src/engine/controls/loopingcontrol.h | 5 +---- src/engine/controls/quantizecontrol.h | 5 +---- src/engine/controls/ratecontrol.h | 5 +---- src/engine/controls/vinylcontrolcontrol.h | 5 +---- src/engine/effects/engineeffect.h | 5 +---- src/engine/effects/engineeffectparameter.h | 5 +---- src/engine/effects/engineeffectrack.h | 5 +---- src/engine/effects/engineeffectsmanager.h | 6 +----- src/engine/effects/groupfeaturestate.h | 5 +---- src/engine/effects/message.h | 5 +---- src/engine/enginebuffer.h | 5 +---- src/engine/enginedelay.h | 5 +---- src/engine/enginemaster.h | 5 +---- src/engine/engineobject.h | 5 +---- src/engine/enginesidechaincompressor.h | 5 +---- src/engine/engineworker.h | 5 +---- src/engine/engineworkerscheduler.h | 5 +---- src/engine/filters/enginefilter.h | 5 +---- src/engine/filters/enginefilterbessel4.h | 5 +---- src/engine/filters/enginefilterbessel8.h | 5 +---- src/engine/filters/enginefilterbiquad1.h | 5 +---- src/engine/filters/enginefilterbutterworth4.h | 5 +---- src/engine/filters/enginefilterbutterworth8.h | 5 +---- src/engine/filters/enginefilterdelay.h | 5 +---- src/engine/filters/enginefilteriir.h | 6 +----- src/engine/filters/enginefilterlinkwitzriley2.h | 5 +---- src/engine/filters/enginefilterlinkwitzriley4.h | 5 +---- src/engine/filters/enginefilterlinkwitzriley8.h | 5 +---- src/engine/filters/enginefiltermoogladder4.h | 5 +---- src/engine/filters/enginefilterpan.h | 5 +---- src/engine/positionscratchcontroller.h | 5 +---- src/engine/sidechain/enginenetworkstream.h | 5 +---- src/engine/sidechain/enginerecord.h | 5 +---- src/engine/sidechain/enginesidechain.h | 5 +---- src/engine/sidechain/networkinputstreamworker.h | 5 +---- src/engine/sidechain/networkoutputstreamworker.h | 5 +---- src/engine/sidechain/shoutconnection.h | 5 +---- src/engine/sidechain/sidechainworker.h | 5 +---- src/engine/sync/basesyncablelistener.h | 5 +---- src/engine/sync/clock.h | 5 +---- src/engine/sync/enginesync.h | 5 +---- src/engine/sync/internalclock.h | 5 +---- src/engine/sync/syncable.h | 5 +---- src/engine/sync/synccontrol.h | 6 +----- src/errordialoghandler.h | 5 +---- src/library/analysisfeature.h | 6 +----- src/library/autodj/autodjprocessor.h | 5 +---- src/library/autodj/dlgautodj.h | 5 +---- src/library/banshee/bansheedbconnection.h | 5 +---- src/library/banshee/bansheefeature.h | 5 +---- src/library/banshee/bansheeplaylistmodel.h | 5 +---- src/library/baseexternalplaylistmodel.h | 5 +---- src/library/baseexternaltrackmodel.h | 5 +---- src/library/bpmdelegate.h | 5 +---- src/library/browse/browsefeature.h | 5 +---- src/library/browse/browsetablemodel.h | 5 +---- src/library/browse/browsethread.h | 5 +---- src/library/browse/foldertreemodel.h | 5 +---- src/library/columncache.h | 5 +---- src/library/dao/analysisdao.h | 5 +---- src/library/dao/libraryhashdao.h | 5 +---- src/library/dao/playlistdao.h | 5 +---- src/library/dao/trackdao.h | 5 +---- src/library/dlganalysis.h | 5 +---- src/library/export/trackexportdlg.h | 5 +---- src/library/export/trackexportwizard.h | 5 +---- src/library/export/trackexportworker.h | 5 +---- src/library/hiddentablemodel.h | 5 +---- src/library/itunes/itunesfeature.h | 5 +---- src/library/library_preferences.h | 5 +---- src/library/librarycontrol.h | 5 +---- src/library/libraryfeature.h | 5 +---- src/library/librarytablemodel.h | 5 +---- src/library/libraryview.h | 5 +---- src/library/mixxxlibraryfeature.h | 5 +---- src/library/parser.h | 5 +---- src/library/parsercsv.h | 5 +---- src/library/parserm3u.h | 5 +---- src/library/parserpls.h | 5 +---- src/library/previewbuttondelegate.h | 5 +---- src/library/queryutil.h | 5 +---- src/library/recording/recordingfeature.h | 5 +---- src/library/rekordbox/rekordbox_anlz.h | 5 +---- src/library/rekordbox/rekordbox_pdb.h | 5 +---- src/library/rekordbox/rekordboxfeature.h | 5 +---- src/library/rhythmbox/rhythmboxfeature.h | 5 +---- src/library/scanner/libraryscanner.h | 5 +---- src/library/scanner/libraryscannerdlg.h | 5 +---- src/library/scanner/scannerglobal.h | 5 +---- src/library/scanner/scannertask.h | 5 +---- src/library/scanner/scannerutil.h | 5 +---- src/library/searchqueryparser.h | 5 +---- src/library/sidebarmodel.h | 5 +---- src/library/songdownloader.h | 5 +---- src/library/stardelegate.h | 6 +----- src/library/stareditor.h | 5 +---- src/library/traktor/traktorfeature.h | 5 +---- src/library/treeitemmodel.h | 5 +---- src/mixer/auxiliary.h | 5 +---- src/mixer/baseplayer.h | 5 +---- src/mixer/basetrackplayer.h | 5 +---- src/mixer/microphone.h | 5 +---- src/mixer/playerinfo.h | 5 +---- src/mixer/previewdeck.h | 5 +---- src/mixer/samplerbank.h | 5 +---- src/mixxxapplication.h | 5 +---- src/musicbrainz/chromaprinter.h | 5 +---- src/musicbrainz/crc.h | 5 +---- src/musicbrainz/gzip.h | 5 +---- src/preferences/beatdetectionsettings.h | 5 +---- src/preferences/broadcastprofile.h | 5 +---- src/preferences/broadcastsettings.h | 5 +---- src/preferences/broadcastsettingsmodel.h | 5 +---- src/preferences/configobject.h | 5 +---- src/preferences/constants.h | 5 +---- src/preferences/dialog/dlgprefautodj.h | 5 +---- src/preferences/dialog/dlgprefbeats.h | 5 +---- src/preferences/dialog/dlgprefbroadcast.h | 5 +---- src/preferences/dialog/dlgprefcrossfader.h | 5 +---- src/preferences/dialog/dlgprefeffects.h | 5 +---- src/preferences/dialog/dlgprefeq.h | 5 +---- src/preferences/dialog/dlgpreferences.h | 5 +---- src/preferences/dialog/dlgprefinterface.h | 5 +---- src/preferences/dialog/dlgprefkey.h | 5 +---- src/preferences/dialog/dlgpreflibrary.h | 5 +---- src/preferences/dialog/dlgpreflv2.h | 5 +---- src/preferences/dialog/dlgprefmodplug.h | 5 +---- src/preferences/dialog/dlgprefnovinyl.h | 5 +---- src/preferences/dialog/dlgprefrecord.h | 5 +---- src/preferences/dialog/dlgprefreplaygain.h | 5 +---- src/preferences/dialog/dlgprefsound.h | 5 +---- src/preferences/dialog/dlgprefsounditem.h | 5 +---- src/preferences/dialog/dlgprefvinyl.h | 5 +---- src/preferences/dialog/dlgprefwaveform.h | 6 +----- src/preferences/effectsettingsmodel.h | 5 +---- src/preferences/keydetectionsettings.h | 5 +---- src/preferences/replaygainsettings.h | 5 +---- src/preferences/upgrade.h | 5 +---- src/preferences/usersettings.h | 5 +---- src/preferences/waveformsettings.h | 5 +---- src/recording/defs_recording.h | 5 +---- src/skin/colorschemeparser.h | 5 +---- src/skin/imgcolor.h | 5 +---- src/skin/imginvert.h | 6 +----- src/skin/imgloader.h | 6 +----- src/skin/imgsource.h | 5 +---- src/skin/pixmapsource.h | 5 +---- src/skin/skinparser.h | 5 +---- src/skin/tooltips.h | 6 +----- src/soundio/sounddevice.h | 5 +---- src/soundio/sounddeviceerror.h | 5 +---- src/soundio/sounddevicenetwork.h | 5 +---- src/soundio/sounddevicenotfound.h | 5 +---- src/soundio/soundmanagerconfig.h | 4 +--- src/sources/mp3decoding.h | 5 +---- src/sources/urlresource.h | 5 +---- src/sources/v1/legacyaudiosource.h | 5 +---- src/sources/v1/legacyaudiosourceadapter.h | 5 +---- src/test/baseeffecttest.h | 6 +----- src/test/mockedenginebackendtest.h | 5 +---- src/track/beatfactory.h | 5 +---- src/track/beatgrid.h | 5 +---- src/track/beatmap.h | 4 +--- src/track/beats.h | 4 +--- src/track/beatutils.h | 5 +---- src/track/bpm.h | 5 +---- src/track/keyfactory.h | 5 +---- src/track/keys.h | 5 +---- src/track/keyutils.h | 5 +---- src/track/playcounter.h | 4 +--- src/track/replaygain.h | 5 +---- src/track/tracknumbers.h | 5 +---- src/util/alphabetafilter.h | 5 +---- src/util/battery/battery.h | 5 +---- src/util/battery/batterylinux.h | 5 +---- src/util/battery/batterymac.h | 5 +---- src/util/battery/batterywindows.h | 5 +---- src/util/circularbuffer.h | 5 +---- src/util/class.h | 5 +---- src/util/console.h | 5 +---- src/util/counter.h | 5 +---- src/util/db/dbconnection.h | 7 +------ src/util/db/dbconnectionpool.h | 7 +------ src/util/db/dbconnectionpooled.h | 7 +------ src/util/db/dbentity.h | 7 +------ src/util/db/dbfieldindex.h | 7 +------ src/util/db/fwdsqlqueryselectresult.h | 7 +------ src/util/db/sqllikewildcardescaper.h | 7 +------ src/util/db/sqllikewildcards.h | 7 +------ src/util/db/sqlqueryfinisher.h | 7 +------ src/util/db/sqlstorage.h | 7 +------ src/util/db/sqlstringformatter.h | 7 +------ src/util/db/sqlsubselectmode.h | 7 +------ src/util/db/sqltransaction.h | 7 +------ src/util/debug.h | 5 +---- src/util/defs.h | 5 +---- src/util/event.h | 5 +---- src/util/experiment.h | 5 +---- src/util/fifo.h | 5 +---- src/util/file.h | 5 +---- src/util/font.h | 5 +---- src/util/fpclassify.h | 5 +---- src/util/logger.h | 7 +------ src/util/mac.h | 5 +---- src/util/mutex.h | 5 +---- src/util/path.h | 5 +---- src/util/performancetimer.h | 5 +---- src/util/platform.h | 5 +---- src/util/rampingvalue.h | 6 +----- src/util/reference.h | 6 +----- src/util/regex.h | 6 +----- src/util/rescaler.h | 9 +-------- src/util/rlimit.h | 4 +--- src/util/rotary.h | 5 +---- src/util/sample.h | 5 +---- src/util/sample_autogen.h | 4 +--- src/util/sandbox.h | 6 +----- src/util/scopedoverridecursor.h | 5 +---- src/util/screensaver.h | 5 +---- src/util/singleton.h | 5 +---- src/util/sleep.h | 5 +---- src/util/statmodel.h | 5 +---- src/util/string.h | 5 +---- src/util/tapfilter.h | 5 +---- src/util/task.h | 5 +---- src/util/thread_annotations.h | 5 +---- src/util/threadcputimer.h | 5 +---- src/util/time.h | 5 +---- src/util/timer.h | 5 +---- src/util/trace.h | 5 +---- src/util/translations.h | 6 +----- src/util/types.h | 5 +---- src/util/valuetransformer.h | 5 +---- src/util/version.h | 5 +---- src/util/xml.h | 5 +---- src/vinylcontrol/defs_vinylcontrol.h | 5 +---- src/vinylcontrol/steadypitch.h | 5 +---- src/vinylcontrol/vinylcontrol.h | 5 +---- src/vinylcontrol/vinylcontrolmanager.h | 5 +---- src/vinylcontrol/vinylcontrolprocessor.h | 6 +----- src/vinylcontrol/vinylcontrolsignalwidget.h | 5 +---- src/vinylcontrol/vinylcontrolxwax.h | 5 +---- src/vinylcontrol/vinylsignalquality.h | 5 +---- src/waveform/guitick.h | 5 +---- src/waveform/renderers/qtvsynctestrenderer.h | 5 +---- .../renderers/qtwaveformrendererfilteredsignal.h | 5 +---- .../renderers/qtwaveformrenderersimplesignal.h | 5 +---- src/waveform/renderers/waveformmark.h | 5 +---- src/waveform/renderers/waveformmarkset.h | 5 +---- src/waveform/renderers/waveformrenderbackground.h | 5 +---- src/waveform/renderers/waveformrenderbeat.h | 5 +---- src/waveform/renderers/waveformrendererabstract.h | 5 +---- src/waveform/renderers/waveformrendererendoftrack.h | 5 +---- .../renderers/waveformrendererfilteredsignal.h | 5 +---- src/waveform/renderers/waveformrendererhsv.h | 5 +---- src/waveform/renderers/waveformrendererpreroll.h | 5 +---- src/waveform/renderers/waveformrendererrgb.h | 5 +---- src/waveform/renderers/waveformrenderersignalbase.h | 5 +---- src/waveform/renderers/waveformrendermark.h | 5 +---- src/waveform/renderers/waveformrendermarkrange.h | 5 +---- src/waveform/renderers/waveformsignalcolors.h | 5 +---- src/waveform/renderers/waveformwidgetrenderer.h | 5 +---- src/waveform/visualplayposition.h | 5 +---- src/waveform/vsyncthread.h | 6 +----- src/waveform/waveform.h | 5 +---- src/waveform/waveformfactory.h | 5 +---- src/waveform/widgets/emptywaveformwidget.h | 5 +---- src/waveform/widgets/glrgbwaveformwidget.h | 5 +---- src/waveform/widgets/glsimplewaveformwidget.h | 4 +--- src/waveform/widgets/glvsynctestwidget.h | 4 +--- src/waveform/widgets/glwaveformwidget.h | 5 +---- src/waveform/widgets/hsvwaveformwidget.h | 5 +---- src/waveform/widgets/qthsvwaveformwidget.h | 5 +---- src/waveform/widgets/qtrgbwaveformwidget.h | 5 +---- src/waveform/widgets/qtsimplewaveformwidget.h | 5 +---- src/waveform/widgets/qtvsynctestwidget.h | 5 +---- src/waveform/widgets/qtwaveformwidget.h | 5 +---- src/waveform/widgets/rgbwaveformwidget.h | 5 +---- src/waveform/widgets/softwarewaveformwidget.h | 5 +---- src/waveform/widgets/waveformwidgetabstract.h | 5 +---- src/waveform/widgets/waveformwidgettype.h | 5 +---- src/widget/controlwidgetconnection.h | 5 +---- src/widget/effectwidgetutils.h | 5 +---- src/widget/hexspinbox.h | 5 +---- src/widget/knobeventhandler.h | 5 +---- src/widget/paintable.h | 5 +---- src/widget/slidereventhandler.h | 5 +---- src/widget/trackdroptarget.h | 5 +---- src/widget/wanalysislibrarytableview.h | 5 +---- src/widget/wbasewidget.h | 5 +---- src/widget/wbattery.h | 5 +---- src/widget/wbeatspinbox.h | 7 +------ src/widget/wcombobox.h | 5 +---- src/widget/wcoverart.h | 5 +---- src/widget/wcoverartmenu.h | 5 +---- src/widget/wdisplay.h | 5 +---- src/widget/weffect.h | 6 +----- src/widget/weffectbuttonparameter.h | 6 +----- src/widget/weffectchain.h | 5 +---- src/widget/weffectparameter.h | 6 +----- src/widget/weffectparameterbase.h | 5 +---- src/widget/weffectparameterknob.h | 5 +---- src/widget/weffectparameterknobcomposed.h | 5 +---- src/widget/weffectpushbutton.h | 5 +---- src/widget/weffectselector.h | 6 +----- src/widget/wkey.h | 5 +---- src/widget/wknob.h | 5 +---- src/widget/wknobcomposed.h | 5 +---- src/widget/wlabel.h | 5 +---- src/widget/wlibrarysidebar.h | 5 +---- src/widget/wlibrarytableview.h | 6 +----- src/widget/wlibrarytextbrowser.h | 5 +---- src/widget/wmainmenubar.h | 5 +---- src/widget/wnumber.h | 5 +---- src/widget/wnumberdb.h | 5 +---- src/widget/wnumberpos.h | 5 +---- src/widget/wnumberrate.h | 5 +---- src/widget/woverview.h | 5 +---- src/widget/woverviewhsv.h | 5 +---- src/widget/woverviewlmh.h | 5 +---- src/widget/woverviewrgb.h | 5 +---- src/widget/wpixmapstore.h | 5 +---- src/widget/wpushbutton.h | 5 +---- src/widget/wrecordingduration.h | 5 +---- src/widget/wsingletoncontainer.h | 6 +----- src/widget/wsizeawarestack.h | 5 +---- src/widget/wskincolor.h | 6 +----- src/widget/wslidercomposed.h | 5 +---- src/widget/wspinny.h | 5 +---- src/widget/wsplitter.h | 5 +---- src/widget/wstarrating.h | 5 +---- src/widget/wstatuslight.h | 5 +---- src/widget/wtime.h | 5 +---- src/widget/wtracktableviewheader.h | 5 +---- src/widget/wvumeter.h | 5 +---- src/widget/wwaveformviewer.h | 5 +---- src/widget/wwidget.h | 5 +---- src/widget/wwidgetgroup.h | 5 +---- src/widget/wwidgetstack.h | 5 +---- 478 files changed, 484 insertions(+), 1995 deletions(-) (limited to 'src') diff --git a/src/analyzer/analyzerbeats.h b/src/analyzer/analyzerbeats.h index 01b9098f28..fb65c1d8ce 100644 --- a/src/analyzer/analyzerbeats.h +++ b/src/analyzer/analyzerbeats.h @@ -5,8 +5,7 @@ * Author: Vittorio Colao */ -#ifndef ANALYZER_ANALYZERBEATS_H -#define ANALYZER_ANALYZERBEATS_H +#pragma once #include #include @@ -53,5 +52,3 @@ class AnalyzerBeats : public Analyzer { int m_iCurrentSample; int m_iMinBpm, m_iMaxBpm; }; - -#endif /* ANALYZER_ANALYZERBEATS_H */ diff --git a/src/analyzer/analyzerebur128.h b/src/analyzer/analyzerebur128.h index d725f31eb6..5cc794425d 100644 --- a/src/analyzer/analyzerebur128.h +++ b/src/analyzer/analyzerebur128.h @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -#ifndef ANALYZER_ANALYZEREBUR128_H_ -#define ANALYZER_ANALYZEREBUR128_H_ +#pragma once #include @@ -24,5 +23,3 @@ class AnalyzerEbur128 : public Analyzer { ReplayGainSettings m_rgSettings; ebur128_state* m_pState; }; - -#endif /* ANALYZER_ANALYZEREBUR128_H_ */ diff --git a/src/analyzer/analyzergain.h b/src/analyzer/analyzergain.h index dbe426b919..ddc2d6df57 100644 --- a/src/analyzer/analyzergain.h +++ b/src/analyzer/analyzergain.h @@ -5,8 +5,7 @@ * Author: Vittorio Colao * */ -#ifndef ANALYZER_ANALYZERGAIN_H -#define ANALYZER_ANALYZERGAIN_H +#pragma once #include "analyzer/analyzer.h" #include "preferences/replaygainsettings.h" @@ -34,5 +33,3 @@ class AnalyzerGain : public Analyzer { ReplayGain* m_pReplayGain; int m_iBufferSize; }; - -#endif /* ANALYZER_ANALYZERGAIN_H */ diff --git a/src/analyzer/analyzerkey.h b/src/analyzer/analyzerkey.h index 52ba45b88b..cfb28554b3 100644 --- a/src/analyzer/analyzerkey.h +++ b/src/analyzer/analyzerkey.h @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -#ifndef ANALYZER_ANALYZERKEY_H -#define ANALYZER_ANALYZERKEY_H +#pragma once #include #include @@ -43,5 +42,3 @@ class AnalyzerKey : public Analyzer { bool m_bPreferencesFastAnalysisEnabled; bool m_bPreferencesReanalyzeEnabled; }; - -#endif /* ANALYZER_ANALYZERKEY_H */ diff --git a/src/analyzer/analyzerwaveform.h b/src/analyzer/analyzerwaveform.h index c12ccc3723..1f8ea02ae4 100644 --- a/src/analyzer/analyzerwaveform.h +++ b/src/analyzer/analyzerwaveform.h @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -#ifndef ANALYZER_ANALYZERWAVEFORM_H -#define ANALYZER_ANALYZERWAVEFORM_H +#pragma once #include #include @@ -178,5 +177,3 @@ class AnalyzerWaveform : public Analyzer { QImage* test_heatMap; #endif }; - -#endif /* ANALYZER_ANALYZERWAVEFORM_H */ diff --git a/src/analyzer/plugins/analyzerplugin.h b/src/analyzer/plugins/analyzerplugin.h index 872e8bda92..03bb7ac2d6 100644 --- a/src/analyzer/plugins/analyzerplugin.h +++ b/src/analyzer/plugins/analyzerplugin.h @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -#ifndef ANALYZER_PLUGINS_ANALYZERPLUGIN_H -#define ANALYZER_PLUGINS_ANALYZERPLUGIN_H +#pragma once #include @@ -66,5 +65,3 @@ class AnalyzerKeyPlugin : public AnalyzerPlugin { }; } // namespace mixxx - -#endif /* ANALYZER_PLUGINS_ANALYZERPLUGIN_H */ diff --git a/src/analyzer/plugins/analyzerqueenmarybeats.h b/src/analyzer/plugins/analyzerqueenmarybeats.h index bdc525bd73..5dc70ae85c 100644 --- a/src/analyzer/plugins/analyzerqueenmarybeats.h +++ b/src/analyzer/plugins/analyzerqueenmarybeats.h @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -#ifndef ANALYZER_PLUGINS_ANALYZERQUEENMARYBEATS_H -#define ANALYZER_PLUGINS_ANALYZERQUEENMARYBEATS_H +#pragma once #include @@ -56,5 +55,3 @@ class AnalyzerQueenMaryBeats : public AnalyzerBeatsPlugin { }; } // namespace mixxx - -#endif /* ANALYZER_PLUGINS_ANALYZERQUEENMARYBEATS_H */ diff --git a/src/analyzer/plugins/analyzerqueenmarykey.h b/src/analyzer/plugins/analyzerqueenmarykey.h index 253688b1cf..ea9d014f6f 100644 --- a/src/analyzer/plugins/analyzerqueenmarykey.h +++ b/src/analyzer/plugins/analyzerqueenmarykey.h @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -#ifndef ANALYZER_PLUGINS_ANALYZERQUEENMARYKEY_H -#define ANALYZER_PLUGINS_ANALYZERQUEENMARYKEY_H +#pragma once #include @@ -50,5 +49,3 @@ class AnalyzerQueenMaryKey : public AnalyzerKeyPlugin { }; } // namespace mixxx - -#endif /* ANALYZER_PLUGINS_ANALYZERQUEENMARYKEY_H */ diff --git a/src/analyzer/plugins/analyzersoundtouchbeats.h b/src/analyzer/plugins/analyzersoundtouchbeats.h index ec495e58a5..1c8e26a359 100644 --- a/src/analyzer/plugins/analyzersoundtouchbeats.h +++ b/src/analyzer/plugins/analyzersoundtouchbeats.h @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -#ifndef ANALYZER_PLUGINS_ANALYZERSOUNDTOUCHBEATS -#define ANALYZER_PLUGINS_ANALYZERSOUNDTOUCHBEATS +#pragma once #include @@ -49,5 +48,3 @@ class AnalyzerSoundTouchBeats : public AnalyzerBeatsPlugin { }; } // namespace mixxx - -#endif /* ANALYZER_PLUGINS_ANALYZERSOUNDTOUCHBEATS */ diff --git a/src/broadcast/broadcastmanager.h b/src/broadcast/broadcastmanager.h index fc037a407c..75479e3bf6 100644 --- a/src/broadcast/broadcastmanager.h +++ b/src/broadcast/broadcastmanager.h @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -#ifndef BROADCAST_BROADCASTMANAGER_H -#define BROADCAST_BROADCASTMANAGER_H +#pragma once #include @@ -56,5 +55,3 @@ class BroadcastManager : public QObject { ControlPushButton* m_pBroadcastEnabled; ControlObject* m_pStatusCO; }; - -#endif /* BROADCAST_BROADCASTMANAGER_H */ diff --git a/src/broadcast/defs_broadcast.h b/src/broadcast/defs_broadcast.h index ad966b58a4..db0bf87f35 100644 --- a/src/broadcast/defs_broadcast.h +++ b/src/broadcast/defs_broadcast.h @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -#ifndef DEFS_BROADCAST_H -#define DEFS_BROADCAST_H +#pragma once // NOTE(rryan): Do not change this from [Shoutcast] unless you also put upgrade // logic in src/preferences/upgrade.h. @@ -34,5 +33,3 @@ // the workers are then performed on thread-safe QSharedPointers and not // onto the thread-unsafe QVector #define BROADCAST_MAX_CONNECTIONS 16 - -#endif /* DEFS_BROADCAST_H */ diff --git a/src/build.h.template b/src/build.h.template index 96634ff1b6..c1be091170 100644 --- a/src/build.h.template +++ b/src/build.h.template @@ -1,7 +1,4 @@ -#ifndef BUILD_H -#define BUILD_H +#pragma once #define BUILD_BRANCH "@GIT_BRANCH@" #define BUILD_REV "@GIT_COMMIT_COUNT@" - -#endif // BUILD_H diff --git a/src/control/controlaudiotaperpot.h b/src/control/controlaudiotaperpot.h index 8ffc6b1644..6c01567c45 100644 --- a/src/control/controlaudiotaperpot.h +++ b/src/control/controlaudiotaperpot.h @@ -1,6 +1,5 @@ -#ifndef CONTROLAUDIOTAPERPOT_H -#define CONTROLAUDIOTAPERPOT_H +#pragma once #include "control/controlpotmeter.h" #include "preferences/usersettings.h" @@ -14,5 +13,3 @@ class ControlAudioTaperPot : public ControlPotmeter { // neutralParameter is a knob position between 0 and 1 where the gain is 1 (0dB) ControlAudioTaperPot(ConfigKey key, double minDB, double maxDB, double neutralParameter); }; - -#endif // CONTROLAUDIOTAPERPOT_H diff --git a/src/control/controlbehavior.h b/src/control/controlbehavior.h index 08f48b724b..1075cf0bea 100644 --- a/src/control/controlbehavior.h +++ b/src/control/controlbehavior.h @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -#ifndef CONTROLBEHAVIOR_H -#define CONTROLBEHAVIOR_H +#pragma once #include #include @@ -159,5 +158,3 @@ class ControlPushButtonBehavior : public ControlNumericBehavior { int m_iNumStates; QScopedPointer m_pushTimer; }; - -#endif /* CONTROLBEHAVIOR_H */ diff --git a/src/control/controleffectknob.h b/src/control/controleffectknob.h index eabb38e07b..d46918ff6f 100644 --- a/src/control/controleffectknob.h +++ b/src/control/controleffectknob.h @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -#ifndef CONTROLEFFECTKNOB_H -#define CONTROLEFFECTKNOB_H +#pragma once #include "control/controlpotmeter.h" #include "effects/effectmanifestparameter.h" @@ -12,5 +11,3 @@ class ControlEffectKnob : public ControlPotmeter { void setBehaviour(EffectManifestParameter::ControlHint type, double dMinValue, double dMaxValue); }; - -#endif // CONTROLLEFFECTKNOB_H diff --git a/src/control/controlencoder.h b/src/control/controlencoder.h index 1bbd3c986d..bbfc14523d 100644 --- a/src/control/controlencoder.h +++ b/src/control/controlencoder.h @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -#ifndef CONTROLENCODER_H -#define CONTROLENCODER_H +#pragma once #include "preferences/usersettings.h" #include "control/controlobject.h" @@ -9,5 +8,3 @@ class ControlEncoder : public ControlObject { public: ControlEncoder(ConfigKey key, bool bIgnoreNops=true); }; - -#endif diff --git a/src/control/controlindicator.h b/src/control/controlindicator.h index d723c8b8a1..a232683074 100644 --- a/src/control/controlindicator.h +++ b/src/control/controlindicator.h @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -#ifndef CONTROLINDICATOR_H -#define CONTROLINDICATOR_H +#pragma once #include "control/controlobject.h" @@ -39,5 +38,3 @@ class ControlIndicator : public ControlObject { ControlProxy* m_pCOTGuiTickTime; ControlProxy* m_pCOTGuiTick50ms; }; - -#endif // CONTROLINDICATOR_H diff --git a/src/control/controllinpotmeter.h b/src/control/controllinpotmeter.h index b958992425..acbb1b50bb 100644 --- a/src/control/controllinpotmeter.h +++ b/src/control/controllinpotmeter.h @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -#ifndef CONTROLLINPOTMETER_H -#define CONTROLLINPOTMETER_H +#pragma once #include "control/controlpotmeter.h" @@ -12,5 +11,3 @@ class ControlLinPotmeter : public ControlPotmeter { double dStep = 0, double dSmallStep = 0, bool allowOutOfBounds = false); }; - -#endif // CONTROLLINPOTMETER_H diff --git a/src/control/controllogpotmeter.h b/src/control/controllogpotmeter.h index bac9e0e284..f53f2a1d5c 100644 --- a/src/control/controllogpotmeter.h +++ b/src/control/controllogpotmeter.h @@ -15,8 +15,7 @@ * * ***************************************************************************/ -#ifndef CONTROLLOGPOTMETER_H -#define CONTROLLOGPOTMETER_H +#pragma once #include "control/controlpotmeter.h" #include "preferences/usersettings.h" @@ -26,5 +25,3 @@ class ControlLogpotmeter : public ControlPotmeter { public: ControlLogpotmeter(ConfigKey key, double dMaxValue, double minDB); }; - -#endif diff --git a/src/control/controlmodel.h b/src/control/controlmodel.h index 336d505046..93df7b330a 100644 --- a/src/control/controlmodel.h +++ b/src/control/controlmodel.h @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -#ifndef CONTROLMODEL_H -#define CONTROLMODEL_H +#pragma once #include #include @@ -58,5 +57,3 @@ class ControlModel final : public QAbstractTableModel { QVector > m_headerInfo; QList m_controls; }; - -#endif /* CONTROLMODEL_H */ diff --git a/src/control/controlobjectscript.h b/src/control/controlobjectscript.h index 853c1435cf..c190698bae 100644 --- a/src/control/controlobjectscript.h +++ b/src/control/controlobjectscript.h @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -#ifndef CONTROLOBJECTSCRIPT_H -#define CONTROLOBJECTSCRIPT_H +#pragma once #include @@ -40,5 +39,3 @@ class ControlObjectScript : public ControlProxy { private: QList m_scriptConnections; }; - -#endif // CONTROLOBJECTSCRIPT_H diff --git a/src/control/controlpotmeter.h b/src/control/controlpotmeter.h index 226baebb2d..ab2e7b3540 100644 --- a/src/control/controlpotmeter.h +++ b/src/control/controlpotmeter.h @@ -15,8 +15,7 @@ * * ***************************************************************************/ -#ifndef CONTROLPOTMETER_H -#define CONTROLPOTMETER_H +#pragma once #include "preferences/usersettings.h" #include "control/controlobject.h" @@ -91,5 +90,3 @@ class ControlPotmeter : public ControlObject { bool m_bAllowOutOfBounds; PotmeterControls m_controls; }; - -#endif diff --git a/src/control/controlproxy.h b/src/control/controlproxy.h index e86fc08670..4eab2fa38d 100644 --- a/src/control/controlproxy.h +++ b/src/control/controlproxy.h @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -#ifndef CONTROLPROXY_H -#define CONTROLPROXY_H +#pragma once #include #include @@ -207,5 +206,3 @@ class ControlProxy : public QObject { // Pointer to connected control. QSharedPointer m_pControl; }; - -#endif // CONTROLPROXY_H diff --git a/src/control/controlttrotary.h b/src/control/controlttrotary.h index edef5bd2f9..a9dc767967 100644 --- a/src/control/controlttrotary.h +++ b/src/control/controlttrotary.h @@ -14,8 +14,7 @@ * * ***************************************************************************/ -#ifndef CONTROLTTROTARY_H -#define CONTROLTTROTARY_H +#pragma once #include "preferences/usersettings.h" #include "control/controlobject.h" @@ -25,5 +24,3 @@ class ControlTTRotary : public ControlObject { public: ControlTTRotary(ConfigKey key); }; - -#endif diff --git a/src/controllers/bulk/bulkcontroller.h b/src/controllers/bulk/bulkcontroller.h index 4cbe62fef8..3ee2073628 100644 --- a/src/controllers/bulk/bulkcontroller.h +++ b/src/controllers/bulk/bulkcontroller.h @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -#ifndef BULKCONTROLLER_H -#define BULKCONTROLLER_H +#pragma once #include @@ -101,5 +100,3 @@ class BulkController : public Controller { BulkReader* m_pReader; HidControllerPreset m_preset; }; - -#endif diff --git a/src/controllers/bulk/bulkenumerator.h b/src/controllers/bulk/bulkenumerator.h index a6708c38a2..92f01d9c99 100644 --- a/src/controllers/bulk/bulkenumerator.h +++ b/src/controllers/bulk/bulkenumerator.h @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -#ifndef BULKENUMERATOR_H -#define BULKENUMERATOR_H +#pragma once #include "controllers/controllerenumerator.h" @@ -18,5 +17,3 @@ class BulkEnumerator : public ControllerEnumerator { libusb_context* m_context; UserSettingsPointer m_pConfig; }; - -#endif diff --git a/src/controllers/bulk/bulksupported.h b/src/controllers/bulk/bulksupported.h index 4dc803a059..1ffbc3509a 100644 --- a/src/controllers/bulk/bulksupported.h +++ b/src/controllers/bulk/bulksupported.h @@ -1,7 +1,6 @@ // A list of supported USB bulk devices -#ifndef BULKSUPPORTED_H -#define BULKSUPPORTED_H +#pragma once typedef struct bulk_supported { unsigned short vendor_id; @@ -17,5 +16,3 @@ static bulk_supported_t bulk_supported[] = { {0x06f8, 0xb120, 0x82, 0x03}, // Hercules MP3 LE / Glow {0, 0, 0, 0} }; - -#endif diff --git a/src/controllers/controller.h b/src/controllers/controller.h index e5230db9c2..6b6b956e14 100644 --- a/src/controllers/controller.h +++ b/src/controllers/controller.h @@ -5,8 +5,7 @@ * subclass' destructor should call close() at a minimum. */ -#ifndef CONTROLLER_H -#define CONTROLLER_H +#pragma once #include "controllers/controllerengine.h" #include "controllers/controllervisitor.h" @@ -172,5 +171,3 @@ class Controller : public QObject, ConstControllerPresetVisitor { // For testing friend class ControllerPresetValidationTest; }; - -#endif diff --git a/src/controllers/controllerdebug.h b/src/controllers/controllerdebug.h index 5584e6bc18..f3fc5837cf 100644 --- a/src/controllers/controllerdebug.h +++ b/src/controllers/controllerdebug.h @@ -1,9 +1,7 @@ -#ifndef CONTROLLERDEBUG_H -#define CONTROLLERDEBUG_H +#pragma once #include - // Specifies whether or not we should dump incoming data to the console at // runtime. This is useful for end-user debugging and script-writing. class ControllerDebug { @@ -33,11 +31,9 @@ class ControllerDebug { // // In order of Bug #1797746, since transition to qt5 it is needed unquote the // output for mixxx.log with .noquote(), because in qt5 QDebug() is quoted by default. -#define controllerDebug(stream) \ -{ \ - if (ControllerDebug::enabled()) { \ - QDebug(QtDebugMsg).noquote() << ControllerDebug::kLogMessagePrefix << stream; \ - } \ -} \ - -#endif // CONTROLLERDEBUG_H +#define controllerDebug(stream) \ + { \ + if (ControllerDebug::enabled()) { \ + QDebug(QtDebugMsg).noquote() << ControllerDebug::kLogMessagePrefix << stream; \ + } \ + } diff --git a/src/controllers/controllerenumerator.h b/src/controllers/controllerenumerator.h index b670a3516e..d1801d7e87 100644 --- a/src/controllers/controllerenumerator.h +++ b/src/controllers/controllerenumerator.h @@ -4,8 +4,7 @@ * must be inherited by a class that implements it on some API. */ -#ifndef CONTROLLERENUMERATOR_H -#define CONTROLLERENUMERATOR_H +#pragma once #include "controllers/controller.h" @@ -25,5 +24,3 @@ class ControllerEnumerator : public QObject { return false; } }; - -#endif diff --git a/src/controllers/controllerlearningeventfilter.h b/src/controllers/controllerlearningeventfilter.h index 087e37b4bb..dc22e36a53 100644 --- a/src/controllers/controllerlearningeventfilter.h +++ b/src/controllers/controllerlearningeventfilter.h @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -#ifndef CONTROLLERLEARNINGEVENTFILTER_H -#define CONTROLLERLEARNINGEVENTFILTER_H +#pragma once #include #include @@ -48,6 +47,3 @@ class ControllerLearningEventFilter : public QObject { QHash m_widgetControlInfo; bool m_bListening; }; - - -#endif /* CONTROLLERLEARNINGEVENTFILTER_H */ diff --git a/src/controllers/controllermanager.h b/src/controllers/controllermanager.h index de9c2c7787..0979d30de6 100644 --- a/src/controllers/controllermanager.h +++ b/src/controllers/controllermanager.h @@ -1,7 +1,6 @@ // Manages creation/enumeration/deletion of hardware controllers. -#ifndef CONTROLLERMANAGER_H -#define CONTROLLERMANAGER_H +#pragma once #include @@ -83,5 +82,3 @@ class ControllerManager : public QObject { QSharedPointer m_pMainThreadSystemPresetEnumerator; bool m_skipPoll; }; - -#endif // CONTROLLERMANAGER_H diff --git a/src/controllers/controllermappingtablemodel.h b/src/controllers/controllermappingtablemodel.h index 008665f0d4..d6de46532c 100644 --- a/src/controllers/controllermappingtablemodel.h +++ b/src/controllers/controllermappingtablemodel.h @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -#ifndef CONTROLLERMAPPINGTABLEMODEL_H -#define CONTROLLERMAPPINGTABLEMODEL_H +#pragma once #include #include @@ -47,5 +46,3 @@ class ControllerMappingTableModel : public QAbstractTableModel, MidiControllerPreset* m_pMidiPreset; HidControllerPreset* m_pHidPreset; }; - -#endif /* CONTROLLERMAPPINGTABLEMODEL_H */ diff --git a/src/controllers/controllerpresetinfo.h b/src/controllers/controllerpresetinfo.h index 8fd560933d..5af245509b 100644 --- a/src/controllers/controllerpresetinfo.h +++ b/src/controllers/controllerpresetinfo.h @@ -5,8 +5,7 @@ * show details for a mapping. */ -#ifndef CONTROLLERPRESETINFO_H -#define CONTROLLERPRESETINFO_H +#pragma once #include #include @@ -67,5 +66,3 @@ class PresetInfo { QString m_wikilink; QList m_products; }; - -#endif diff --git a/src/controllers/controllerpresetinfoenumerator.h b/src/controllers/controllerpresetinfoenumerator.h index b903c5c563..6eea937d96 100644 --- a/src/controllers/controllerpresetinfoenumerator.h +++ b/src/controllers/controllerpresetinfoenumerator.h @@ -1,6 +1,5 @@ // Enumerate list of available controller mapping presets -#ifndef CONTROLLERPRESETINFOENUMERATOR_H -#define CONTROLLERPRESETINFOENUMERATOR_H +#pragma once #include #include @@ -25,5 +24,3 @@ class PresetInfoEnumerator { QList m_midiPresets; QList m_bulkPresets; }; - -#endif diff --git a/src/controllers/controllerpresetvisitor.h b/src/controllers/controllerpresetvisitor.h index 9fc30fc46a..09ae573cb4 100644 --- a/src/controllers/controllerpresetvisitor.h +++ b/src/controllers/controllerpresetvisitor.h @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -#ifndef CONTROLLERPRESETVISITOR_H -#define CONTROLLERPRESETVISITOR_H +#pragma once class MidiControllerPreset; class HidControllerPreset; @@ -17,5 +16,3 @@ class ConstControllerPresetVisitor { virtual void visit(const MidiControllerPreset* preset) = 0; virtual void visit(const HidControllerPreset* preset) = 0; }; - -#endif /* CONTROLLERPRESETVISITOR_H */ diff --git a/src/controllers/controllervisitor.h b/src/controllers/controllervisitor.h index 3c3b2dfbb8..9a236fcc8a 100644 --- a/src/controllers/controllervisitor.h +++ b/src/controllers/controllervisitor.h @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -#ifndef CONTROLLERVISITOR_H -#define CONTROLLERVISITOR_H +#pragma once class MidiController; class HidController; @@ -11,5 +10,3 @@ class ControllerVisitor { virtual void visit(HidController* controller) = 0; virtual void visit(BulkController* controller) = 0; }; - -#endif /* CONTROLLERVISITOR_H */ diff --git a/src/controllers/controlpickermenu.h b/src/controllers/controlpickermenu.h index 934c533a69..57eb0050c3 100644 --- a/src/controllers/controlpickermenu.h +++ b/src/controllers/controlpickermenu.h @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -#ifndef CONTROLPICKERMENU_H -#define CONTROLPICKERMENU_H +#pragma once #include #include @@ -79,5 +78,3 @@ class ControlPickerMenu : public QMenu { QHash m_descriptionsByKey; QHash m_titlesByKey; }; - -#endif /* CONTROLPICKERMENU_H */ diff --git a/src/controllers/defs_controllers.h b/src/controllers/defs_controllers.h index fe44cc6109..8b7dbc10e6 100644 --- a/src/controllers/defs_controllers.h +++ b/src/controllers/defs_controllers.h @@ -5,8 +5,7 @@ email : ***************************************************************************/ -#ifndef DEFS_CONTROLLERS_H -#define DEFS_CONTROLLERS_H +#pragma once #include #include "preferences/usersettings.h" @@ -35,5 +34,3 @@ inline QString userPresetsPath(UserSettingsPointer pConfig) { #define BULK_PRESET_EXTENSION ".bulk.xml" #define REQUIRED_SCRIPT_FILE "common-controller-scripts.js" #define XML_SCHEMA_VERSION "1" - -#endif /* DEFS_CONTROLLERS_H */ diff --git a/src/controllers/delegates/controldelegate.h b/src/controllers/delegates/controldelegate.h index 633e454c53..3ca6954b1c 100644 --- a/src/controllers/delegates/controldelegate.h +++ b/src/controllers/delegates/controldelegate.h @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -#ifndef CONTROLDELEGATE_H -#define CONTROLDELEGATE_H +#pragma once #include @@ -36,5 +35,3 @@ class ControlDelegate : public QStyledItemDelegate { // can't check there. mutable bool m_bIsIndexScript; }; - -#endif /* CONTROLDELEGATE_H */ diff --git a/src/controllers/delegates/midibytedelegate.h b/src/controllers/delegates/midibytedelegate.h index 140cd2e33b..83700de56b 100644 --- a/src/controllers/delegates/midibytedelegate.h +++ b/src/controllers/delegates/midibytedelegate.h @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -#ifndef MIDIBYTEDELEGATE_H -#define MIDIBYTEDELEGATE_H +#pragma once #include @@ -18,5 +17,3 @@ class MidiByteDelegate : public QStyledItemDelegate { void setModelData(QWidget* editor, QAbstractItemModel* model, const QModelIndex& index) const; }; - -#endif /* MIDIBYTEDELEGATE_H */ diff --git a/src/controllers/delegates/midichanneldelegate.h b/src/controllers/delegates/midichanneldelegate.h index 7e739834a7..b6dd7c7e56 100644 --- a/src/controllers/delegates/midichanneldelegate.h +++ b/src/controllers/delegates/midichanneldelegate.h @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -#ifndef MIDICHANNELDELEGATE_H -#define MIDICHANNELDELEGATE_H +#pragma once #include @@ -18,5 +17,3 @@ class MidiChannelDelegate : public QStyledItemDelegate { void setModelData(QWidget* editor, QAbstractItemModel* model, const QModelIndex& index) const; }; - -#endif /* MIDICHANNELDELEGATE_H */ diff --git a/src/controllers/delegates/midiopcodedelegate.h b/src/controllers/delegates/midiopcodedelegate.h index f2dcd5a4ac..0b9963bd5a 100644 --- a/src/controllers/delegates/midiopcodedelegate.h +++ b/src/controllers/delegates/midiopcodedelegate.h @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -#ifndef MIDIOPCODEDELEGATE_H -#define MIDIOPCODEDELEGATE_H +#pragma once #include @@ -18,5 +17,3 @@ class MidiOpCodeDelegate : public QStyledItemDelegate { void setModelData(QWidget* editor, QAbstractItemModel* model, const QModelIndex& index) const; }; - -#endif /* MIDIOPCODEDELEGATE_H */ diff --git a/src/controllers/delegates/midioptionsdelegate.h b/src/controllers/delegates/midioptionsdelegate.h index d67957d41d..636de75003 100644 --- a/src/controllers/delegates/midioptionsdelegate.h +++ b/src/controllers/delegates/midioptionsdelegate.h @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -#ifndef MIDIOPTIONSDELEGATE_H -#define MIDIOPTIONSDELEGATE_H +#pragma once #include #include @@ -22,5 +21,3 @@ class MidiOptionsDelegate : public QStyledItemDelegate { void setModelData(QWidget* editor, QAbstractItemModel* model, const QModelIndex& index) const; }; - -#endif /* MIDIOPTIONSDELEGATE_H */ diff --git a/src/controllers/dlgcontrollerlearning.h b/src/controllers/dlgcontrollerlearning.h index 4b5449c788..d14562281d 100644 --- a/src/controllers/dlgcontrollerlearning.h +++ b/src/controllers/dlgcontrollerlearning.h @@ -1,6 +1,5 @@ // The controller mapping learning wizard -#ifndef DLGCONTROLLERLEARNING_H -#define DLGCONTROLLERLEARNING_H +#pragma once #include #include @@ -93,5 +92,3 @@ class DlgControllerLearning : public QDialog, QList > m_messages; MidiInputMappings m_mappings; }; - -#endif diff --git a/src/controllers/dlgprefcontroller.h b/src/controllers/dlgprefcontroller.h index 5108c3dc26..a18839d258 100644 --- a/src/controllers/dlgprefcontroller.h +++ b/src/controllers/dlgprefcontroller.h @@ -1,7 +1,6 @@ /// Configuration dialog for a single DJ controller -#ifndef DLGPREFCONTROLLER_H -#define DLGPREFCONTROLLER_H +#pragma once #include #include @@ -117,5 +116,3 @@ class DlgPrefController : public DlgPreferencePage { QSortFilterProxyModel* m_pOutputProxyModel; bool m_bDirty; }; - -#endif /*DLGPREFCONTROLLER_H*/ diff --git a/src/controllers/hid/hidblacklist.h b/src/controllers/hid/hidblacklist.h index 48d5083987..0d8fbef1a7 100644 --- a/src/controllers/hid/hidblacklist.h +++ b/src/controllers/hid/hidblacklist.h @@ -1,7 +1,6 @@ // Blacklisted HID devices -#ifndef HIDBLACKLIST_H -#define HIDBLACKLIST_H +#pragma once typedef struct hid_blacklist { unsigned short vendor_id; @@ -17,5 +16,3 @@ hid_blacklist_t hid_blacklisted[] = { {0x1157, 0x300, 0x1, 0x2, -1}, // EKS Otus mouse pad (OS/X,windows) {0x1157, 0x300, 0x0, 0x0, 0x3}, // EKS Otus mouse pad (linux) }; - -#endif diff --git a/src/controllers/hid/hidcontroller.h b/src/controllers/hid/hidcontroller.h index 98ba910637..67250835eb 100644 --- a/src/controllers/hid/hidcontroller.h +++ b/src/controllers/hid/hidcontroller.h @@ -1,7 +1,6 @@ // HID controller backend -#ifndef HIDCONTROLLER_H -#define HIDCONTROLLER_H +#pragma once #include @@ -90,5 +89,3 @@ class HidController final : public Controller { int m_iLastPollSize; int m_iPollingBufferIndex; }; - -#endif diff --git a/src/controllers/hid/hidcontrollerpresetfilehandler.h b/src/controllers/hid/hidcontrollerpresetfilehandler.h index 7f99f56481..5baffd229d 100644 --- a/src/controllers/hid/hidcontrollerpresetfilehandler.h +++ b/src/controllers/hid/hidcontrollerpresetfilehandler.h @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -#ifndef HIDCONTROLLERPRESETFILEHANDLER_H -#define HIDCONTROLLERPRESETFILEHANDLER_H +#pragma once #include "controllers/hid/hidcontrollerpreset.h" #include "controllers/controllerpresetfilehandler.h" @@ -16,5 +15,3 @@ class HidControllerPresetFileHandler : public ControllerPresetFileHandler { const QString& filePath, const QDir& systemPresetsPath); }; - -#endif /* HIDCONTROLLERPRESETFILEHANDLER_H */ diff --git a/src/controllers/hid/hidenumerator.h b/src/controllers/hid/hidenumerator.h index a6c188c510..d3a025f921 100644 --- a/src/controllers/hid/hidenumerator.h +++ b/src/controllers/hid/hidenumerator.h @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -#ifndef HIDENUMERATOR_H -#define HIDENUMERATOR_H +#pragma once #include "controllers/controllerenumerator.h" @@ -16,5 +15,3 @@ class HidEnumerator : public ControllerEnumerator { QList m_devices; UserSettingsPointer m_pConfig; }; - -#endif diff --git a/src/controllers/keyboard/keyboardeventfilter.h b/src/controllers/keyboard/keyboardeventfilter.h index 224250c542..b557a4a8c5 100644 --- a/src/controllers/keyboard/keyboardeventfilter.h +++ b/src/controllers/keyboard/keyboardeventfilter.h @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -#ifndef CONTROLLERS_KEYBOARD_KEYBOARDEVENTFILTER_H -#define CONTROLLERS_KEYBOARD_KEYBOARDEVENTFILTER_H +#pragma once #include #include @@ -47,5 +46,3 @@ class KeyboardEventFilter : public QObject { // Multi-hash of key sequence to QMultiHash m_keySequenceToControlHash; }; - -#endif // CONTROLLERS_KEYBOARD_KEYBOARDEVENTFILTER_H diff --git a/src/controllers/learningutils.h b/src/controllers/learningutils.h index a82c102aaa..575b395c6e 100644 --- a/src/controllers/learningutils.h +++ b/src/controllers/learningutils.h @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -#ifndef LEARNINGUTILS_H -#define LEARNINGUTILS_H +#pragma once #include #include @@ -12,5 +11,3 @@ class LearningUtils { const ConfigKey& control, const QList >& messages); }; - -#endif /* LEARNINGUTILS_H */ diff --git a/src/controllers/midi/hss1394controller.h b/src/controllers/midi/hss1394controller.h index 4123796732..fb5755bdbd 100644 --- a/src/controllers/midi/hss1394controller.h +++ b/src/controllers/midi/hss1394controller.h @@ -7,8 +7,7 @@ * the device. */ -#ifndef HSS1394CONTROLLER_H -#define HSS1394CONTROLLER_H +#pragma once #include @@ -64,5 +63,3 @@ class Hss1394Controller : public MidiController { hss1394::Channel* m_pChannel; DeviceChannelListener *m_pChannelListener; }; - -#endif diff --git a/src/controllers/midi/hss1394enumerator.h b/src/controllers/midi/hss1394enumerator.h index a070cf7c0a..6f6e2ce421 100644 --- a/src/controllers/midi/hss1394enumerator.h +++ b/src/controllers/midi/hss1394enumerator.h @@ -1,7 +1,6 @@ // This class handles discovery and enumeration of DJ controllers that appear under the HSS1394 cross-platform API. -#ifndef HSS1394ENUMERATOR_H -#define HSS1394ENUMERATOR_H +#pragma once #include "controllers/midi/midienumerator.h" @@ -17,5 +16,3 @@ class Hss1394Enumerator : public MidiEnumerator { UserSettingsPointer m_pConfig; QList m_devices; }; - -#endif diff --git a/src/controllers/midi/midicontroller.h b/src/controllers/midi/midicontroller.h index 9e893d0afb..4deac508f9 100644 --- a/src/controllers/midi/midicontroller.h +++ b/src/controllers/midi/midicontroller.h @@ -6,8 +6,7 @@ * Note that the subclass' destructor should call close() at a minimum. */ -#ifndef MIDICONTROLLER_H -#define MIDICONTROLLER_H +#pragma once #include "controllers/controller.h" #include "controllers/midi/midicontrollerpreset.h" @@ -113,5 +112,3 @@ class MidiController : public Controller { friend class MidiOutputHandler; friend class MidiControllerTest; }; - -#endif diff --git a/src/controllers/midi/midicontrollerpresetfilehandler.h b/src/controllers/midi/midicontrollerpresetfilehandler.h index 8b0614dbd9..f32cc85b89 100644 --- a/src/controllers/midi/midicontrollerpresetfilehandler.h +++ b/src/controllers/midi/midicontrollerpresetfilehandler.h @@ -1,7 +1,6 @@ // Handles loading and saving of MIDI controller presets. -#ifndef MIDICONTROLLERPRESETFILEHANDLER_H -#define MIDICONTROLLERPRESETFILEHANDLER_H +#pragma once #include "controllers/controllerpresetfilehandler.h" #include "controllers/midi/midicontrollerpreset.h" @@ -31,5 +30,3 @@ class MidiControllerPresetFileHandler : public ControllerPresetFileHandler { QDomElement outputMappingToXML(QDomDocument* doc, const MidiOutputMapping& mapping) const; }; - -#endif diff --git a/src/controllers/midi/midimessage.h b/src/controllers/midi/midimessage.h index 8223dea32e..bbef8cae6c 100644 --- a/src/controllers/midi/midimessage.h +++ b/src/controllers/midi/midimessage.h @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -#ifndef MIDIMESSAGE_H -#define MIDIMESSAGE_H +#pragma once #include #include @@