path: root/src/controllers/hid/hidioglobaloutputreportfifo.cpp
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2023-05-13Clarified that array contains the ReportIDJoerg
2023-05-13Use type explicit instead of auto where the type is out of sightJoerg
2023-05-13Use size_t for buffer size and string lenJoerg
2023-04-01Removed pointless std::move on const QByteArray&Joerg
2023-04-01Added commend about performance of QByteArrays prepend methodJoerg
2023-04-01Removed costly m_fifoQueue.size() operation, which was only needed for loggingJoerg
2023-03-25Changed HidIoGlobalOutputReportFifo implementation to lockless SPSCQueueJoerg
2023-03-04Added implementation of FIFO for OutputReportsJoerg