path: root/build/wix/Localization/mixxx_et-EE.wxl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'build/wix/Localization/mixxx_et-EE.wxl')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 104 deletions
diff --git a/build/wix/Localization/mixxx_et-EE.wxl b/build/wix/Localization/mixxx_et-EE.wxl
deleted file mode 100644
index ff4f81a542..0000000000
--- a/build/wix/Localization/mixxx_et-EE.wxl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-<WixLocalization Culture="et-ee" Codepage="1257"
- xmlns="">
- <!-- ..................................................... -->
- <!-- This wxl file has been auto generated from a po file -->
- <!-- using -->
- <!-- Source File: po/et-EE.po -->
- <!-- ..................................................... -->
- <!-- This contains the LangID and should be translated to reflect the correct LangID. -->
- <!-- Supported language and codepage codes can be found here: -->
- <String Id="Language">1061</String>
- <!-- Programm informations -->
- <String Id="ApplicationName">Mixxx</String>
- <String Id="ManufacturerName">Mixxx</String>
- <String Id="ManufacturerFullName">Mixxx Arendusmeeskond</String>
- <String Id="ProductDescription">Avatud lähtekoodiga digitaalne DJ tarkvara</String>
- <String Id="Comments">Paigaldab Mixxxi</String>
- <!-- Error messages -->
- <String Id="OS2Old">See toode nõuab Windows 7-d või uuemat op. süsteemi.</String>
- <String Id="NewerInstalled">Sama või uuem versioon sellest tootest on juba paigaldatud.</String>
- <String Id="x64VersionRequired">Sul tuleb paigaldada 64-bitine versioon sellest tootest 64-bitisele Windowsile.</String>
- <String Id="x86VersionRequired">Sul tuleb paigaldada 32-bitine versioon sellest tootest 32-bitisele Windowsile.</String>
- <String Id="x86VersionWarning">Sa soovid paigaldada 32-bitist versiooni 64-bitisele operatsioonisüsteemile. Soovitame kasutada 64-bitist versiooni parema jõudluse jaoks. Saate 64-bitise paigalduspaketi alla laadida aadressilt</String>
- <String Id="XPWarning">Te paigaldate Mixxxi vananenud operatsioonisüsteemile. Mõned funktsioonid ei pruugi normaalselt või üldse töödata. Soovitame teil uuendada oma operatsioonisüsteem.</String>
- <String Id="bitWidthMismatch32">Sa proovid paigaldada 32-bitist versiooni, kuid 64-bitine on juba paigaldatud. See võib viia soovimatu käitumiseni. Palun eemaldage olemasolev Mixxx kõigepealt või laadige 64-bitine paigalduspakett uuendamiseks alla (kui sa just ei tea mida sa täpselt teed)</String>
- <String Id="bitWidthMismatch64">Sa proovid paigaldada 64-bitist versiooni aga 32-bitine on juba paigaldatud. See võib viia soovimatu käitumiseni. Palun eemaldage olemasolev Mixxx kõigepealt või laadige 32-bitine paigalduspakett uuendamiseks alla (kui sa just ei tea mida sa täpselt teed)</String>
- <String Id="OlderVersionFound">Tuvastati vanem versioo Mixxxist. Kuna me vahetasime paigaldajat, ei saa me tõrgeteta uuendada. Palun eemaldage vanem versioon enne selle paigaldamist.</String>
- <String Id="VCredistNotFound">Installer was not able to find Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable on this system. This is likely an installer bug that should be reported to Mixxx developers.</String>
- <!-- Custom Warning Dialog -->
- <String Id="WarningDlgTitle">{\WixUI_Font_Title}Hoiatus</String>
- <!-- Custom exit dialog -->
- <String Id="StartOnExit">Launch Mixxx when setup exits.</String>
- <!-- Features translations -->
- <String Id="FeatureCompleteDescription">Kogu pakett.</String>
- <String Id="FeatureMainProgramTitle">Põhi rakendus</String>
- <String Id="FeatureMainProgramDescription">Põhirakendus Mixxx koos kontrollerite eelseadistustega.</String>
- <String Id="FeaturePDBTitle">PDB debug files</String>
- <String Id="FeaturePDBDescription">Install Mixxx PDB files to use with a debugger. This is useful to debug Mixxx and provide readable backtraces to the development team.</String>
- <String Id="FeatureDesktopShortcutTitle">Töölaua otsetee</String>
- <String Id="FeatureDesktopShortcutDescription">Lisa Mixxxi otsetee oma töölauale</String>
- <String Id="FeatureManualTitle">Kasutusjuhend</String>
- <String Id="FeatureManualDescription">Mixxxi kasutusjuhend on PDF failis, lisaks saadaval</String>
- <String Id="FeatureTranslationsTitle">Tõlked</String>
- <String Id="FeatureTranslationsDescription">Ressursifailid mis lubavad Mixxxil kuvada teisi alternatiivkeeli peale Ameerika Ühendriikide inglise keele</String>
- <!-- Bootstrapper -->
- <String Id="Caption">[WixBundleName] Setup</String>
- <String Id="Title">[WixBundleName]</String>
- <String Id="ConfirmCancelMessage">Are you sure you want to cancel?</String>
- <String Id="ExecuteUpgradeRelatedBundleMessage">Previous version</String>
- <String Id="HelpHeader">Setup Help</String>
- <String Id="HelpText">/install | /repair | /uninstall | /layout [directory] - installs, repairs, uninstalls or&#13;&#10; creates a complete local copy of the bundle in directory.&#13;&#10; Install is the default.&#13;&#10;&#13;&#10; /passive | /quiet - displays minimal user interface with no prompts or displays no user interface&#13;&#10; and no prompts. By default user interface and all prompts are displayed.&#13;&#10;&#13;&#10; /norestart - suppress any attempts to restart. By default user interface will prompt before restart.&#13;&#10;&#13;&#10; /log log.txt - logs to a specific file. By default a log file is created in %TEMP%.</String>
- <String Id="HelpCloseButton">&amp;Close</String>
- <String Id="InstallHeader">Welcome</String>
- <String Id="InstallMessage">Setup will install Mixxx on your computer.&#13;&#10;It will first install required third party libraries, then Mixxx itself.&#13;&#10;Click Install to continue or Close to exit.</String>
- <String Id="InstallVersion">Version [WixBundleVersion]</String>
- <String Id="InstallOptionsButton">&amp;Options</String>
- <String Id="InstallInstallButton">&amp;Install</String>
- <String Id="InstallCloseButton">&amp;Close</String>
- <String Id="OptionsHeader">Setup Options</String>
- <String Id="OptionsLocationLabel">Install location:</String>
- <String Id="OptionsBrowseButton">&amp;Browse</String>
- <String Id="OptionsOkButton">&amp;OK</String>
- <String Id="OptionsCancelButton">&amp;Cancel</String>
- <String Id="FilesInUseHeader">Files In Use</String>
- <String Id="FilesInUseLabel">The following applications are using files that need to be updated:</String>
- <String Id="FilesInUseCloseRadioButton">Close the &amp;applications and attempt to restart them.</String>
- <String Id="FilesInUseDontCloseRadioButton">&amp;Do not close applications. A reboot will be required.</String>
- <String Id="FilesInUseOkButton">&amp;OK</String>
- <String Id="FilesInUseCancelButton">&amp;Cancel</String>
- <String Id="ProgressHeader">Setup Progress</String>
- <String Id="ProgressLabel">Processing:</String>
- <String Id="OverallProgressPackageText">Initializing...</String>
- <String Id="ProgressCancelButton">&amp;Cancel</String>
- <String Id="ModifyHeader">Modify Setup</String>
- <String Id="ModifyRepairButton">&amp;Repair</String>
- <String Id="ModifyUninstallButton">&amp;Uninstall</String>
- <String Id="ModifyCloseButton">&amp;Close</String>
- <String Id="SuccessHeader">Setup Successful</String>
- <String Id="SuccessInstallHeader">Mixxx installation has been successful</String>
- <String Id="SuccessRepairHeader">Mixxx repair has been successful</String>
- <String Id="SuccessUninstallHeader">Mixxx uninstall has been successful</String>
- <String Id="SuccessLaunchButton">&amp;Launch</String>
- <String Id="SuccessRestartText">You must restart your computer before you can use the software.</String>
- <String Id="SuccessRestartButton">&amp;Restart</String>
- <String Id="SuccessCloseButton">&amp;Close</String>
- <String Id="FailureHeader">Setup Failed</String>
- <String Id="FailureInstallHeader">Mixxx installation failed</String>
- <String Id="FailureRepairHeader">Mixxx repair failed</String>
- <String Id="FailureUninstallHeader">Mixxx uninstall failed</String>
- <String Id="FailureHyperlinkLogText">One or more issues caused the setup to fail. Please fix the issues and then retry setup. For more information see the &lt;a href="#"&gt;log file&lt;/a&gt;.</String>
- <String Id="FailureRestartText">You must restart your computer to complete the rollback of the software.</String>
- <String Id="FailureRestartButton">&amp;Restart</String>
- <String Id="FailureCloseButton">&amp;Close</String>