/* * meli - ui crate. * * Copyright 2017-2018 Manos Pitsidianakis * * This file is part of meli. * * meli is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * meli is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with meli. If not, see . */ /*! A parser module for user commands passed through the Ex mode. */ use melib::backends::FolderOperation; pub use melib::thread::{SortField, SortOrder}; use nom::{digit, not_line_ending, IResult}; use std; pub mod actions; pub mod history; pub use crate::actions::AccountAction::{self, *}; pub use crate::actions::Action::{self, *}; pub use crate::actions::ComposeAction::{self, *}; pub use crate::actions::ListingAction::{self, *}; pub use crate::actions::MailingListAction::{self, *}; pub use crate::actions::TabAction::{self, *}; pub use crate::actions::TagAction::{self, *}; pub use crate::actions::ViewAction::{self, *}; use std::str::FromStr; /* Create a const table with every command part that can be auto-completed and its description */ macro_rules! define_commands { ( [$({ tags: [$( $tags:literal),*], desc: $desc:literal, parser: ($parser:item)}),*]) => { pub const COMMAND_COMPLETION: &[(&str, &str)] = &[$($( ($tags, $desc ) ),*),* ]; $( $parser )* }; } pub fn quoted_argument(input: &[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], &str> { if input.is_empty() { return IResult::Error(nom::ErrorKind::Custom(0)); } if input[0] == b'"' { let mut i = 1; while i < input.len() { if input[i] == b'\"' && input[i - 1] != b'\\' { return IResult::Done(&input[i + 1..], unsafe { std::str::from_utf8_unchecked(&input[1..i]) }); } i += 1; } return IResult::Error(nom::ErrorKind::Custom(0)); } else { return map_res!(input, is_not!(" "), std::str::from_utf8); } } define_commands!([ { tags: ["set"], desc: "set [seen/unseen], toggles message's Seen flag.", parser: ( named!( envelope_action, alt_complete!( preceded!( ws!(tag!("set")), alt_complete!( map!(ws!(tag!("seen")), |_| Listing(SetSeen)) | map!(ws!(tag!("unseen")), |_| Listing(SetUnseen)) ) ) | map!(ws!(tag!("delete")), |_| Listing(Delete)) ) ); ) }, { tags: ["close"], desc: "close non-sticky tabs", parser: ( named!(close, map!(ws!(tag!("close")), |_| Tab(Close))); ) }, { tags: ["goto"], desc: "goto [n], switch to nth mailbox in this account", parser: ( named!( goto, preceded!(tag!("go "), map!(call!(usize_c), Action::ViewMailbox)) ); ) }, { tags: ["subsort"], desc: "subsort [date/subject] [asc/desc], sorts first level replies in threads.", parser: ( named!( subsort, do_parse!(tag!("subsort ") >> p: pair!(sortfield, sortorder) >> (SubSort(p.0, p.1))) ); ) }, { tags: ["sort"], desc: "sort [date/subject] [asc/desc], sorts threads.", parser: ( named!( sort, do_parse!( tag!("sort ") >> p: separated_pair!(sortfield, tag!(" "), sortorder) >> (Sort(p.0, p.1)) ) ); ) }, { tags: ["set", "set plain", "set threaded", "set compact"], desc: "set [plain/threaded/compact/conversations], changes the mail listing view", parser: ( named!( toggle, preceded!(tag!("set "), alt_complete!(threaded | plain | compact | conversations)) ); ) }, { tags: ["toggle_thread_snooze"], desc: "turn off new notifications for this thread", parser: ( named!(toggle_thread_snooze, map!(ws!(tag!("toggle_thread_snooze")), |_| ToggleThreadSnooze) ); ) }, { tags: ["filter"], desc: "filter , filters list with given term", parser:( named!(filter, do_parse!( ws!(tag!("filter")) >> string: map_res!(call!(not_line_ending), std::str::from_utf8) >> (Listing(Filter(String::from(string)))) ) ); ) }, { tags: ["list-archive", "list-post", "list-unsubscribe", "list-"], desc: "list-[unsubscribe/post/archive]", parser: ( named!( mailinglist, alt_complete!( map!(ws!(tag!("list-post")), |_| MailingListAction(ListPost)) | map!(ws!(tag!("list-unsubscribe")), |_| MailingListAction( ListUnsubscribe )) | map!(ws!(tag!("list-archive")), |_| MailingListAction( ListArchive )) ) ); ) }, { tags: ["setenv "], desc:"setenv VAR=VALUE", parser: ( named!( setenv, do_parse!( ws!(tag!("setenv")) >> key: map_res!(take_until1!("="), std::str::from_utf8) >> ws!(tag!("=")) >> val: map_res!(call!(not_line_ending), std::str::from_utf8) >> (SetEnv(key.to_string(), val.to_string())) ) ); ) }, { tags: ["printenv "], desc: "printenv VAR", parser:( named!( printenv, do_parse!( ws!(tag!("env")) >> key: map_res!(call!(not_line_ending), std::str::from_utf8) >> (PrintEnv(key.to_string())) ) ); ) }, /* Pipe pager contents to binary */ { tags: ["pipe "], desc: "pipe EXECUTABLE ARGS", parser:( named!( pipe, alt_complete!( do_parse!( ws!(tag!("pipe")) >> bin: map_res!(is_not!(" "), std::str::from_utf8) >> is_a!(" ") >> args: separated_list!(is_a!(" "), quoted_argument) >> ({ View(Pipe(bin.to_string(), args.into_iter().map(String::from).collect::>())) })) | do_parse!( ws!(tag!("pipe")) >> bin: ws!(map_res!(is_not!(" "), std::str::from_utf8)) >> ({ View(Pipe(bin.to_string(), Vec::new())) }) )) ); ) }, { tags: ["add-attachment "], desc: "add-attachment PATH", parser:( named!( add_attachment, do_parse!( ws!(tag!("add-attachment")) >> path: map_res!(call!(not_line_ending), std::str::from_utf8) >> (Compose(AddAttachment(path.to_string()))) ) ); ) }, { tags: ["remove-attachment "], desc: "remove-attachment INDEX", parser:( named!( remove_attachment, do_parse!( ws!(tag!("remove-attachment")) >> idx: map_res!(map_res!(call!(not_line_ending), std::str::from_utf8), usize::from_str) >> (Compose(RemoveAttachment(idx))) ) ); ) }, { tags: ["toggle sign "], desc: "switch between sign/unsign for this draft", parser:( named!( toggle_sign, do_parse!( ws!(tag!("toggle sign")) >> (Compose(ToggleSign)) ) ); ) }, { tags: ["create-folder "], desc: "create-folder ACCOUNT FOLDER_PATH", parser:( named!( create_folder, do_parse!( ws!(tag!("create-folder")) >> account: quoted_argument >> is_a!(" ") >> path: map_res!(call!(not_line_ending), std::str::from_utf8) >> (Folder(account.to_string(), path.to_string(), FolderOperation::Create)) ) ); ) }, { tags: ["subscribe-folder "], desc: "subscribe-folder ACCOUNT FOLDER_PATH", parser:( named!( sub_folder, do_parse!( ws!(tag!("subscribe-folder")) >> account: quoted_argument >> is_a!(" ") >> path: map_res!(call!(not_line_ending), std::str::from_utf8) >> (Folder(account.to_string(), path.to_string(), FolderOperation::Subscribe)) ) ); ) }, { tags: ["unsubscribe-folder "], desc: "unsubscribe-folder ACCOUNT FOLDER_PATH", parser:( named!( unsub_folder, do_parse!( ws!(tag!("unsubscribe-folder")) >> account: quoted_argument >> is_a!(" ") >> path: map_res!(call!(not_line_ending), std::str::from_utf8) >> (Folder(account.to_string(), path.to_string(), FolderOperation::Unsubscribe)) ) ); ) }, { tags: ["rename-folder "], desc: "rename-folder ACCOUNT FOLDER_PATH_SRC FOLDER_PATH_DEST", parser:( named!( rename_folder, do_parse!( ws!(tag!("rename-folder")) >> account: quoted_argument >> is_a!(" ") >> src: quoted_argument >> is_a!(" ") >> dest: map_res!(call!(not_line_ending), std::str::from_utf8) >> (Folder(account.to_string(), src.to_string(), FolderOperation::Rename(dest.to_string()))) ) ); ) }, { tags: ["delete-folder "], desc: "delete-folder ACCOUNT FOLDER_PATH", parser:( named!( delete_folder, do_parse!( ws!(tag!("delete-folder")) >> account: quoted_argument >> is_a!(" ") >> path: quoted_argument >> (Folder(account.to_string(), path.to_string(), FolderOperation::Delete)) ) ); ) }, { tags: ["reindex "], desc: "reindex ACCOUNT, rebuild account cache in the background", parser:( named!( reindex, do_parse!( ws!(tag!("reindex")) >> account: quoted_argument >> (AccountAction(account.to_string(), ReIndex)) ) ); ) }, { tags: ["open-in-tab"], desc: "opens envelope view in new tab", parser:( named!( open_in_new_tab, do_parse!( ws!(tag!("open-in-tab")) >> (Listing(OpenInNewTab)) ) ); ) }, { tags: ["save-attachment "], desc: "save-attachment INDEX PATH", parser:( named!( save_attachment, do_parse!( ws!(tag!("save-attachment")) >> idx: map_res!(map_res!(is_not!(" "), std::str::from_utf8), usize::from_str) >> path: ws!(quoted_argument) >> (View(SaveAttachment(idx, path.to_string()))) ) ); ) }, { tags: ["tag", "tag add", "tag remove"], desc: "tag [add/remove], edits message's tags.", parser: ( named!( tag, preceded!( ws!(tag!("tag")), alt_complete!( do_parse!( ws!(tag!("add")) >> tag: ws!(map_res!(call!(not_line_ending), std::str::from_utf8)) >> (Listing(Tag(Add(tag.to_string()))))) | do_parse!( ws!(tag!("remove")) >> tag: ws!(map_res!(call!(not_line_ending), std::str::from_utf8)) >> (Listing(Tag(Remove(tag.to_string()))))) ) ) ); ) } ]); named!( usize_c, map_res!( map_res!(ws!(digit), std::str::from_utf8), std::str::FromStr::from_str ) ); named!( sortfield, map_res!( map_res!(take_until_s!(" "), std::str::from_utf8), std::str::FromStr::from_str ) ); named!( sortorder, map_res!( map_res!(call!(not_line_ending), std::str::from_utf8), std::str::FromStr::from_str ) ); named!( threaded, map!(ws!(tag!("threaded")), |_| Listing(SetThreaded)) ); named!( plain, map!(ws!(tag!("plain")), |_| Listing(SetPlain)) ); named!( compact, map!(ws!(tag!("compact")), |_| Listing(SetCompact)) ); named!( conversations, map!(ws!(tag!("conversations")), |_| Listing(SetConversations)) ); named!( listing_action, alt_complete!(toggle | envelope_action | filter | toggle_thread_snooze | open_in_new_tab | tag) ); named!( compose_action, alt_complete!(add_attachment | remove_attachment | toggle_sign) ); named!(account_action, alt_complete!(reindex)); named!(view, alt_complete!(pipe | save_attachment)); named!(pub parse_command, alt_complete!( goto | listing_action | sort | subsort | close | mailinglist | setenv | printenv | view | compose_action | create_folder | sub_folder | unsub_folder | delete_folder | rename_folder | account_action ) );