/* * meli - configuration module. * * Copyright 2017 Manos Pitsidianakis * * This file is part of meli. * * meli is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * meli is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with meli. If not, see . */ extern crate bincode; extern crate config; extern crate serde; extern crate xdg; pub mod mailer; pub mod notifications; pub mod pager; pub mod shortcuts; pub mod accounts; pub use self::accounts::Account; use self::config::{Config, File, FileFormat}; pub use self::mailer::*; pub use self::shortcuts::*; use self::default_vals::*; use self::notifications::NotificationsSettings; use melib::conf::AccountSettings; use melib::error::*; use pager::PagerSettings; use self::serde::{de, Deserialize, Deserializer}; use std::collections::HashMap; use std::env; use std::fs::OpenOptions; use std::io::{self, BufRead, Write}; use std::path::PathBuf; #[macro_export] macro_rules! split_command { ($cmd:expr) => {{ $cmd.split_whitespace().collect::>() }}; } #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)] pub enum ToggleFlag { Unset, InternalVal(bool), False, True, } impl Default for ToggleFlag { fn default() -> Self { ToggleFlag::Unset } } impl ToggleFlag { pub fn is_unset(&self) -> bool { ToggleFlag::Unset == *self } pub fn is_internal(&self) -> bool { if let ToggleFlag::InternalVal(_) = *self { true } else { false } } pub fn is_false(&self) -> bool { ToggleFlag::False == *self || ToggleFlag::InternalVal(false) == *self } pub fn is_true(&self) -> bool { ToggleFlag::True == *self || ToggleFlag::InternalVal(true) == *self } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Deserialize)] pub struct FolderConf { rename: Option, #[serde(default = "true_val")] autoload: bool, #[serde(deserialize_with = "toggleflag_de", default)] ignore: ToggleFlag, } impl Default for FolderConf { fn default() -> Self { FolderConf { rename: None, autoload: true, ignore: ToggleFlag::Unset, } } } impl FolderConf { pub fn rename(&self) -> Option<&str> { self.rename.as_ref().map(String::as_str) } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Default, Deserialize)] pub struct FileAccount { root_folder: String, format: String, sent_folder: String, draft_folder: String, identity: String, #[serde(default = "none")] display_name: Option, #[serde(deserialize_with = "index_from_str")] index: IndexStyle, /// A command to pipe html output before displaying it in a pager /// Default: None #[serde(default = "none", deserialize_with = "non_empty_string")] html_filter: Option, folders: Option>, } impl From for AccountConf { fn from(x: FileAccount) -> Self { let format = x.format.to_lowercase(); let sent_folder = x.sent_folder.clone(); let root_folder = x.root_folder.clone(); let identity = x.identity.clone(); let display_name = x.display_name.clone(); let acc = AccountSettings { name: String::new(), root_folder, format, sent_folder, identity, display_name, }; let folder_confs = x.folders.clone().unwrap_or_else(Default::default); AccountConf { account: acc, conf: x, folder_confs, } } } impl FileAccount { pub fn folders(&self) -> Option<&HashMap> { self.folders.as_ref() } pub fn folder(&self) -> &str { &self.root_folder } pub fn index(&self) -> IndexStyle { self.index } pub fn sent_folder(&self) -> &str { self.sent_folder.as_str() } pub fn html_filter(&self) -> Option<&str> { self.html_filter.as_ref().map(String::as_str) } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Default, Deserialize)] struct FileSettings { accounts: HashMap, #[serde(default)] pager: PagerSettings, #[serde(default)] notifications: NotificationsSettings, #[serde(default)] shortcuts: Shortcuts, mailer: MailerSettings, } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Default)] pub struct AccountConf { account: AccountSettings, conf: FileAccount, folder_confs: HashMap, } impl AccountConf { pub fn account(&self) -> &AccountSettings { &self.account } pub fn conf(&self) -> &FileAccount { &self.conf } pub fn conf_mut(&mut self) -> &mut FileAccount { &mut self.conf } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Default)] pub struct Settings { pub accounts: HashMap, pub pager: PagerSettings, pub notifications: NotificationsSettings, pub shortcuts: Shortcuts, pub mailer: MailerSettings, } impl FileSettings { pub fn new() -> Result { let config_path = match env::var("MELI_CONFIG") { Ok(path) => PathBuf::from(path), Err(_) => { let xdg_dirs = xdg::BaseDirectories::with_prefix("meli").unwrap(); xdg_dirs .place_config_file("config") .expect("cannot create configuration directory") } }; if !config_path.exists() { println!( "No configuration found. Would you like to generate one in {}? [Y/n]", config_path.display() ); let mut buffer = String::new(); let stdin = io::stdin(); let mut handle = stdin.lock(); loop { buffer.clear(); handle .read_line(&mut buffer) .expect("Could not read from stdin."); match buffer.trim() { "Y" | "y" | "yes" | "YES" | "Yes" => { let mut file = OpenOptions::new() .write(true) .create_new(true) .open(config_path.as_path()) .expect("Could not create config file."); file.write_all(include_str!("../../sample-config").as_bytes()) .expect("Could not write to config file."); println!("Written config to {}", config_path.display()); std::process::exit(1); } "n" | "N" | "no" | "No" | "NO" => { std::process::exit(1); } _ => { println!( "No configuration found. Would you like to generate one in {}? [Y/n]", config_path.display() ); } } } } let mut s = Config::new(); if s.merge(File::new(config_path.to_str().unwrap(), FileFormat::Toml)) .is_err() { println!("Config file contains errors."); std::process::exit(1); } /* No point in returning without a config file. */ match s.try_into() { Ok(v) => Ok(v), Err(e) => Err(MeliError::new(e.to_string())), } } } impl Settings { pub fn new() -> Settings { let fs = FileSettings::new().unwrap_or_else(|e| { println!("Configuration error: {}", e); std::process::exit(1); }); let mut s: HashMap = HashMap::new(); for (id, x) in fs.accounts { let mut ac = AccountConf::from(x); ac.account.set_name(id.clone()); s.insert(id, ac); } Settings { accounts: s, pager: fs.pager, notifications: fs.notifications, shortcuts: fs.shortcuts, mailer: fs.mailer, } } } #[derive(Copy, Debug, Clone, Deserialize)] pub enum IndexStyle { Plain, Threaded, Compact, } impl Default for IndexStyle { fn default() -> Self { IndexStyle::Compact } } fn index_from_str<'de, D>(deserializer: D) -> std::result::Result where D: Deserializer<'de>, { let s = ::deserialize(deserializer)?; match s.as_str() { "Plain" | "plain" => Ok(IndexStyle::Plain), "Threaded" | "threaded" => Ok(IndexStyle::Threaded), "Compact" | "compact" => Ok(IndexStyle::Compact), _ => Err(de::Error::custom("invalid `index` value")), } } fn non_empty_string<'de, D>(deserializer: D) -> std::result::Result, D::Error> where D: Deserializer<'de>, { let s = ::deserialize(deserializer)?; if s.is_empty() { Ok(None) } else { Ok(Some(s)) } } fn toggleflag_de<'de, D>(deserializer: D) -> std::result::Result where D: Deserializer<'de>, { let s = ::deserialize(deserializer); Ok(match s { Err(_) => ToggleFlag::Unset, Ok(true) => ToggleFlag::True, Ok(false) => ToggleFlag::False, }) } /* * Deserialize default functions */ mod default_vals { pub(in conf) fn false_val() -> bool { true } pub(in conf) fn true_val() -> bool { true } pub(in conf) fn zero_val() -> usize { 0 } pub(in conf) fn eighty_percent() -> usize { 80 } pub(in conf) fn none() -> Option { None } }