/* * meli - ui crate. * * Copyright 2017-2018 Manos Pitsidianakis * * This file is part of meli. * * meli is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * meli is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with meli. If not, see . */ /*! Entities that handle Mail specific functions. */ use super::*; use melib::backends::Folder; pub mod listing; pub use listing::*; pub mod view; pub use view::*; mod compose; pub use self::compose::*; mod accounts; pub use self::accounts::*; #[derive(Debug)] struct AccountMenuEntry { name: String, // Index in the config account vector. index: usize, } /// The account sidebar. #[derive(Debug)] pub struct AccountMenu { accounts: Vec, dirty: bool, visible: bool, cursor: Option<(usize, usize)>, } impl fmt::Display for AccountMenu { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { // TODO display subject/info write!(f, "menu") } } impl AccountMenu { pub fn new(accounts: &[Account]) -> Self { let accounts = accounts .iter() .enumerate() .map(|(i, a)| AccountMenuEntry { name: a.name().to_string(), index: i, }) .collect(); AccountMenu { accounts, visible: true, dirty: true, cursor: None, } } /* * Print a single account in the menu area. */ fn print_account( &self, grid: &mut CellBuffer, area: Area, a: &AccountMenuEntry, context: &mut Context, ) -> usize { if cfg!(feature = "debug_log") && !is_valid_area!(area) { eprintln!("BUG: invalid area in print_account"); } // Each entry and its index in the account let entries: Vec<(usize, Folder)> = { let a = &context.accounts[a.index]; let mut entries = Vec::with_capacity(a.len()); for (idx, acc) in a.list_folders().into_iter().enumerate() { entries.push((idx, acc)); } entries }; let upper_left = upper_left!(area); let bottom_right = bottom_right!(area); let highlight = self.cursor.map(|(x, _)| x == a.index).unwrap_or(false); let mut parents: Vec> = vec![None; entries.len()]; for (idx, e) in entries.iter().enumerate() { for &c in e.1.children() { if c < parents.len() { parents[c] = Some(idx); } } } let mut roots = Vec::new(); for (idx, c) in parents.iter().enumerate() { if c.is_none() { roots.push(idx); } } let mut inc = 0; let mut depth = String::from(""); let mut s = format!("{}\n", a.name); fn pop(depth: &mut String) { depth.pop(); depth.pop(); } fn push(depth: &mut String, c: char) { depth.push(c); } fn print( root: usize, parents: &[Option], depth: &mut String, entries: &[(usize, Folder)], s: &mut String, inc: &mut usize, index: usize, //account index context: &mut Context, ) { if root >= entries.len() { return; } let len = s.len(); match context.accounts[index].status(root) { Ok(_) => {} Err(_) => { return; // TODO: Show progress visually } } let count = context.accounts[index][root] .as_ref() .unwrap() .collection .values() .filter(|e| !e.is_seen()) .count(); s.insert_str( len, &format!("{} {} {}\n ", *inc, &entries[root].1.name(), count), ); *inc += 1; for child in entries[root].1.children().iter() { let len = s.len(); s.insert_str(len, &format!("{} ", depth)); push(depth, ' '); print(*child, parents, depth, entries, s, inc, index, context); pop(depth); } } for r in roots { print( r, &parents, &mut depth, &entries, &mut s, &mut inc, a.index, context, ); } let lines: Vec<&str> = s.lines().collect(); let lines_len = lines.len(); if lines_len < 2 { return 0; } let mut idx = 0; for y in get_y(upper_left)..get_y(bottom_right) { if idx == lines_len { break; } let s = lines[idx].to_string(); let (color_fg, color_bg) = if highlight { if self.cursor.unwrap().1 + 1 == idx { (Color::Byte(233), Color::Byte(15)) } else { (Color::Byte(15), Color::Byte(233)) } } else { (Color::Default, Color::Default) }; let (x, _) = write_string_to_grid( &s, grid, color_fg, color_bg, (set_y(upper_left, y), bottom_right), false, ); { let mut x = get_x(upper_left); while let Some(cell) = grid.get_mut(x, y) { if x == get_x(bottom_right) { break; } match cell.ch() { c if c.is_numeric() => { cell.set_fg(Color::Byte(243)); x += 1; continue; } c if c.is_whitespace() => { x += 1; continue; } _ => { break; } } } } if highlight && idx > 1 && self.cursor.unwrap().1 == idx - 1 { change_colors(grid, ((x, y), (get_x(bottom_right), y)), color_fg, color_bg); } else { change_colors(grid, ((x, y), set_y(bottom_right, y)), color_fg, color_bg); } idx += 1; } if idx == 0 { 0 } else { idx - 1 } } } impl Component for AccountMenu { fn draw(&mut self, grid: &mut CellBuffer, area: Area, context: &mut Context) { if !self.is_dirty() { return; } clear_area(grid, area); let upper_left = upper_left!(area); let bottom_right = bottom_right!(area); self.dirty = false; let mut y = get_y(upper_left); for a in &self.accounts { y += 1; y += self.print_account(grid, (set_y(upper_left, y), bottom_right), &a, context); } context.dirty_areas.push_back(area); } fn process_event(&mut self, event: &mut UIEvent, _context: &mut Context) -> bool { match event.event_type { UIEventType::RefreshMailbox(c) => { self.cursor = Some(c); self.dirty = true; } UIEventType::ChangeMode(UIMode::Normal) => { self.dirty = true; } UIEventType::Resize => { self.dirty = true; } UIEventType::Input(Key::Char('`')) => { self.visible = !self.visible; self.dirty = true; } UIEventType::StartupCheck(_) => { self.dirty = true; } UIEventType::MailboxUpdate(_) => { self.dirty = true; } _ => {} } false } fn is_dirty(&self) -> bool { self.dirty } fn is_visible(&self) -> bool { self.visible } fn set_dirty(&mut self) { self.dirty = true; } fn get_shortcuts(&self, _context: &Context) -> ShortcutMap { [("Toggle account menu visibility", Key::Char('`'))] .iter() .cloned() .collect() } }